901 resultados para Descriptive Analyses


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Rapport de synthèse: Les rendez-vous manqués représentent un problème important, tant du point de vue de la santé des patients que du point de vue économique. Pourtant peu d'études se sont penchées sur le sujet, particulièrement dans une population d'adolescents. Les buts de cette étude étaient de caractériser les adolescents qui sont à risque de manquer ou d'annuler leurs rendez-vous dans une clinique ambulatoire de santé pour adolescents, de comparer les taux des rendez-vous manqués et annulés entre les différents intervenants et d'estimer l'efficacité d'une politique de taxation des rendez-vous manqués non excusés. Finalement, un modèle multi-niveau markovien a été utilisé afin de prédire le risque de manquer un rendez-vous. Ce modèle tient compte du passé de l'adolescent en matière de rendez-vous manqués et d'autres covariables et permet de grouper les individus ayant un comportement semblable. On peut ensuite prédire pour chaque groupe le risque de manquer ou annuler et les covariables influençant significativement ce risque. Entre 1999 et 2006, 32816 rendez-vous fixés pour 3577 patients âgés de 12 à 20 ans ont été analysés. Le taux de rendez-vous manqués était de 11.8%, alors que 10.9% avaient été annulés. Soixante pour cent des patients n'ont pas manqué un seul de leur rendezvous et 14% en ont manqué plus de 25%. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence plusieurs variables associées de manière statistiquement significative avec les taux de rendez-vous manqués et d'annulations (genre, âge, heure, jour de la semaine, intervenant thérapeutique). Le comportement des filles peut être catégorisé en 2 groupes. Le premier groupe inclut les diagnostiques psychiatriques et de trouble du comportement alimentaire, le risque de manquer dans ce groupe étant faible et associé au fait d'avoir précédemment manqué un rendez-vous et au délai du rendez-vous. Les autres diagnostiques chez les filles sont associés à un second groupe qui montre un risque plus élevé de manquer un rendez-vous et qui est associé à l'intervenant, au fait d'avoir précédemment manqué ou annulé le dernier rendez-vous et au délai du rendez-vous. Les garçons ont tous globalement un comportement similaire concernant les rendez-vous manqués. Le diagnostic au sein de ce groupe influence le risque de manquer, tout comme le fait d'avoir précédemment manqué ou annulé un rendez-vous, le délai du rendez-vous et l'âge du patient. L'introduction de la politique de taxation des rendez-vous non excusés n'a pas montré de différence significative des tàux de rendez-vous manqués, cependant cette mesure a permis une augmentation du taux d'annulations. En conclusion, les taux de présence des adolescents à leurs rendez-vous sont dépendants de facteurs divers. Et, même si les adolescents sont une population à risque concernant les rendez-vous manqués, la majorité d'entre eux ne manquent aucun de leurs rendez-vous, ceci étant vrai pour les deux sexes. Etudier les rendez-vous manqués et les adolescents qui sont à risque de rater leur rendez-vous est un pas nécessaire vers le contrôle de ce phénomène. Par ailleurs, les moyens de contrôle concernant les rendez-vous manqués devraient cibler les patients ayant déjà manqué un rendez-vous. La taxation des rendez-vous manqués permet d'augmenter les rendez-vous annulés, ce qui a l'avantage de permettre de fixer un nouveau rendez-vous et, de ce fait, d'améliorer la continuité des soins.


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Missed appointments represent an important medical and economical issue. Few studies on the subject are reported in the literature, particularly regarding adolescents. Our aim was to characterize missed and cancelled appointments in a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic for adolescents, to assess the effectiveness of a policy aimed at reducing missed appointments by introducing payment for those missed appointments not cancelled in advance, and to compare the rates between staff and resident physicians. A total of 32,816 consultations (representing 35 patients aged 12-20 years, 82.4% females) between 1999 and 200 were analysed. The missed appointment rate was 11.8% whilst another 10.9% were cancellations. Females cancelled more than males (11.3% vs. 8.4%, AOR 1.31, 99% CI 1.08-1.59), but there was no difference for missed appointments (11.6% vs. 12.3%, AOR 0.88, 99% CI 0.61-1.08). April and June to October (vacation months) were associated with more missed appointments. Globally mornings had higher rates of missed appointments than afternoons (13.6% vs. 11.2%, AOR 1.25, 99% CI 1.11-1.40). There was a slight difference in missed appointment rates between staff physicians and residents (10.4%; 11.8%, AOR 1.20, 99% CI 1.08-1.33). Missed appointment rates before and after the new policy on missed appointments were similar (1999-2003: 11.9%; 2004-2006: 11.6%, AOR 0.96, 99% CI 0.83-1.10). Conversely, cancellation rates increased from 8.4% (1999-2003) to 14.5% (2004-2006) (AOR 1.83, 99% CI 1.63-2.05). Attendance rates among adolescents show variations depending on vacation and school hours. Being attentive to these factors could help prevent missed appointments. Although having to pay for missed appointments does not increase attendance, it increases cancellations with the advantage that the appointment can be rescheduled.


