148 resultados para Debye-Huckel


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In this work, a study on the role of the long-range term of excess Gibbs energy models in the modeling of aqueous systems containing polymers and salts is presented. Four different approaches on how to account for the presence of polymer in the long-range term were considered, and simulations were conducted considering aqueous solutions of three different salts. The analysis of water activity curves showed that, in all cases, a liquid-phase separation may be introduced by the sole presence of the polymer in the long-range term, regardless of how it is taken into account. The results lead to the conclusion that there is no single exact solution for this problem, and that any kind of approach may introduce inconsistencies.


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Pitzer`s equation for the excess Gibbs energy of aqueous solutions of low-molecular electrolytes is extended to aqueous solutions of polyelectrolytes. The model retains the original form of Pitzer`s model (combining a long-range term, based on the Debye-Huckel equation, with a short-range term similar to the virial equation where the second osmotic virial coefficient depends on the ionic strength). The extension consists of two parts: at first, it is assumed that a constant fraction of the monomer units of the polyelectrolyte is dissociated, i.e., that fraction does not depend on the concentration of the polyelectrolyte, and at second, a modified expression for the ionic strength (wherein each charged monomer group is taken into account individually) is introduced. This modification is to account for the presence of charged polyelectrolyte chains, which cannot be regarded as punctual charges. The resulting equation was used to correlate osmotic coefficient data of aqueous solutions of a single polyelectrolyte as well as of binary mixtures of a single polyelectrolyte and a salt with low-molecular weight. It was additionally applied to correlate liquid-liquid equilibrium data of some aqueous two-phase systems that might form when a polyelectrolyte and another hydrophilic but neutral polymer are simultaneously dissolved in water. A good agreement between the experimental data and the correlation result is observed for all investigated systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The binding of the cations thallium(I), calcium(II) and terbium(III) to methyl methacrylate-methacrylic acid copolymers with different fractions of acid groups (x) has been studied in aqueous solution at, various pH values using the fluorescence of covalently bonded 9-vinyl anthracene as a probe. In all cases, the extent of binding increases as a function of the charge of the polymer with either increasing fraction of carboxylic acids or of pH. However, differences are observed in the behavior of the three cations, With Tl(I), quenching of the anthracene group fluorescence is observed. indicating that the thallium(I) approaches the probe and suggesting that the alkylanthracene is probably in a relatively polar region. Binding constants have been determined from anthracene quenching data and from studies with the fluorescent-probe sodium pyrenetetrasulfonate, Good agreement is obtained between the two methods, and values for the binding constants increase from 250 to 950 M-1 as x increases from 0.39 to 1. It is suggested that the cation is held in the polyelectrolyte domain, partly by Debye-Huckel effects and partly by more specific interactions. Stronger binding is found with calcium(II) and terbium(III), and in this case increases in fluorescence intensity are observed on complexation due to the anthracene group being in a more hydrophobic region, probably as a result of conformational changes in the polymer chain. In the former case the stoichiometry of the interaction was determined from the fluorescence data to involve two carboxylate groups bound per calcium. Association constants were found using murexide as an indicator of free calcium to vary from 8400 to 37 000 M-1 as x increases from 0.39 to 1. It is suggested that in this case specific calcium(II)-carboxylate interactions contribute to the binding. With terbium(III), a greater increase in the probe fluorescence intensity was observed than with calcium, and it is suggested that the interaction with the polymer is even stronger, leading to a more pronounced conformational change in the polymer. It is proposed that the terbium(III) interacts with sis carboxylic groups on the polymer chain, with three being coordinated and three attracted by electrostatic interactions.


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The understanding of electrostatic interactions is an essential aspect of the complex correlation between structure and function of biological macromolecules. It is also important in protein engineering and design. Theoretical studies of such interactions are predominantly done within the framework of Debye-Huckel theory. A classical example is the Tanford-Kirkwood (TK) model. Besides other limitations, this model assumes an infinitesimally small macromolecule concentration. By comparison to Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, it is shown that TK predictions for the shifts in ion binding constants upon addition of salt become less reliable even at moderately macromolecular concentrations. A simple modification based on colloidal literature is suggested to the TK scheme. The modified TK models suggested here satisfactorily predict MC and experimental shifts in the calcium binding constant as a function of protein concentration for the calbindin D-9k mutant and calmodulin.


