991 resultados para Curricular reform


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Many education systems are experiencing a re-scaling and consolidation of governance through rolling national agendas of standardisation and centralisation. This paper considers the case of Australia as it moves towards implementing its first national curriculum, to explore how teacher educators plan to retain pedagogical space for debate, diversity and contestation of such systemic curricular reform. This paper reports on an interview study conducted with nine teacher educators across the four curriculum areas included in the first wave of the Australian Curriculum: English, Science, Mathematics and History. The analysis reveals how teacher educators reported professional dilemmas around curricular design, and planned to resolve such dilemmas between the anticipated changes and their preferences for what might have been. While different curricular areas displayed different patterns of professional dilemma, the teacher educators are shown to construe their role as one of active curriculum mediators, who, in recontextualising curricular reforms, will use the opportunity to reinsert both residualised and emergent alternatives in their students’ professional value sets. The study also identifies a new set of dilemmas emerging around the politicisation and standardisation of curriculum, and its impact on the teaching profession and teacher educators.


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This project explored how EFL teachers working in different sectors in Indonesia experienced moral education reform. Teachers working in either state schools or Islamic private schools were interviewed and their classes were observed. The thesis indicated that systemic investment in teachers' professionalism contributed to teachers' emerging dilemmas and their resolutions. Teachers in the better resourced state sector reported more dilemmas related to the implementation of the reform and resolved these dilemmas by using professional judgement, while teachers in the less resourced sector reported dilemmas related to their context and failed to implement the curriculum.


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Este estudo narrativo centra-se na formação de professores nos cursos de licenciatura, e parte dos elementos que caracterizam e significam o processo de reforma curricular do curso de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Pará, ocorrido durante o ano de 2000, no bojo das reformas educativas em curso no cenário brasileiro. Busco, nesse contexto, pela análise reflexiva, investigar para compreender a construção de um conjunto de inovações curriculares na formação inicial de professores de ciências e biologia que atuarão na educação básica do sistema de ensino brasileiro e regional. Tais ações se consubstanciam na apresentação, na discussão e no debate de aspectos internos e externos do referido processo, da proposição e implementação do projeto da reforma para o curso em questão, a partir das vozes de um grupo de professoras que dele participaram, das representações dos alunos contemplados na reforma, e também de documentos pertinentes ao momento. Aponto, de modo particular, avanços significativos no que concerne às mudanças qualitativas empreendidas, as quais são observadas na construção de saberes docentes por parte dos alunos em processo de formação, sendo algo atingível na prática de professores formadores, no âmbito deste curso. Desse modo, o estudo guarda contribuições relevantes na investigação e na reflexão atual no campo da formação inicial de professores de ciências e biologia, de modo particular, e da formação de professores nas demais licenciaturas, de modo geral.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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En este artículo analizaremos una parte de las políticas educativas dirigidas a la escuela primaria que fueron diseñadas e implementadas por los ministros de educación de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Nos referiremos a dos de ellas: la reforma curricular para el primer ciclo y el programa de 'concentración' destinado a las escuelas rurales. Con respecto a la primera, veremos que el ministro dispuso la continuidad de una reforma que había comenzado en 1975 y detallaremos la distancia que existió entre la letra de la norma y su implementación en las escuelas. Sobre la segunda, mostraremos que las autoridades bonaerenses crearon un proyecto de 'concentración' que promovió el cierre de cientos de establecimientos en las zonas rurales.


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En este artículo analizaremos una parte de las políticas educativas dirigidas a la escuela primaria que fueron diseñadas e implementadas por los ministros de educación de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Nos referiremos a dos de ellas: la reforma curricular para el primer ciclo y el programa de 'concentración' destinado a las escuelas rurales. Con respecto a la primera, veremos que el ministro dispuso la continuidad de una reforma que había comenzado en 1975 y detallaremos la distancia que existió entre la letra de la norma y su implementación en las escuelas. Sobre la segunda, mostraremos que las autoridades bonaerenses crearon un proyecto de 'concentración' que promovió el cierre de cientos de establecimientos en las zonas rurales.


