1000 resultados para Desregulamentação - Brasil
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar a potencialidade e obstáculos da adoção da Análise de Impacto Regulatório e do órgão supervisor no contexto brasileiro. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo com representantes de instituições envolvidas com a AIR, com as agências reguladoras e a Casa Civil da Presidência da República, além de especialistas com publicações relativas ao tema. Foram realizadas assim, doze entrevistas semi-estruturadas em torno de perguntas previamente elaboradas a partir dos conhecimentos explorados no referencial teórico do trabalho. Concluiu-se que a partir de um ambiente de preocupação com a qualidade regulatória no Brasil, tanto a esfera mais central da administração – a Casa Civil como os entes reguladores investigados, têm empreendido esforços em prol de um sistema regulatório mais eficaz. Entretanto, há um longo caminho a ser percorrido e diversos obstáculos a serem ultrapassados. Com relação à AIR e ao órgão de supervisão, a resistência, a especialização técnica, o desenho institucional são alguns desses percalços que deverão ser transpostos a fim de que o Brasil alcance de fato uma melhoria da qualidade regulatória
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Globalização e Ambiente
A presente Dissertação descreve a introdução do sistema de telefonia no Brasil, sua consolidação na primeira metade do século XX e o estabelecimento do controle estatal sobre o Sistema Nacional de Telecomunicações, com a criação das Telecomunicações Brasileiras S/A (Telebrás) em 1972. Analisa sua superação, nos anos 90, e o estabelecimento das bases para a criação de um novo modelo buscando a universalidade e a concorrência. Aborda a experiência internacional da desregulamentação das telecomunicações em países onde o processo foi mais significativo e analisa o estabelecimento de uma agência regulatória para o setor, considerando os diversos mecanismos regulatórios experimentados. Analisa a privatização da Telebrás e os resultados alcançados depois de cinco anos (até 2003) de desregulamentação das telecomunicações no Brasil.
Procede à mensuração e à interpretação do processo evolutivo da indústria bancária no Brasil, de maneira sistemática, sob uma perspectiva histórica e comparada. Mostra como o sistema financeiro, e em particular o segmento bancário, desenvolveram-se a partir de um modelo calcado na especialização e segmentação das instituições financeiras, determinado pelas reformas do biênio 1964-65; como e por que ocorreram desvios posteriores em relação a esse modelo; e identifica duas novas fases críticas - a desregulamentação ocorrida em 1988, face à criação do banco múltiplo e extinção da carta-patente, e a regulamentação baixada em 1994, que elevou as exigências para a abertura, funcionamento e expansão das atividades das instituições financeiras. Levanta um questionamento sobre a nova fase que advirá com o processo de globalização das economias e dos mercados
Após 1985, o objetivo de privatização e desregulamentação substituiu a doutrina de desenvolvimento e segurança que orientava a formulação da política de telecomunicações no Brasil desde 1962. Utilizando referências da Escola de Análise de Políticas Públicas, Escolha Coletiva e da Teoria da Regulação, a pesquisa analisa os reflexos dessa mudança nas áreas sociais: Educação, Saúde e Previdência. O monitoramento da política de telecomunicações identificou programas visando a popularização do telefone, mas que não atingiram plenamente seus objetivos. Novas tecnologias foram introduzidas, como o satélite BRASILSAT, a telefonia celular e a TV a cabo, mas os benefícios principais de sua disseminação continuaram em favor de grupos preferenciais. A recente reformulação dos programas de TV educativos e a iniciativa de prover o acesso das escolas à rede INTERNET permitem prognosticar impactos positivos na Educação, entretanto, até 1992, a população continuava a ser mantida ausente da agenda da política pública e a tecnologia da informação ainda não tinha chegado nas escolas. Os impactos na Previdência decorreram da implantação de uma moderna rede de comunicações pela DATAPREV, reduzindo os prazos de atendimento aos segurados do INSS, e melhorando o controle fmanceiro sobre a arrecadação de contribuições e o pagamento dos benefícios. Os impactos na Saúde ainda não foram sentidos no atendimento ao cidadão, mas a disseminação de informações coletadas e processadas pelos sistemas do DATASUS provocaram efeitos positivos no planejamento e controle dos gastos com consultas médicas e internações hospitalares.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The global economic scenario, from the late 1980s, it was predominantly marked by the hegemony of political and economic orthodoxy. The strength of a great political pact that brought together the financial sector, rentiers and the big capital, and had the Washington Consensus as base, induced countries to adopt liberalizing policies such as trade liberalization, privatization and deregulation. The failure of these policies, manifested in unemployment, external vulnerability and low growth has led to a change in economic direction, particularly after the election of President Lula. Amid this situation, we can see a reorientation of the role of the Brazilian state, in response to a movement of their own society organized to implement a new national strategy, with the state as a promoter of development. In this project of a new strategy, the state action becomes strategic and not systemic, turning to strengthen national companies in strategic sectors and internationally competitive. In this ongoing process of a new development strategy, we adopted the conceptualization of what Bresser-Pereira calls the new developmentalism.