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Monte Carlo simulations are used to assess the adequacy of the Tanford-Kirkwood prescription for electrostatic interactions in macromolecules. Within a continuum dielectric framework, the approach accurately describes salt screening of electrostatic interactions for moderately charged systems consistent with common proteins at physiological conditions. The limitations of the Debye-Huckel theory, which forms the statistical mechanical basis for the Tanford-Kirkwood result, become apparent for highly charged systems. It is shown, both by an analysis of the Debye-Huckel theory and by numerical simulations, that the difference in dielectric permittivity between macromolecule and surrounding solvent does not play a significant role for salt effects if the macromolecule is highly charged. By comparison to experimental data, the continuum dielectric model (combined with either an approximate effective Hamiltonian as in the Tanford-Kirkwood treatment or with exact Monte Carlo simulations) satisfactorily predicts the effects of charge mutation on metal ion binding constants, but only if the macromolecule and solvent are assigned the same or similar permittivities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The subject of this thesis are the interactions between nucleosome core particles (NCPs). NCPs are the primary storage units of DNA in eucaryotic cells. Each NCP consists of a core of eight histone proteins and a strand of DNA, which is wrapped around about two times. Each histone protein has a terminal tail passing over and between the superhelix of the wrapped DNA. Special emphasis was placed on the role of the histone tails, since experimental ndings suggest that the tails have a great in uence on the mutual attraction of the NCPs. In those experiments Mangenot et al. observe a dramatic change in the con guration of the tails, which is accompanied by evidence of mutual attraction between NCPs, when a certain salt concentration is reached. Existing models used in the theoretical approaches and in simulations focus on the description of the histone core and the wrapped DNA, but neglect the histone tails. We introduce the multi chain complex as a new simulation model. Here the histone core and the wrapping DNA are modelled via a charged sphere, while the histone tails are represented by oppositely charged chains grafted on the sphere surface. We start by investigating the parameter space describing a single NCP. The Debye-Huckel potential is used to model the electrostatic interactions and to determine the e ective charge of the NCP core. This value is subsequently used for a study of the pairinteraction of two NCPs via an extensive Molecular Dynamics study. The monomer distribution of the full chain model is investigated. The existence of tail bridges between the cores is demonstrated. Finally, by discriminating between bridging and non-bridging con gurations, we can show that the effect of tail bridging between the spheres does indeed account for the observed attraction. The full chain model can serve as a model to study the acetylation of the histone tails of the nucleosome. The reduction of the charge fraction of the tails, that corresponds to the process of acetylation, leads to a reduction or even the disappearance of the attraction. A recent MC study links this e ect to the unfolding of the chromatin ber in the case of acetylated histone tails. In this case the acetylation of the histone tails leads to the formation of heterochromatin, and one could understand how larger regions of the genetic information could be inactivated through this mechanism.


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The effects of ionic strength on ions in aqueous solutions are quite relevant, especially for biochemical systems, in which proteins and amino acids are involved. The teaching of this topic and more specifically, the Debye-Hückel limiting law, is central in chemistry undergraduate courses. In this work, we present a description of an experimental procedure based on the color change of aqueous solutions of bromocresol green (BCG), driven by addition of electrolyte. The contribution of charge product (z+|z-|) to the Debye-Hückel limiting law is demonstrated when the effects of NaCl and Na2SO4 on the color of BCG solutions are compared.


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The effects of ionic strength on ions in aqueous solutions are quite relevant, especially for biochemical systems, in which proteins and amino acids are involved. The teaching of this topic and more specifically, the Debye-Hückel limiting law, is central in chemistry undergraduate courses. In this work, we present a description of an experimental procedure based on the color change of aqueous solutions of bromocresol green (BCG), driven by addition of electrolyte. The contribution of charge product (z+|z-|) to the Debye-Hückel limiting law is demonstrated when the effects of NaCl and Na2SO4 on the color of BCG solutions are compared.


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The anharmonic, multi-phonon (MP), and Oebye-Waller factor (OW) contributions to the phonon limited resistivity (;0) of metals derived by Shukla and Muller (1979) by the doubletime temperature dependent Green function method have been numerically evaluated for Na and K in the high temperature limit. The anharmonic contributions arise from the cubic and quartic shift of phonons (CS, QS), and phonon width (W) and the interference term (1). The QS, MP and OW contributions to I' are also derived by the matrix element method and the results are in agreement with those of Shukla and Muller (1979). In the high temperature limit, the contributions to;O from each of the above mentioned terms are of the type BT2 For numerical calculations suitable expressions are derived for the anharmonic contributions to ~ in terms of the third and fourth rank tensors obtained by the Ewald procedure. The numerical calculation of the contributions to;O from the OW, MP term and the QS have been done exactly and from the CS, Wand I terms only approximately in the partial and total Einstein approximations (PEA, TEA), using a first principle approach (Shukla and Taylor (1976)). The results obtained indicate that there is a strong pairwise cancellation between the: OW and MP terms, the QS and CS and the Wand I terms. The sum total of these contributions to;O for Na and K amounts to 4 to 11% and 2 to 7%, respectively, in the PEA while in the TEA they amount to 3 to 7% and 1 to 4%, respectively, in the temperature range.