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BACKGROUND: The assessment of Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) is important in people with dementia as it could influence their care and support plan. Many studies on dementia do not specifically set out to measure dementia-specific HRQL but do include related items. The aim of this study is to explore the distribution of HRQL by functional and socio-demographic variables in a population-based setting. METHODS: Domains of DEMQOL's conceptual framework were mapped in the Cambridge City over 75's Cohort (CC75C) Study. HRQL was estimated in 110 participants aged 80+ years with a confirmed diagnosis of dementia with mild/moderate severity. Acceptability (missing values and normality of the total score), internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha), convergent, discriminant and known group differences validity (Spearman correlations, Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests) were assessed. The distribution of HRQL by socio-demographic and functional descriptors was explored. RESULTS: The HRQL score ranged from 0 to 16 and showed an internal consistency Alpha of 0.74. Validity of the instrument was found to be acceptable. Men had higher HRQL than women. Marital status had a greater effect on HRQL for men than it did for women. The HRQL of those with good self-reported health was higher than those with fair/poor self-reported health. HRQL was not associated with dementia severity. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first study to examine the distribution of dementia-specific HRQL in a population sample of the very old. We have mapped an existing conceptual framework of dementia specific HRQL onto an existing study and demonstrated the feasibility of this approach. Findings in this study suggest that whereas there is big emphasis in dementia severity, characteristics such as gender should be taken into account when assessing and implementing programmes to improve HRQL.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a validade do Questionário de Freqüência Alimentar para Adolescentes para avaliar o consumo de grupos de alimentos entre escolares de Piracicaba, São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 94 adolescentes, com idade entre 11 e 15 anos, matriculados em uma escola da rede pública. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado pelo Questionário de Freqüência Alimentar para Adolescentes (QFAA) e a média de dois Recordatórios de 24 horas (R24h) foi utilizada como método de referência. Os itens alimentares foram classificados em 18 grupos. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, teste t-Student pareado e de Wilcoxon, coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e de Spearman. Foram também utilizadas análise de quartis e estatística Kappa ponderado. Os coeficientes de correlação foram corrigidos pela variância intrapessoal dos R24h, estimada a partir de ANOVA com um fator de classificação. RESULTADOS: Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os instrumentos para o arroz, massas, carnes, refrigerantes e sucos artificiais. Os coeficientes de correlação corrigidos pela variabilidade intrapessoal variaram de -0,26 a 0,78. A concordância de classificação dos indivíduos no mesmo quartil de consumo para ambos os métodos variou de 22% (massas) a 50% (feijão). Para quartis opostos, os grupos que tiveram mais de 10% dos indivíduos classificados incorretamente foram massas (19%), carnes (13%) e gorduras (11%). Os valores de Kappa ponderado variaram de - 0,15 (massas) a 0,56 (feijão). O QFAA superestimou o consumo de quase a totalidade dos grupos alimentares e subestimou os grupos dos óleos, feijão, carnes e refrigerantes. CONCLUSÃO: O instrumento apresentou boa validade para feijão, verduras e legumes, leite e derivados, biscoitos recheados e para o arroz.


