990 resultados para DIFFERENT VEHICLES


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This study evaluated the presence of residues after removal of calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] associated with different vehicles. Thirty single-rooted teeth were instrumented to a master apical file #25 using 2.5% NaOCl as main irrigant and 17% trisodium EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) as final agent irrigant. Then, the root canals were dressed with Ca(OH)2 associated with silicone oil (Group 1), 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (Group 2), or propylene glycol (Group 3). After coronal sealing, all teeth were kept in a moist environment at room temperature. After 7 days, the teeth were reopened and medicaments were removed using 5 mL of saline solution and instrumentation with master apical file followed by new irrigation with 5 mL of 2.5% NaOCl. Subsequently, teeth were split longitudinally and assessed by scanning electron microscopy. The wall cleanliness of the cervical and apical thirds of the roots were evaluated and scored by three blinded examiners. Statistical analysis was performed using KruskalWallis and Wilcoxon tests at 5% level of significance. All roots had residues of Ca(OH)2 on the canal walls. All experimental groups had similar results (P > 0.05) regardless of the third evaluated. There was significant difference between the apical and cervical thirds only in Group 3 (P < 0.05). Association of different vehicles to Ca(OH)2 does not influence the persistence of residues on the root canal walls. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiseptic efficacy of rotary instrumentation associated with calcium hydroxide-based pastes prepared with different vehicles and antiseptics. Chronic periapical lesions were experimentally induced in 72 premolar root canals of four dogs. Under controlled asepsis, after initial microbiological sampling (A1), the root canals were instrumented using the ProFile system in conjunction with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and the intracanal medication was placed. Four experimental groups were formed according to the pastes used: group 1- Calen (n=18), group 2- Calen+CPMC (n=20), group 3- Ca(OH)2 p.a.+ anaesthetic solution (n=16) and group 4- Ca(OH)2 p.a.+ 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (n=18). After 21 days, the pastes were removed; the canals were emptied and 96 hours later a second microbiological sample was obtained (A2). The incidence of positive microbiological cultures and the number of cfus in stages A1 and A2 were compared statistically by the Wilcoxon test while the influence of the different treatments in intracanal infection was evaluated by Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level (p<0.05). Large numbers of strict and facultative anaerobes, and viridans group streptococci were found in 100% of root canals of A1 samples. Among A2 samples, all treatments showed significant reduction of cfus and positive cultures (p<0.05), but only groups 3 and 4 showed 100% of root canals free of microorganisms. Rotary instrumentation plus NaOCl 5.25% associated with intracanal medication produced a drastic reduction or elimination of intracanal microbiota, whose performance was not influenced by the nature of the vehicle or the antiseptic added to the Ca(OH)2 p.a.


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The focus of the thesis is the application of different attitude’s determination algorithms on data evaluated with MEMS sensor using a board provided by University of Bologna. MEMS sensors are a very cheap options to obtain acceleration, and angular velocity. The use of magnetometers based on Hall effect can provide further data. The disadvantage is that they have a lot of noise and drift which can affects the results. The different algorithms that have been used are: pitch and roll from accelerometer, yaw from magnetometer, attitude from gyroscope, TRIAD, QUEST, Magdwick, Mahony, Extended Kalman filter, Kalman GPS aided INS. In this work the algorithms have been rewritten to fit perfectly with the data provided from the MEMS sensor. The data collected by the board are acceleration on the three axis, angular velocity on the three axis, magnetic fields on the three axis, and latitude, longitude, and altitude from the GPS. Several tests and comparisons have been carried out installing the electric board on different vehicles operating in the air and on ground. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the Magdwich filter is the best trade-off between computational capabilities required and results obtained. If attitude angles are obtained from accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometer, inconsistent data are obtained for cases where high vibrations levels are noticed. On the other hand, Kalman filter based algorithms requires a high computational burden. TRIAD and QUEST algorithms doesn’t perform as well as filters.


