985 resultados para Cultural boundaries


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Computer-mediated conferencing commonly is used to promote collaborative learning, including student learning across distance. This article presents the outcomes and experiences of Master of Nursing students in three countries using flexible learning approaches facilitated by the use of computer-mediated conferencing. It examines issues relating to support for global nursing education, presents an evaluation of one particular unit, and presents themes in the feedback from students about their experience. The authors report the findings in three categories: broadened perspectives, tackling the technology, and adaptive learning. Furthermore, the article offers suggestions for enhancing student-learning experiences when computer-mediated conferencing facilities are used.


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In early 2009, researchers in the English Department of the University of Amsterdam collaborated with researchers in the Drama Department, Deakin University, Australia on a project which brought English as a Second Language students from The Netherlands into the rehearsal studio of Australian students engaged in play-building on Australian themes. The project aims were multiple and interconnected. We extended a language acquisition framework established by the Dutch investigators in previous collaborations with the Universities of Venice and Southampton, and combined this with an investigation of ways to harness technology in order to teach Australian students to communicate with and about their art. The Dutch language students were prompted to develop art-related language literacy (description, interpretation, criticism), through live, video-streamed interaction with drama students in Australia at critical points in the development of a group-devised performance (conception, rehearsal, performance). The Australian student improved their capacity to articulate the aims and processes which drove their art-making by illuminating the art-making process for the Dutch students, and providing them with a real-life context for the use of extended vocabulary whilst making them partners in the process of shaping the work. All participants engaged in the common task of assessing the capacity of the art work produced to communicate meaning to a non-Australian audience.


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It is well established that there are inherent difficulties involved in communicating across cultural boundaries. When these difficulties are encountered within the justice system the innocent can be convicted and witnesses undermined. A large amount of research has been undertaken regarding the implications of miscommunication within the courtroom but far less has been carried out on language and interactions between police and Indigenous Australians. It is necessary that officers of the law be made aware of linguistic issues to ensure they conduct their investigations in a fair, effective and therefore ethical manner. This paper draws on Cultural Schema Theory to illustrate how this could be achieved. The justice system is reliant upon the skills and knowledge of the police, therefore, this paper highlights the need for research to focus on the linguistic and non‐verbal differences between Australian Aboriginal English and Australian Standard English in order to develop techniques to facilitate effective communication.


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This paper examines how anxieties about ethnic identity proliferate as state borders begin to shift and open in response to accelerating possibilities of cross-border cooperation. As the border becomes more porous, social and cultural boundaries become marked in other ways, spatially re-scaled to reflect new uncertainties consequent upon border change. Using an example from the Irish land border, the paper traces how national space is re-imagined and re-placed in the everyday practices of residents in a violent border zone from which the state is ostensibly retreating. It shows that communal division is as sharply drawn as ever at a time when the ‘visibility’ of the state border itself is beginning to diminish.


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ARTICLE 1 : RÉSUMÉ Amputation traumatique: Une étude de cas laotien sur l’indignation et l’injustice. La culture est un contexte essentiel à considérer pour produire un diagnostic et un plan d’intervention psychiatrique. Une perspective culturelle met en relief le contexte social dans lequel les symptômes émergent, et comment ils sont interprétés et gérés par la personne atteinte. Des études ethnoculturelles sur les maladies nous suggèrent que la plupart des gens nous donnent des explications pour leurs symptômes qui ont un fondement culturel. Bien que ces explications contredisent la théorie biomédicale, elles soulagent la souffrance des patients et leur permettent de donner une signification à cette dernière. L’exploration des caractéristiques, contextes et antécédents des symptômes permet au patient de les communiquer au clinicien qui pourrait avoir une explication différente de sa maladie. Cette étude de cas permet de montrer comment le Guide pour Formulation Culturelle du DSM-IV (The DSM-IV Outline for Cultural Formulation) permet aux cliniciens de solliciter un récit du patient en lien avec son expérience de la maladie. Notre étude examine l’utilisation par un patient laotien de « l’indignation sociale » (« Khuâm khum khang ») comme le modèle explicatif culturel de son problème malgré le diagnostic de trouble de stress post-traumatique qui lui fut attribué après une amputation traumatique. L’explication culturelle de son problème a permis au patient d’exprimer la signification personnelle et collective à sa colère et sa frustration, émotions qu’il avait réprimées. Cet idiome culturel lui a permis d’exprimer sa détresse et de réfléchir sur le système de soins de santé et, plus précisément, le contexte dans lequel les symptômes et leurs origines sont racontés et évalués. Cette représentation laotienne a aussi permis aux cliniciens de comprendre des expériences et les explications du client, autrement difficiles à situer dans un contexte biomédical et psychiatrique Euro-américain. Cette étude démontre comment il est possible d’améliorer les interactions entre cliniciens et patients et dès lors la qualité des soins par la compréhension de la perspective du patient et l’utilisation d’une approche culturelle. Mots clés: Culture, signification, idiome culturel, modèle explicatif, Guide pour Formulation culturelle du DSM-IV, indignation sociale, interaction entre patient et intervenant. ARTICLE 2 : RÉSUMÉ Impact de l’utilisation du Guide pour la formulation culturelle du DSM-IV sur la dynamique de conférences multidisciplinaires en santé mentale. La croissance du pluralisme culturel en Amérique du nord a obligé la communauté oeuvrant en santé mentale d’adopter une sensibilité culturelle accrue dans l’exercice de leur métier. Les professionnels en santé mentale doivent prendre conscience du contexte historique et social non seulement de leur clientèle mais également de leur propre profession. Les renseignements exigés pour les soins professionnels proviennent d’ évaluations cliniques. Il faut examiner ces informations dans un cadre culturellement sensible pour pouvoir formuler une évaluation des cas qui permet aux cliniciens de poser un diagnostic juste et précis, et ce, à travers les frontières culturelles du patient aussi bien que celles du professionnel en santé mentale. Cette situation a suscité le développement du Guide pour la formulation culturelle dans la 4ième édition du Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux américain (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., DSM-IV) de l’Association psychiatrique américaine. Ce guide est un outil pour aider les cliniciens à obtenir des informations de nature culturelle auprès du client et de sa famille afin de guider la production des soins en santé mentale. L’étude vise l’analyse conversationnelle de la conférence multidisciplinaire comme contexte d’utilisation du Guide pour la formulation culturelle qui sert de cadre dans lequel les pratiques discursives des professionnels de la santé mentale évoluent. Utilisant la perspective théorique de l’interactionnisme symbolique, l’étude examine comment les diverses disciplines de la santé mentale interprètent et conceptualisent les éléments culturels et les implications de ce cadre pour la collaboration interdisciplinaire dans l’évaluation, l’élaboration de plans de traitement et des soins. Mots clé: Guide pour Formulation culturelle – Santé mentale – Psychiatrie transculturelle – Analyse conversationnelle – Interactionnisme symbolique