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This cross-sectional study describes the variation in the dietary intake of energy and macronutrients based on estimated coefficients of within- and between-person variation and intends to calculate the number of days required to evaluate the dietary intake of adolescents in Piracicaba, Brazil. The sample was made up by ninety-two adolescents aged between eleven and sixteen years. Interviews were performed to assess demographic, anthropometric and dietary variables, which were evaluated by the answers obtained through two 24-hour recalls. Descriptive analyses were performed and variances and Coefficients of variation within- and between-person were obtained by results of one-way ANOVA. The mean energy intake observed was 2,326.2 kilocalories; mean macronutrient intake came to 89.0 grams of fatty acids, 305.3 grams of carbohydrates and 82.2 grams of proteins. Coefficients of within-person variation ranged from 36% to 45%, while between-person coefficients varied from 26% to 31%. Variance ratios ranged from 1.35 (carbohydrate) to 2.62 (protein). The lowest number of observations required to correctly evaluate the usual diet calculated (r = 0.90) was six days, for carbohydrates while the highest was eleven, for proteins. Coefficients of variation were similar to those observed in international studies. We conclude that, in this study, two observations were sufficient to obtain reasonable correlations. However, six evaluations are necessary for these adolescents in order to obtain excellent correlations.


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Hazing practices in higher education institutions are perceived controversially. This study looked at the perception towards hazing practices of students from the University of the Azores in first cycle (n=247). It analyses if their perception was positive, emphasizing the integrative aspects of hazing practices, or if it was negative, inclining to define those practises like being violent and humiliating. The applied questionnaire measures 3 factors to define individual’s perception with hazing practices (positive relation with hazing practices, negative relation and the social dimension of the practices). This study used descriptive analyses to observe the level of agreement with hazing practices and non-parametrical statistical test to analyse the relationship between their levels of agreement with hazing practices and socio-demographic variables. Results emphasised balanced proportion of students perceiving positively and negatively those practices and incline to define hazing practices with the same components in both perceptions. It didnot highlight a strong mandatory integrative component in students’ perception. Also, results stressed a large part of students disinterested in hazing practices. Additionally factors of hazing practices’ perception showed significant relationships with respondent’s sex, age and academic degree. Hazing practices in this study did not seem to meet their main objectives of welcoming and integrating freshmen in higher education institutions.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether quality of life in active, healthy elderly individuals is influenced by functional status and sociodemographic characteristics, as well as psychological parameters. METHODS: Study conducted in a sample of 120 active elderly subjects recruited from two open universities of the third age in the cities of São Paulo and São José dos Campos (Southeastern Brazil) between May 2005 and April 2006. Quality of life was measured using the abbreviated Brazilian version of the World Health Organization Quality of Live (WHOQOL-bref) questionnaire. Sociodemographic, clinical and functional variables were measured through crossculturally validated assessments by the Mini Mental State Examination, Geriatric Depression Scale, Functional Reach, One-Leg Balance Test, Timed Up and Go Test, Six-Minute Walk Test, Human Activity Profile and a complementary questionnaire. Simple descriptive analyses, Pearson's correlation coefficient, Student's t-test for non-related samples, analyses of variance, linear regression analyses and variance inflation factor were performed. The significance level for all statistical tests was set at 0.05. RESULTS: Linear regression analysis showed an independent correlation without colinearity between depressive symptoms measured by the Geriatric Depression Scale and four domains of the WHOQOL-bref. Not having a conjugal life implied greater perception in the social domain; developing leisure activities and having an income over five minimum wages implied greater perception in the environment domain. CONCLUSIONS: Functional status had no influence on the Quality of Life variable in the analysis models in active elderly. In contrast, psychological factors, as assessed by the Geriatric Depression Scale, and sociodemographic characteristics, such as marital status, income and leisure activities, had an impact on quality of life.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of HIV rapid testing for pregnant women at maternity hospital admission and of subsequent interventions to reduce perinatal HIV transmission. METHODS: Study based on a convenience sample of women unaware of their HIV serostatus when they were admitted to delivery in public maternity hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre, Brazil, between March 2000 and April 2002. Women were counseled and tested using the Determine HIV1/2 Rapid Test. HIV infection was confirmed using the Brazilian algorithm for HIV infection diagnosis. In utero transmission of HIV was determined using HIV-DNA-PCR. There were performed descriptive analyses of sociodemographic data, number of previous pregnancies and abortions, number of prenatal care visits, timing of HIV testing, HIV rapid test result, neonatal and mother-to-child transmission interventions, by city studied. RESULTS: HIV prevalence in women was 6.5% (N=1,439) in Porto Alegre and 1.3% (N=3.778) in Rio de Janeiro. In Porto Alegre most of women were tested during labor (88.7%), while in Rio de Janeiro most were tested in the postpartum (67.5%). One hundred and forty-four infants were born to 143 HIV-infected women. All newborns but one in each city received at least prophylaxis with oral zidovudine. It was possible to completely avoid newborn exposure to breast milk in 96.8% and 51.1% of the cases in Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. Injectable intravenous zidovudine was administered during labor to 68.8% and 27.7% newborns in Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. Among those from whom blood samples were collected within 48 hours of birth, in utero transmission of HIV was confirmed in 4 cases in Rio de Janeiro (4/47) and 6 cases in Porto Alegre (6/79). CONCLUSIONS: The strategy proved feasible in maternity hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre. Efforts must be taken to maximize HIV testing during labor. There is a need of strong social support to provide this population access to health care services after hospital discharge.