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This study aimed to evaluate the diffusion capacity of calcium hydroxide pastes with different vehicles through dentinal tubules. The study was conducted on 60 extracted single-rooted human teeth whose crowns had been removed. The root canals were instrumented and divided into 4 groups according to the vehicle of the calcium hydroxide paste: Group I - distilled water; Group II - propylene glycol; Group III - 0.2% chlorhexidine; Group IV - 2% chlorhexidine. After placement of the root canal dressings, the teeth were sealed and placed in flasks containing deionized water. After 1, 2, 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days, the pH of the water was measured to determine the diffusion of calcium hydroxide through the dentinal tubules. The data were recorded and statistically compared by the Tukey test. The results showed that all pastes presented a similar diffusion capacity through dentin. Group IV did not present difference compared to group I. Group II presented difference compared to the other groups, as did Group III. In conclusion, groups I and IV presented a better diffusion capacity through dentin than groups II and III; 2% chlorhexidine can be used as a vehicle in calcium hydroxide pastes.


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1. Drug delivery through the skin has been used to target the epidermis, dermis and deeper tissues and for systemic delivery, The major barrier for the transport of drugs through the skin is the stratum corneum, with most transport occurring through the intercellular region, The polarity of the intercellular region appears to be similar to butanol, with the diffusion of solutes being hindered by saturable hydrogen bonding to the polar head groups of the ceramides, fatty acids and other intercellular lipids, Accordingly, the permeability of the more lipophilic solutes is greatest from aqueous solutions, whereas polar solute permeability is favoured by hydrocarbon-based vehicles. 2. The skin is capable of metabolizing many substances and, through its microvasculature, limits the transport of most substances into regions below the dermis. 3. Although the flux of solutes through the skin should be identical for different vehicles when the solute exists as a saturated solution, the fluxes vary in accordance with the skin penetration enhancement properties of the vehicle. It is therefore desirable that the regulatory standards required for the bioequivalence of topical products include skin studies. 4. Deep tissue penetration can be related to solute protein binding, solute molecular size and dermal blood flow. 5. Iontophoresis is a promising area of skin drug delivery, especially for ionized solutes and when a rapid effect is required. 6. In general, psoriasis and other skin diseases facilitate drug delivery through the skin. 7. It is concluded that the variability in skin permeability remains an obstacle in optimizing drug delivery by this route.


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The aims of endodontic treatment in cases of apical periodontitis are to reduce as much as possible the number of microorganisms inside the root canal system and to inactivate toxins produced by them. Most of the times, these objectives are not achieved solely by chemomechanical preparation, and intracanal dressing may be necessary. In these cases, calcium hydroxide is used as a root canal dressing due to its well-known and recognized antimicrobial activity. Chlorhexidine has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity and its association with calcium hydroxide has been recommended in an attempt to amplify antimicrobial effects of calcium hydroxide. It is also known that dentin exerts a buffering effect under wide pH variations, and may be responsible for decreasing the antimicrobial activity of drugs inside the root canal. The objectives of this study were to assess the pH of 2% chlorhexidine gel and calcium hydroxide alone or in combination, as well as the influence of dentin on the pH of these compounds. Dentin powder was obtained from bovine teeth and added as 1.8% to the volume of the medications. All substances were individually stored in plastic flasks, in triplicate. A pH meter was used at five different moments to assess pH in viscous medium: immediately after preparation and after 24 h, and 7, 14, and 21 days. Results were analyzed by paired Student`s t-test. Statistically significant differences were observed in the 2% chlorhexidine gel group alone or associated with calcium hydroxide and added of dentin powder (P < 0.05). Mean pH values indicated the influence of dentin powder because of a significant increase in pH. Calcium hydroxide with propylene glycol as the vehicle always showed high pH, demonstrating that this compound was not affected by the presence of dentin.