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The paper outlines the main features of the contemporary discourse on hybrid subjectivity, a discourse which is internally differentiated along 'organic', 'intentional', and critical social theory lines. It then examines how these discourses can be applied to our understanding of hybrid cultures and identities. The article focuses on two central claims underlying the intentional approach: one, that cultural boundaries are theoretically and empirically problematic; and secondly, that a hybrid position provides the potential for an enlightened and critical world-view. In response, two contentions are articulated that will provide a more nuanced understanding of the hybrid self. Drawing on the work of Simmel and Park, the paper, in contrast to the intentional account, highlights the ambivalence of boundaries; secondly, a critical investigation of the enlightened hybrid consciousness is offered which suggests that this new form of consciousness underplays the role of prejudice and ambivalence. As a result of these discussions, the article demonstrates that the discourse on hybrid identity raises key theoretical issues either ignored or insufficiently addressed by existing scholarship.


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Graduates increasingly need to operate across national and cultural boundaries. This paper discusses the need to ensure that all students are equipped to operate within complex and diverse multicultural environments. The work builds on three earlier studies. Using these, the author has created a new theoretical framework and designed an intervention which aimed to increase diverse students' awareness of intercultural differences and their ability to function effectively in multicultural learning (and thus work) environments. The paper evaluates this highly innovative training. It concludes that it was effective in making a wide range of students aware of issues around cultural difference and competence. The training significantly changed the outlook of students who took part in it. Whilst the framework was robust, effective, and generalisable to other contexts, there are a number of issues which will be addressed in the re-running the programme.


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Graduates worldwide are increasingly entering a global workplace which will require them to operate across national and cultural boundaries. This paper discusses the need to ensure that all students are equipped to work within this increasingly complex multi-cultural environment. It examines the issues which occur in preparing students within a UK Higher Education environment so that they are able to operate effectively within the international work situations in which they find themselves. This research builds on earlier research, which found that the effectiveness of an individual to work across cultural boundaries, in terms of work and communication, was increased by the number of international or intercultural experiences that a person has. Using this as a premise, an intervention was designed which aimed to increase students’ awareness of intercultural differences and their ability to function effectively in multicultural groups. This paper analyses the effectiveness of this highly innovative training intervention. It concludes that it was an effective way of making students aware of some of the issues around cultural competence is groups. In fact, the training was seen as most effective by students in addressing issues round group dynamics. The training obviously changed the outlook of a number students who took part it. There are, however, a number of issues which need to be addressed the re-running the training. These are notably, at what time in a student’s academic career such intervention is given, its integration into the curriculum and managing of student expectations.


