224 resultados para DTI tractography


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Reliable quantitative analysis of white matter connectivity in the brain is an open problem in neuroimaging, with common solutions requiring tools for fiber tracking, tractography segmentation and estimation of intersubject correspondence. This paper proposes a novel, template matching approach to the problem. In the proposed method, a deformable fiber-bundle model is aligned directly with the subject tensor field, skipping the fiber tracking step. Furthermore, the use of a common template eliminates the need for tractography segmentation and defines intersubject shape correspondence. The method is validated using phantom DTI data and applications are presented, including automatic fiber-bundle reconstruction and tract-based morphometry. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The arcuate fasciculus (AF), a white matter tract linking temporal and inferior frontal language cortices, can be disrupted in stroke patients suffering from aphasia. Using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography it is possible to track AF connections to neural regions associated with either phonological or semantic linguistic processing. The aim of the current study is to investigate the relationship between integrity of white matter microstructure and specific linguistic deficits.


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Recent advances in diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) have enabled studies of complex white matter tissue architecture in vivo. To date, the underlying influence of genetic and environmental factors in determining central nervous system connectivity has not been widely studied. In this work, we introduce new scalar connectivity measures based on a computationally-efficient fast-marching algorithm for quantitative tractography. We then calculate connectivity maps for a DTI dataset from 92 healthy adult twins and decompose the genetic and environmental contributions to the variance in these metrics using structural equation models. By combining these techniques, we generate the first maps to directly examine genetic and environmental contributions to brain connectivity in humans. Our approach is capable of extracting statistically significant measures of genetic and environmental contributions to neural connectivity.


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Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies have identified changes in white matter tracts in schizophrenia patients and those at high risk of transition. Schizotypal samples represent a group on the schizophrenia continuum that share some aetiological risk factors but without the confounds of illness. The aim of the current study was to compare tract microstructural coherence as measured by
fractional anisotropy (FA) between 12 psychometrically defined schizotypes and controls. We investigated bilaterally the uncinate and arcuate fasciculi (UF and AF) via a probabilistic tractography algorithm (PICo), with FA values compared between groups. Partial correlations were also examined between measures of subclinical hallucinatory/delusional experiences and FA values. High schizotypes
were found to have significantly higher FA values in bilateral UF only, but failed to reach significance in each hemisphere. In the whole sample there was a positive correlation between increasing FA values and measures of hallucinatory experience in the right AF. These findings suggest subtle changes in microstructural coherence are present in schizotypes. Correlations between mild hallucinatory experience and increasing FA values could indicate increasing coherence could be associated with symptom formation.


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi ho sviluppato un metodo di analisi di dati di DW-MRI (Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging)cerebrale, tramite un algoritmo di trattografia, per la ricostruzione del tratto corticospinale, in un campione di 25 volontari sani. Il diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) sfrutta la capacità del tensore di diffusione D di misurare il processo di diffusione dell’acqua, per stimare quantitativamente l’anisotropia dei tessuti. In particolare, nella sostanza bianca cerebrale la diffusione delle molecole di acqua è direzionata preferenzialmente lungo le fibre, mentre è ostacolata perpendicolarmente ad esse. La trattografia utilizza le informazioni ottenute tramite il DW imaging per fornire una misura della connettività strutturale fra diverse regioni del cervello. Nel lavoro si è concentrata l’attenzione sul fascio corticospinale, che è coinvolto nella motricità volontaria, trasmettendo gli impulsi dalla corteccia motoria ai motoneuroni del midollo spinale. Il lavoro si è articolato in 3 fasi. Nella prima ho sviluppato il pre-processing di immagini DW acquisite con un gradiente di diffusione sia 25 che a 64 direzioni in ognuno dei 25 volontari sani. Si è messo a punto un metodo originale ed innovativo, basato su “Regions of Interest” (ROIs), ottenute attraverso la segmentazione automatizzata della sostanza grigia e ROIs definite manualmente su un template comune a tutti i soggetti in esame. Per ricostruire il fascio si è usato un algoritmo di trattografia probabilistica che stima la direzione più probabile delle fibre e, con un numero elevato di direzioni del gradiente, riesce ad individuare, se presente, più di una direzione dominante (seconda fibra). Nella seconda parte del lavoro, ciascun fascio è stato suddiviso in 100 segmenti (percentili). Sono stati stimati anisotropia frazionaria (FA), diffusività media, probabilità di connettività, volume del fascio e della seconda fibra con un’analisi quantitativa “along-tract”, per ottenere un confronto accurato dei rispettivi percentili dei fasci nei diversi soggetti. Nella terza parte dello studio è stato fatto il confronto dei dati ottenuti a 25 e 64 direzioni del gradiente ed il confronto del fascio fra entrambi i lati. Dall’analisi statistica dei dati inter-subject e intra-subject è emersa un’elevata variabilità tra soggetti, dimostrando l’importanza di parametrizzare il tratto. I risultati ottenuti confermano che il metodo di analisi trattografica del fascio cortico-spinale messo a punto è risultato affidabile e riproducibile. Inoltre, è risultato che un’acquisizione con 25 direzioni di DTI, meglio tollerata dal paziente per la minore durata dello scan, assicura risultati attendibili. La principale applicazione clinica riguarda patologie neurodegenerative con sintomi motori sia acquisite, quali sindromi parkinsoniane sia su base genetica o la valutazione di masse endocraniche, per la definizione del grado di contiguità del fascio. Infine, sono state poste le basi per la standardizzazione dell’analisi quantitativa di altri fasci di interesse in ambito clinico o di studi di ricerca fisiopatogenetica.