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Based on samples cross-sections from the Main Altarpiece of the Coimbra Old Cathedral, where a blue coating performed in 1685 is observed (that was partly covered with a Prussian blue-containing overpaint), the raw materials present in this coating were reproduced and studied. Blue areas were painted with smalt in oil, according to the contract signed by Manoel da Costa Pereira in 1684 and the analysis by Le Gac in 2009. Based on these, three batches of cobalt-based glasses (S1, S2 and S3) were heated and melted in alumina crucibles in the kiln. S1 contained 6.03 % of cobalt oxide, S2 contained 2.10 %, with the addition of 1.49 % of magnesium oxide, and S3 contained 6.82 % of cobalt oxide, with the addition of 4.63% of antimony trioxide. These batches were ground mechanically with water and manually with different vehicles stated in recipes. The results were studied by means of OM, SEM-EDS, X-Ray CT, Colorimetry and Vickers HT. Different binders were also produced and analyzed by means of μ-FTIR, in order to perform their characterization and obtain Standard Spectra. Since anhydrite was identified in the ground layers, gypsum from Óbidos was also characterized by XRD. The main goal of this thesis was to study all the raw materials present in the 1685-blue coating, in order to allow the historically accurate reconstruction of the layers build-up in the next future.


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Programa Doutoral em Líderes para as Indústrias Tecnológicas


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Joukkoliikenteen merkitys suurten ihmismäärien liikuttamisessa on kasvanut. Kaupunkikeskustat ovat monin paikoin ruuhkautuneet ja joukkoliikenteestä pyritään tekemään mahdollisimman houkuttelevaa ruuhkien helpottamiseksi. Yksi keino houkutella ihmisiä joukkoliikennevälineiden käyttäjiksi on parantaa matkustajille tarjottavan informaation määrää ja laatua. Matkustajainformaatiojärjestelmä on monipuolinen kokonaisuus, jolla joukkoliikenteen käyttäjälle tarjotaan muun muassa opastusta, aikataulutietoa ja häiriötietoa. Informaatio voi olla staattista kuten painetut aikataulut ja kiinteät opasteet tai dynaamista kuten reaaliaikaiset näytöt ja kuulutukset. Informaatiota voidaan tarjota matkustajan käyttöön niin kotona ja liikenneasemilla kuin liikkuvassa kalustossakin. Matkustajainformaatiojärjestelmiä on käytössä erilaisissa joukkoliikennevälineissä, joista tässä diplomityössä syvennytään raideliikenteeseen. Työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan raideliikenteen vaatimukset täyttävä IP-pohjainen audiovahvistin. Valmis vahvistin liittyy Ethernet-verkon välityksellä raideliikenteen matkustajainformaatio-järjestelmään. Laite toimii kuulutus- ja puhelinjärjestelmän keskusyksikkönä. Työn tuloksena saatiin toimiva ja sarjatuotantokelpoinen audiovahvistin. Laitteen tyyppitestit ovat tätä työtä palautettaessa vielä kesken, mutta tähän mennessä testit ovat menneet hyvin ja laite on toiminut hyvin myös osana järjestelmää.


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To investigate the behavioral effects of different vehicles microinjected into the dorsal periaqueductal grey (DPAG) of male Wistar rats, weighing 200-250 g, tested in the elevated plus maze, animals were implanted with cannulas aimed at this structure. One week after surgery the animals received microinjections into the DPAG of 0.9% (w/v) saline, 10% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 2% (v/v) Tween-80, 10% (v/v) propylene glycol, or synthetic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Ten min after the injection (0.5 &micro;l) the animals (N = 8-13/group) were submitted to the elevated plus maze test. DMSO significantly increased the number of entries into both the open and enclosed arms when compared to 0.9% saline (2.7 &plusmn; 0.8 and 8.7 &plusmn; 1.3 vs 0.8 &plusmn; 0.3 and 5.1 &plusmn; 0.9, respectively, Duncan test, P<0.05), and tended to increase enclosed arm entries as compared to 2% Tween-80 (8.7 &plusmn; 1.3 vs 5.7 &plusmn; 0.9, Duncan test, P<0.10). In a second experiment no difference in plus maze exploration was found between 0.9% saline- or sham-injected animals (N = 11-13/group). These results indicate that intra-DPAG injection of some commonly used vehicles such as DMSO, saline or Tween-80 affects the exploratory activity of rats exposed to the elevated plus maze in statistically different manners


