947 resultados para Crystalline colloidal arrays


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Le besoin pour des biocapteurs à haute sensibilité mais simples à préparer et à utiliser est en constante augmentation, notamment dans le domaine biomédical. Les cristaux colloïdaux formés par des microsphères de polymère ont déjà prouvé leur fort potentiel en tant que biocapteurs grâce à l’association des propriétés des polymères et à la diffraction de la lumière visible de la structure périodique. Toutefois, une meilleure compréhension du comportement de ces structures est primordiale avant de pouvoir développer des capteurs efficaces et polyvalents. Ce travail propose d’étudier la formation et les propriétés des cristaux colloïdaux résultant de l’auto-assemblage de microsphères de polymère en milieu aqueux. Dans ce but, des particules avec différentes caractéristiques ont été synthétisées et caractérisées afin de corréler les propriétés des particules et le comportement de la structure cristalline. Dans un premier temps, des microsphères réticulées de polystyrène anioniques et cationiques ont été préparées par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif. En variant la quantité de comonomère chargé, le chlorure de vinylbenzyltriméthylammonium ou le sulfonate styrène de sodium, des particules de différentes tailles, formes, polydispersités et charges surfaciques ont été obtenues. En effet, une augmentation de la quantité du comonomère ionique permet de stabiliser de façon électrostatique une plus grande surface et de diminuer ainsi la taille des particules. Cependant, au-dessus d’une certaine concentration, la polymérisation du comonomère en solution devient non négligeable, provoquant un élargissement de la distribution de taille. Quand la polydispersité est faible, ces microsphères chargées, même celles non parfaitement sphériques, peuvent s’auto-assembler et former des cristaux colloïdaux diffractant la lumière visible. Il semble que les répulsions électrostatiques créées par les charges surfaciques favorisent la formation de la structure périodique sur un grand domaine de concentrations et améliorent leur stabilité en présence de sel. Dans un deuxième temps, le besoin d’un constituant stimulable nous a orientés vers les structures cœur-écorce. Ces microsphères, synthétisées en deux étapes par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif, sont formées d’un cœur de polystyrène et d’une écorce d’hydrogel. Différents hydrogels ont été utilisés afin d’obtenir des propriétés différentes : le poly(acide acrylique) pour sa sensibilité au pH, le poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) pour sa thermosensibilité, et, enfin, le copolymère poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acide acrylique) donnant une double sensibilité. Ces microsphères forment des cristaux colloïdaux diffractant la lumière visible à partir d’une certaine concentration critique et pour un large domaine de concentrations. D’après les changements observés dans les spectres de diffraction, les stimuli ont un impact sur la structure cristalline mais l’amplitude de cet effet varie avec la concentration. Ce comportement semble être le résultat des changements induits par la transition de phase volumique sur les interactions entre particules plutôt qu’une conséquence du changement de taille. Les interactions attractives de van der Waals et les répulsions stériques sont clairement affectées par la transition de phase volumique de l’écorce de poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). Dans le cas des microsphères sensibles au pH, les interactions électrostatiques sont aussi à considérer. L’effet de la concentration peut alors être mis en relation avec la portée de ces interactions. Finalement, dans l’objectif futur de développer des biocapteurs de glucose, les microsphères cœur-écorce ont été fonctionnalisées avec l’acide 3-aminophénylboronique afin de les rendre sensibles au glucose. Les effets de la fonctionnalisation et de la complexation avec le glucose sur les particules et leur empilement périodique ont été examinés. La structure cristalline est visiblement affectée par la présence de glucose, même si le mécanisme impliqué reste à élucider.


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High density, uniform GaN nanodot arrays with controllable size have been synthesized by using template-assisted selective growth. The GaN nanodots with average diameter 40nm, 80nm and 120nm were selectively grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on a nano-patterned SiO2/GaN template. The nanoporous SiO2 on GaN surface was created by inductively coupled plasma etching (ICP) using anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template as a mask. This selective regrowth results in highly crystalline GaN nanodots confirmed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy. The narrow size distribution and uniform spatial position of the nanoscale dots offer potential advantages over self-assembled dots grown by the Stranski–Krastanow mode.


