60 resultados para Detectives.


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This paper makes distinctions among four investigative thinking styles of detectives: method style, challenge style, skill style, and risk style. Based on previous research, this study empirically tested, to what extent there are cumulative relationships among these thinking styles. Furthermore, this research studied relationships between investigative thinking styles and creativity in police investigations. Significant relationships were found between the extent of the challenge and risk styles and the extent of creativity.


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In this paper, we present an account of children's interactions with a mobile technology prototype within the school context. The noise detectives trial was conducted in a school setting with the aim of better understanding the role of mobile resources as mediators within science and environmental learning activities. Over 80 children, aged between 10 and 12, completed an outdoor data-gathering activity, using a mobile learning prototype that included paper and software components. They measured and recorded noise levels in various locations throughout the school. We analysed the activity to determine how the components of the prototype were integrated into the learning activity, and to identify differences in behaviour that resulted from using these components. We present design implications that resulted from observed differences in prototype use and appropriation.


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Complex social-cognitive deficits are common in individuals diagnosed with high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome. Research on effective and evidence-based social interventions is needed for this population. This study focused specifically on the challenges these individuals face with respect to flexible thinking and related flexible behaviour in social situations. Madrigal and Winner's (2008) Superflex curriculum - targets social flexibility, however at the time of this study no published research had been conducted to determine the effectiveness of this approach. This study was a pilot study, which sought to examine the impact of the Superflex curriculum within a 10-week training program in teaching one individual with high functioning autism how to think and behave flexibly in social situations. Multiple measurement tools were utilized, and analyses within and across the measures revealed inconsistencies, especially with respect to generalization. Although preliminary, this study provided valuable information for subsequent research.


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Proyecto de animación a la lectura dirigido a alumnos de los Programas de Educación Compensatoria e Integración. Se trata de una serie de actividades en forma de juego donde la lectura es el punto de partida. A través del juego el alumno conoce las características de diferentes momentos de gran relevancia en la historia de la humanidad y, al mismo tiempo, desarrolla capacidades estrechamente ligadas al hábito lector.


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Resumen de la autora en catalán


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El equipo docente del Colegio Público Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Teba (Málaga), ha realizado una experiencia con alumnos de Educación Infantil cuyo fin es aproximarlos a la investigación. Para ello se han elaborado actividades en las que los niños deben resolver problemas que les permitan desarrollar habilidades de observación e investigación, participar en la construcción de su propio conocimiento y satisfacer su curiosidad. Asimismo, mediante este proyecto se promueve la participación de la familia en lo referente al aprendizaje y se desarrollan actitudes de respeto, tolerancia y colaboración. Las conclusiones de la iniciativa muestran al niño como protagonista de su aprendizaje, y se destaca que estas actividades favorecen el desarrollo de numerosas capacidades y habilidades. También se constata un aumento del interés y el entusiasmo de los alumnos por actividades similares.


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El artículo forma parte de un monográfico dedicado a la resolución de problemas y didáctica de la historia.


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El artículo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a intercambio de experiencias.


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The major component of the thesis is a manuscript of poetry titled How do detectives make love? which includes forty poems written over a period of two years. Many of these; poems have been published in literary journals and magazines both in Australia and internationally as well as being performed at various performance poetry venues. How do detectives make love? was accepted for publication by Penguin Books, Australia in 1994. Also included is a 12,000 word exegesis in support of the manuscript titled How do detectives make love? Themes of the survival of the child: corruption in relation to innocence. The exegesis explores various themes and motifs occurring throughout the work, including the motif of birds and dogs, and the themes of love and the police, guns and weaponry, the outback and parklands, the parents, the change from childhood to adolescence and adolescence to adulthood, and the survival of the child. The current vital social relevance of these themes and motifs is explored in the poems. The literary use of the themes is explored comparatively with the work of other Australian poets including Gig Ryan, Kenneth Slessor and Les Murray. The purpose of the exegesis is to give the reader insights into the poet's intellectual processes and literary concerns throughout the work itself.


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Este artículo estudia cómo Bolaño asoció en esta novela la poesía mexicana de las vanguardias históricas del 20, con las neovanguardias de los 60 y los 70 en México. La obsesión de los personajes de esta novela con la poesía se vuelve la razón última de su búsqueda, que es también la búsqueda por el alma de la poesía como modo último de trascendencia en el mundo de la literatura.


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Este trabajo trata sobre dos investigaciones para el mismo cliente, “JORDÁ CONFECCIONES”. La primera investigación es un peritaje textil para comprobar si unas prendas de ropa están hechas con el mismo tejido que el producido por nuestro cliente, con el fin de relacionarlas con unos tejidos que le han desaparecido del almacén. Tras los resultados, el cliente nos contrata, otra vez, para determinar quién le sustrae el material y si trabaja en su empresa, en tal caso, podrá usar nuestro informe para los procedimientos legales pertinentes.


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