955 resultados para Design standard


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This study compared the performance of a local and three robust optimality criteria in terms of the standard error for a one-parameter and a two-parameter nonlinear model with uncertainty in the parameter values. The designs were also compared in conditions where there was misspecification in the prior parameter distribution. The impact of different correlation between parameters on the optimal design was examined in the two-parameter model. The designs and standard errors were solved analytically whenever possible and numerically otherwise.


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This paper reviews current design standards and test methods for blast-resistant glazing design and compares a typical design outcome with that from comprehensive finite-element (FE) analysis. Design standards are conservative and are limited to the design of relatively small glazed panels. Standard test methods are expensive, create environmental pollution, and can classify the hazard ratings of only smaller glazed panels. Here the design of a laminated glass (LG) panel is carried out according to an existing design standard, and then its performance is examined using comprehensive FE modeling and analysis. Finite-element results indicate that both glass panes crack, the interlayer yields with little damage, and the sealant joints do not fail for the designed blast load. This failure pattern satisfies some of the requirements for minimal hazard rating in the design standard. It is evident that interlayer thickness and material properties are important during the post-crack stage of an LG panel, but they are not accounted for in the design standards. The new information generated in this paper will contribute toward an enhanced blast design of LG panels.


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The built environment in China is required to achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020 against the 1980 design standard. A particular challenge is how to maintain acceptable comfort conditions through the hot humid summers and cold desiccating winters of its continental climate regions. Fully air-conditioned sealed envelopes, often fully glazed, are becoming increasingly common in these regions. Remedial strategies involve technical refinements to the air-handling equipment and a contribution from renewable energy sources in an attempt to achieve the prescribed net reduction in energy use. However an alternative hybrid environmental design strategy is developed in this research project. It exploits observed temperate periods of weeks, days, even hours in duration to free-run an office and exhibition building configured to promote natural stack ventilation when ambient conditions permit and mechanical ventilation when conditions require it, the two modes delivered through the same physical infrastructure. The proposal is modelled in proprietary software and the methodology adopted is described. The challenge is compounded by its first practical application to an existing reinforced concrete frame originally designed to receive a highly glazed envelope. This original scheme is reviewed in comparison. Furthermore the practical delivery of the proposal value engineered out a proportion of the ventilation stacks. The likely consequence of this for the environmental performance of the building is investigated through a sensitivity study.


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Typical high strength steels (HSS) have exceptional high strengths with improved weldability making the material attractive in modern steel constructions. However, due to lack of understanding, most of the current steel design standards are limited to conventional low strength steels (LSS, i.e. fy ≤ 450 MPa). This paper presents the details of full-scale experimental tests on short beams fabricated from BISPLATE80 HSS materials (nominal fy = 690 MPa). The various slenderness ratios of the plate elements in the test specimens were chosen in the range near the current yield limit (AS4100-1998, etc.). The experimental studies presented in this paper have produced a better understanding of the structural behaviour of HSS members subjected to local instabilities. Comparisons have also presented in the paper regarding to the design predictions from the current steel standards (AS4100-1998). This study has enabled to provide a series of proposals for proper assessment of plate slenderness limits for structural members made of representative HSS materials. This research work also enables the inclusion of further versions in the steel design specifications for typical HSS materials to be used in buildings and bridges. This paper also presents a distribution model of residual stresses in the longitudinal direction for typical HSS I-sections.


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An experimental laboratory investigation was carried out to assess the structural adequacy of a disused PHO Class Flat Bottom Rail Wagon (FRW) for a single lane low volume road bridge application as per the design provisions of the Australian Bridge Design Standard AS 5100(2004). The investigation also encompassed a review into the risk associated with the pre-existing damage in wagons incurred during their service life on rail. The main objective of the laboratory testing of the FRW was to physically measure its performance under the same applied traffic loading it would be required to resist as a road bridge deck. In order to achieve this a full width (5.2m) single lane, single span (approximately 10m), simply supported bridge would be required to be constructed and tested in a structural laboratory. However, the available clear spacing between the columns of the loading portal frame encountered within the laboratory was insufficient to accommodate the 5.2m wide bridge deck excluding clearance normally considered necessary in structural testing. Therefore, only half of the full scale bridge deck (single FRW of width 2.6m) was able to be accommodated and tested; with the continuity of the bridge deck in the lateral direction applied as boundary constraints along the full length of the FRW at six selected locations. This represents a novel approach not yet reported in the literature for bridge deck testing to the best of the knowledge of the author. The test was carried out under two loadings provided in AS 5100 (2004) – one stationary W80 wheel load and the second a moving axle load M1600. As the bridge investigated in the study is a single lane single span low volume road bridge, the risk of pre-existing damage and the expected high cycle fatigue failure potential was assessed as being minimal and hence the bridge deck was not tested structurally for fatigue/ fracture. The high axle load requirements have instead been focussed upon the investigation into the serviceability and ultimate limit state requirements. The testing regime adopted however involved extensive recording of strains and deflections at several critical locations of the FRW. Three locations of W80 point load and two locations of the M1600 Axle load were considered for the serviceability testing; the FRW was also tested under the ultimate load dictated by the M1600. The outcomes of the experimental investigation have demonstrated that the FRW is structurally adequate to resist the prescribed traffic loadings outlaid in AS 5100 (2004). As the loading was directly applied on to the FRW, the laboratory testing is assessed as being significantly conservative. The FRW bridge deck in the field would only resist the load transferred by the running platform, where, depending on the design, composite action might exist – thereby the share of the loading which needs to be resisted by the FRW would be smaller than the system tested in the lab. On this basis, a demonstration bridge is under construction at the time of writing this thesis and future research will involve field testing in order to assess its performance.


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Many ageing road bridges, particularly timber bridges, require urgent improvement due to the demand imposed by the recent version of the Australian bridge loading code, AS 5100. As traffic volume plays a key role in the decision of budget allocations for bridge refurbishment/ replacement, many bridges in low volume traffic network remain in poor condition with axle load and/ or speed restrictions, thus disadvantaging many rural communities. This thesis examines an economical and environmentally sensible option of incorporating disused flat rail wagons (FRW) in the construction of bridges in low volume, high axle load road network. The constructability, economy and structural adequacy of the FRW road bridge is reported in the thesis with particular focus of a demonstration bridge commissioned in regional Queensland. The demonstration bridge comprises of a reinforced concrete slab (RCS) pavement resting on two FRWs with custom designed connection brackets at regular intervals along the span of the bridge. The FRW-RC bridge deck assembly is supported on elastomeric rubber pads resting on the abutment. As this type of bridge replacement technology is new and its structural design is not covered in the design standards, the in-service structural performance of the FRW bridge subjected to the high axle loadings prescribed in AS 5100 is examined through performance load testing. Both the static and the moving load tests are carried out using a fully laden commonly available three-axle tandem truck. The bridge deck is extensively strain gauged and displacement at several key locations is measured using linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs). A high speed camera is used in the performance test and the digital image data are analysed using proprietary software to capture the locations of the wheel positions on the bridge span accurately. The wheel location is thus synchronised with the displacement and strain time series to infer the structural response of the FRW bridge. Field test data are used to calibrate a grillage model, developed for further analysis of the FRW bridge to various sets of high axle loads stipulated in the bridge design standard. Bridge behaviour predicted by the grillage model has exemplified that the live load stresses of the FRW bridge is significantly lower than the yield strength of steel and the deflections are well below the serviceability limit state set out in AS 5100. Based on the results reported in this thesis, it is concluded that the disused FRWs are competent to resist high axle loading prescribed in AS 5100 and are a viable alternative structural solution of bridge deck in the context of the low volume road networks.


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The prime aim of this research project is to evaluate the performance of confined masonry walls under in-plane shear with a view to contributing to the national masonry design standard through a set of design clauses. This aim stems from the criticisms of the current provisions of the in-plane shear capacity equations in the Australian Masonry Standard AS3700 (2011) being highly non-conservative. This PhD thesis is an attempt to address this gap in the knowledge through systematic investigation of the key parameters that affects the in-plane shear strength of the masonry walls through laboratory experiments and extensive finite element analyses.


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Over recent decades, Australian piggeries have commonly employed anaerobic ponds to treat effluent to a standard suitable for recycling for shed flushing purposes and for irrigation onto nearby agricultural land. Anaerobic ponds are generally sized according to the Rational Design Standard (RDS) developed by Barth (1985), resulting in large ponds, which can be expensive to construct, occupy large land areas, and are difficult and expensive to desludge, potentially disrupting the whole piggery operation. Limited anecdotal and scientific evidence suggests that anaerobic ponds that are undersized according to the RDS, operate satisfactorily, without excessive odour emission, impaired biological function or high rates of solids accumulation. Based on these observations, this paper questions the validity of rigidly applying the principles of the RDS and presents a number of alternate design approaches resulting in smaller, more highly loaded ponds that are easier and cheaper to construct and manage. Based on limited data of pond odour emission, it is suggested that higher pond loading rates may reduce overall odour emission by decreasing the pond volume and surface area. Other management options that could be implemented to reduce pond volumes include permeable pond covers, various solids separation methods, and bio-digesters with impermeable covers, used in conjunction with biofilters and/or systems designed for biogas recovery. To ensure that new effluent management options are accepted by regulatory authorities, it is important for researchers to address both industry and regulator concerns and uncertainties regarding new technology, and to demonstrate, beyond reasonable doubt, that new technologies do not increase the risk of adverse impacts on the environment or community amenity. Further development of raw research outcomes to produce relatively simple, practical guidelines and implementation tools also increases the potential for acceptance and implementation of new technology by regulators and industry.


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A three day workshop on turbidity measurements was held at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology from August 3 1 to September 2, 2005. The workshop was attended by 30 participants from industry, coastal management agencies, and academic institutions. All groups recognized common issues regarding the definition of turbidity, limitations of consistent calibration, and the large variety of instrumentation that nominally measure "turbidity." The major recommendations, in order of importance for the coastal monitoring community are listed below: 1. The community of users in coastal ecosystems should tighten instrument design configurations to minimize inter-instrument variability, choosing a set of specifications that are best suited for coastal waters. The IS0 7027 design standard is not tight enough. Advice on these design criteria should be solicited through the ASTM as well as Federal and State regulatory agencies representing the majority of turbidity sensor end users. Parties interested in making turbidity measurements in coastal waters should develop design specifications for these water types rather than relying on design standards made for the analysis of drinking water. 2. The coastal observing groups should assemble a community database relating output of specific sensors to different environmental parameters, so that the entire community of users can benefit from shared information. This would include an unbiased, parallel study of different turbidity sensors, employing a variety of designs and configuration in the broadest range of coastal environments. 3. Turbidity should be used as a measure of relative change in water quality rather than an absolute measure of water quality. Thus, this is a recommendation for managers to develop their own local calibrations. See next recommendation. 4. If the end user specifically wants to use a turbidity sensor to measure a specific water quality parameter such as suspended particle concentration, then direct measurement of that water quality parameter is necessary to correlate with 'turbidity1 for a particular environment. These correlations, however, will be specific to the environment in which they are measured. This works because there are many environments in which water composition is relatively stable but varies in magnitude or concentration. (pdf contains 22 pages)


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A necessidade de se obter soluções para os diversos problemas estruturais na engenharia, associado ao amplo crescimento e difusão da construção metálica fez surgir, por volta dos anos 60, os perfis tubulares. As ligações soldadas entre perfis tubulares são as ligações de maior difusão nas construções com este tipo de perfil, sendo necessário portanto, estudos mais detalhados que tornem a utilização de ligações soldadas mais seguras e otimizadas. O Eurocode 3 possui um item específico para as ligações entre perfis tubulares, em especial as ligações soldadas devido a suas particularidades. Infelizmente, a norma brasileira NBR8800 não aborda as ligações envolvendo perfis tubulares. Para a execução da análise numérica no presente trabalho, faz-se necessário uma revisão bibliográfica. Com estes resultados, foram feitas modelagens de ligações tubulares com o método dos elementos finitos de forma a otimizar os modelos a serem utilizados em uma análise paramétrica futura. Desta forma, foram desenvolvidos dois modelos numéricos, um considerando ligação tipo T entre perfis tubulares quadrados e outro para uma ligação tipo K entre perfis circulares. Estes modelos foram caracterizados através de elementos de casca com seis graus de liberdade por nó considerando-se adicionalmente o efeito de membrana. A análise não-linear realizada considerou a não-linearidade do material através do critério de plastificação de Von Mises através de uma lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação bi-linear e a não-linearidade geométrica foi atribuída através da formulação de Lagrange atualizado. Dentre as principais conclusões obtidas no presente trabalho, pode-se citar que os resultados para as ligações tipo T, o Eurocode 3, fornece resultados que precisam ser observados com cautela. Todavia, para as ligações do tipo K, os resultados numéricos mostraram-se sempre inferiores aos valores através do Eurocode 3, representando um dimensionamento a favor da segurança.


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Os perfis tubulares sem costura são utilizados em diversos países, principalmente devido às vantagens associadas à estética a sua elevada resistência à torção, cargas axiais e efeitos combinados. Canadá, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Holanda utilizam de forma veemente estas estruturas e possuem produção contínua e industrializada com alto nível de desenvolvimento tecnológico. O Brasil, porém, se limitava praticamente ao uso destes perfis nas coberturas espaciais. Devido ao aumento da utilização desses tipos de estruturas, fez-se necessário o aprofundamento dos estudos com métodos de análise coerentes para utilização de perfis tubulares, principalmente em relação às ligações, pois são consideradas regiões vulneráveis neste tipo de estrutura. Para atender a necessidade de normatização deste procedimento desenvolveu-se uma norma brasileira específica para o dimensionamento de estruturas em perfis tubulares. Considerando esta perspectiva, este trabalho apresenta uma análise de ligações tipo T com reforço tipo chapa com perfis tubulares circulares (CHS) para o banzo e para o montante efetuada com base na norma europeia, Eurocode 3, no CIDECT, na NBR 16239:2013 e ISO 14346. Desenvolveu-se no programa Ansys um modelo de elementos finitos para cada tipo de ligação analisada, calibrado e validado com resultados experimentais e numéricos existentes na literatura. Verificou-se a influência da compressão atuante no montante no comportamento global das ligações. As não-linearidades físicas e geométricas foram incorporadas aos modelos a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente desta ligação. A nãolinearidade do material foi considerada através do critério de plastificação de von Mises através da lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação bilinear de forma a exibir um comportamento elasto-plástico com encruamento. A não-linearidade geométrica foi introduzida no modelo através da Formulação de Lagrange Atualizada. A análise dos esforços resistentes obtidos em comparação com os resultados do modelo numérico, apresentaram valores a favor da segurança no cálculo utilizando as equações de dimensionamento. Por fim um estudo para fatores de correção das equações de dimensionamento foi também proposto.


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以陕北延安黄土高原为例 ,经分析得出 :(1)黄土高原在实施竹节水平沟整地工程时 ,设计暴雨可采用 10年一遇 3h降水 6 0 mm的标准 ;(2 )每个竹节的蓄水容积不得小于 2 .5m×1.2 m× 0 .35m


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IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2015). 8 to 12, Jun, 2015, IEEE ICC 2015 - Communications QoS, Reliability and Modeling, London, United Kingdom.


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This work is concerned with the behaviour of thin webbed rolled steel joists or universal beams when they are subjected to concentrated loads applied to the flanges. The prime concern is the effect of high direct stresses causing web failure in a small region of the beam. The review shows that although many tests have been carried out on rolled steel beams and built up girders, no series of tests has restricted the number of variables involved to enable firm conclusions to be drawn. The results of 100 tests on several different rolled steel universal beam sections having various types of loading conditions are presented. The majority of the beams are tested by loading with two opposite loads, thus eliminating the effects of bending and shear, except for a small number of beams which are tested simply supported on varying spans. The test results are first compared with the present design standard (BS 449) and it is shown that the British Standard is very conservative for most of the loading conditions included in the tests but is unsafe for others. Three possible failure modes are then considered, overall elastic buckling of the web, flexural yielding of the web due to large out of plane deflexions and local crushing of the material at the junction of the web and the root fillets. Each mode is considered theoretically and developed to establish the main variables, thus enabling a comparison to be made with the test results. It is shown that all three failure modes have a particular relevance for individual loading conditions, but that determining the failure load given the beam size and the loading conditions is very difficult in certain instances. Finally it is shown that there are some empirical relationships between the failure loads and the type of loading for various beam serial sizes.