994 resultados para Deformation-behavior


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The hot deformation behavior of beta-quenched Zr-1 Nb-1Sn was studied in the temperature range 650-1050 degrees C and strain rate range 0.001-100 s(-1) using processing maps. These maps revealed three different domains: a domain of dynamic recovery at temperatures <700 degrees C and at strain rates <3 x 10(-3) s(-1), a domain of dynamic recrystallization in the temperature range 750-950 C-degrees and at strain rates <10(-2) S-1 with a peak at 910 degrees C and 10(-3) S-1 (in alpha + beta phase field), and a domain of large-grain superplasticity in the beta phase field at strain rates <10(-2) s(-1). In order to identify the rate controlling mechanisms involved in these domains, kinetic analysis was carried out to determine the various activation parameters. In addition, the processing maps showed a regime of flow instability spanning both alpha + beta and beta phase fields. The hot deformation behavior of Zr 1Nb-1Sn was compared with that of Zr, Zr-2.5Nb and Zircaloy-2 to bring out the effects of alloy additions. (C) 2006 Elsevier BN. All rights reserved.


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A minor addition of B to the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, by similar to 0.1 wt pct, reduces its as-cast prior beta grain size by an order of magnitude, whereas higher B content leads to the presence of in situ formed TiB needles in significant amounts. An experimental investigation into the role played by these microstructural modifications on the high-temperature deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V-xB alloys, with x varying between 0 wt pct and 0.55 wt pct, was conducted. Uniaxial compression tests were performed in the temperature range of 1023 K to 1273 K (750 degrees C to 1000 degrees C) and in the strain rate range of 10(-3) to 10(+1) s(-1). True stress-true strain responses of all alloys exhibit flow softening at lower strain rates and oscillations at higher strain rates. The flow softening is aided by the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization through lath globularization in high temperature (1173 K to 1273 K 900 degrees C to 1000 degrees C]) and a lower strain rate (10(-2) to 10(-3) s(-1)) regime. The grain size refinement with the B addition to Ti64, despite being marked, had no significant effect on this. Oscillations in the flow curve at a higher strain rate (10(0) to 10(+1) s(-1)), however, are associated with microstructural instabilities such as bending of laths, breaking of lath boundaries, generation of cavities, and breakage of TiB needles. The presence of TiB needles affected the instability regime. Microstructural evidence suggests that the matrix cavitation is aided by the easy fracture of TiB needles.


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The hot deformation behaviors of β brass in the temperature range of 550°C to 800°C and α-β brass in the temperature range of 450°C to 800°C have been characterized in the strain rate range of 0.001 to 100 s−1 using processing maps developed on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model. The map for β brass revealed a domain of superplasticity in the entire temperature range and at strain rates lower than 1 s−1, with a maximum efficiency of power dissipation of about 68 pct. The temperature variation of the efficiency of power dissipation in the domain is similar to that of the diffusion coefficient for zinc in β brass, confirming that the diffusion-accommodated flow controls the superplasticity. The material undergoes microstructural instability in the form of adiabatic shear bands and strain markings at temperatures lower than 700°C and at strain rates higher than 10 s−1. The map for α-β brass revealed a wide domain for processing in the temperature range of 550°C to 800°C and at strain rates lower than 1 s−1, with a maximum efficiency of 54 pct occurring at about 750°C and 0.001 s−1. In the domain, the α phase undergoes dynamic recrystallization and controls the hot deformation of the alloy, while the β phase deforms superplastically. At strain rates greater than 1 s−1, α-β brass exhibits microstructural instabilities manifested as flow rotations at lower temperatures and localized shear bands at higher temperatures.


