1000 resultados para DINITROGEN REDUCTION


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An imidosamarium(III) cubane has been prepared from the reductive cleavage of azobenzene by a divalent samarium bis (amidinate) complex, indicating that the "spectratoe" bis(amidinate) and the resulting imido ligands help to stabilize the cubane framework. The cubane-type imido cluster is a novel unit in lanthanide chemistry.


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The role of gaseous NO and C3H8 has been studied over low-exchanged Cu-ZSM-5 zeolite employing TPD, FTIR and pulse technique with the alternate introduction of NO or C3H8 onto the catalyst surface. The rate of the N-2 formation is directly proportional to the content of gaseous NO and the surface coverage with 2-nitrosopropane. There was no formation of N-2 during interaction of gaseous C3H8 with NO adsorbates. However, 2-nitrosopropane and its isomer acetone oxime were also formed in this reaction.


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The performance of NOx storage and reduction over 1.5 wt% Pt/20 wt% KNO3/K2Ti8O17 and 1.5 wt% Pt/K2Ti8O17 catalysts has been investigated using combined fast transient kinetic switching and isotopically labelled (NO)-N-15 at 350 degrees C. The evolution of product N-2 has revealed two significant peaks during 60 s lean/1.3 s rich switches. It also found that the presence of CO2 in the feed affects the release of N-2 in the second peak. Regardless of the presence/absence of water in the feed, only one peak of N-2 was observed in the absence of CO2. Gas-phase NH3 was not observed in any of the experiments. However, in the presence of CO2 the results obtained from in situ DRIFTS-MS analysis showed that isocyanate species are formed and stored during the rich cycles, probably from the reaction between NOx and CO, in which CO was formed via the reverse water-gas shift reaction. 


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An integrated CaF2 crystal optically transparent infrared (ir) thin-layer cell was designed and constructed without using any soluble adhesive materials. It is suitable for both aqueous and nonaqueous systems, and can be used not only in ir but also in uv-vis studies. Excellent electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical responses were obtained in evaluating this cell by cyclic voltammetry and steady-state potential step measurements for both ir and uv-vis spectrolectrochemistry with ferri/ferrocyanide in aqueous solution, and with ferrocene/ferrocenium in organic solvent as the testing species, respectively. The newly designed ir cell was applied to investigate the electrochemical reduction process of bilirubin in situ, which provided direct information for identifying the structure of the reduction product and proposing the reaction mechanism.


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The problem of differentiating between active and spectator species that have similar infrared spectra has been addressed by developing short time-on-stream in situ spectroscopic transient isotope experimental techniques (STOS-SSITKA). The techniques have been used to investigate the reaction mechanism for the reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by hydrocarbons under lean-burn (excess oxygen) conditions on a silver catalyst. Although a nitrate-type species tracks the formation of isotopically labeled dinitrogen, the results show that this is misleading because a nitrate-type species has the same response to an isotopic switch even under conditions where no dinitrogen is produced. In the case of cyanide and isocyanate species, the results show that it is possible to differentiate between slowly reacting spectator isocyanate species, probably adsorbed on the oxide support, and reactive isocyanate species, possibly on or close to the active silver phase. The reactive isocyanate species responds to an isotope switch at a rate that matches that of the rate of formation of the main product, dinitrogen. It is concluded that these reactive isocyanates could potentially be involved in the reduction of NOx whereas there is no evidence to support the involvement of nitrate-type species that are observable by infrared spectroscopy.


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Since productivity and growth of coral-associated dinoflagellate algae is nitrogen (N)-limited, dinitrogen (N2) fixation by coral-associated microbes is likely crucial for maintaining the coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis. It is thus essential to understand the effects future climate change will have on N2 fixation by the coral holobiont. This laboratory study is the first to investigate short-term effects of ocean acidification on N2 fixation activity associated with the tropical, hermatypic coral Seriatopora hystrix using the acetylene reduction assay in combination with calcification measurements. Findings reveal that simulated ocean acidification ( pCO2 1080 µatm) caused a rapid and significant decrease (53%) in N2 fixation rates associated with S. hystrix compared to the present day scenario ( pCO2 486 µatm). In addition, N2 fixation associated with the coral holobiont showed a positive exponential relationship with its calcification rates. This suggests that even small declines in calcification rates of hermatypic corals under high CO2 conditions may result in decreased N2 fixation activity, since these 2 processes may compete for energy in the coral holobiont. Ultimately, an intensified N limitation in combination with a decline in skeletal growth may trigger a negative feedback loop on coral productivity exacerbating the negative long-term effects of ocean acidification.