904 resultados para Deep mixing


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Estruturas e Geotecnia (elaborada no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil no âmbito do protocolo entre a FCT-UNL e o LNEC)


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Tese de Doutoramento, Física, 17 de Dezembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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The environmental interpretation of the 13C/12C variations in the skeletons of massive corals is still a matter of debate. A 19-year seasonal skeletal 13C/12C record of a shallow-water Pontes coral from the northern Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba) documents interannual events of extraordinarily large plankton blooms, indicated by anomalous 13C depletions in the coral skeleton. These blooms are caused by deep vertical water mass mixing, convectively driven in colder winters, which results in increased supplies of nutrients to the surface waters. The deep vertical mixings can sometimes be driven by the cooling occurring throughout the Middle East after large tropical volcanic eruptions. We therefore have evidence in our coral skeletal 13C/12C record for an indirect volcanic signal of the eruptions of El Chichón (1982) and Mount Pinatubo (1991). Deep mixing induced 13C/12C variations of the dissolved inorganic carbon in the surface waters can be neglected at this location. We therefore suggest that the 13C skeletal depletions can be best explained by changes in the coral's autotrophy-heterotrophy diet, through increased heterotrophic feeding on Zooplankton during the blooms. Increased feeding on 13C-depleted Zooplankton or increased heterotrophy at the expense of autotrophy can both result in a 13C-depleted coral skeleton. However, this suggestion requires more testing. If our conclusions are substantiated, seasonal skeletal 13C/12C records of corals which change from autotrophy under normal conditions to increased heterotrophy during bloom events may be used as indicators of ocean paleoproductivity at interannual resolution, available from no other source.


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Variations in primary productivity (PP) have been reconstructed in eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic parts of the Arabian Sea over the past 135 000 years applying principal component analysis and transfer function to planktic foraminiferal assemblages. Temporal variation in paleoproductivity is most pronounced in the mesotrophic northern (NAST site) and oligotrophic eastern (EAST site) Arabian Sea, and comparatively weak in the western eutrophic GeoB 3011-1 site in the upwelling area off Oman. Higher PP during interglacials (250-320 g C/m**2 year) than during cold stages (210-270 g C/m**2 year) at GeoB 3011-1 could have been caused by a strengthened upwelling during intensified summer monsoons and increased wind velocities. At NAST, during interglacials, PP is estimated to exceed g C/m**2 year 1, and during glacials to be as low as 140-180 g C/m**2 year. These fluctuations may result from a (1) varying impact of filaments that are associated to the Oman coastal upwelling, and (2) from open-ocean upwelling associated to the Findlater Jet. At EAST, highest productivity of about 380 g C/m**2 year is documented for the transition from isotope stage 5 to 4. We suggest that during isotope stages 2, 4, 5.2, the transition 5/4, and the end of stage 6, deep mixing of surface waters was caused by moderate to strong winter monsoons, and induced an injection of nutrients into the euphotic layer leading to enhanced primary production. The deepening of the mixed layer during these intervals is confirmed by an increased concentration of deep-dwelling planktic foraminiferal species. A high-productivity event in stage 3, displayed by estimated PP values, and by planktic foraminifera and radiolaria flux and accumulation rate, likely resulted from a combination of intensified SW monsoons with moderate to strong NE monsoons. Differential response of Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinita glutinata and mixed layer species to the availability of food is suited to subdivide productivity regimes on a temporal and spatial scale.


