957 resultados para Curvature radius


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This article describes and discusses a method to determine root curvature radius by using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The severity of root canal curvature is essential to select instrument and instrumentation technique. The diagnosis and planning of root canal treatment have traditionally been made based on periapical radiography. However, the higher accuracy of CBCT images to identify anatomic and pathologic alterations compared to panoramic and periapical radiographs has been shown to reduce the incidence of false-negative results. In high-resolution images, the measurement of root curvature radius can be obtained by circumcenter. Based on 3 mathematical points determined with the working tools of Planimp® software, it is possible to calculate root curvature radius in both apical and coronal directions. The CBCT-aided method for determination of root curvature radius presented in this article is easy to perform, reproducible and allows a more reliable and predictable endodontic planning, which reflects directly on a more efficacious preparation of curved root canals.


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We study the stability of AdS black holes rotating in a single two-plane for tensor-type gravitational perturbations in D > 6 space-time dimensions. First, by an analytic method, we show that there exists no unstable mode when the magnitude a of the angular momentum is smaller than r(h)(2)/R, where r(h) is the horizon radius and R is the AdS curvature radius. Then, by numerical calculations of quasinormal modes, using the separability of the relevant perturbation equations, we show that an instability occurs for rapidly rotating black holes with a > r(h)(2)/R, although the growth rate is tiny (of order 10(-12) of the inverse horizon radius). We give numerical evidence indicating that this instability is caused by superradiance.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Optometria Avançada


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Es presenten els resultats experimentals obtinguts durant l’estudi sistemàtic realitzat de la preparació electroquímica de puntes de tungstè per al Microscopi d’Efecte Túnel (STM), fent servir dos electròlits: KOH i NaOH. L’estudi sobre la morfologia, longitud de la punta i radi de curvatura de la punta en funció del voltatge aplicat i les concentracions de l’electròlit es descriu al capítol 3. La caracterització de les puntes es va dur a terme, per una part, mitjançant un microscòpic electrònic de rastreig (SEM) i per l’altre banda, amb el ús de les puntes obtingudes al STM. En resumen, els resultats mostren que ambdós electròlits permeten obtenir puntes que es poden fer servir amb èxit per l’obtenció d’imatges amb l’STM. Les millors puntes són aquelles que s’obtenen dins de rangs de concentracions d’electròlit baixes, entre valor de 10 a 15% en pes pel NaOH i entre 10 i 20% pel KOH i rangs de voltatge entre 3 a 7 V pel NaOH i 4 a 8 V pel KOH. S’observa que es requereixen temps d’atac electroquímic menors fent servir com a electròlit NaOH. S’estudia, en el capítol 4, el tractament que requereix la punta per tal d’eliminar les impureses de la seva superfície. Es realitzen diferents proves amb tres mètodes de neteja: (1) tractament químic, (2) bombardeig iònic i (3) tractament tèrmic de recuit. En el capítol 5 del projecte s’analitzen les imatges d’una mostra d’or, Au(110), d’estructura coneguda, amb el microscopi d’efecte túnel STM) del laboratori fent servir les puntes obtingudes sota les condicions considerades òptimes. El resultat confirma el bon comportament de les puntes obtingudes sota les condicions descrites en els capítols anteriors i establert una pauta a seguir per obtenir puntes d’una manera senzilla i reproduïble.


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High-curvature and stabilized vesicles of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODABr) can be formed spontaneously in aqueous electrolytic solution. It is shown by cryo-transmission electron microscopy that 5.0 mM DODABr molecules associate in water at a temperature above its gel-to-liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature (T(m)approximate to45 degreesC) in a variety of complex bilayer structures. However, in the presence of NaCl the preferred structures formed are unilamellar and bilamellar vesicles with high curvature and the dispersion is polydisperse in size and geometry, but the main vesicle population contains spherical, flattened and smoothed structures. It is, however, less polydisperse than the corresponding salt-free dispersion, and the size polydispersity and the vesicle curvature radius tend to decrease with NaCl concentration. Long cylindrical bilamellar vesicles, with a very thin water layer separating the bilayers are also formed in the presence of 10 mM NaCl. The effect of the ionic strength on T-m, obtained by differential scanning calorimetry, is shown to depend on the nature of the counterion: Br- decreases, whereas Cl- increases Tm of DODABr, indicating different affinity of these counterions for the vesicle surfaces.


