927 resultados para DENTIN MATRIX PROTEIN-1


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Objective The aim of this study was to test the possible involvement, relevance and significance of dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) in chondrocyte redifferentiation and OA. Methods To examine the function of DMP1 in vitro, bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) and articular chondrocytes (ACs) were isolated and differentiated in micromasses in the presence or absence of DMP1 small interfering RNA and analysed for chondrogenic phenotype. The association of DMP1 expression with OA progression was analysed time dependently in the OA menisectomy rat model and in grade-specific OA human samples. Results It was found that DMP1 was strongly related to chondrogenesis, which was evidenced by the strong expression of DMP1 in the 14.5-day mouse embryonic cartilage development stage and in femoral heads of post-natal days 0 and 4. In vitro chondrogenesis in BMSCs and ACs was accompanied by a gradual increase in DMP1 expression at both the gene and protein levels. In addition, knockdown of DMP1 expression led to decreased chondrocyte marker genes, such as COL2A1, ACAN and SOX9, and an increase in the expression of COL10A and MMP13 in ACs. Moreover, treatment with IL-1β, a well-known catabolic culprit of proteoglycan matrix loss, significantly reduced the expression of DMP1. Furthermore, we also observed the suppression of DMP1 protein in a grade-specific manner in knee joint samples from patients with OA. In the menisectomy-induced OA model, an increase in the Mankin score was accompanied by the gradual loss of DMP1 expression. Conclusion Observations from this study suggest that DMP1 may play an important role in maintaining the chondrogenic phenotype and its possible involvement in altered cartilage matrix remodelling and degradation in disease conditions like OA.


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Cells of the craniofacial skeleton are derived from a common mesenchymal progenitor. The regulatory factors that control their differentiation into various cell lineages are unknown. To investigate the biological function of dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1), an extracellular matrix gene involved in calcified tissue formation, stable transgenic cell lines and adenovirally infected cells overexpressing DMP1 were generated. The findings in this paper demonstrate that overexpression of DMP1 in pluripotent and mesenchyme-derived cells such as C3H10T1/2, MC3T3-E1, and RPC-C2A can induce these cells to differentiate and form functional odontoblast-like cells. Functional differentiation of odontoblasts requires unique sets of genes being turned on and off in a growth- and differentiation-specific manner. The genes studied include transcription factors like core binding factor 1 (Cbfa1), bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2), and BMP4; early markers for extracellular matrix deposition like alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteopontin, osteonectin, and osteocalcin; and late markers like DMP2 and dentin sialoprotein (DSP) that are expressed by terminally differentiated odontoblasts and are responsible for the formation of tissue-specific dentin matrix. However, this differentiation pathway was limited to mesenchyme-derived cells only. Other cell lines tested by the adenoviral expression system failed to express odontoblast-phenotypic specific genes. An in vitro mineralized nodule formation assay demonstrated that overexpressed cells could differentiate and form a mineralized matrix. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that phosphorylation of Cbfa1 (osteoblast-specific transcription factor) was not required for the expression of odontoblast-specific genes, indicating the involvement of other unidentified odontoblast-specific transcription factors or coactivators. Cell lines that differentiate into odontoblast-like cells are useful tools for studying the mechanism involved in the terminal differentiation process of these postmitotic cells.


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Mammalian teeth are composed of hydroxyapatite crystals that are embedded in a rich extracellular matrix. This matrix is produced by only two cell types, the mesenchymal odontoblasts and the ectodermal ameloblasts. Ameloblasts secrete the enamel proteins amelogenin, ameloblastin, enamelin and amelotin. Odontoblasts secrete collagen type I and several calcium-binding phosphoproteins including dentin sialophosphoprotein, dentin matrix protein, bone sialoprotein and osteopontin. The latter four proteins have recently been grouped in the family of the SIBLINGs (small integrin-binding ligand, N-linked glycoproteins) because they display similar gene structures and because they contain an RGD tripeptide sequence that binds to integrin receptors and thus mediates cell adhesion. We have prepared all the other tooth-specific proteins in recombinant form and examined whether they might also promote cell adhesion similar to the SIBLINGs. We found that only ameloblastin consistently mediated adhesion of osteoblastic and fibroblastic cells to plastic or titanium surfaces. The activity was dependent on the intact three-dimensional structure of ameloblastin and required de novo protein synthesis of the adhering cells. By deletion analysis and in vitro mutagenesis, the active site could be narrowed down to a sequence of 13 amino acid residues (VPIMDFADPQFPT) derived from exon 7 of the rat ameloblastin gene or exons 7-9 of the human gene. Kinetic studies and RNA interference experiments further demonstrated that this sequence does not directly bind to a cell surface receptor but that it interacts with cellular fibronectin, which in turn binds to integrin receptors. The identification of a fibronectin-binding domain in ameloblastin might permit interesting applications for dental implantology. Implants could be coated with peptides containing the active sequence, which in turn would recruit fibronectin from the patient's blood. The recruited fibronectin should then promote cell adhesion on the implant surface, thereby accelerating osseointegration of the implant.


