881 resultados para Developmental Anomalies


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As in other areas of the body, developmental anomalies of the eye arise as a result of the disturbance of events during embryology and in a proportion of cases these anomalies are genetically inherited. Developmental anomalies that occur early in embryonic life may be so severe that the embryo may not survive but others result in the birth of healthy babies but with developmental eye defects of varying severity. The most dramatic developmental defects of the eye include anophthalmos (complete absence of an eye), microphthalmos (a general failure of the eye to develop resulting in a small, undeveloped eye), coloboma (caused by failure of the optic vesicle to invaginate), and aniridia (complete or partial loss of the iris). The present article does not provide an exhaustive review of the topic but considers the major types of developmental anomaly to affect the eye and will discuss how recent progress in genetics has increased our understanding of these disorders. The major genes linked to the developmental anomalies are discussed as well as how defects in these genes might lead to specific problems.


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Many of the developmental anomalies observed in cloned animals are related to foetal and placental overgrowth, a phenomenon known as the 'large offspring syndrome' (LOS) in ruminants. It has been hypothesized that the epigenetic control of imprinted genes, that is, genes that are expressed in a parental-specific manner, is at the root of LOS. Our recent research has focused on understanding epigenetic alterations to imprinted genes that are associated with assisted reproductive technologies (ART), such as early embryo in vitro culture (IVC) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in cattle. We have sought and identified single nucleotide polymorphisms in Bos indicus DNA useful for the analysis of parental-specific alleles and their respective transcripts in tissues from hybrid embryos derived by crossing Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle. By analysing differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of imprinted genes SNRPN, H19 and the IGF2R in cattle, we demonstrated that there is a generalized hypomethylation of the imprinted allele and the biallelic expression of embryos produced by SCNT when compared to the methylation patterns observed in vivo (artificially inseminated). Together, these results indicate that imprinting marks are erased during the reprogramming of the somatic cell nucleus during early development, indicating that such epigenetic anomalies may play a key role in mortality and morbidity of cloned animals.


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Depuis le début des années 90, le projet génome humain a permis l’émergence de nombreuses techniques globalisantes porteuses du suffixe –omique : génomique, transcriptomique, protéomique, épigénomique, etc.… L’étude globale de l’ensemble des phénotypes humains (« phénome ») est à l’origine de nouvelles technologies constituant la « phénomique ». L’approche phénomique permet de déterminer des liens entre des combinaisons de traits phénomiques. Nous voulons appliquer cette approche à l’étude des malformations humaines en particulier leurs combinaisons, ne formant des syndromes, des associations ou des séquences bien caractérisés que dans un petit nombre de cas. Afin d’évaluer la faisabilité de cette approche, pour une étude pilote nous avons décidé d’établir une base de données pour la description phénotypique des anomalies foetales. Nous avons effectué ces étapes : o Réalisation d’une étude rétrospective d’une série d’autopsies de foetus au CHU Sainte- Justine (Montréal, QC, Canada) entre 2001-2006 o Élaboration de trois thésaurus et d’une ontologie des anomalies développementales humaines o Construction une base de données en langage MySQL Cette base de données multicentrique accessible sur (http://www.malformations.org), nous permet de rechercher très facilement les données phénotypiques des 543 cas observés porteurs d’une anomalie donnée, de leur donner une description statistique et de générer les différents types d’hypothèses. Elle nous a également permis de sélectionner 153 cas de foetus malformés qui font l’objet d’une étude de micropuce d’hybridation génomique comparative (aCGH) à la recherche d’une anomalie génomique.


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The T-box family transcription factor gene TBX20 acts in a conserved regulatory network, guiding heart formation and patterning in diverse species. Mouse Tbx20 is expressed in cardiac progenitor cells, differentiating cardiomyocytes, and developing valvular tissue, and its deletion or RNA interference-mediated knockdown is catastrophic for heart development. TBX20 interacts physically, functionally, and genetically with other cardiac transcription factors, including NKX2-5, GATA4, and TBX5, mutations of which cause congenital heart disease (CHD). Here, we report nonsense (Q195X) and missense (I152M) germline mutations within the T-box DNA-binding domain of human TBX20 that were associated with a family history of CHD and a complex spectrum of developmental anomalies, including defects in septation, chamber growth, and valvulogenesis. Biophysical characterization of wild-type and mutant proteins indicated how the missense mutation disrupts the structure and function of the TBX20 T-box. Dilated cardiomyopathy was a feature of the TBX20 mutant phenotype in humans and mice, suggesting that mutations in developmental transcription factors can provide a sensitized template for adult-onset heart disease. Our findings are the first to link TBX20 mutations to human pathology. They provide insights into how mutation of different genes in an interactive regulatory circuit lead to diverse clinical phenotypes, with implications for diagnosis, genetic screening, and patient follow-up.