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High critical temperature superconductors are evolving from a scientific research subject into large-scale application devices. In order to meet this development demand they must withstand high current capacity under mechanical loads arising from thermal contraction during cooling from room temperature down to operating temperature (usually 77 K) and due to the electromagnetic forces generated by the current and the induced magnetic field. Among the HTS materials, the Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox, compound imbedded in an Ag/AgMg sheath has shown the best results in terms of critical current at 77 K and tolerance against mechanical strain. Aiming to evaluate the influence of thermal stress induced by a number of thermal shock cycles we have evaluated the V-I characteristic curves of samples mounted onto semicircular holders with different curvature radius (9.75 to 44.5 mm). The most deformed sample (epsilon = 1.08%) showed the largest reduction of critical current (40%) compared to the undeformed sample and the highest sensitivity to thermal stress (I-c/I-c0 = 0.5). The V-I characteristic curves were also fitted by a potential curve displaying n-exponents varying from 20 down to 10 between the initial and last thermal shock cycle.


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We discuss the possible influence of gravity in the neutronization process p+e-→νe, which is particularly important as a cooling mechanism of neutron stars. Our approach is semiclassical in the sense that leptonic fields are quantized on a classical background spacetime, while neutrons and protons are treated as excited and unexcited nucleon states, respectively. We expect gravity to have some influence wherever the energy content carried by the in state is barely above the neutron mass. In this case the emitted neutrinos would be soft enough to have a wavelength of the same order as the space curvature radius. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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Neste trabalho, estuda-se um novo método de inversão tomográfica de reflexão para a determinação de um modelo isotrópico e suave de velocidade por meio da aplicação, em dados sintéticos e reais, do programa Niptomo que é uma implementação do método de inversão tomográfica dos atributos cinemáticos da onda hipotética do ponto de incidência normal (PIN). Os dados de entrada para a inversão tomográfica, isto é, o tempo de trânsito e os atributos da onda PIN (raio de curvatura da frente de onda emergente e ângulo de emergência), são retirados de uma série de pontos escolhidos na seção afastamento nulo (AN) simulada, obtida pelo método de empilhamento por superfícies de reflexão comum (SRC). Normalmente, a escolha destes pontos na seção AN é realizada utilizando-se programas de picking automático, que identificam eventos localmente coerentes na seção sísmica com base nos parâmetros fornecidos pelo usuário. O picking é um dos processos mais críticos dos métodos de inversão tomográfica, pois a inclusão de dados de eventos que não sejam de reflexões primárias podem ser incluídos neste processo, prejudicando assim o modelo de velocidades a ser obtido pela inversão tomográfica. Este trabalho tem por objetivo de construir um programa de picking interativo para fornecer ao usuário o controle da escolha dos pontos de reflexões sísmicas primárias, cujos dados serão utilizados na inversão tomográfica. Os processos de picking e inversão tomográfica são aplicados nos dados sintéticos Marmousi e nos dados da linha sísmica 50-RL-90 da Bacia do Tacutu. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o picking interativo para a escolha de pontos sobre eventos de reflexões primárias favorece na obtenção de um modelo de velocidade mais preciso.


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Introduction: The aim of the present work was to evaluate the resistance to flexural fatigue of Reciproc R25 nickel-titanium files, 25 mm, used in continuous rotation motion or reciprocation motion, in dynamic assays device. Methods: Thirty-six Reciproc R25 files were divided into 2 groups (n = 18) according to kinematics applied, continuous rotary (group CR) and reciprocation motion (group RM). The files were submitted to dynamic assays device moved by an electric engine with 300 rpm of speed that permitted the reproduction of pecking motion. The files run on a ring's groove of temperate steel, simulating instrumentation of a curved root canal with 400 and 5 mm of curvature radius. The fracture of file was detected by sensor of device, and the time was marked. The data were analyzed statistically by Student's t test, with level of significance of 95%. Results: The instruments moved by reciprocating movement reached significantly higher numbers of cycles before fracture (mean, 1787.78 cycles) when compared with instruments moved by continuous rotary (mean, 816.39 cycles). Conclusions: The results showed that the reciprocation motion improves flexural fatigue resistance in nickel-titanium instrument Reciproc R25 when compared with continuous rotation movement. (J Endod 2012;38:684-687)


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We report the fabrication and field emission properties of high-density nano-emitter arrays with on-chip electron extraction gate electrodes and up to 106 metallic nanotips that have an apex curvature radius of a few nanometers and a the tip density exceeding 108 cm−2. The gate electrode was fabricated on top of the nano-emitter arrays using a self-aligned polymer mask method. By applying a hot-press step for the polymer planarization, gate–nanotip alignment precision below 10 nm was achieved. Fabricated devices exhibited stable field electron emission with a current density of 0.1 A cm−2, indicating that these are promising for applications that require a miniature high-brightness electron source.