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To date, attempts to regenerate a complete tooth, including the critical periodontal tissues associated with the tooth root, have not been successful. Controversy still exists regarding the origin of the cell source for cellular cementum (epithelial or mesenchymal). This disagreement may be partially due to a lack of understanding of the events leading to the initiation and development of the tooth roots and supportive tissues, such as the cementum. Osterix (OSX) is a transcriptional factor essential for osteogenesis, but its role in cementogenesis has not been addressed. In the present study, we first documented a close relationship between the temporal- and spatial-expression pattern of OSX and the formation of cellular cementum. We then generated 3.6 Col 1-OSX transgenic mice, which displayed accelerated cementum formation vs. WT controls. Importantly, the conditional deletion of OSX in the mesenchymal cells with two different Cre systems (the 2.3 kb Col 1 and an inducible CAG-CreER) led to a sharp reduction in cellular cementum formation (including the cementum mass and mineral deposition rate) and gene expression of dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) by cementocytes. However, the deletion of the OSX gene after cellular cementum formed did not alter the properties of the mature cementum as evaluated by backscattered SEM and resin-cast SEM. Transient transfection of Osx in the cementoblasts in vitro significantly inhibited cell proliferation and increased cell differentiation and mineralization. Taken together, these data support 1) the mesenchymal origin of cellular cementum (from PDL progenitor cells); 2) the vital role of OSX in controlling the formation of cellular cementum; and 3) the limited remodeling of cellular cementum in adult mice.


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Osteocytes, known to act as the main regulators of bone homeostasis, have become a major focus in the field of bone research. Bioactive ceramics have been widely used for bone regeneration. However, there are few studies about the interaction of osteocytes with bioceramics. The effects of osteocytes on the in vitro and in vivo osteogenesis of bioceramics are also unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of osteocytes on the b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP) stimulated osteogenesis. It was found that osteocytes responded to the b-TCP stimulation, leading to the release of Wnt (wingless-related MMTV integration site), which enhanced osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells via Wnt signaling pathway. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand, an osteoclast inducer, was also upregulated, indicating that osteocytes would also participated in activation of osteoclasts, which played a major role in the degradation process of b-TCP and new bone remodeling. In vivo studies further demonstrated that when the material was completely embedded by newly formed bone, the only cell contacting with the material was osteocyte. However, the material would eventually be degraded and replaced by the new bone, requiring the participation of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, which were demonstrated by using immunostaining in this study. As the only cell contacting with the material, osteocytes probably acted in a regulatory role to regulate the surrounding osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Osteocytes were also found to participate in the maturation of osteoblasts and the mineralization process of biomaterials, by upregulating E11 (podoplanin) and dentin matrix protein 1 expression. These findings indicated that osteocytes involved in bone biomaterial-mediated osteogenesis and biomaterial degradation, providing valuable insights into the mechanism of material-stimulated osteogenesis, and a novel strategy to optimize the evaluating system for the biological properties of biomaterials.