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This master’s thesis has been done for Drive! –project in which a new electric motor solution for mobile working machines is developed. Generic simulation model will be used as marketing and development tool. It can be used to model a wide variety of different vehicles with and without electric motor and to show customer the difference between traditionally build vehicles and those with new electric motor solution. Customers can also use simulation model to research different solutions for their own vehicles. At the start of the project it was decided that MeVEA software would be used as main simulation program and Simulink will only be used to simulate the operation of electrical components. Development of the generic model started with the research of these two software applications, simulation models which are made with them and how these simulation models can be build faster. Best results were used for building of generic simulation model. Finished generic model can be used to produce new tractor models for real-time simulations in short notice. All information about model is collected to one datasheet which can be easily filled by the user. After datasheet is filled a script will automatically build new simulation model in seconds. At the moment generic model is capable of building simulation models for wide variety of different tractors but it can be easily altered for other vehicle types too which would also benefit greatly from electric drive solution. Those could be for example wheel loaders and harvesters.


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This paper aims to propose a hybrid meta-heuristics for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem (HVRP), which is a combinatorial optimization problem NP-hard, and is characterized by the use of a limited fleet consists of different vehicles with different capacities. The hybrid method developed makes use of a memetic algorithm associated with the component optimizer Vocabulary Building. The resulting hybrid meta-heuristic was implemented in the programming language C + + and computational experiments generated good results in relation to meta-heuristic applied in isolation, proving the efficiency of the proposed method.


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This paper introduces a new variant of the Traveling Car Renter Problem, named Prizecollecting Traveling Car Renter Problem. In this problem, a set of vertices, each associated with a bonus, and a set of vehicles are given. The objective is to determine a cycle that visits some vertices collecting, at least, a pre-defined bonus, and minimizing the cost of the tour that can be traveled with different vehicles. A mathematical formulation is presented and implemented in a solver to produce results for sixty-two instances. The proposed problem is also subject of an experimental study based on the algorithmic application of four metaheuristics representing the best adaptations of the state of the art of the heuristic programming.We also provide new local search operators which exploit the neighborhoods of the problem, construction procedures and adjustments, created specifically for the addressed problem. Comparative computational experiments and performance tests are performed on a sample of 80 instances, aiming to offer a competitive algorithm to the problem. We conclude that memetic algorithms, computational transgenetic and a hybrid evolutive algorithm are competitive in tests performed


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This paper describes the clinical courses of three cases with extra-oral sinus tract formation, from diagnosis and treatment to short-term follow-up and evaluation. All teeth involved had periradicular radiolucent areas noted on radiographic examination and extra-oral sinus tracts appearing on the chin with exudation and unpleasant aesthetic appearance. The adopted treatment protocol included treating the sinus tract surface simultaneously with the root canal therapy. After root canal shaping using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, calcium hydroxide-based pastes associated with different vehicles were inserted into the root canal for 4 months, and were changed monthly. All the sinus tracts healed in 7 to 10 days. The apical lesions were completely repaired in a maximum period of 24 months. The treatment adopted provided a complete healing of the periapical lesions in a short follow-up period. Surgical repair of the cutaneous sinus tract was therefore unnecessary. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology.


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This study aimed to evaluate the diffusion capacity of calcium hydroxide pastes with different vehicles through dentinal tubules. The study was conducted on 60 extracted single-rooted human teeth whose crowns had been removed. The root canals were instrumented and divided into 4 groups according to the vehicle of the calcium hydroxide paste: Group I - distilled water; Group II - propylene glycol; Group III - 0.2% chlorhexidine; Group IV - 2% chlorhexidine. After placement of the root canal dressings, the teeth were sealed and placed in flasks containing deionized water. After 1, 2, 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days, the pH of the water was measured to determine the diffusion of calcium hydroxide through the dentinal tubules. The data were recorded and statistically compared by the Tukey test. The results showed that all pastes presented a similar diffusion capacity through dentin. Group IV did not present difference compared to group I. Group II presented difference compared to the other groups, as did Group III. In conclusion, groups I and IV presented a better diffusion capacity through dentin than groups II and III; 2% chlorhexidine can be used as a vehicle in calcium hydroxide pastes. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica.