58 resultados para Diction


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Essay on literary criticism.


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Poets have a licence to couch great truths in succinct, emotionally powerful, and perhaps slightly mysterious and ambiguous ways. On the other hand, it is the task of academics to explore such truths intellectually, in depth and detail, identifying the key constructs and their underlying relations and structures, hopefully without impairing the essential truth. So it could be said that in January 2013, around 60 academics gathered at the University of Texas, Austin under the benign and encouraging eye of their own muse, Professor Rod Hart, to play their role in exploring and explaining the underlying truth of Yan Zhen’s words. The goals of this chapter are quite broad. Rod was explicit and yet also somewhat Delphic in his expectations and aspirations for the chapter. Even though DICTION was a key analytic tool in most chapters, this chapter was not to be about DICTION per se, or simply a critique of the individual chapters forming this section of the book. Rather DICTION and these studies, as well as some others that got our attention, were to be more a launching pad for observations on what they revealed about the current state of understanding and research into the language of institutions, as well as some ‘adventurous’, but not too outlandish reflections on future challenges and opportunities.


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This study analyses the diction of Latin building inscriptions. Despite its importance, this topic has rarely been discussed before: the most substantial contribution on the subject is a short dissertation by Klaus Gast (1965) that focuses on 100 inscriptions dating mostly from the Republican period. Marietta Horster (2001) also touched upon this theme in her thesis on imperial building inscriptions. I have collected my source material in North Africa because more Latin building inscriptions dating from the Imperial period have survived there than in any other area of the Roman Empire. By means of a thorough and independent survey, I have assembled all relevant African Latin building inscriptions datable to the Roman period (between 146 BC and AD 425), 1002 texts, into a corpus. These inscriptions are all fully edited in Appendix 1; Appendix 2 contains references to earlier editions. To facilitate search operations, both are also available in electronic form. They are downloadable from the address http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/kla/htm/jatkoopinnot.htm. Chapter one is an introduction dealing with the nature of building inscriptions as source material. Chapter two offers a statistical overview of the material. The following main section of the work falls into five chapters, each of which analyses one main part of a building inscription. An average building inscription can be divided into five parts: the starting phrase opens the inscription (a dedication to gods, for example), the subject part identifies the builder, the object part describes the constructed or repaired building, the predicate part records the building activity and the supplement part offers additional information on the project (it can specify the funding, for instance). These chapters are systematic and chronological and their purpose is to register and interpret the phrases used, to analyse reasons for their use and for their popularity among the different groups of builders. Chapter eight, which follows the main section of the work, creates a typology of building inscriptions based on their structure. It also presents the most frequently attested types of building inscriptions. The conclusion describes, on a general level, how the diction of building inscriptions developed during the period of study and how this striking development resulted from socio-economic changes that took place in Romano-African society during Antiquity. This study shows that the phraseology of building inscriptions had a clear correlation both with the type of builder and with the date of carving. Private builders tended to accentuate their participation (especially its financial side) in the project; honouring the emperor received more emphasis in the building inscriptions set up by communities; the texts produced by the army were concise. The chronological development is so clear that it enables stylistic dating. At the beginning of the imperial period the phrases were clear, concrete, formal and stereotyped but by Late Antiquity they have become vague, subjective, flexible, varied and even rhetorically or poetically coloured.


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We propose a new formally syntax-based method for statistical machine translation. Transductions between parsing trees are transformed into a problem of sequence tagging, which is then tackled by a search- based structured prediction method. This allows us to automatically acquire transla- tion knowledge from a parallel corpus without the need of complex linguistic parsing. This method can achieve compa- rable results with phrase-based method (like Pharaoh), however, only about ten percent number of translation table is used. Experiments show that the structured pre- diction approach for SMT is promising for its strong ability at combining words.


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Volume III of the new eleven-volume edition of Milton's Complete Works provides a definitive scholarly edition of all of Milton's shorter poems in English, Latin, Italian, and Greek, as well as his Mask, taken from both published and manuscript sources. It includes his 1645 Poems complete with all prefatory materials, thus illuminating the ways in which author, publisher, and print shop shaped this volume. It then presents all the new poems added in the 1673 edition (with the new Table of Contents), as well as the poems omitted from both editions. A careful collation of textual variants among these sources as well as the 1637 anonymous publication of Milton's Mask is provided. The Bridgewater manuscript of Milton's Mask (probably close to the acting version) and his working copy from the Trinity Manuscript, with its many alterations and additions, are transcribed in their entirety, so that the various versions may be compared and studied. 

A special feature of this edition is a new translation of Milton's many Latin and Greek poems that is both accurate and attentive to their literary qualities. This is augmented by a detailed and comprehensive commentary that highlights classical, vernacular, and neo-Latin parallels. A poetic translation of Milton's six Italian sonnets and Canzone is also supplied. In addition, the Appendices contain all the versions of Milton's shorter poems in all the contemporary manuscript and printed sources, so they may be examined in relation to their specific contexts. The transcription of all the versions of Milton's poems in the Trinity Manuscript allows in several cases, notably 'Lycidas' and 'At a Solemn Music,' for examination of the evolution of these poems as Milton weighed choiced of diction and sound qualities, enabling further understanding of his poetic practices. 

Barbara Lewalski is responsible for text, textual apparatus, and commentary pertaining to the vernacular poems in all sections of this edition including the appendices, and manuscript transcriptions (with the exception of A Maske), as well as the Occasions, Vernacular Poems,and Textual Introductions. Estelle Haan is responsible for text, textual apparatus, and commentary for the Poemata in all sections of this edition,and for the Poemata Introduction. She has also provided all translations from Latin, Italian, and Greek in the Testimonia, Poemata, and associated commentary, and transcriptions of the BL Damon, the Bodleian AdJoannem Rousium, and A Maske from the Trinity and Bridgewater manuscripts. Andrew McNeillie has provided poetic translations for Milton’s Italian sonnets, and Jason Rosenblatt has provided some Hebrew text and commentary pertaining to Milton’s Psalm translations.John Cunningham has transcribed Henry Lawes’ music for Milton’s masque, with commentary (Appendix E). Biblical references are taken from the King James (Authorized) Version.


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Contient : Chronique de Normandie, depuis le duc Aubert jusqu'à Henri III, roi d'Angleterre ; Chronique française abrégée de GUILLAUME DE NANGIS, jusqu'à Philippe le Bel ; Chronologie des rois de France jusqu'à Charles VI ; suivie de notes latines : « De Anglia » (fol. 111) ; — « Le serment que le Chancelier de France doit faire, » etc. (fol. 112) ; Chronique des quatre premiers Valois (1327-1393), publiée par S. Luce (Paris, 1862, In 8°) ; Histoire d'Alexandre le Grand (Historia de præliis du Pseudo-Callisthènes), en français ; « Le livre des meurs du gouvernement des seigneurs, appelé les Secrés des secrés d'ARISTOTE » ; « Proposicion faicte de par l'Université de Paris devant nos seigneurs de France et tout le conseil assemblez pour la reformacion du royaume, l'an 1405, le samedi VIIe jour de novembre, par Me Jehan Jarson..., chancellier en l'eglise Nostre-Dame de Paris » ; Recueil de pièces concernant la Normandie. — « Carta Normannorum. » (19 mars 1314 [1315]) ; Vidimus du texte latin du traité de Troyes entre Henri V et Charles VI (21 mai 1420) ; « Pour remonstrer en brief que les habitans du duchié de Normandie et mesmement les bourgois, manans et habitans de la ville de Rouen, ne doivent estre trais en France, ne sont tenus de y sortir jur[i]diction ne y respondre... » — « Raciones précédentes fuerunt composite per mag. Johannem Doule, licenciatum In legibus, condam advocatum In parlamento et magistrum requestarum regis dominum de Neufville » ; Texte français du traité de Troyes (21 mai 1420) ; « Arrest ou declaraciun que ung prelat ou eglise peult acquérir en ses liefs », en faveur de l'abaye de St-Ouen de Rouen (1373 et 1375), etc ; « Confirmatio Cartæ Normannorum » (16 nov. 1423) ; « Decretum unionis orientalis Ecclesiæ cum occidentali, publicalum... In concilio Florentino... 1439 » ; « Copia bulle [Eugenii IV] conservatorie studii Cadomensis » (18 mai 1439) ; Au bas de ce feuillet on lit cette note, de première main : « Cronicas Normannie et Francie, ceterasque alias scripturassuperius scriptas varias materias continentes scribi fecit Robertus, abbas Sancti Michaelis In periculo maris, apud Rothomagum, In pluribus annis, et finaliter perfecit usque hic, anno Domini 1436 » ; Ex-libris : « Messire Joachin de Dinteville, chevalier de l'ordre du Roy et gentilhomme de sa chambre, m'a donné ce livre à Troyes, en febvrier 1578. » (Signature grattée)