The article discusses the processes of transformation that are underway in the contexts of Portuguese and Brazilian labor markets. Starting with a reflection on globalization and some of its impacts - resulting from technological changes and the introduction of new information technologies, accompanied by an economic policy that favors deregulation and flexibility of labor relations -, it analyses some trends regarding precarious employment in both countries. The discussion is grounded on the assumption that job precariousness, which currently affects all age and professional groups, is not anymore a mere cyclical and peripheral phenomenon.
The organization and dynamics of the energetic-sugarcane sector in Brazil have suffered the impacts of the “deregulation” process that took place in the 1990s, since when it is no longer monitored by the State. In this scenario, the agribusiness enterprises, in order to survive, act over production, marketing and management of their activities, among others areas, demanding financial investments. The credit lines offered by BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) are one of the factors that enable the implementation of these actions. In this context, the aim of this study is to assess the connections between BNDES's outlays for the sugarcane sector in Brazil from 2001 to 2008, and the activities of this sector, according to the federation unity and the region in the country. The work is based on: i) literature review and ii) secondary selected data collection aimed at the composition of data series. The organization and analysis of data indicates that the largest amount of money is destined to the south-central region, specifically the state of São Paulo. This is the only state that receives almost all types of financings, an equivalent to 68% of the receptions in the period. The concentration of BNDES's outlays in the south-central region may be linked to the dominance of the sector in this region, either in terms of harvested area, amount of production, employment contracts or number of enterprises.
This study focus on the reconfiguration of educational management in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, which was promoted by the new logic of social regulation and the new role attributed to the State, considering each country's own historicity. So, the cultural factors that interfere on the dynamics of the 90' school reform are analyzed. Aspects that show the homogeneity or heterogeneity of these reforms in the region, as well as local specificities that block out the concretization of the reform are underlined. It is shown that the historicity that characterizes the educational reform has taken, in each country, a form that can be called, in Mexico, conservative rupture; in Chile, conservative continuity; in Brazil, conservative renovation; and, in Argentina, interrupted rupture. Some conclusions about the impact of educational reform in the selected countries are recuperated through the analysis of 186 academic texts on the subject.
This article analyses the emergence and development of social policies for children and adolescents attendance that are in line with the development process of the Brazilian social protection system, focusing on some of the main representations attributed to childhood, according to the historical and political periods. It seeks to present the notion of childhood instituted under the constitution of the Brazilian welfare state, in such a way as to place it within the broader context of the historical and political transformations that involved the emergence and consolidation of the social policies directed towards children and adolescents in Brazil in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st.
The purpose of this article is to develop some ideas that may contribute to the debate about the secondary education in Brazil, giving emphasis to the conditions existing in the educational institutions, the ongoing educational policies and the challenges posed by the social, economic and political reality of the country. It is also discussed the political, social and economic importance of the expansion and the compulsory character of secondary education as well as the school's culture dimension, in its relationship to the so-called knowledge society. Finally, the role of secondary education for the youth and the new demands it poses for teachers are presented, among some others aspects.
This article takes the concepts of biopower and governmentality as the starting point for an analysis of certain recent Brazilian government documents about the introduction of Philosophy as a subject in secondary school. In the 1980s, this argument centered on Philosophy's so-called criticism and its potential for preparing citizens for a democratic society, was used by the movements aimed to restore democracy in Brazil. This argument appears to have been assimilated by the Brazilian government, because it is stated in the Guidelines and Bases of Education Law, secondary school students should demonstrate knowledge of philosophy necessary for the exercise of citizenship. The argument also appears in documents such as the PCN and PCN+ (National Curricular Parameters) and OCEM (Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary School) in their chapters on Philosophy. These documents are examined here in the light of governmentality, making explicit how Philosophy is equipped to train young people according to what is understood as a modern democratic society.
Chemical research in Brazil has grown significantly in the past 20 years, largely thanks to the Brazilian S&T Development Program of the federal government (PADCT). However, the newly achieved levels of highly qualified manpower and research infra-structure require new research organization frameworks to make science, technology and innovation really useful and meaningful for the citizens. The current requirements for creating viable networks of academic and industry researchers are presented and discussed as well as some structural and procedural bottlenecks that have to be eliminated, to achieve maximum high-quality science, technology and relevant innovation output.