996 resultados para Dense Ombrophylous Forest
Epigean ant communities in Atlantic Forest remnants of São Paulo: a comparative study using the guild concept. The guilds constitute a valuable ecological tool, because they allow conducting comparisons among environments under different conditions. The ants can be used as ecological indicators, mainly for the monitoring of degraded forest areas. The aim of this research was to study guild organization among the epigeous Formicidae living in Atlantic forest remnants of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Ant collections were performed in three distinct Atlantic forest biome areas: arboreal littoral vegetation ("restinga") (Cananéia), semideciduous seasonal forest (Piracicaba) and dense ombrophylousforest (Pariquera-Açu). After identification, the ants were grouped into guilds, based on the ecological attributes of behavior and habit, according to the literature. Nine guilds were found; the semideciduous seasonal forest ecosystem presented eight of them, followed by the arboreal sandbank (7) and dense ombrophylous forest (6). The guilds found were: litter omnivorous and scavengers, granivorous species, specialist predators living in litter and soil, litter generalist predators, subterranean mealybug-dependent species, army ants, dominant or subdominants arboreal, that occasionally forage on the ground, soil or litter dominant and fungus-growers, using feces and insect body fragments. The guilds found can be used in the monitoring of the mirmecofauna in the Atlantic Forest biome, supplying insights for further ecological studies.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the horizontal and vertical structures of tree community in regeneration in a fragment of a secondary riparian forest at approximately 30 years of age and to identify the most abundant species in each fragment of the forest to determine the sucessional stage. An area of 800 m² was subdivided into 16 samples of 10 x 5 m and all individuals with DBH ≥ 1 cm were sampled and identified for the following analyzes: horizontal parameters (DR, FR, DoR, IVC and IVI), vertical parameters (PSR and RNR) and mixed parameters, from of value of increased importance index (IVIa). The survey measured 689 individuals, belonging to 38 families, 74 genus and 109 species. The total density was 8,614 individuals/ha. The index of Shannon´s diversity was 3.99 and the index of Pielou´s equability was 0.85. Tibouchina pulchra, Psychotria suterella and Endlicheria paniculata obtained high values of IVIa. Guarea macrophylla, Gomidesia anacardiaefolia, Xylopia langsdorffiana and Endlicheria paniculata achieved high values of RNT, indicating adequate natural regeneration in the plot. The initial secondary and umbrophylous species showed the highest ecological importance in this fragment of the forest, with the highest values of sociologic position and importance index. Furthermore, the presence of late secondary species in all layers suggest that the studied fragment is in intermediate succession degree.
No estudo das comunidades florestais, estabelecer a importância relativa dos fatores que definem a composição e a distribuição das espécies é um desafio. Em termos de gradientes ambientais o estudo das respostas das espécies arbóreas são essenciais para a compreensão dos processos ecológicos e decisões de conservação. Neste sentido, para contribuir com a elucidação dos processos ecológicos nas principais formações florestais do Estado de São Paulo (Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas, Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana, Floresta Estacional Semidecidual e Savana Florestada) este trabalho objetivou responder as seguintes questões: (I) a composição florística e a abundância das espécies arbóreas, em cada unidade fitogeográfica, variam conforme o gradiente edáfico e topográfico?; (II) características do solo e topografia podem influenciar na previsibilidade de ocorrência de espécies arbóreas de ampla distribuição em diferentes tipos vegetacionais? (III) existe relação entre o padrão de distribuição espacial de espécies arbóreas e os parâmetros do solo e topografia? O trabalho foi realizado em parcelas alocadas em unidades de conservação (UC) que apresentaram trechos representativos, em termos de conservação e tamanho, das quatro principais formações florestais presentes no Estado de São Paulo. Em cada UC foram contabilizados os indivíduos arbóreos (CAP ≥ 15 cm), topografia, dados de textura e atributos químicos dos solos em uma parcela de 10,24 ha, subdividida em 256 subparcelas. Análises de correspodência canônica foram aplicadas para estabelecer a correspondência entre a abundância das espécies e o gradiente ambiental (solo e topografia). O método TWINSPAN modificado foi aplicado ao diagrama de ordenação da CCA para avaliar a influência das variáveis ambientais (solo e topografia) na composição de espécies. Árvores de regressão \"ampliadas\" (BRT) foram ajustadas para a predição da ocorrência das espécies segundo as variáveis de solo e topografia. O índice de Getis-Ord (G) foi utilizado para determinar a autocorrelação espacial das variáveis ambientais utilizadas nos modelos de predição da ocorrência das espécies. Nas unidades fitogeográficas analisadas, a correspondência entre o gradiente ambiental (solo e topografia) e a abundância das espécies foi significativa, especialmente na Savana Florestada onde observou-se a maior relação. O solo e a topografia também se relacionaram com a semelhança na composição florística das subparcelas, com exceção da Floresta Estacional Semicidual (EEC). As principais variáveis de solo e topografia relacionadas a flora em cada UC foram: (1) Na Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas (PEIC) - teor de alumínio na camada profunda (Al (80-100 cm)) que pode refletir os teor de Al na superfície, acidez do solo (pH(H2O) (5-25 cm)) e altitude, que delimitou as áreas alagadas; (2) Na Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana (PECB) - altitude, fator que, devido ao relevo acidentado, influencia a temperatura e incidência de sol no sub-bosque; (3) Na Savana Florestada (EEA) - fertilidade, tolerância ao alumínio e acidez do solo. Nos modelos de predição BRT, as variáveis químicas dos solos foram mais importantes do que a textura, devido à pequena variação deste atributo no solo nas áreas amostradas. Dentre as variáveis químicas dos solos, a capacidade de troca catiônica foi utilizada para prever a ocorrência das espécies nas quatro formações florestais, sendo particularmente importante na camada mais profunda do solo da Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas (PEIC). Quanto à topografia, a altitude foi inserida na maioria dos modelos e apresentou diferentes influências sobre as áreas de estudo. De modo geral, para presença das espécies de ampla distribuição observou-se uma mesma tendência quando à associação com os atributos dos solos, porém com amplitudes dos descritores edáficos que variaram de acordo com a área de estudo. A ocorrência de Guapira opposita e Syagrus romanzoffiana, cujo padrão variou conforme a escala, foi explicada por variáveis com padrões espaciais agregados que somaram entre 30% e 50% de importância relativa no modelo BRT. A presença de A. anthelmia, cujo padrão também apresentou certo nível de agregação, foi associada apenas a uma variável com padrão agregado, a altitude (21%), que pode ter exercido grande influência na distribuição da espécie ao delimitar áreas alagadas. T. guianensis se associou a variáveis ambientais preditoras com padrão espacial agregado que somaram cerca de 70% de importância relativa, o que deve ter sido suficiente para estabelecer o padrão agregado em todas as escalas. No entanto, a influência dos fatores ambientais no padrão de distribuição da espécie não depende apenas do ótimo ambiental da espécie, mas um resultado da interação espécie-ambiente. Concluiu-se que: (I) características edáficas e topográficas explicaram uma pequena parcela da composição florística, em cada unidade fitogeográfica, embora a ocorrência de algumas espécies tenha se associado ao gradiente edáfico e topográfico; (II) a partir de características dos solos e da topografia foi possível prever a presença de espécies arbóreas, que apresentaram particularidades em relação a sua associação com o solo de cada fitofisionomia; (III) a partir de associações descritivas o solo e a topografia influenciam o padrão de distribuição espacial das espécies, na proporção em que contribuem para a presença das mesmas.
Epiphytic bromeliads have been used as biomonitors of air pollution since they have specialized structures in leaves for absorbing humidity and nutrients available in the atmosphere. Leaves of five bromeliad species were collected in the conservation unit Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and analyzed by INAA. Vriesea carinata was the species showing most accumulation, with the highest mass fractions of K, Na, Rb and Zn. Similar results were previously found for the same species collected in the dense ombrophilous forest. Chemical composition of bromeliads provided an indication of the atmosphere status in the conservation unit.
Rare species are one of the principal components of the species richness and diversity encountered in Dense Ombrophilous Tropical Forests. This study sought to analyze the rare canopy species within the Atlantic Coastal Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Six different communities were examined: Dense Ombrophilous alluvial Forest; Dense sub-montane Ombrophilous Forest; Dense Montane Ombrophilous in Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira. In each area the vegetation was sampled within forty 10 x 25 m plots alternately distributed along a linear transect. All trees with DBH (1.3 m above ground level) a parts per thousand yen5 cm were sampled. The canopy was characterized using the allometric relationship between diameter and height, and included all trees with BDH a parts per thousand yen10 cm and height a parts per thousand yen10 m. A total of 64 families, 206 genera, and 542 species were sampled, of which 297 (54.8%) represented rare species (less than one individual per hectare). The percentage of rare species varied from 34 to 50% in each of the different communities sampled. A majority of these rare trees belonged to the Rosidae, and a smaller proportion to the Dilleniidae. It was concluded that there was no apparent pattern to rarity among families, that rarity was probably derived from a number of processes (such as gap formation), and that a great majority of the rare species sampled were consistently rare. This indicates that the restricted geographic distribution and high degree of endemism of many arboreal taxa justifies the conservation of even small fragments of Atlantic Forest.