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RESUMO - Introdução: A saúde oral é uma componente essencial na saúde geral e no bem-estar dos indivíduos. Sabe-se que os problemas de saúde oral afectam predominantemente os elementos de níveis socioeconómicos mais baixos, evidenciando a influência dos determinantes sociais da saúde na saúde oral das populações. Os objectivos deste estudo são caracterizar os comportamentos de rotinas diárias de higiene oral, frequências de idas a consultas de saúde oral, auto-avaliação do estado de saúde oral e percepção de dor na cavidade oral em crianças de 12 anos em Portugal e analisar a associação entre estes e os factores sociodemográficos. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional, transversal e analítico, abrangendo 1309 jovens e baseado em informação recolhida no III Estudo Nacional de Prevalência de Doenças Orais (ENPDO). Para além das estatísticas descritivas usuais, as estatísticas inferenciais basearam-se predominantemente em modelos de regressão logística binária. Resultados: Dos participantes, 70.6% (n=924) escova “duas ou mais vezes por dia” com associação com todas as variáveis sociodemográficas. Na análise multivariada, o género masculino (OR=2.088; IC95%: 1.574-2.770, em relação ao género feminino), a área de residência predominantemente rural ou mediamente urbana (OR= 1.800; IC95%: 2.587; OR=1.516; IC95%: 1.093-2.103, em relação a zonas predominantemente urbanas), a escolaridade da mãe ser o ensino básico (OR= 2.112; IC95%: 1.408-3.168, em relação ao ensino superior) e a actividade laboral do pai ser desempregado (OR= 1.938; IC95%: 1.280-2.934, em relação a ser trabalhador) foram as variáveis com mais impacto para a adopção de comportamentos de escovagem potencialmente inadequados (p<0.05). A maioria dos inquiridos (94.2%; n=1247) já tinham ido a uma consulta de saúde oral e 74.5% (n=860) nos últimos 12 meses, 95.5% (n=1250) encontram-se satisfeitos com a saúde oral e 44.5% (n=578) afirma ter tido algum tipo de dor na cavidade oral nos últimos 12 meses. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com a literatura em termos de factores de associação. Desta forma, a saúde oral nos jovens de 12 anos em Portugal, nos diversos contextos aqui analisados, pode ser considerada como satisfatória. A única excepção relevante é a componente da dor, com valores alarmantes embora de natureza mais subjectiva. A influência dos factores sociodemográficos sugere que futuras abordagens para a promoção da saúde oral tenham em conta os determinantes de saúde no delineamento de estratégias quer a nível individual quer a nível comunitário.


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Introduction Knowledge of blood donor characteristics is essential to better guide clinical and serological screening for hemotherapy. The objective of this study was to determine the syphilis seroprevalence and the associated factors of blood donors in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Methods This population-based study from the State of Santa Catarina used information obtained from blood donation records. We analyzed 83,396 blood donor records generated from donors who were considered eligible to donate between January and August 2010. The aim of the study was to estimate the syphilis seroprevalence and its relationship with educational level, age, gender, geographical region and having donated blood in the past 12 months. We used descriptive analyses and a Poisson regression to calculate the prevalence ratios for the variables of interest. Results We found a 0.14% overall seroprevalence and significant differences among the following: first-time blood donors (0.19%) versus repeat donors (0.03% to 0.08%); low educational levels (0.30%) versus medium and high educational levels (0.08% to 0.19%); and donors who did not report their residence (0.88%) or age (6.94%) versus those who did. Increased syphilis seroprevalence was also significantly associated with increased age. Conclusion High syphilis seroprevalence was associated with lower educational level, age, first-time donation and the failure to provide age or residence information.