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Congenital missing of teeth, tooth agenesis or hypodontia, is one of the most common developmental anomalies in man. The common forms in which one or a few teeth are absent, may cause occlusal or cosmetic harm, while severe forms which are relatively rare always require clinical attention to support and maintain the dental function. Observation of tooth agenesis is also important for diagnosis of malformation syndromes. Some external factors may cause developmental defects and agenesis in dentition. However, the role of inheritance in the etiology of tooth agenesis is well established by twin and family studies. Studies on familial tooth agenesis as well as mouse null mutants have also identified several genetic factors. However, these explain syndromic or rare dominant forms of tooth agenesis, whereas the genes and defects responsible for the majority of cases of tooth agenesis, especially the common and less severe forms, are largely unknown. In this study it was shown, that a dominant nonsense mutation in PAX9 was responsible for severe tooth agenesis (oligodontia) in a Finnish family. In a study of tooth agenesis associated with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, it was shown that severe tooth agenesis was present if the causative deletion in 4p spanned the MSX1 locus. It was concluded that severe tooth agenesis was caused by haploinsufficiency of these transcription factors. A summary of the phenotypes associated with known defects in MSX1 and PAX9 showed that, despite similarities, they were significantly different, suggesting that the genes, in addition to known interactions, also have independent roles during the development of human dentition. The original aim of this work was to identify gene defects that underlie the common incisor and premolar hypodontia. After excluding several candidate genes, a genome-wide search was conducted in seven Finnish families in which this phenotype was inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. A promising locus for second premolar agenesis was identified in chromosome 18 in one family and this finding was supported by results from other families. The results also implied the existence of other loci both for second premolar agenesis and for incisor agenesis. On the other hand the results did not lend support for comprehensive involvement of the most obvious candidate genes in the etiology of incisor and premolar hypodontia. Rather, they suggest remarkable genetic heterogeneity of tooth agenesis. The available evidence suggests that quantitative defects during tooth development predispose to a failure to overcome a developmental threshold and to agenesis. The results of the study increase the understanding of the etiology and heredity of tooth agenesis. Further studies may lead to identification of novel genes that affect the development of teeth.


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Despite over seven decades of speciation research and 25 years of phylogeographic studies, a comprehensive understanding of mechanisms that generate biological species remains elusive. In temperate zones, the pervasiveness of range fragmentation and subsequent range expansions suggests that secondary contact between diverging lineages may be important in the evolution of species. Thus, such contact zones provide compelling opportunities to investigate evolutionary processes, particularly the roles of geographical isolation in initiating, and indirect selection against hybrids in completing (reinforcement), the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation. The spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) has six well-supported mitochondrial lineages many of which are now in secondary contact. Here I investigate the evolutionary consequences of secondary contact of two such lineages (Eastern and Interior) in Southwestern Ontario using genetic, morphological, acoustical, experimental, and behavioural evidence to show accentuated divergence of the mate recognition system in sympatry. Mitochondrial and microsatellite data distinguish these two lineages but also show ongoing hybridization. Bayesian assignment tests and cline analysis imply asymmetrical introgression of Eastern lineage nuclear markers into Interior populations. Male calls are divergent between Eastern and Interior allopatric populations and show asymmetrical reproductive character displacement in sympatry. Female preference of pure lineage individuals is also exaggerated in sympatry, with hybrids showing intermediate traits and preference. I suggest that these patterns are most consistent with secondary reinforcement. I assessed levels of post-zygotic isolation between the Eastern and Interior lineages using a laboratory hybridization experiment. Hybrid tadpoles showed equal to or greater fitness than their pure lineage counterparts, but this may be countered through competition. More deformities and developmental anomalies in hybrid tadpoles further suggest post-zygotic isolation. Despite evidence for pre-mating isolation between the two lineages, isolation appears incomplete (i.e. hybridization is ongoing). I hypothesize that potentially less attractive hybrids may circumvent female choice by adopting satellite behaviour. Although mating tactics are related to body size, genetic status may play a role. I show that pure Eastern males almost always engage in calling, while hybrids adopt a satellite tactic. An absence of assortative mating, despite evidence of female preference, suggests successful satellite interception possibly facilitating introgression.