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Die Zielsetzung der Arbeit besteht darin, neue Ansätze zur Herstellung strukturierter Kompositpartikel in wässrigem Medium zu entwickeln, welche als die Bildung genau definierter heterogener Strukturen in Kolloidsystemen angesehen werden können. Im Allgemeinen wurden zwei verschiedene Herangehensweisen entwickelt, die sich aufgrund des Ursprungs der gebildeten heterogenen Strukturen unterscheiden: Heterogenität oder Homogenität. Der Erste Ansatz basiert auf der Aggregation heterogener Phasen zur Bildung strukturierter Kolloidpartikel mit Heterogenität in der zugrunde liegenden Chemie, während der Zweite Ansatz auf der Bildung heterogener Phasen in Kolloidpartikeln aus homogenen Mischungen heraus durch kontrollierte Phasenseparation beruht.rnIm Detail beschäftigt sich der erste Teil der Dissertation mit einer neuen Herstellungsmethode für teilkristalline Komposit-Kolloidpartikel mit hoher Stabilität basierend auf der Aggregation flüssiger Monomertropfen an teilkristalline Polyacrylnitrilpartikel. Nach der Aggregation wurden hochstabile Dispersionen bestehend aus strukturierten, teilkristallinen Kompositpartikeln durch freie radikalische Polymerisation erhalten, während ein direktes Mischen der PAN Dispersionen mit Methacrylat-Polymerdispersionen zur unmittelbaren Koagulation führte. In Abhängigkeit von der Glastemperatur des Methacrylatpolymers führt die anschließende freie radikalische Polymerisation zur Bildung von Rasberry oder Kern-Schale Partikeln. Die auf diese Weise hergestellten Partikel sind dazu in der Lage, kontinuierliche Filme mit eingebetteten teilkristallinen Phasen zu bilden, welche als Sauerstoffbarriere Anwendung finden können.rnDer zweite Teil der Dissertation beschreibt eine neue Methode zur Herstellung strukturierter Duroplast-Thermoplast Komposit-Kolloidpartikel. Die Bildung eines Duroplastnetzwerks mit einer thermoplastischen Hülle wurde in zwei Schritten durch verschiedene, separate Polymerisationsmechanismen erreicht: Polyaddition und freie radikalische Polymerisation. Es wurden stabile Miniemulsionen erhalten, welche aus Bisphenol-F basiertem Epoxidharz, Phenalkamin-basiertem Härter und Vinlymonomere bestehen. Sie wurden durch Ultraschall mit nachfolgender Härtung bei verschiedenen Temperaturen als sogenannte Seed-Emulsionen hergestellt. Weitere Vinylmonomere wurden hinzugegeben und nachfolgend polymerisiert, was zur Bildung von Kern-Schale, beziehungsweise Duroplast-Thermoplast Kolloidpartikeln führte. Dabei findet in beiden Fällen zwischen der duroplastischen und der thermoplastischen Phase eine chemisch induzierte Phasenseparation statt, welche essenziell für die Bildung heterogener Strukturen ist. Die auf diese Weise hergestellten Kompositpartikel sind dazu in der Lage, transparente Filme zu bilden, welche unter geeigneten Bedingungen deutlich verbesserte mechanische Eigenschaften im Vergleich zu reinen Duroplastfilmen bereitstellen.rn


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Tracking the reaction history is the means of choice to identify bioactive compounds in large combinatorial libraries. The authors describe two approaches to synthesis on silica beads: a) addition of a reporter dye tag during each synthesis step (see Figure), which attaches itself to the bead by colloidal forces, and b) encapsulating arrays of fluorescent dyes into the beads to encode them uniquely, for recognition with a flow cytometer after each reaction step.


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The enormous amount of information generated through sequencing of the human genome has increased demands for more economical and flexible alternatives in genomics, proteomics and drug discovery. Many companies and institutions have recognised the potential of increasing the size and complexity of chemical libraries by producing large chemical libraries on colloidal support beads. Since colloid-based compounds in a suspension are randomly located, an encoding system such as optical barcoding is required to permit rapid elucidation of the compound structures. We describe in this article innovative methods for optical barcoding of colloids for use as support beads in both combinatorial and non-combinatorial libraries. We focus in particular on the difficult problem of barcoding extremely large libraries, which if solved, will transform the manner in which genomics, proteomics and drug discovery research is currently performed.


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Colloidal self assembly is an efficient method for making 3-D ordered nanostructures suitable for materials such as photonic crystals and macroscopic solids for catalysis and sensor applications. Colloidal crystals grown by convective methods exhibit defects on two different scales. Macro defects such as cracks and void bands originate from the dynamics of meniscus motion during colloidal crystal growth while micro defects like vacancies, dislocation and stacking faults are indigenous to the colloidal crystalline structure. This paper analyses the crystallography and energetics of the microscopic defects from the point of view of classical thermodynamics and discusses the strategy for the control of the macroscopic defects through optimization of the liquid-vapor interface.


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The purpose of this work is to obtain spherical particles YIG from micrometric to nanometric scales. The spherical particles were obtained from cation hydrolysis in acid medium by adding urea or ammonia in order to carry out a homogeneous nucleation process up to 90 degrees C. Different composition and morphology were achieved by changing reactant concentrations, precipitation agent and stabilizing agent. X-ray diffractometry, electrophoretic mobility, transmission and scanning electron microscopies were carried out on these particles to investigate the phase identification, mobility, morphology and particle size. Crystalline YIG, with spherical characteristics, was obtained. The surface potential presented different characteristics for different dispersion media.