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Dental pulp cells can differentiate toward an odontoblastic phenotype to produce reparative dentin beneath caries lesions. However, the mechanisms involved in pulp cell differentiation under pro-inflammatory stimuli have not been well-explored. Thus, we hypothesized that the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) could be a mediator involved in dental pulp cell differentiation toward an odontoblastic phenotype. We observed that TNF-alpha-challenged pulp cells exhibited increased mineralization and early and increased expression of dentin phosphoprotein (DPP), dentin sialoprotein (DSP), dentin matrix protein-1, and osteocalcin during a phase of reduced matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. We investigated whether these events were related and found that p38, a mitogen-activated protein kinase, differentially regulated MMP-1 and DSP/DPP expression and mediated mineralization upon TNF-alpha treatment. These findings indicate that TNF-alpha stimulates differentiation of dental pulp cells toward an odontoblastic phenotype via p38, while negatively regulating MMP-1 expression.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of two different irradiation times with 85mW/cm(2) 830nm laser on the behavior of mouse odontoblast-like cells. Background data: The use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to stimulate pulp tissue is a reality, but few reports relate odontoblastic responses to irradiation in in vitro models. Methods: Odontoblast-like cells (MDPC-23) were cultivated and divided into three groups: control/nonirradiated (group 1); or irradiated with 85mW/cm(2), 830nm laser for 10 sec (0.8 J/cm(2)) (group 2); or for 50 sec (4.2 J/cm(2)) (group 3) with a wavelength of 830 nm. After 3, 7, and 10 days, it was analyzed: growth curve and cell viability, total protein content, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, calcified nodules detection and quantification, collagen immunolocalization, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for DMP1 gene. Data were analyzed by Kruskall-Wallis test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Cell growth was smaller in group 2 (p < 0.01), whereas viability was similar in all groups and at all periods. Total protein content and ALP activity increased on the 10th day with 0.8 J/cm(2) (p < 0.01), as well as the detection and quantification of mineralization nodules (p < 0.05), collagen, and VEGF expression (p < 0.01). The expression of DMP1 increased in all groups (p < 0.05) compared with control at 3 days, except for 0.8 J/cm(2) at 3 days and control at 10 days. Conclusions: LLLT influenced the behavior of odontoblast-like cells; the shorter time/smallest energy density promoted the expression of odontoblastic phenotype in a more significant way.


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Mouse molars undergo distal movement, during which new bone is formed at the mesial side of the tooth root whereas the preexisting bone is resorbed at the distal side of the root. However, there is little detailed information available regarding which of the bones that surround the tooth root are involved in physiological tooth movement. In the present study, we therefore aimed to investigate the precise morphological differences of the alveolar bone between the bone formation side of the tooth root, using routine histological procedures including silver impregnation, as well as by immunohistochemical analysis of alkaline phosphatase and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase activity, and immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of the osteocyte markers dentin matrix protein 1, sclerostin, and fibroblast growth factor 23. Histochemical analysis indicated that bone formation by osteoblasts and bone resorption by osteoclasts occurred at the bone formation side and the bone resorption side, respectively. Osteocyte marker immunoreactivity of osteocytes at the surface of the bone close to the periodontal ligament differed at the bone formation and bone resorption sides. We also showed different specific features of osteocytic lacunar canalicular systems at the bone formation and bone resorption sides by using silver staining. This study suggests that the alveolar bone is different in the osteocyte nature between the bone formation side and the bone resorption side due to physiological distal movement of the mouse molar.


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Osteopontin (OPN) is a highly-phosphorylated extracellular matrix protein localized in bone, kidney, placenta, T-lymphocytes, macrophages, smooth muscle of the vascular system, milk, urine, and plasma. In ROS 17/2.8 osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D 3] regulates OPN at the transcriptional level resulting in increased steady state mRNA levels and increased production of OPN protein, maximal at 48 hours. Using ROS 17/2.8 cells as an osteoblast model, OPN was purified from culture medium after three hour treatments of either vehicle (ethanol) or 1,25(OH)2D3 via barium citrate precipitation followed by immunoaffinity chromatography. ^ Here, further evidence of regulation of OPN by 1,25(OH)2D 3 at the posttranslational level is presented. Prior to the up-regulation of OPN at the transcriptional level, 1,25(OH)2D3 induces a shift in OPN isoelectric point (pI) detected on two-dimensional gels from pI 4.6 to pI 5.1. Loading equal amounts of [32P]-labeled OPN recovered from ROS 17/2.8 cells exposed to 1,25(OH)2D3 or vehicle alone for three hours reveals that the shift from pI 4.6 to 5.1 is the result of reduced phosphorylation. Using structural analogs to 1,25(OH) 2D3, analog AT [25-(OH)-16-ene-23-yne-D3], which triggers Ca2+ influx through voltage sensitive Ca2+ channels but does not bind to the vitamin D receptor, mimicked the OPN pI shift while analog BT [1,25(OH)2-22-ene-24-cyclopropyl-D 3], which binds to the vitamin D receptor but does not allow Ca 2+ influx, did not. Inclusion of the Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine also blocks the charge shift conversion of OPN. Further analysis of the signaling pathway initiated by 1,25(OH)2D3 reveals that inhibition of the cyclic 3′,5′ -adenosine monophosphate-dependent kinase, protein kinase A, or inhibition of the cyclic 3′,5′-guanine monophosphate-dependent kinase, protein kinase G, also prevents the charge shift conversion. ^ Isolation of OPN from rat femurs and tibiae provides evidence for the existence of these two OPN charge forms in vivo, evidenced by differential migration on isoelectric focusing gels and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Peptide sequencing of rat long bone fractions revealed the presence of a presumed dentin specific protein, dentin matrix protein-1 (DMP-1). Western blot analysis confirmed the existence of DMP-1 in these fractions. ^ Using the OPN charge forms in functional assays, it was determined that the charge forms have differential roles in both cell surface and mineralization functions. In cell attachment assays and Ca2+ influx assays using PC-3 prostate cancer cells, the pI 5.1 charge form of OPN was found to permit binding and increase intracellular Ca2+ concentrations of PC-3 cells. The increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration was found to be integrin αvβ3-dependent. In mineralization assays, the pI 4.6 charge form of OPN promoted hydroxyapatite formation, while the pI 5.1 charge form had improved Ca2+ binding ability. ^ In conclusion, these findings suggest that 1,25(OH) 2D3 regulates OPN not only at the transcriptional level, but also plays a role in determination of the OPN phosphorylation state. The latter involves a short term (less than three hours) treatment and is associated with membrane-initiated Ca2+ influx. Functional assays utilizing the two OPN charge forms reveal the dependence of OPN post-translational state on its function. ^