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La neuropathie sensitive et motrice héréditaire avec agénésie du corps calleux (NSMH/ACC) se traduit par une atteinte neurodégénérative sévère associée à des anomalies développementales dans le système nerveux central et du retard mental. Bien que rare dans le monde, ce désordre autosomique récessif est particulièrement fréquent dans la population Québécoise du Canada Français du fait d’un effet fondateur. L’unique étude réalisée sur la mutation québécoise du gène qui code pour le co-transporteur de potassiumchlore 3 (KCC3) a montré qu’il y a une perte de fonction de la protéine. Cependant, la maladie est également retrouvée hors du Québec et il reste encore à élucider les pathomécanismes mis en jeu. Nous avons donc séquencé les 26 exons du gène KCC3 chez des individus recrutés dans le monde entier et suspectés d’être atteints de la maladie. Nous avons ainsi identifié trois nouvelles mutations. L’étude fonctionnelle de ces mutations nous a confirmé la perte de fonction systématique des co-transporteurs mutés. Puisque l’inactivation de KCC3 se produit majoritairement via l’élimination de segments peptidiques en C-terminus, nous avons concentré notre attention sur l’identification des interactions qui s’y produisent. À l’aide d’approches double hybride, pull-down et immunomarquage, nous avons déterminé que KCC3 interagit avec la créatine kinase CK-B et que cette interaction est perturbée par les mutations tronquantes. De plus, l’utilisation d’un inhibiteur de créatine kinase inactive KCC3, ce qui démontre qu’il existe bien un lien fonctionnel et pathologique entre KCC3 et ses partenaires C-terminaux. Nous avons aussi identifié des anomalies majeures de localisation membranaire des KCC3 mutés. Que KCC3 soit tronqué ou pleine longueur, sa distribution subcellulaire est affectée dans des cellules en culture, dans les ovocytes de Xenopes et dans des échantillons de cerveau de patients. La perte d’interaction entre KCC3 et CK-B et/ou les défauts de transit intracellulaire de KCC3 sont donc les mécanismes pathologiques majeurs de la NSMH/ACC.


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Venous malformations (VMs) are the most common vascular developmental anomalies (birth defects) . These defects are caused by developmental arrest of the venous system during various stages of embryogenesis. VMs remain a difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenge due to the wide range of clinical presentations, unpredictable clinical course, erratic response to the treatment with high recurrence/persistence rates, high morbidity following non-specific conventional treatment, and confusing terminology. The Consensus Panel reviewed the recent scientific literature up to the year 2013 to update a previous IUP Consensus (2009) on the same subject. ISSVA Classification with special merits for the differentiation between the congenital vascular malformation (CVM) and vascular tumors was reinforced with an additional review on syndrome-based classification. A "modified" Hamburg classification was adopted to emphasize the importance of extratruncular vs. truncular sub-types of VMs. This incorporated the embryological origin, morphological differences, unique characteristics, prognosis and recurrence rates of VMs based on this embryological classification. The definition and classification of VMs were strengthened with the addition of angiographic data that determines the hemodynamic characteristics, the anatomical pattern of draining veins and hence the risk of complication following sclerotherapy. The hemolymphatic malformations, a combined condition incorporating LMs and other CVMs, were illustrated as a separate topic to differentiate from isolated VMs and to rectify the existing confusion with name-based eponyms such as Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. Contemporary concepts on VMs were updated with new data including genetic findings linked to the etiology of CVMs and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency. Besides, newly established information on coagulopathy including the role of D-Dimer was thoroughly reviewed to provide guidelines on investigations and anticoagulation therapy in the management of VMs. Congenital vascular bone syndrome resulting in angio-osteo-hyper/hypotrophy and (lateral) marginal vein was separately reviewed. Background data on arterio-venous malformations was included to differentiate this anomaly from syndrome-based VMs. For the treatment, a new section on laser therapy and also a practical guideline for follow up assessment were added to strengthen the management principle of the multidisciplinary approach. All other therapeutic modalities were thoroughly updated to accommodate a changing concept through the years.


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Vol. 1: 2nd impression with correction and additions, Apr., 1938.


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The patched gene (Ptc) is a member of the hedgehog signaling pathway which plays a central role in the development of many invertebrate and vertebrate tissues. In addition, Ptc and a number of other pathway members are mutated in some common human cancers. Patched is the receptor for the hedgehog ligand and in the mouse ablation of the Ptc gene leads to developmental defects and an embryonic lethal phenotype. Here we describe a conditional Ptc allele in mice which will have utility for the temporospatial ablation of Ptc function. genesis 36:158-161, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Chromosomal microarray (CMA) is increasingly utilized for genetic testing of individuals with unexplained developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID), autism spectrum disorders (ASD), or multiple congenital anomalies (MCA). Performing CMA and G-banded karyotyping on every patient substantially increases the total cost of genetic testing. The International Standard Cytogenomic Array (ISCA) Consortium held two international workshops and conducted a literature review of 33 studies, including 21,698 patients tested by CMA. We provide an evidence-based summary of clinical cytogenetic testing comparing CMA to G-banded karyotyping with respect to technical advantages and limitations, diagnostic yield for various types of chromosomal aberrations, and issues that affect test interpretation. CMA offers a much higher diagnostic yield (15%-20%) for genetic testing of individuals with unexplained DD/ID, ASD, or MCA than a G-banded karyotype (similar to 3%, excluding Down syndrome and other recognizable chromosomal syndromes), primarily because of its higher sensitivity for submicroscopic deletions and duplications. Truly balanced rearrangements and low-level mosaicism are generally not detectable by arrays, but these are relatively infrequent causes of abnormal phenotypes in this population (<1%). Available evidence strongly supports the use of CMA in place of G-banded karyotyping as the first-tier cytogenetic diagnostic test for patients with DD/ID, ASD, or MCA. G-banded karyotype analysis should be reserved for patients with obvious chromosomal syndromes (e.g., Down syndrome), a family history of chromosomal rearrangement, or a history of multiple miscarriages.


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Aim: As molecular and cytogenetic testing becomes increasingly sophisticated, more individuals are being diagnosed with rare chromosome disorders. Yet despite a burgeoning knowledge about biomedical aspects, little is known about implications for psychosocial development. The scant literature gives a general impression of deficits and adverse developmental outcomes. Method: Developmental data were obtained from two 16 year olds diagnosed with a rare chromosome disorder – a girl with 8p23.1 and a boy with 16q11.2q12.1. Measures of intellectual ability, academic achievement, and other aspects of functioning were administered at multiple time points from early childhood to adolescence. Results: Both adolescents experienced initial delays in motor and language development. Although the girl’s intelligence is assessed as being in the average range, she experiences difficulties with motor planning, spelling and writing. The boy has been diagnosed with a mild intellectual disability and demonstrates mild autistic features. Conclusions: The two case descriptions are in marked contrast to the published literature about these two chromosome anomalies. Both adolescents are developing much more positively than would be expected on the basis of the grim predictions of their paediatricians and the negative reports in the literature. It is concluded that, for most rare chromosome disorders, the range of possible developmental outcomes is currently unknown.


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Objective: To report on two Brazilian patients with chromosome 22q11 deletion who presented with velopharyngeal insufficiency, congenital heart anomalies, developmental delay, and limb anomalies. The pattern of limb anomalies in these patients, which range from ectrodactyly to limb synostosis, is very uncommon in 22q11 deletion syndrome. Conclusion: These patients widen the spectrum of clinical signs of the 22q11 deletion syndrome and alert researchers to conduct additional investigation in patients with limb involvement with velopharyngeal insufficiency and/or cardiac anomalies, along with developmental delay.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)