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Observations of microwave background fluctuations can yield information not only about the geometry of the universe but potentially about the topology of the universe. If the universe is negatively curved, then the characteristic scale for the topology of the universe is the curvature radius. Thus, if we are seeing the effects of the geometry of the universe, we can hope to soon see signatures of the topology of the universe. The cleanest signature of the topology of the universe is written on the microwave sky: There should be thousands of pairs of matched circles. These circles can be used to determine the precise topology and volume of the universe. Because we see hundreds of slices through the fundamental domain of the universe, we can use the microwave observations to reconstruct the initial conditions of the entire universe on the scale of a few megaparsecs.


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Fruits of two varieties of both apples and pear were tested to measure their response to small energy impact applied by a impact tester with two spherical tips of different radious of curvature ( RA = 2.48 cm and RB = 0.98 cm) and equal mass were used. In the four varieties studied, the size of bruise was smaller with a spherical tip RA than with tip RB . The non-destructive impact test would cause less damage with a spherical impactor with a radious bigger than 0.98 cm.


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Toroidal DNA condensates have received considerable attention for their possible relationship to the packaging of DNA in viruses and in general as a model of ordered DNA condensation. A spool-like model has primarily been supported for DNA organization within toroids. However, our observations suggest that the actual organization may be considerably different. We present an alternate model in which DNA for a given toroid is organized within a series of equally sized contiguous loops that precess about the toroid axis. A related model for the toroid formation process is also presented. This kinetic model predicts a distribution of toroid sizes for DNA condensed from solution that is in good agreement with experimental data.


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Ophthalmophakometric measurements of ocular surface radius of curvature and alignment were evaluated on physical model eyes encompassing a wide range of human ocular dimensions. The results indicated that defocus errors arising from imperfections in the ophthalmophakometer camera telecentricity and light source collimation were smaller than experimental errors. Reasonable estimates emerged for anterior lens surface radius of curvature (accuracy: 0.02–0.10 mm; precision 0.05–0.09 mm), posterior lens surface radius of curvature (accuracy: 0.10–0.55 mm; precision 0.06–0.20 mm), eye rotation (accuracy: 0.00–0.32°; precision 0.06–0.25°), lens tilt (accuracy: 0.00–0.33°; precision 0.05–0.98°) and lens decentration (accuracy: 0.00–0.07 mm; precision 0.00–0.07 mm).


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This present study aimed to investigate the fatigue life of unused (new) endodontic instruments made of NiTi with control memory by Coltene™ and subjected to the multi curvature of a mandibular first molar root canal. Additionally, the instrument‟s structural behaviour was analysed through non-linear finite element analysis (FEA). The fatigue life of twelve Hyflex™ CM files was assessed while were forced to adopt a stance with multiple radius of curvature, similar to the ones usually found in a mandibular first molar root canal; nine of them were subjected to Pecking motion, a relative movement of axial type. To achieve this, it was designed an experimental setup with the aim of timing the instruments until fracture while worked inside a stainless steel mandibular first molar model with relative axial motion to simulate the pecking motion. Additionally, the model‟s root canal multi-curvature was confirmed by radiography. The non-linear finite element analysis was conducted using the computer aided design software package SolidWorks™ Simulation, in order to define the imposed displacement required by the FEA, it was necessary to model an endodontic instrument with simplified geometry using SolidWorks™ and subsequently analyse the geometry of the root canal CAD model. The experimental results shown that the instruments subjected to pecking motion displayed higher fatigue life values and higher lengths of fractured tips than those with only rotational relative movement. The finite element non-linear analyses shown, for identical conditions, maximum values for the first principal stress lower than the yield strength of the material and those were located in similar positions to the instrument‟s fracture location determined by the experimental testing results.