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White matter microstructure is under strong genetic control, yet it is largely unknown how genetic influences change from childhood into adulthood. In one of the largest brain mapping studies ever performed, we determined whether the genetic control over white matter architecture depends on age, sex, socioeconomic status (SES), and intelligence quotient (IQ). We assessed white matter integrity voxelwise using diffusion tensor imaging at high magnetic field (4-Tesla), in 705 twins and their siblings (age range 12-29; 290. M/415. F). White matter integrity was quantified using a widely accepted measure, fractional anisotropy (FA). We fitted gene-environment interaction models pointwise, to visualize brain regions where age, sex, SES and IQ modulate heritability of fiber integrity. We hypothesized that environmental factors would start to outweigh genetic factors during late childhood and adolescence. Genetic influences were greater in adolescence versus adulthood, and greater in males than in females. Socioeconomic status significantly interacted with genes that affect fiber integrity: heritability was higher in those with higher SES. In people with above-average IQ, genetic factors explained over 80% of the observed FA variability in the thalamus, genu, posterior internal capsule, and superior corona radiata. In those with below-average IQ, however, only around 40% FA variability in the same regions was attributable to genetic factors. Genes affect fiber integrity, but their effects vary with age, sex, SES and IQ. Gene-environment interactions are vital to consider in the search for specific genetic polymorphisms that affect brain integrity and connectivity.


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Diffusion imaging can map anatomical connectivity in the living brain, offering new insights into fundamental questions such as how the left and right brain hemispheres differ. Anatomical brain asymmetries are related to speech and language abilities, but less is known about left/right hemisphere differences in brain wiring. To assess this, we scanned 457 young adults (age 23.4±2.0 SD years) and 112 adolescents (age 12-16) with 4-Tesla 105-gradient high-angular resolution diffusion imaging. We extracted fiber tracts throughout the brain with a Hough transform method. A 70×70 connectivity matrix was created, for each subject, based on the proportion of fibers intersecting 70 cortical regions. We identified significant differences in the proportions of fibers intersecting left and right hemisphere cortical regions. The degree of asymmetry in the connectivity matrices varied with age, as did the asymmetry in network topology measures such as the small-world effect.


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Cortical connectivity is associated with cognitive and behavioral traits that are thought to vary between sexes. Using high-angular resolution diffusion imaging at 4 Tesla, we scanned 234 young adult twins and siblings (mean age: 23.4 2.0 SD years) with 94 diffusion-encoding directions. We applied a novel Hough transform method to extract fiber tracts throughout the entire brain, based on fields of constant solid angle orientation distribution functions (ODFs). Cortical surfaces were generated from each subject's 3D T1-weighted structural MRI scan, and tracts were aligned to the anatomy. Network analysis revealed the proportions of fibers interconnecting 5 key subregions of the frontal cortex, including connections between hemispheres. We found significant sex differences (147 women/87 men) in the proportions of fibers connecting contralateral superior frontal cortices. Interhemispheric connectivity was greater in women, in line with long-standing theories of hemispheric specialization. These findings may be relevant for ongoing studies of the human connectome.


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Large multisite efforts (e.g., the ENIGMA Consortium), have shown that neuroimaging traits including tract integrity (from DTI fractional anisotropy, FA) and subcortical volumes (from T1-weighted scans) are highly heritable and promising phenotypes for discovering genetic variants associated with brain structure. However, genetic correlations (rg) among measures from these different modalities for mapping the human genome to the brain remain unknown. Discovering these correlations can help map genetic and neuroanatomical pathways implicated in development and inherited risk for disease. We use structural equation models and a twin design to find rg between pairs of phenotypes extracted from DTI and MRI scans. When controlling for intracranial volume, the caudate as well as related measures from the limbic system - hippocampal volume - showed high rg with the cingulum FA. Using an unrelated sample and a Seemingly Unrelated Regression model for bivariate analysis of this connection, we show that a multivariate GWAS approach may be more promising for genetic discovery than a univariate approach applied to each trait separately.