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En este artículo analizaremos una parte de las políticas educativas dirigidas a la escuela primaria que fueron diseñadas e implementadas por los ministros de educación de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Nos referiremos a dos de ellas: la reforma curricular para el primer ciclo y el programa de 'concentración' destinado a las escuelas rurales. Con respecto a la primera, veremos que el ministro dispuso la continuidad de una reforma que había comenzado en 1975 y detallaremos la distancia que existió entre la letra de la norma y su implementación en las escuelas. Sobre la segunda, mostraremos que las autoridades bonaerenses crearon un proyecto de 'concentración' que promovió el cierre de cientos de establecimientos en las zonas rurales.


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The purpose of this study is to explore teacher self-efficacy at a time of radical mathematical reform. Project Maths – the new initiative which was rolled out nationwide in 2010 differs from previous attempts at innovation in that it targets a much closer connection between curriculum and pedagogy. Gone are the days of well-rehearsed routines where the role of the mathematician was essentially that of demonstrator. Teaching for understanding is now the main ‘official’ pedagogical focus, with emphasis on the practitioner playing the part of mediator between subject-matter and student. Mathematical instruction is not merely concerned with the transmission of knowledge and skills which is a particular pedagogical position to take. It is also an emotional practice (Hargreaves, 1998) that colours and expresses the feelings and actions of practitioners. While emotion plays a key role in teachers’ commitment to curricular reform, it is also shaped by the social and cultural contexts of mathematical change, alongside with the attitudes and beliefs of the mathematical teaching community. Inspired by Bandura’s theory of learning (1986), this investigation aims to shed light on the complex interplay between so-called mastery and vicarious experiences, social persuasion and physiological states. Vygotsky’s view of learning (1978) as a socio-cultural process is also drawn upon, as it provides a useful structure against which teacher self-efficacy and professional development can be examined. Finally, Hiebert’s theory (1986) is used to examine mathematics teaching self-efficacy and mathematics self-efficacy.


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In most of the advanced economies, students are losing interest in careers especially in engineering and related industries. Hence, western economies are confronting a critical skilled labour shortage in areas of technology, science and engineering. The aim of this paper is to document how the organisational and institutional elements of one industry-school partnerships initiative – The Gateway Schools Program - contribute to productive knowledge sharing and networking. In particular this paper focuses on an initiative of an Australian State government in response to a perceived crisis around the skills shortage in an economy transitioning from a localised to a global knowledge production economy. The Gateway Schools initiative signals the first sustained attempt in Australia to incorporate schools into production networks through strategic partnerships linking them to partner organisations at the industry level. We provide case examples of how four schools operationalise the partnerships with the mining and energy industries and how these partnerships as knowledge assets impact the delivery of curriculum and capacity building among teachers. A program theory approach to analysis, informed by theoretical perspectives of Bailey (1994), Bagnall (2007) and Walsh (2004) was adopted. Each of these theorists provides a related but different perspective on the establishment, purpose, and effectiveness respectively of partnerships. Our ultimate goal is to define those characteristics of successful partnerships that do contribute to enhanced interest and engagement by students in those careers that are currently experiencing critical shortages.


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In most of the advanced economies, students are losing interest in careers especially in en¬gineering and related industries. Hence, western economies are confronting a critical skilled labour shortage in areas of technology, science and engineering. Decisions about career pathways are made as early as the primary years of schooling and hence cooperation be¬tween industry and schools to attract students to the professions is crucial. The aim of this paper is to document how the organisational and institutional elements of one industry-school partnerships initiative — The Gateway Schools Program — contribute to productive knowledge sharing and networking. In particular this paper focuses on an initiative of an Australian State government in response to a perceived crisis around the skills shortage in an economy transitioning from a localised to a global knowledge production economy. The Gateway Schools initiative signals the first sustained attempt in Australia to incorporate schools into production networks through strategic partnerships linking them to partner organisations at the industry level. We provide case examples of how four schools opera¬tionalise the partnerships with the minerals and energy industries and how these partner¬ships as knowledge assets impact the delivery of curriculum and capacity building among teachers. Our ultimate goal is to define those characteristics of successful partnerships that do contribute to enhanced interest and engagement by students in those careers that are currently experiencing critical shortages.