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Changes in the Southeast Asia monsoon winds and surface circulation patterns since the last glaciation are inferred using multiple paleoceanographic indicators including planktic foraminifer faunal abundances, fauna and alkenones sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates, oxygen and carbon isotopes of planktic and benthic foraminifers, and sedimentary fluxes of carbonates and organic carbon obtained from deep-sea core SCS90-36 from the South China Sea (SCS) (17°59.70'N, 111°29.64'E at water depth 2050 m). All these paleoceanographic evidences indicate marked changes in the SCS ocean system over the last glacial toward the Holocene. Planktic foraminiferal faunal SST estimates show stable warm-season SST of 28.6°C, close to the modern value, throughout the glacial-interglacial cycle. In contrast, cold-season SST increases gradually from 23.6°C in the last glacial to a mean value of 26.4°C in the Holocene with a fluctuation of about 3°C during 13-16 ka. SST estimates by UK'37 method reveal less variability and are in average 1-3°C lower than the fauna-derived winter-season SST. These patterns reveal that the seasonality of the SST is not only higher by about 3-4°C in the glacial, but also a function of the winter season SST. Sedimentation rates decrease from the last glacial-deglacial stage to the Holocene due to a reduction in supply of terrigenous components, which led to an increase of carbonate contents. Total organic carbon (TOC) contents of primarily marine sources decrease from the last glacial-deglacial to the Holocene. The last deglaciation is also characterized by high surface productivity as indicated by increased ketones abundances and high mass accumulation rates (MAR) of the TOC and carbonates. The gradient of planktic foraminifer ocygen and carbon isotopes of between surface dwellers and deep dwellers increases significantly toward Termination I and Holocene, and is indiscernibly small in the carbon isotope gradient of between 14 and 24 ka, revealing a deep-mixing condition in surface layers prior to 10 ka. The glacial-interglacial fluctuation of the carbon isotope value of a benthic foraminifer is 0.61%. which is significantly larger than a global mean value. The large carbon isotope fluctuation indicates an amplification of marginal-sea effects which is most likely resulted from an increase in surface productivity in the northern SCS during the last glacial-deglacial stage. The multiple proxies consistently indicate that the last glacial-deglacial stage winter monsoon in the Southeast Asia was probably strengthened in the northern SCS, leading to a development of deep-mixing surface layer conditions and a more efficient nutrient cycling which supports more marine organic carbon production.


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Oxygen isotope data from planktonic and benthic foraminifera, on a high-resolution age model (44 14C dates spanning 17,400 years), document deglacial environmental change on the southeast Alaska margin (59°33.32'N, 144°9.21'W, 682 m water depth). Surface freshening (i.e., d18O reduction of 0.8 per mil) began at 16,650 ± 170 cal years B.P. during an interval of ice proximal sedimentation, likely due to freshwater input from melting glaciers. A sharp transition to laminated hemipelagic sediments constrains retreat of regional outlet glaciers onto land circa 14,790 ± 380 cal years B.P. Abrupt warming and/or freshening of the surface ocean (i.e., additional d18O reduction of 0.9 per mil) coincides with the Bølling Interstade of northern Europe and Greenland. Cooling and/or higher salinities returned during the Allerød interval, coincident with the Antarctic Cold Reversal, and continue until 11,740 ± 200 cal years B.P., when onset of warming coincides with the end of the Younger Dryas. An abrupt 1 per mil reduction in benthic d18O at 14,250 ± 290 cal years B.P. likely reflects a decrease in bottom water salinity driven by deep mixing of glacial meltwater, a regional megaflood event, or brine formation associated with sea ice. Two laminated opal-rich intervals record discrete episodes of high productivity during the last deglaciation. These events, precisely dated here at 14,790 ± 380 to 12,990 ± 190 cal years B.P. and 11,160 ± 130 to 10,750 ± 220 cal years B.P., likely correlate to similar features observed elsewhere on the margins of the North Pacific and are coeval with episodes of rapid sea level rise. Remobilization of iron from newly inundated continental shelves may have helped to fuel these episodes of elevated primary productivity and sedimentary anoxia.


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The influence of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean on Late Pliocene global climate reconstructions has remained ambiguous due to a lack of well-dated Antarctic-proximal, paleoenvironmental records. Here we present ice sheet, sea-surface temperature, and sea ice reconstructions from the ANDRILL AND-1B sediment core recovered from beneath the Ross Ice Shelf. We provide evidence for a major expansion of an ice sheet in the Ross Sea that began at ~3.3 Ma, followed by a coastal sea surface temperature cooling of ~2.5°C, a stepwise expansion of sea ice, and polynya-style deep mixing in the Ross Sea between 3.3 and 2.5 Ma. The intensification of Antarctic cooling resulted in strengthened westerly winds and invigorated ocean circulation. The associated northward migration of Southern Ocean fronts has been linked with reduced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation by restricting surface water connectivity between the ocean basins, with implications for heat transport to the high latitudes of the North Atlantic. While our results do not exclude low-latitude mechanisms as drivers for Pliocene cooling, they indicate an additional role played by southern high-latitude cooling during development of the bipolar world.