Morphological traits, such as size and shape, may reflect a combination of ecological and evolutionary responses by organisms. Ants have been used to evaluate the relationship between the environment and species coexistence and morphology. In the present study, we analyzed the morphology of workers of Gnamptogenys striatula Mayr in different landscapes from the Atlantic Domain in southeastern Brazil, focusing on the variation in the morphological attributes of these populations compared to those from a dense ombrophilous forest. Eighteen morphological traits of functional importance for interactions between workers and the environment were measured to characterize the size and shape of the workers. In general, the results show that ants of urban areas possess some morphological attributes of smaller size, with highly overlapped morphological space between the populations in forested ecosystems. Further, some of the traits related to predation were relatively smaller in modified land areas than in the populations from preserved areas of dense ombrophilous forest. These results help broaden the knowledge regarding morphological diversity in G. striatula, suggesting that the characterization of the morphology may be important to quantify the effects of land use on morphological diversity, and presumably, to facilitate the use of ants as biological indicators.
In order to verify Point-Centered Quarter Method (PCQM) accuracy and efficiency, using different numbers of individuals by per sampled area, in 28 quarter points in an Araucaria forest, southern Paraná, Brazil. Three variations of the PCQM were used for comparison associated to the number of sampled individual trees: standard PCQM (SD-PCQM), with four sampled individuals by point (one in each quarter), second measured (VAR1-PCQM), with eight sampled individuals by point (two in each quarter), and third measuring (VAR2-PCQM), with 16 sampled individuals by points (four in each quarter). Thirty-one species of trees were recorded by the SD-PCQM method, 48 by VAR1-PCQM and 60 by VAR2-PCQM. The level of exhaustiveness of the vegetation census and diversity index showed an increasing number of individuals considered by quadrant, indicating that VAR2-PCQM was the most accurate and efficient method when compared with VAR1-PCQM and SD-PCQM.
The "Serra do Mar" region comprises the largest remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The coast of the Paraná State is part of the core area of the "Serra do Mar" corridor and where actions for biodiversity conservation must be planned. In this study we aimed at characterizing the landscape structure in the APA-Guaraqueçaba, the largest protected area in this region, in order to assist environmental policies of this region. Based on a supervised classification of a mosaic of LANDSAT-5-TM satellite images (from March 2009), we developed a map (1:75,000 scale) with seven classes of land use and land cover and analyzed the relative quantities of forests and modified areas in slopes and lowlands. The APA-Guaraqueçaba is comprised mainly by the Dense Ombrophilous Forest (68.6% of total area) and secondary forests (9.1%), indicating a forested landscape matrix; anthropogenic and bare soil areas (0.8%) and the Pasture/Grasslands class (4.2%) were less representative. Slopes were less fragmented and more preserved (96.3% of Dense Ombrophilous Forest and secondary forest) than lowlands (71.3%), suggesting that restoration initiatives in the lowlands must be stimulated in this region. We concluded that most of the region sustains well-conserved ecosystems, highlighting the importance of Paraná northern coast for the biodiversity maintenance of the Atlantic Forest.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
For environmental quality assessment, INAA has been applied for determining chemical elements in small (200 mg) and large (200 g) samples of leaves from 200 trees. By applying the Ingamells` constant, the expected percent standard deviation was estimated in 0.9-2.2% for 200 mg samples. Otherwise, for composite samples (200 g), expected standard deviation varied from 0.5 to 10% in spite of analytical uncertainties ranging from 2 to 30%. Results thereby suggested the expression of the degree of representativeness as a source of uncertainty, contributing for increasing of the reliability of environmental studies mainly in the case of composite samples.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dichaea is the largest genus of the subtribe Zygopetalinae and holds it's the highest species diversity in South America. Therefore, this study aims to describe a new species of Dichaea, which occurs in northern Brazil, Dichaea bragae Valsko, Krahl & Holanda. The new species was collected in the north of Manaus in an area of ombrophilous forest and flowered when cultivated. The epithet honors Dr. Pedro Ivo Soares Braga (in memoriam), orchidologist who conducted several studies in the Brazilian Amazon. This new species show a affinity with Dichaea tenuis C. Schweinf., however it is differentiated both vegetatively and on labellum morphology.
Braconidae is a highly diversified family of Hymenoptera and usually known by their role in biological control both in agricultural and natural ecosystems. Despite of that, little is known about its diversity in the Amazon region. The present work inventoried the braconid fauna of an Open Ombrophylous Forest with Palm Trees of the Parque Natural Municipal de Porto Velho, RO. Insects were collect from June/2008 to May/2009 using six Malaise traps in different parts of the reserve. A total of 377 wasps were captured, 17 subfamilies and 56 genera identified. Braconinae, Microgastrinae, Doryctinae and Rogadinae subfamilies were very abundant, and also the genera Aleiodes, Bracon, Capitonius, Compsobracon, Heterospilus, Hymenochaonia, Opius, Pedinotus, Rogas and Stantonia. The calculated Shannon diversity index was 2.15 and 3.3 for subfamily and genera, respectively, which were, generally, higher than the values found for other regions in Brazil. Generally, parasitoids were more abundant during the rainy season. The present work contributes with new genera records and faunistic data of Braconidae in Rondonia State, western Amazon.