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The plastic deformation behavior and dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in homogenized AZ31 Mg alloy was investigated in uniaxial compression in the temperature range between 150 and 400 degrees C with strain rates ranging from 10(-3) to 10(2) s(-1). Twinning was found to contribute significantly during the early stages of deformation. The onset of twinning was examined in detail by recourse to the examination of the appearance of first local maxima before peak strain in the stress-strain responses and the second derivative of stress with strain. High strain hardening rate was observed immediately after the onset of twinning and was found to increase with the Zener-Hollomon parameter. DRX was observed at temperatures above 250 degrees C whereas deformation at lower temperatures (< 250 degrees C) leads to extensive twinning at all the strain rates. At intermediate temperatures of 250-300 degrees C, plastic strains tend to localize near grain/twin boundaries, confining DRX only to these regions. Increase in the temperature promotes non-basal slip, which, in turn, leads to uniform deformation; DRX too becomes uniform. Deformation behavior in three different regimes of temperature is discussed. The dependence of critical stress for the onset of DRX and peak flow stress on temperature and strain rate are also described. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ni-Fe-Ga-based alloys form a new class of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) that show considerable formability because of the presence of a disordered fcc gamma-phase. The current study explores the deformation processing of this alloy using an off-stoichiometric Ni55Fe59Ga26 alloy that contains the ductile gamma-phase. The hot deformation behavior of this alloy has been characterized on the basis of its flow stress variation obtained by isothermal constant true strain rate compression tests in the 1123-1323 K temperature range and strain rate range of 10(-3)-10 s(-1) and using a combination of constitutive modeling and processing map. The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) regime for thermomechanical processing has been identified for this Heusler alloy on the basis of the processing maps and the deformed microstructures. This alloy also shows evidence of dynamic strain-aging (DSA) effect which has not been reported so far for any Heusler FSMAs. Similar effect is also noticed in a Ni-Mn-Ga-based Heusler alloy which is devoid of any gamma-phase. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The hot deformation behavior of Nb-1 wt.%Zr alloy was studied using uniaxial compression tests carried out in vacuum to a true strain of 0.6 in the temperature range of 900 to 1700 degrees C and the strain rate range of 3 x 10(-3) to 10 s(-1). The optimum regime of hot workability of Nb-1Zr alloy was determined from the strain rate sensitivity (m) contour plots. A high m of about 02 was obtained in the temperature and strain rate range of 1200-1500 degrees C and 10(-3) to 10(-1) s(-1) and 1600-1700 degrees C and 10(-1) to 1 s(-1). Microstructure of the deformed samples showed features of dynamic recrystallization within the high strain rate sensitivity domain. Compared to the study on Nb-1Zr-0.1C alloy, Nb-1Zr showed a lower flow stress and an optimum hot working domain at lower temperatures. In the 1500 to 1700 degrees C range the apparent activation energy of deformation for Nb-1Zr was 259 kJ mol(-1), the stress exponent 5, and the activation volume about 200 to 700 b(3). (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Graphite-flake reinforced Cu47Ti34Zr11 Ni-8 bulk metallic glass matrix composite was fabricated by water-cooled copper mould cast. Most of the graphite flakes still keep unreacted and distribute uniformly in the amorphous matrix except that some reactive wetting occurs by the formation of TiC particles around the flakes. It reveals that the presence of graphite flakes does not affect the onset of the glass transition temperature, crystallization reaction and liquidus of the metallic glass. The resulting material shows obvious serrated flow and higher fracture strength under room temperature compressive load, comparing with the monolithic bulk metallic glass (BMG). Three types of interaction between the shear bands and graphite flakes, namely, shear band termination, shear bands branching and new shear bands formation near the graphite flakes can be observed by quasi-static uniaxial compression test and bonded interface technique through Vickers indentation.


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Compressive deformation behavior of the Nd60Fe20Co10Al10 bulk metallic glass was characterized over a wide strain rate range (6.0 x 10(-4) to 1.0x10(3) s(-1)) at room temperature. Fracture stress was found to increase and fracture strain decrease with increasing applied strain rate. Serrated flow and a large number of shear bands were observed at the quasi-static strain rate (6.0 x 10(-4)s(-1)). The results suggest that the appearance of a large number of shear bands is probably associated with flow serration observed during compression; and both shear banding and flow serration are a strain accommodation and stress relaxation process. At dynamic strain rates (1.0 x 10(3) s(-1)), the rate of shear band nucleation is not sufficient to accommodate the applied strain rate and thus causes an early fracture of the test sample. The fracture behavior of the Nd60Fe20Co10Al10 bulk metallic glass is sensitive to strain rate.