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INTRODUCTION Proangiogenic prolyl hydroxylase (PHD) inhibitors represent a novel approach to stimulate tissue regeneration. Diabetes mellitus involves the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Here we evaluated the impact of AGEs on the response of human pulp tissue to the PHD inhibitor L-mimosine (L-MIM) in monolayer cultures of dental pulp-derived cells (DPCs) and tooth slice organ cultures. METHODS In monolayer cultures, DPCs were incubated with L-MIM and AGEs. Viability was assessed based on formazan formation, live-dead staining, annexin V/propidium iodide, and trypan blue exclusion assay. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-8 production was evaluated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunoassays. Furthermore, expression levels of odontoblast markers were assessed, and alizarin red staining was performed. Tooth slice organ cultures were performed, and VEGF, IL-6, and IL8 levels in their supernatants were measured by immunoassays. Pulp tissue vitality and morphology were assessed by MTT assay and histology. RESULTS In monolayer cultures of DPCs, L-MIM at nontoxic concentrations increased the production of VEGF and IL-8 in the presence of AGEs. Stimulation with L-MIM decreased alkaline phosphatase levels and matrix mineralization also in the presence of AGEs, whereas no significant changes in dentin matrix protein 1 and dentin sialophosphoprotein expression were observed. In tooth slice organ cultures, L-MIM increased VEGF but not IL-6 and IL-8 production in the presence of AGEs. The pulp tissue was vital, and no signs of apoptosis or necrosis were observed. CONCLUSIONS Overall, in the presence of AGEs, L-MIM increases the proangiogenic capacity, but decreases alkaline phosphatase expression and matrix mineralization.


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One of the hallmarks of progressive renal disease is the development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis. This is frequently preceded by macrophage infiltration, raising the possibility that macrophages relay fibrogenic signals to resident tubulointerstitial cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the potentially fibrogenic role of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), a macrophage-derived inflammatory cytokine, on cortical fibroblasts (CFs). Primary cultures of human renal CFs were established and incubated for 24 hours in the presence or absence of IL-1beta. We found that IL-1beta significantly stimulated DNA synthesis (356.7% +/- 39% of control, P <.003), fibronectin secretion (261.8 +/- 11% of control, P <.005), collagen type 1 production, (release of procollagen type 1 C-terminal-peptide, 152.4% +/- 26% of control, P <.005), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) secretion (211% +/- 37% of control, P <.01), and nitric oxide (NO) production (342.8% +/- 69% of control, P <.002). TGF-beta (1 ng/mL) and the phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA, 25 nmol/L) produced fibrogenic effects similar to those of IL-1beta. Neither a NO synthase inhibitor (N(G)-methyl-l-arginine, 1 mmol/L) nor a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor (bis-indolylmaleimide 1, 1 micromol/L) altered the enhanced level of fibronectin secretion or DNA synthesis seen in response to IL-1beta treatment. However, addition of a TGF-beta-neutralizing antibody significantly reduced IL-1beta-induced fibronectin secretion (IL-1beta + IgG, 262% +/- 72% vs IL-1beta + alphaTGF-beta 156% +/- 14%, P <.02), collagen type 1 production (IL-1beta + IgG, 176% +/- 28% vs IL-1beta + alphaTGF-beta, 120% +/- 14%, P <.005) and abrogated IL-1beta-induced DNA synthesis (245% +/- 49% vs 105% +/- 21%, P <.005). IL-1beta significantly stimulated CF DNA synthesis and production of fibronectin, collagen type 1, TGFbeta, and NO. The fibrogenic and proliferative action of IL-1beta on CF appears not to involve activation of PKC or production of NO but is at least partly TGFbeta-dependent.