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OBJECTIVE: Describe suicide attempts assisted in an emergency room (ER) and acute substance consumption or dependence on these individuals. METHODS: Descriptive epidemiologic study was carried out during one year, evaluating suicide attempts assisted at Embu das Artes ER, São Paulo, Brazil. Patients were scheduled to a non structured psychiatric interview. Main outcomes measures were: socio demographic data, suicide attempt method, drugs or alcohol acute use in the six hours prior to attempt, patients with ICD-10 substance dependence diagnosis. The descriptive analyses and chi-square test (p < 0.05) were used to verify associations between the variables studied. RESULTS: sample was formed of 80 patients, mean age of 26.9 years (SD = 8.91), predominantly female (72.5%) and 21.2% adolescents. Most suicide attempts were made through medicine ingestion (62.5%). Approximately 21.2% and 7.5% related to have used alcohol and an illicit drug respectively within 6 hours prior to attempt and 10% were found to be substance dependent. All substance dependents had attempted suicide previously (p-value = 0.4). There was a significant association between suicide attempt through medicine ingestion and psychiatric treatment history (p = 0.02). CONCLUSION: More national studies are necessary to consider the role of alcohol and drug in suicide attempts assisted in ER, especially in chemical dependents whose suicidal behavior is relevant.


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OBJECTIVE: Methylphenidate is prescribed for children and adolescents to treat ADHD. As in many Western countries, the increase in methylphenidate consumption is a public concern in Switzerland. The article discusses the authors' assessment of prescription prevalence in 2002 and 2005 for school-aged children in the canton of Vaud. METHOD: Pharmacy prescription information is available from the regional public health authority. Descriptive analyses are conducted on an anonymized database of the years 2002 and 2005. Data for each year are compared to assess trends in methylphenidate prescription prevalence. RESULTS: The findings show an increase from 0.74% to 1.02% in the number of prescriptions for 5- to 14-year-old children, particularly in prescriptions for girls. Data also show important geographical differences in prescription. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of methylphenidate prescription is lower in Switzerland than other Western countries, particularly the United States. However, some aspects of prevalence are similar, including the increase per year, demographics, and geographic characteristics.


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BACKGROUND: Observational studies on mechanical ventilation (MV) show practice variations across ICUs. We sought to determine, with a case-vignette study, the heterogeneity of processes of care in ICUs focusing on mechanical ventilation procedures, and whether organizational patterns or physician characteristics influence practice variations. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional multicenter study using the case-vignette methodology. Descriptive analyses were calculated for each organizational pattern and respondent characteristics. An Index of Qualitative Variation (IQV, from 0, no heterogeneity, to a maximum of 1) was calculated. RESULTS: Forty ICUs from France (N = 33) and Switzerland (N = 7) participated; 396 physicians answered our case-vignettes. There was major heterogeneity of management processes related to MV within and across centers (mean IQV per center 0.51, SD 0.09). We observed the lowest variability (mean IQV per question < 0.4) for questions related to intubation procedure, ventilation of acute respiratory distress syndrome and the use of the semirecumbent position. We observed a high variability (mean IQV per question > 0.6) for questions related to management of endotracheal tube or suctioning, management of sedation and analgesia, and respect of autonomy. Heterogeneity was independent of respondent characteristics and of the presence of written procedures. There was a correlation between the processes associated with the highest variability (mean IQV per question > 0.6) and the annual volume of ICU admission (r = 0.32 (0.01 to 0.58)) and MV (r = 0.38 (0.07 to 0.63)). Within ICUs there was a large heterogeneity regarding knowledge of a local written procedure. CONCLUSIONS: Large clinical practice variations were found among ICUs. High volume centers were more likely to have heterogeneous practices. The presence of a local written procedure or respondent characteristics did not influence practice variation.