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Phytoplankton community structure and their physiological response in the vicinity of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF; 44°S to 53°S, centred at 10°E) were investigated as part of the ANT-XXVIII/3 Eddy-Pump cruise conducted in austral summer 2012. Our results show that under iron-limited (< 0.3 µmol/m**3) conditions, high total chlorophyll-a (TChl-a) concentrations (> 0.6 mg/m**3) can be observed at stations with deep mixed layer (> 60 m) across the APF. In contrast, light was excessive at stations with shallower mixed layer and phytoplankton were producing higher amounts of photoprotective pigments, diadinoxanthin (DD) and diatoxanthin (DT), at the expense of TChl-a, resulting in higher ratios of (DD+DT)/ TChl-a. North of the APF, significantly lower silicic acid (Si(OH)4) concentrations (< 2 mmol/m**3) lead to the domination of nanophytoplankton consisting mostly of haptophytes, which produced higher ratios of (DD+DT)/TChl-a under relatively low irradiance conditions. The Si(OH)4 replete (> 5 mmol/m**3) region south of the APF, on the contrary, was dominated by microphytoplankton (diatoms and dinoflagellates) with lower ratios of (DD+DT)/TChl-a, despite having been exposed to higher levels of irradiance. The significant correlation between nanophytoplankton and (DD+DT)/TChl-a indicates that differences in taxon-specific response to light are also influencing TChl-a concentration in the APF during summer. Our results reveal that provided mixing is deep and Si(OH)4 is replete, TChl-a concentrations higher than 0.6 mg/m**3 are achievable in the iron-limited APF waters during summer.


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The Theoretical and Experimental Tomography in the Sea Experiment (THETIS 1) took place in the Gulf of Lion to observe the evolution of the temperature field and the process of deep convection during the 1991-1992 winter. The temperature measurements consist, of moored sensors, conductivity-temperature-depth and expendable bathythermograph surveys, ana acoustic tomography. Because of this diverse data set and since the field evolves rather fast, the analysis uses a unified framework, based on estimation theory and implementing a Kalman filter. The resolution and the errors associated with the model are systematically estimated. Temperature is a good tracer of water masses. The time-evolving three-dimensional view of the field resulting from the analysis shows the details of the three classical convection phases: preconditioning, vigourous convection, and relaxation. In all phases, there is strong spatial nonuniformity, with mesoscale activity, short timescales, and sporadic evidence of advective events (surface capping, intrusions of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW)). Deep convection, reaching 1500 m, was observed in late February; by late April the field had not yet returned to its initial conditions (strong deficit of LIW). Comparison with available atmospheric flux data shows that advection acts to delay the occurence of convection and confirms the essential role of buoyancy fluxes. For this winter, the deep. mixing results in an injection of anomalously warm water (Delta T similar or equal to 0.03 degrees) to a depth of 1500 m, compatible with the deep warming previously reported.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica-Geotecnia


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The presence of cavities filled with new minerals in carbonate rocks is a common feature in oil reservoirs and lead-zinc deposits. Since groundwater equilibrates rapidly with carbonates, the presence of dissolution cavities in deep carbonate host rocks is a paradox. Two alternative geochemical processes have been proposed to dissolve carbonates at depth: hydrogen sulfide oxidation to sulfuric acid, and metal sulfide precipitation. With the aid of geochemical modeling we show that mixing two warm solutions saturated with carbonate results in a new solution that dissolves limestone. Variations in the proportion of the end-member fluids can also form a supersaturated mixture and fill the cavity with a new generation of carbonate. Mixing is in general more effective in dissolving carbonates than the aforementioned processes. Moreover, mixing is consistent with the wide set of textures and mineral proportions observed in cavity infillings.