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Premature delivery is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The incidence of premature deliveries has increased around the world. In Finland 5.3%, or about 3,000 children per year are born prematurely, before 37 weeks of gestation. The corresponding figure in the United States is about 13%. The morbidity and mortality are highest among infants delivered before 32 weeks of gestation - about 600 children each year in Finland. Approximately 70% of premature deliveries are unexplained. Preterm delivery can be caused by an asympto-matic infection between uterus and the fetal membranes, such can begin already in early pregnancy. It is difficult to predict preterm delivery, and many patients are therefore unnecessarily admitted to hospital for observation and exposed to medical treatments. On the other hand, the high risk women should be identified early for the best treatment of the mother and preterm infant. --- In the prospective study conducted at the Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Helsinki University Central Hospital two biochemical inflammation related markers were measured in the lower genital tract fluids of asymp-tomatic women in early and mid pregnancy in an order to see whether these markers could identify women with an increased risk of preterm delivery. These biomarkers were phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (phIGFBP-1) and matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8). The study involved 5180 asymptomatic pregnant women, examined during the first and second ultrasound screening visits. The study samples were taken from the vagina and cervicix. In addition, 246 symptomatic women were studied (pregnancy weeks 22 – 34). The study showed that increased phIGFBP-1 concentration in cervical canal fluid in early pregnancy increased the risk for preterm delivery. The risk for very premature birth (before 32 weeks of gestation) was nearly four-fold. Low MMP-8 concentration in mid pregnancy increased the risk of subsequent premature preterm rupture of fetal membranes (PPROM). Significantly high MMP-8 concentrations in the cervical fluid increased the risk for prema-ture delivery initiated by preterm labour with intact membranes. Among women with preterm contractions the shortened cervical length measured by ultrasound and elevated cervical fluid phIGFBP-1 both predicted premature delivery. In summary, because of the relatively low sensitivity of cervical fluid phIGFBP-1 this biomarker is not suitable for routine screening, but provides an additional tool in assessing the risk of preterm delivery. Cervical fluid MMP-8 is not useful in early or mid pregnancy in predicting premature delivery because of its dual role. Further studies on the role of MMP-8 are therefore needed. Our study confirms that phIGFBP-1 testing is useful in predicting pre-term delivery.


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This study determined if dentin proteases are denatured by phosphoric acid (PA) used in etch-and-rinse dentin adhesives. Dentin beams were completely demineralized with EDTA for 30 days. We acid-etched experimental groups by exposing the demineralized dentin beams to 1, 10, or 37 mass% PA for 15 sec or 15 min. Control beams were not exposed to PA but were incubated in simulated body fluid for 3 days to assay their total endogenous telopeptidase activity, by their ability to solubilize C-terminal crosslinked telopeptides ICTP and CTX from insoluble dentin collagen. Control beams released 6.1 ± 0.8 ng ICTP and 0.6 ± 0.1 ng CTX/mg dry-wt/3 days. Positive control beams pre-incubated in p-aminophenylmercuric acetate, a compound known to activate proMMPs, released about the same amount of ICTP peptides, but released significantly less CTX. Beams immersed in 1, 10, or 37 mass% PA for 15 sec or 15 min released amounts of ICTP and CTX similar to that released by the controls (p > 0.05). Beams incubated in galardin, an MMP inhibitor, or E-64, a cathepsin inhibitor, blocked most of the release of ICTP and CTX, respectively. It is concluded that PA does not denature endogenous MMP and cathepsin activities of dentin matrices. © 2013 International & American Associations for Dental Research.