79 resultados para DRM
[ES]Mediante el presente documento se realiza el análisis del límite de funcionamiento de los receptores DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) en el canal de propagación NVIS en particular, que se caracteriza por ser afectado por el multitrayecto severo. Para ello se estudian los valores teóricos y las máscaras de funcionamiento hallados en un proyecto previo llamado “Análisis de los límites de funcionamiento de los receptores DRM en canales con multitrayecto severo”, que se compararán con los valores prácticos que se analizan en este proyecto. A partir de dicha comparativa se obtendrán unos estadísticos que indicarán los puntos de fallo frecuentes así como las razones de los mismos. Además a partir de dichos datos se realizarán unas nuevas máscaras que indican los límites de funcionamiento prácticos debido a las importantes diferencias que se dan entre los datos teóricos y los hallados en este proyecto.
Natl Tech Univ Ukraine, Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Huazhong Normal Univ, Wuhan Univ, Ternopil Natl Econ Univ, IEEE Ukraine Sect, I&M CI Joint Chapter
INFO2009 Slide Show and Questions on DRM by Jolyon Gray (jg16g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk) Rachel Gurman (rg16g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk) Dimitar Ivanov (dgi1v07@ecs.soton.ac.uk) Ona Lam (okl1g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk) David Lewis (dhl1g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk) William Sutton (wds1g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
student created resource collection
A slideshow and an accompanying audio podcast about DRM and piracy, and a poster advertising them
This video contains an overall description of DRM as an introduction, and a discussion about the controversy around DRM techniques.
A short video about DRM & Copyright (with chins).
This study uses the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm to investigate how deaf children with cochlear implants organize their semantic networks as compared to their hearing age-mates.
Living and selling a dream: Lifestyle entrepreneurship in the intersection between family, market and political rhetoric The article focuses on lifestyle entrepreneurship, characterised by a balancing work between personal lifestyle motives and economic motives. It builds on a qualitative study of business owners who have realized a life dream of starting a countryside business in the tourism and hospitality industry in Sweden. Through the notion of ”balancing work”, the analysis focuses on the tension between a personal life sphere and a market. In particular, the analysis highlights how the notion of ”the life dream” emerges as a narrative practice of self-realization, simultaneously as it is offered as an experience product. The analysis demonstrates how the entrepreneurs balance between personal stories of togetherness and marketing practices, between images of right and wrong commodification, and between constraining working conditions and a popular image of the successful entrepreneur, reinforced by a political discourse on rural entrepreneurship. It is concluded that balancing work between personal identities and economic practices is a practice of valuation, offering new insights into working conditions and markets situated in the intersection between markets and personal life spheres.
Conceptual Model and Security Requirements for DRM Techniques Used for e-Learning Objects Protection
This paper deals with the security problems of DRM protected e-learning content. After a short review of the main DRM systems and methods used in e-learning, an examination is made of participators in DRM schemes (e-learning object author, content creator, content publisher, license creator and end user). Then a conceptual model of security related processes of DRM implementation is proposed which is improved afterwards to reflect some particularities in DRM protection of e-learning objects. A methodical way is used to describe the security related motives, responsibilities and goals of the main participators involved in the DRM system. Taken together with the process model, these security properties are used to establish a list of requirements to fulfill and a possibility for formal verification of real DRM systems compliance with these requirements.
The paper represents a verification of a previously developed conceptual model of security related processes in DRM implementation. The applicability of established security requirements in practice is checked as well by comparing these requirements to four real DRM implementations (Microsoft Media DRM, Apple's iTunes, SunnComm Technologies’s MediaMax DRM and First4Internet’s XCP DRM). The exploited weaknesses of these systems resulting from the violation of specific security requirements are explained and the possibilities to avoid the attacks by implementing the requirements in designing step are discussed.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce Digital Rights Management (DRM) and its implications for content producers, consumers, and libraries. Simply stated, DRM is a technology that allows copyright owners to regulate and manage their content when it is disseminated in a digital format, and it is the reason why some patrons cannot access some of the downloadable digital content provided by libraries. In the first part of this paper, we provide a short introduction to DRM by outlining the entities, the various technologies used as well as usage restrictions that come with DRM. In the second part of the paper are discussed the alternatives for the libraries, using DRM as a tool for library copyright policy and the main documents, which present the position of library organizations towards information legislation.