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Sources and sinks of gravitational potential energy (GPE) play a rate-limiting role in the large scale ocean circulation. A key source is turbulent diapycnal mixing, whereby irre- versible mixing across isoneutral surfaces is enhanced by turbulent straining of these surfaces. This has motivated international observational efforts to map diapycnal mixing in the global ocean. However, in order to accurately relate the GPE supplied to the large scale circulation by diapycnal mixing to the mixing energy source, it is first necessary to determine the ratio, ξ , of the GPE generation rate to the available potential energy dissipation rate associated with turbulent mixing. Here, the link between GPE and hydro- static pressure is used to derive the GPE budget for a com- pressible ocean with a nonlinear equation of state. The role of diapycnal mixing is isolated and from this a global cli- matological distribution of ξ is calculated. It is shown that, for a given source of mixing energy, typically three times as much GPE is generated if the mixing takes place in bottom waters rather than in the pycnocline. This is due to GPE destruction by cabbelling in the pycnocline, as opposed to thermobaric enhancement of GPE generation by diapycnal mixing in the deep ocean.


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In-situ measurements in convective clouds (up to the freezing level) over the Amazon basin show that smoke from deforestation fires prevents clouds from precipitating until they acquire a vertical development of at least 4 km, compared to only 1-2 km in clean clouds. The average cloud depth required for the onset of warm rain increased by similar to 350 m for each additional 100 cloud condensation nuclei per cm(3) at a super-saturation of 0.5% (CCN0.5%). In polluted clouds, the diameter of modal liquid water content grows much slower with cloud depth (at least by a factor of similar to 2), due to the large number of droplets that compete for available water and to the suppressed coalescence processes. Contrary to what other studies have suggested, we did not observe this effect to reach saturation at 3000 or more accumulation mode particles per cm(3). The CCN0.5% concentration was found to be a very good predictor for the cloud depth required for the onset of warm precipitation and other microphysical factors, leaving only a secondary role for the updraft velocities in determining the cloud drop size distributions. The effective radius of the cloud droplets (r(e)) was found to be a quite robust parameter for a given environment and cloud depth, showing only a small effect of partial droplet evaporation from the cloud's mixing with its drier environment. This supports one of the basic assumptions of satellite analysis of cloud microphysical processes: the ability to look at different cloud top heights in the same region and regard their r(e) as if they had been measured inside one well developed cloud. The dependence of r(e) on the adiabatic fraction decreased higher in the clouds, especially for cleaner conditions, and disappeared at r(e)>=similar to 10 mu m. We propose that droplet coalescence, which is at its peak when warm rain is formed in the cloud at r(e)=similar to 10 mu m, continues to be significant during the cloud's mixing with the entrained air, cancelling out the decrease in r(e) due to evaporation.


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This paper presents observations of summertime anti-winds monitored under ideal conditions in the Lake Tekapo hydro-catchment situated in the central Southern Alps, New Zealand. Onset and cessation of anti-winds was observed to coincide with the change in phase of the surface limbs of thermally generated valley and mountain winds under settled anti-cyclonic conditions. Anti-winds were best developed in the early morning before surface heating and associated convective mixing of the valley atmosphere began to mask the boundaries between the surface based limb of the mountain-valley wind and the corresponding anti-wind. By mid-day, the anti-valley wind exceeded the height of the surrounding ridgeline and became embedded in the topographically channeled gradient wind. Observations presented here have both theoretical and applied implications with regard to the development of thermally generated wind systems in deep alpine valleys, and their role in the dispersion of air pollution.


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The chemical and isotopic compositions (deltaD(H2O), delta(18)O(H2O), delta(18)O(CO2), delta(13)C(CO2), delta(34)S, and He/N-2 and He/Ar ratios) of fumarolic gases from Nisyros, Greece, indicate that both arc-type magmatic water and local seawater feed the hydrothermal system. Isotopic composition of the deep fluid is estimated to be +4.9+/-0.5parts per thousand for delta(18)O and -11+/-5parts per thousand for deltaD corresponding to a magmatic water fraction of 0.7. Interpretation of the stable water isotopes was based on liquid-vapor separation conditions obtained through gas geothermometry. The H-2-Ar, H-2-N-2, and H-2-H2O geothermometers suggest reservoir temperatures of 345+/-15 degreesC, in agreement with temperatures measured in deep geothermal wells, whereas a vapor/liquid separation temperature of 260+/-30 degreesC is indicated by gas equilibria in the H2O-H-2-CO2-CO-CH4 system. The largest magmatic inputs seem to occur below the Stephanos-Polybotes Micros crater, whereas the marginal fumarolic areas of Phlegeton-Polybotes Megalos craters receive a smaller contribution of magmatic gases.