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Meta-analyses estimate a statistical effect size for a test or an analysis by combining results from multiple studies without necessarily having access to each individual study's raw data. Multi-site meta-analysis is crucial for imaging genetics, as single sites rarely have a sample size large enough to pick up effects of single genetic variants associated with brain measures. However, if raw data can be shared, combining data in a "mega-analysis" is thought to improve power and precision in estimating global effects. As part of an ENIGMA-DTI investigation, we use fractional anisotropy (FA) maps from 5 studies (total N=2, 203 subjects, aged 9-85) to estimate heritability. We combine the studies through meta-and mega-analyses as well as a mixture of the two - combining some cohorts with mega-analysis and meta-analyzing the results with those of the remaining sites. A combination of mega-and meta-approaches may boost power compared to meta-analysis alone.


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The ENIGMA (Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis) Consortium was set up to analyze brain measures and genotypes from multiple sites across the world to improve the power to detect genetic variants that influence the brain. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) yields quantitative measures sensitive to brain development and degeneration, and some common genetic variants may be associated with white matter integrity or connectivity. DTI measures, such as the fractional anisotropy (FA) of water diffusion, may be useful for identifying genetic variants that influence brain microstructure. However, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) require large populations to obtain sufficient power to detect and replicate significant effects, motivating a multi-site consortium effort. As part of an ENIGMA-DTI working group, we analyzed high-resolution FA images from multiple imaging sites across North America, Australia, and Europe, to address the challenge of harmonizing imaging data collected at multiple sites. Four hundred images of healthy adults aged 18-85 from four sites were used to create a template and corresponding skeletonized FA image as a common reference space. Using twin and pedigree samples of different ethnicities, we used our common template to evaluate the heritability of tract-derived FA measures. We show that our template is reliable for integrating multiple datasets by combining results through meta-analysis and unifying the data through exploratory mega-analyses. Our results may help prioritize regions of the FA map that are consistently influenced by additive genetic factors for future genetic discovery studies. Protocols and templates are publicly available at (http://enigma.loni.ucla.edu/ongoing/dti-working-group/).


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Brain asymmetry, or the structural and functional specialization of each brain hemisphere, has fascinated neuroscientists for over a century. Even so, genetic and environmental factors that influence brain asymmetry are largely unknown. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) now allows asymmetry to be studied at a microscopic scale by examining differences in fiber characteristics across hemispheres rather than differences in structure shapes and volumes. Here we analyzed 4. Tesla DTI scans from 374 healthy adults, including 60 monozygotic twin pairs, 45 same-sex dizygotic pairs, and 164 mixed-sex DZ twins and their siblings; mean age: 24.4 years ± 1.9 SD). All DTI scans were nonlinearly aligned to a geometrically-symmetric, population-based image template. We computed voxel-wise maps of significant asymmetries (left/right differences) for common diffusion measures that reflect fiber integrity (fractional and geodesic anisotropy; FA, GA and mean diffusivity, MD). In quantitative genetic models computed from all same-sex twin pairs (N=210 subjects), genetic factors accounted for 33% of the variance in asymmetry for the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, 37% for the anterior thalamic radiation, and 20% for the forceps major and uncinate fasciculus (all L > R). Shared environmental factors accounted for around 15% of the variance in asymmetry for the cortico-spinal tract (R > L) and about 10% for the forceps minor (L > R). Sex differences in asymmetry (men > women) were significant, and were greatest in regions with prominent FA asymmetries. These maps identify heritable DTI-derived features, and may empower genome-wide searches for genetic polymorphisms that influence brain asymmetry.


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Studies of cerebral asymmetry can open doors to understanding the functional specialization of each brain hemisphere, and how this is altered in disease. Here we examined hemispheric asymmetries in fiber architecture using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in 100 subjects, using high-dimensional fluid warping to disentangle shape differences from measures sensitive to myelination. Confounding effects of purely structural asymmetries were reduced by using co-registered structural images to fluidly warp 3D maps of fiber characteristics (fractional and geodesic anisotropy) to a structurally symmetric minimal deformation template (MDT). We performed a quantitative genetic analysis on 100 subjects to determine whether the sources of the remaining signal asymmetries were primarily genetic or environmental. A twin design was used to identify the heritable features of fiber asymmetry in various regions of interest, to further assist in the discovery of genes influencing brain micro-architecture and brain lateralization. Genetic influences and left/right asymmetries were detected in the fiber architecture of the frontal lobes, with minor differences depending on the choice of registration template.


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Genetic analysis of diffusion tensor images (DTI) shows great promise in revealing specific genetic variants that affect brain integrity and connectivity. Most genetic studies of DTI analyze voxel-based diffusivity indices in the image space (such as 3D maps of fractional anisotropy) and overlook tract geometry. Here we propose an automated workflow to cluster fibers using a white matter probabilistic atlas and perform genetic analysis on the shape characteristics of fiber tracts. We apply our approach to large study of 4-Tesla high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data from 198 healthy, young adult twins (age: 20-30). Illustrative results show heritability for the shapes of several major tracts, as color-coded maps.