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This paper reports on the views of Singaporean teachers of a mandated curriculum innovation aimed at changing the nature of games pedagogy within the physical education curriculum framework in Singapore. Since its first appearance over 20 years ago, Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU), as an approach to games pedagogy has gathered support around the world. Through a process of evolution TGfU now has many guises and one of the latest of these is the Games Concept Approach (GCA) a name given to this pedagogical approach in Singapore. As part of a major national curricular reform project the GCA was identified as the preferred method of games teaching and as a result was mandated as required professional practice within physical education teaching. To prepare teachers for the implementation phase, a training program was developed by the National Institute of Education in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and well known experts in the field from the United States. For this part of the study, 22 teachers from across Singapore were interviewed. The data were used to create three fictional narratives, a process described by Sparkes (2002a) and used more recently by Ryan (2005) in the field of literacy. The stories were framed using Foucault’s (1980/1977) notion of governmentality and Bernstein’s (1996) notion of regulative discourse. The narratives reveal tales of confusion, frustration but also of hope and enthusiasm.


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This article situates the development of the Threshold Learning Outcomes for law in relation to broader national and international trends in legal education and higher education regulation. It also addresses the significance of recent changes to the Australian higher education regulatory landscape catalysed by the current Government's commitment to reducing regulation and red tape for the sector.


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Based on a one-year ethnographic study of a primary school in Finland with specialised classes in Finnish and English (referred to as bilingual classes by research participants), this research traces patterns of how nationed, raced, classed and gendered differences are produced and gain meaning in school. I examine several aspects of these differences: the ways the teachers and parents make sense of school and of school choice; the repertoires of self put forward by teachers, parents and pupils of the bilingual classes; and the insitutional and classroom practices in Sunny Lane School (pseudonym). My purpose is to examine how the construction of differentness is related to the policy of school choice. I approach this questions from a knowledge problematic, and explore connections and disjunctions between the interpretations of teachers and those of parents, as well as between what teachers and parents expressed or said and the practices they engaged in. My data consists of fieldnotes generated through a one-year period of ethnographic study in Sunny Lane School, and of ethnographic interviews with teachers and parents primarily of the bilingual classes. This data focuses on the initial stages of the bilingual classes, which included the application and testing processes for these classes, and on Grades 1─3. In my analysis, I pursue poststructural feminist theorisations on questions of knowledge, power and subjectivity, which foreground an understanding of the constitutive force of discourse and the performative, partial, and relational nature of knowledge. I begin by situating my ethnographic field in relation to wider developments, namely, the emergence of school choice and the rhetoric of curricular reform and language education in Finland. I move on from there to ask how teachers discuss the introduction of these specialised classes, then trace pupils paths to these classes, their parents goals related to school choice, teachers constructions of the pupils and parents of bilingual classes, and how these shape the ways in which school and classroom practices unfold. School choice, I argue, functioned as a spatial practice, defining who belongs in school and demarcating the position of teachers, parents and pupils in school. Notions of classed and ethnicised differences entered the ways teachers and parents made sense of school choice. Teachers idealised school in terms of social cohesiveness and constructed social cohesion as a task for school to perform. The hopes parents iterated were connected to ensuring their children s futurity, to their perceptions of the advantages of fluency in English, but also to the differences they believed to exist between the social milieus of different schools. Ideals such as openmindedness and cosmopolitanism were also articulated by parents, and these ideals assumed different content for ethnic majority and minority parents. Teachers discussed the introduction of bilingual classes as being a means to ensure the school s future, and emphasised bilingual classes as fitting into the rubric of Finnish comprehensive schooling which, they maintained, is committed to equality. Parents were expected to accommodate their views and adopt the position of the responsible, supportive parent that was suggested to them by teachers. Teachers assumed a posture teachers of appreciating different cultures, while maintaining Finnishness as common ground in school. Discussion on pupils knowledge and experience of other countries took place often in bilingual classes, and various cultural theme events were organized on occasion. In school, pupils are taught to identify themselves in terms of cultural belonging. The rhetoric promoted by teachers was one of inclusiveness, which was also applied to describe the task of qualifying pupils for bilingual classes, qualifying which pupils can belong. Bilingual classes were idealised as taking a neutral, impartial posture toward difference by ethnic majority teachers and parents, and the relationship of school choice to classed advantage, for example, was something teachers, as well as parents, preferred not to discuss. Pupils were addressed by teachers during lessons in ways that assumed self responsibility and diligence, and they assumed the discursive category of being good, competent pupils made available to them. While this allowed them to position themselves favourably in school, their participation in a bilingual class was marked by the pressure to succeed well in school.