166 resultados para DTI
Few studies have investigated in vivo changes of the cholinergic basal forebrain in Alzheimer`s disease (AD) and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI), an at risk stage of AD. Even less is known about alterations of cortical projecting fiber tracts associated with basal forebrain atrophy. In this study, we determined regional atrophy within the basal forebrain in 21 patients with AD and 16 subjects with MCI compared to 20 healthy elderly subjects using deformation-based morphometry of MRI scans. We assessed effects of basal forebrain atrophy on fiber tracts derived from high-resolution diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) using tract-based spatial statistics. We localized significant effects relative to a map of cholinergic nuclei in MRI standard space as determined from a postmortem brain. Patients with AD and MCI subjects showed reduced volumes in basal forebrain areas corresponding to anterior medial and lateral, intermediate and posterior nuclei of the Nucleus basalis of Meynert (NbM) as well as in the diagonal band of Broca nuclei (P < 0.01). Effects in MCI subjects were spatially more restricted than in AD, but occurred at similar locations. The volume of the right antero-lateral NbM nucleus was correlated with intracortical projecting fiber tract integrity such as the corpus callosum, cingulate, and the superior longitudinal, inferior longitudinal, inferior fronto-occipital, and uncinate fasciculus (P < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). Our findings suggest that a multimodal MRI-DTI approach is supportive to determine atrophy of cholinergic nuclei and its effect on intracortical projecting fiber tracts in AD. Hum Brain Mapp 32: 1349-1362, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Cerebral microangiopathy (CMA) has been associated with executive dysfunction and fronto-parietal neural network disruption. Advances in magnetic resonance imaging allow more detailed analyses of gray (e.g., voxel-based morphometry-VBM) and white matter (e.g., diffusion tensor imaging-DTI) than traditional visual rating scales. The current study investigated patients with early CMA and healthy control subjects with all three approaches. Neuropsychological assessment focused on executive functions, the cognitive domain most discussed in CMA. The DTI and age-related white matter changes rating scales revealed convergent results showing widespread white matter changes in early CMA. Correlations were found in frontal and parietal areas exclusively with speeded, but not with speed-corrected executive measures. The VBM analyses showed reduced gray matter in frontal areas. All three approaches confirmed the hypothesized fronto-parietal network disruption in early CMA. Innovative methods (DTI) converged with results from conventional methods (visual rating) while allowing greater spatial and tissue accuracy. They are thus valid additions to the analysis of neural correlates of cognitive dysfunction. We found a clear distinction between speeded and nonspeeded executive measures in relationship to imaging parameters. Cognitive slowing is related to disease severity in early CMA and therefore important for early diagnostics.
Exploring the anatomical and functional connectivities between different regions of the brain (the "Connectome") is a core challenge in neuroscience. While robust methods are available for the adult brain, mapping the connectome in neonates is highly challenging. The purpose of this pilot study is to present a methodological approach for analyzing structural connectivity of a neonate brain and to exploit the MP2RAGE sequence with its advantageous contrast properties
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: MCI was recently subdivided into sd-aMCI, sd-fMCI, and md-aMCI. The current investigation aimed to discriminate between MCI subtypes by using DTI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-six prospective participants were included: 18 with sd-aMCI, 13 with sd-fMCI, and 35 with md-aMCI. Statistics included group comparisons using TBSS and individual classification using SVMs. RESULTS: The group-level analysis revealed a decrease in FA in md-aMCI versus sd-aMCI in an extensive bilateral, right-dominant network, and a more pronounced reduction of FA in md-aMCI compared with sd-fMCI in right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus and inferior longitudinal fasciculus. The comparison between sd-fMCI and sd-aMCI, as well as the analysis of the other diffusion parameters, yielded no significant group differences. The individual-level SVM analysis provided discrimination between the MCI subtypes with accuracies around 97%. The major limitation is the relatively small number of cases of MCI. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that, at the group level, the md-aMCI subgroup has the most pronounced damage in white matter integrity. Individually, SVM analysis of white matter FA provided highly accurate classification of MCI subtypes.