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The algebraic expressions for the anharmonic contributions to the Debye-Waller factor up to 0(A ) and 0 L% ) £ where ^ is the scattering wave-vector] have been derived in a form suitable for cubic metals with small ion cores where the interatomic potential extends to many neighbours. This has been achieved in terms of various wave-vector dependent tensors, following the work of Shukla and Taylor (1974) on the cubic anharmonic Helmholtz free energy. The contribution to the various wave-vector dependent tensors from the coulomb and the electron-ion terms in the interatomic metallic potential has been obtained by the Ewald procedure. All the restricted multiple whole B r i l l o u i n zone (B.Z.) sums are reduced to single whole B.Z. sums by using the plane wave representation of the delta function. These single whole B.Z. sums are further reduced to the •%?? portion of the B.Z. following Shukla and Wilk (1974) and Shukla and Taylor (1974). Numerical calculations have been performed for sodium where the Born-Mayer term in the interatomic potential has been neglected because i t is small £ Vosko (1964)3 • *n o^er to compare our calculated results with the experimental results of Dawton (1937), we have also calculated the r a t io of the intensities at different temperatures for the lowest five reflections (110), (200), (220), (310) and (400) . Our calculated quasi-harmonic results agree reasonably well with the experimental results at temperatures (T) of the order of the Debye temperature ( 0 ). For T » © ^ 9 our calculated anharmonic results are found to be in good agreement with the experimental results.The anomalous terms in the Debye-Waller factor are found not to be negligible for certain reflections even for T ^ ©^ . At temperature T yy Op 9 where the temperature is of the order of the melting temperature (Xm) » "the anomalous terms are found to be important almost for all the f i ve reflections.


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The Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction System at Brock University has been used to measure the intensities of the diffraction lines of aluminum powder sample as a function of temperature. At first, intensity measurements at high temperature were not reproducible. After some modifications have been made, we were able to measure the intensities of the diffraction lines to 815K, with good accuracy and reproducibility. Therefore the changes of the Debye-Waller factor from room temperature up to 815K for aluminum were determined with precision. Our results are in good agreement with those previously published.


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We have calculated the equation of state and the various thermodynamic properties of monatomic fcc crystals by minimizing the Helmholtz free energy derived in the high temperature limit for the quasiharmonic theory, QH, and the lowest-order (cubic and quartic), 'A2, anharmonic terms of the perturbation theory, PT. The total energy in each case is obtained by adding the static energy. The calculation of the thermal properties was carried out for a nearest-neighbour central-force model of the fcc lattice by means of the appropriate thermodynamic relations. We have calculated the lattice constant, the thermal expansion, the coefficient of volume expansion, the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure, the isothermal and adiabatic bulk moduli, and the Griineisen parameter, for the rare-gas solids Kr and Xe, and gold. Morse potential and modified Morse potential were each used to represent the atomic interaction for the three fcc materials. For most of the calculated thermodynamic properties from the QH theory, the results for Kr and Xe with the modified Morse potential show an improvement over the results for the Morse potential when compared with the experimental data. However, the results of the 'A 2 equation of state with the modified Morse potential are in good agreement with experiment only in the case of the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure. For Au we have calculated the lattice contribution from the QH and 'A 2 PT and the electronic contribution to the thermal properties. The electronic contribution was taken into account by using the free electron model. The results of the thermodynamic properties calculated with the modified Morse potential were similar to those obtained with the Morse potential. U sing the minimized equation of state we also calculated the Mossbauer recoilless fraction for Kr and Xe and the Debye-Waller factor (DWF) for Pb, AI, eu, Ag, and Au. The Mossbauer recoilless fraction was obtained for the above two potentials and Lennard-Jones potential. The L-J potential gives the best agreement with experiment for Kr. No experimental data exists for Xe. At low temperature the calculated DWF results for Pb, AI, and eu show a good agreement with experimental values, but at high temperature the experimental DWF results increase very rapidly. For Ag the computed values were below the expected results at all temperatures. The DWF results of the modified Morse potential for Pb, AI, eu and Ag were slightly better than those of the Morse potential. In the case of Au the calculated values were in poor agreement with experimental results. We have calculated the quasiharmonic phonon dispersion curves for Kr, Xe, eu, Ag, and Au. The calculated and experimental results of the frequencies agree quite well for all the materials except for Au where the longitudinal modes show serious discrepancies with the experimental results. In addition, the two lowest-order anharmonic contributions to the phonon frequency were derived using the Green's function method. The A 2 phonon dispersion curves have been calculated only for eu, and the results were similar to those of the QH dispersion curves. Finally, an expression for the Griineisen parameter "( has been derived from the anharmonic frequencies, and calculated for these materials. The "( results are comparable with those obtained from the thermodynamic definition.


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The Huckel Molecular Orbtial method is used to treat the MO's of butadiene. The method employs analytical tools and Maple.