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We have investigated, by in situ small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the kinetics of formation of zinc oxide colloidal suspensions obtained after refluxing alcoholic solution of zinc acetate and catalysed by lithium hydroxide. The experimental results demonstrate that the suspensions are composed of colloidal spheroidal particles with a multimodal size distribution. The average radius of the main mode, approximately 2 nm, is invariant but the number of these basic particles continuously increases for increasing hydrolysis reaction time. The other two modes correspond to particles with average radii close to 6 and 10 nm, respectively. The larger particles are formed by coagulation of the smaller ones. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes particle aggregation process during gelation of SnO2 hydrosols. The effect of the concentration of SnO2 colloidal particles on the kinetics of gelation of hydrosols containing PVA (poly(vinyl alcohol)) was analysed by dynamic rheological measurements. The complex viscosity and the storage and loss moduli have been measured during the sol-gel transition and the results correlated to mass fractal growth, nearly linear growth models, and scalar percolation theory. The analysis of the experimental results shows that a linear aggregation occurs in the initial step of the gelation followed by a fractal growth to form a three-dimensional network. Near the gel point this physical gel exhibits the typical scaling expected from an electrical percolation analogy. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pentacarbonyliron was oxidized with H2O2, in organic solvents, to give colloidal sols. The aqueous-ethanolic sol is highly stable and undergoes thermally-reversible coagulation. Its solid phase was found to be a non-crystalline Fe (III) hydroxoacetate which is transformed to α-Fe2O3 when heated to 300°C. Iron-bound acetate groups are assumed to have a major role in the sol stability, by preserving the amorphous solid phase. Dry hydroxoacetate particles were heated under vacuum; scanning electron microscopy revealed that these particles coalesce and grow, as in a sintering process but at low temperatures (100-250°). © 1987.


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Transparent SnO2 gels were obtained from SnCl4 aqueous solution. The sol formation from tin oxihydroxy peptization in different concentrations and by electrolyte addition in solution was measured. It was verified that the residual presence of chloride ions compromises the colloidal system stability. The sol-gel transition was investigated as a function of the quantity of solid particles in the aqueous environment and of aging time at 60°C by infrared spectroscopy and rheological measurements. The transition from plastic to pseudoplastic flow observed with the increase in loading suggests that a continuous and three-dimensional network formation is closely related to hydrogen bridges and/or hydrogen clusters, culminating in the gel formation. © 1990.


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Electrolytes may modify the physical-chemical characteristics of colloidal particle interfaces in suspension, which can favour gel or aggregate formation. The influence of NH4Cl loading on the aggregation and gelation of SnO2 colloidal suspensions was investigated using measurements of rheology, turbidity and infrared spectra. A rapid aggregate growth for samples with Cl- > 20 mM was observed. With increasing age, gelation was observed due to formation of interaggregate bonds. For concentration of Cl- between 20 and 9 mM, the aggregation process was slower allowing the formation of gel with a network which was not destroyed as the gel was submitted to a small rate of shear. As aging continues, the condensation reaction between OH groups gave rise to the formation of Sn-O bonds, irrespective of the electrolyte loading. © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


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The mechanism of formation and growth of hydrous iron oxide (FeOOH) during the initial stages of forced hydrolyses of ferric chloride aqueous solution was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The effect of the hydrolysis temperature (60°C, 70°C and 80°C) and of the addition of urea on the formation of colloidal particles under isothermal conditions were investigated. Based on the experimental scattering functions in the Guinier range, we suggest the presence of elongated colloidal particles. The particle diameter and length, and their variation with time, were determined by fitting the form factor of prolate ellipsoids to the experimental scattering functions. We have assumed that our solutions are in a dilute state and that all colloidal particles are approximately of the same size. The colloidal particles have geometrical shapes similar to those of the subcrystals that build up the superstructure of β-FeOOH crystals, indicating that the formation of this hydrous iron oxide is governed by an aggregation process. Otherwise, the addition of urea hinders the growth and yields smaller particles, with a reduction in size greater than 50%. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the effect of the concentration of electrolyte and pH on the kinetics of aggregation and gelation processes of SnO2 colloidal suspensions. Creep, creep-recovery, and oscillatory rheological experiments have been done in situ during aggregation and gelation. A phenomenological description of the structure of the colloidal system is given from the time evolution of rheological parameters. The dependence of the equilibrium steady-state shear compliance on the terminal region of clusters or aggregates seems to be a way to determine the beginning of interconnection of aggregates and the gel point. We propose that at this point the equilibrium steady-state compliance is a minimum. The steady-state viscosity determined from creep experiment can be fit with a power law with the extent of the transformation, giving critical exponent s = 0.7 ± 0.1. The value of the critical exponent Δ = 0.78 ± 0.05 was determined from oscillatory experiment. These results indicate that gelation of SnO2 colloidal suspension exhibits the typical scale expected from the scalar percolation theory. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.