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This study deals with the question of how German members of the European Parliament (MEPs) represent the German model of religion–state relations at the European level. Based on a survey and interviews with German MEPs as well as a content-analysis of German MEPs’ speeches, motions and parliamentary questions during the seventh term of the European Parliament (EP), our study demonstrates that this model is represented in three dimensions. First, German MEPs reflect the close cooperation between the churches and the state in Germany, primarily on social issues, through largely church- and religion-friendly attitudes and relatively frequent contacts with religious interest-groups. Second, by referring to religious freedoms and minorities primarily outside the EU and by placing Islam in considerably more critical contexts than Christianity, German MEPs create a cultural demarcation line between Islam and Christianity through their parliamentary activities, which is similar to, though less politicised than, cultural boundaries often produced in public debates in Germany. Third, our study illustrates similar patterns of religious affiliation and subjective religiosity among German parliamentarians in both the EP and the national Parliament, which to some degree also reflect societal trends in Germany. Yet our data also suggest that European political elites are more religious than the average German population. If the presence of religion in terms of religious interest-groups and arguments is included, the EP appears to be more secularist than the German Parliament.


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Since the publication of Leila J. Rupp’s Worlds of Women: The Making of an International Women’s Movement in 1997, historians have begun to investigate the myriad ways in which women, largely excluded from formal, government-based international relations, nonetheless forged significant personal and institutional relationships across national and cultural boundaries. As a result, women’s international activism has become an increasingly popular field of scholarly enquiry.


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Objective: To describe the extent and nature of demonstrated professional partnerships between occupational therapists and Aboriginal health workers in rural and remote communities of North Queensland. The study identifies ways in which professional partnerships improve client services and enhance occupational therapy outcomes through exploring the aspects of communication, collaboration and bridging cultural boundaries.---------- Design: Data collected via in-depth, semistructured telephone interviews. ---------- Setting: Aboriginal and mainstream health and human service organisations in rural and remote North Queensland. Rural and remote areas were identified using the Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia codes. ---------- Participants: Seven participants working in rural and remote areas of North Queensland, comprising four occupational therapists and three Aboriginal health workers. All participants were female. ---------- Results: Participants identified five core themes when describing the extent and nature of professional partnerships between occupational therapists and Aboriginal health workers. Themes include: professional interaction; perception of professional roles; benefits to the client; professional interdependence; and significance of Aboriginal culture. According to participants, when partnerships between occupational therapists and Aboriginal health workers were formed, clients received a more culturally appropriate service, were more comfortable in the presence of the occupational therapist, obtained a greater understanding of occupational therapy assessment and intervention, and felt valued in the health care process. ---------- Conclusions: This study substantiates the necessity for the formation of professional partnerships between occupational therapists and Aboriginal health workers. The findings suggest that participation in professional partnerships has positive implications for occupational therapists working with Aboriginal clients and Aboriginal health workers in rural and remote regions of North Queensland.


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This project is an account of one teacher's journey with her students, across cultural boundaries in search of creating authentic Asian/Australian Drama experiences. The project explores the notion of establishing a shared cultural context. The early chapters focus on the background influences that determine where and how the project is set. Subsequent chapters provide an account of the innovative use of dramatic forms used in preparation for the fieldwork, then account of the fieldwork and post classwork. The study ends with a series of recommendations for any teacher intending to undertake a similar project.


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This article examines the figure of the ‘Cashed-up Bogan’ or ‘Cub’ in Australian media from 2006 to 2009. It explains that ‘Bogan’, like that of ‘Chav’ in Britain, is a widely engaged negative descriptor for the white working-class poor. In contrast, ‘Cubs’ have economic capital. This capital, and the Cub’s emergence, is linked to Australia’s resource boom of recent decades when the need for skilled labour allowed for a highly demarcated segment of the working class to earn relatively high incomes in the mining sector and to participate in consumption. We argue that access to economic capital has provided the Cub with mobility to enter the everyday spaces of the middle class, but this has caused disruption and anxiety to middle-class hegemony. As a result, the middle class has redrawn and reinforced class-infused symbolic and cultural boundaries, whereby, despite their wealth, pernicious media representations mark Cubs as ‘other’ to the middle-class deservingness, taste and morality.


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Purpose This paper develops and estimates a model to measure consumer perceptions of trade show effectiveness. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected at three separate B2C trade shows. Study 1 (n=47) involved field interviews with data subjected to qualitative item generation and content analysis. Study 2 data (n=147) were subjected to exploratory factor analysis and item-total correlation to identify a preliminary factor structure for the effectiveness construct and to test for reliability. In Study 3 (n=592), confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken to more rigorously test the factor structure and generalise across industries. Validity testing was also performed. Findings A three-dimensional factor structure for assessing consumer visitors’ perceptions of trade show effectiveness was produced incorporating research, operational, and entertainment components. Research limitations/implications Data were collected in Australia and results may not generalise across cultural boundaries. Practical implications The resulting measurement model may be used as a reliable post-hoc diagnostic tool to identify areas of trade show effectiveness where specific performance improvements are needed. Results indicate that exhibitors and organisers of B2C trade shows should consider effectiveness as a multidimensional phenomenon with entertainment, product / industry research, and the facilitation of purchase decision-making processes and problem resolution being key objectives for consumer attendees. These elements of effectiveness should each be addressed by exhibitors and organisers in planning their displays and events. Originality/value This is the first study to provide an empirically valid model for assessing trade show effectiveness from the consumer visitor’s perspective.