El presente trabajo analiza de manera crítica el pronunciamiento de la Corte Constitucional para el Período de Transición respecto al control constitucional de las denuncias de tratados bilaterales de inversiones de capital, tomando como caso de estudio el instrumento internacional suscrito entre Ecuador y Alemania, en el cual bajo una corriente constitucionalista, la Corte somete al crisol de la contradicción el contenido del Tratado Internacional con la normativa constitucional vigente. En aquel sentido, analizaremos cómo, a través de este polémico dictamen, se inicia una línea jurisprudencial en la que se configuran temas controversiales como el denominado control automático de constitucionalidad, y, el debate respecto a la soberanía estatal en cuanto al no sometimiento del Ecuador a arbitrajes comerciales internacionales en asuntos de índole comercial.
Introduction: Neuroimaging has been widely used in studies to investigate depression in the elderly because it is a noninvasive technique, and it allows the detection of structural and functional brain alterations. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) are neuroimaging indexes of the microstructural integrity of white matter, which are measured using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The aim of this study was to investigate differences in FA or MD in the entire brain without a previously determined region of interest (ROI) between depressed and non-depressed elderly patients. Method: Brain magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained from 47 depressed elderly patients, diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria, and 36 healthy elderly patients as controls. Voxelwise statistical analysis of FA data was performed using tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). Results: After controlling for age, no significant differences among FA and MD parameters were observed in the depressed elderly patients. No significant correlations were found between cognitive performance and FA or MD parameters. Conclusion: There were no significant differences among FA or MD values between mildly or moderately depressed and non-depressed elderly patients when the brain was analyzed without a previously determined ROI. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symptomatic narcolepsy is often related to hypothalamic, pontine, or mesencephalic lesions. Despite evidence of disturbances of the hypothalamic hypocretin system in patients with idiopathic narcolepsy, neuroimaging in patients with idiopathic narcolepsy revealed conflicting results and there is limited data on possible structural brain changes that might be associated with this disorder.
Postmortem examinations and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies suggest involvement of the entorhinal cortex (EC) in schizophrenic psychoses. However, the extent and nature of the possible pathogenetical process underlying the observed alterations of this limbic key region for processing of multimodal sensory information remains unclear. Three-dimensional high-resolution MRI volumetry and evaluation of the regional diffusional anisotropy based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were performed on the EC of 15 paranoid schizophrenic patients and 15 closely matched control subjects. In schizophrenic patients, EC volumes showed a slight, but not significant, decrease. However, the anisotropy values, expressed as inter-voxel coherences (COH), were found to be significantly decreased by 17.9% (right side) and 12.5% (left side), respectively, in schizophrenics. Reduction of entorhinal diffusional anisotropy can be hypothesized to be functionally related to disturbances in the perforant path, the principal efferent EC fiber tract supplying the limbic system with neuronal input from multimodal association centers. Combinations of different MRI modalities are a promising approach for the detection and characterization of subtle brain tissue alterations.
In schizophrenia there is a consistent epidemiological finding of a birth excess in winter and spring. Season of birth is thought to act as a proxy indicator for harmful environmental factors during foetal maturation. There is evidence that prenatal exposure to harmful environmental factors may trigger pathologic processes in the neurodevelopment, which subsequently increase the risk of schizophrenia. Since brain white matter alterations have repeatedly been found in schizophrenia, the objective of this study was to investigate whether white matter integrity was related to the season of birth in patients with schizophrenia. Thirty-four patients with schizophrenia and 33 healthy controls underwent diffusion tensor imaging. Differences in the fractional anisotropy maps of schizophrenia patients and healthy controls born in different seasons were analysed with tract-based spatial statistics. A significant main effect of season of birth and an interaction of group and season of birth showed that patients born in summer had significantly lower fractional anisotropy in widespread white matter regions than those born in the remainder of the year. Additionally, later age of schizophrenia onset was found in patients born in winter months. The current findings indicate a relationship of season of birth and white matter alterations in schizophrenia and consequently support the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of early pathological mechanisms in schizophrenia.