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Dynamic compression tests were performed by means of a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). Test materials were 2124Al alloys reinforced with 17% volume fraction of 3, 13 and 37 μm SiC particles, respectively. Under strain rate ε = 2100 l/s, SiC particles have a strong effect on σ0.2 of the composites and the σ0.2 increases with different SiC particle size in the following order: 2124Al-alloy → 124Al/SiCp (37 μm) → 2124Al/SiCp (13 μm) → 2124Al/SiCp (3 μm), and the strain hardening of the composites depends mainly on the strain hardening of matrix, 2124A1 alloy. The results of dimensional analysis present that the flow stress of these composites not only depends on the property of reinforcement and matrix but also relates to the microstructure scale, matrix grain size, reinforcement size, the distance between reinforcements and dislocations in matrix. The normalized flow stress here is a function of inverse power of the edge-edge particle spacing, dislocation density and matrix grain size. Close-up observation shows that, in the composite containing SiC particles (3 μm), localized deformation formed readily comparing with other materials under the same loading condition. Microscopic observations indicate that different plastic flow patterns occur within the matrix due to the presence of hard particles with different sizes.


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Fe-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) normally exhibit super high strength but significant brittleness at ambient temperature. Therefore, it is difficult to investigate the plastic deformation behavior and mechanism in these alloys through conventional tensile and compressive tests due to lack of distinct macroscopic plastic strain. In this work, the deformation behavior of Fe52Cr15Mo9Er3C15B6 BMG was investigated through instrumented nanoindentation and uniaxial compressive tests. The results show that serrated flow, the typical plastic deformation feature of BMGs, could not be found in as-cast and partially crystallized samples during nanoindentation. In addition, the deformation behavior and mechanical properties of the alloy are insensitive to the applied loading rate. The mechanism for the appearance of the peculiar deformation behavior in the Fe-based BMG is discussed in terms of the temporal and spatial characteristics of shear banding during nanoindentation.


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Quasicrystalline phase with different volume fraction were formed by isothermally annealing the as-castZr(62)Al(9.5)Ni(9.5)Cu(14)Nb(5) bulk metallic glass at 723 K for different times. The effects of quasicrystals on the deformation behavior of the materials were studied by nanoindentation and compression test. It revealed that the alloys with homogeneous amorphous structure exhibit pronounced flow serrations during the nanoindentation loading, while no obvious flow serration is observed for the sample with quasicrystals more than 10 vol.%. However, further compression tests confirm that the no-serrated flows are formed due to different reasons. For annealed samples containing quasicrystals less than 35 vol.%, continuous plastic deformation occurs due to propagation of multiple shear bands. While the disappearance of serrated flow cannot be explained by the generation of multiple shear bands for samples containing quasicrystals more than 35 vol.%, which will fracture with a totally different fracture mode, namely, dimple fracture mode under loading instead of shear fracture mode. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this study, the deformation mechanisms of nonpolar GaN thick films grown on m-sapphire by hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) are investigated using nanoindentation with a Berkovich indenter, cathodoluminescence (CL), and Raman microscopy. Results show that nonpolar GaN is more susceptible to plastic deformation and has lower hardness than c-plane GaN. After indentation, lateral cracks emerge on the nonpolar GaN surface and preferentially propagate parallel to the < 11 (2) over bar0 > orientation due to anisotropic defect-related stresses. Moreover, the quenching of CL luminescence can be observed to extend exclusively out from the center of the indentations along the < 11 (2) over bar0 > orientation, a trend which is consistent with the evolution of cracks. The recrystallization process happens in the indented regions for the load of 500 mN. Raman area mapping indicates that the distribution of strain field coincides well with the profile of defect-expanded dark regions, while the enhanced compressive stress mainly concentrates in the facets of the indentation.