993 resultados para Cruise ship
In February 2012, an outbreak of respiratory illness occurred on the cruise ship MSC Armonia in Brazil. A 31-year-old female crew member was hospitalized with respiratory failure and subsequently died. To study the etiology of the respiratory illness, tissue taken at necropsy from the deceased woman and respiratory specimens from thirteen passengers and crew members with respiratory symptoms were analyzed. Influenza real-time RT-PCR assays were performed, and the full-length hemagglutinin (HA) gene of influenza-positive samples was sequenced. Influenza B virus was detected in samples from seven of the individuals, suggesting that it was the cause of this respiratory illness outbreak. The sequence analysis of the HA gene indicated that the virus was closely related to the B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus, Victoria lineage, a virus contained in the 2011-12 influenza vaccine for the Southern Hemisphere. Since the recommended composition of the influenza vaccine for use during the 2013 season changed, an intensive surveillance of viruses circulating worldwide is crucial. Molecular analysis is an important tool to characterize the pathogen responsible for an outbreak such as this. In addition, laboratory disease surveillance contributes to the control measures for vaccine-preventable influenza.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 R43 S54 2005
The thesis, developed in collaboration between the team Systems and Equipment for Energy and Environment of Bologna University and Chalmers University of Technology in Goteborg, aims to study the benefits resulting from the adoption of a thermal storage system for marine application. To that purpose a chruis ship has been considered. To reach the purpose has been used the software EGO (Energy Greed Optimization) developed by University of Bologna.
The predictions contained within this dissertation suggest further rapid growth of the cruise industry and the requirement for additional cruise ship berthing worldwide. The factors leading to the tremendous growth in the cruise marketplace are identified and individually addressed. Unfortunately, planning factors associated with the design and construction of cruise ship seaports are not readily available and methods to manage this growth have not been addressed. This dissertation provides accurate and consolidated planning factors essential for comprehensive consideration of cruise ship requirements and design of growing cruise ship ports. The consolidation of these factors results in faster and better informed choices for the port owner/operator with regard to port expansion. Furthermore, this dissertation proposes development of new systems to better manage increasing passenger and ship traffic. If implemented, this will result in optimized port systems providing a greater level of service to passengers and port authorities while simultaneously minimizing environmental and economic impact. ^
Carnival Cruise Line's Fantasy class of cruise ships is the largest group of virtually identical passenger vessels in the history of ocean travel. These ships rep- resent the culmination of Carnival's product development and are a prime reason for the line's current success. The author details the evolution of their design, with emphasis on hotel aspects, through previous ships in the fleet.
This issue of the Bulletin reviews the main trends of trade in goods and services for the countries of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) in 2004. The strong recovery of trade in goods and the robust expansion of trade in services are highlighted, emphasizing the increase in services as a proportion of total exports for the smaller Caribbean economies, which may even exceed 80%.A detailed analysis of the performance of the tourism component, especially travel, showed that in 2004 there was a boom in cruise ship arrivals, a situation which poses a real challenge for some islands in terms of ensuring a permanent flow of tourists and making use of the main comparative advantages -sun, sea and beaches- and possible linkages with the rest of the economy such as the hotel industry, restaurants, business and entertainment centres, guided excursions, transport, yachting, and others. In some islands, the ratio of cruise passengers to inhabitants is particularly high, and can reach a significant factor of about 11 tourists for every inhabitant in the Bahamas, 8 in Aruba, 7 in Antigua and Barbuda and 5 in Dominica, and around 4 for a sample of eleven countries.One of the main challenges for a number of Caribbean islands is how to capitalize on such linkages by developing sustainable tourism that minimizes the possible adverse impacts on the environment and the everyday life of the citizens.
Food service on a cruise ship presents some unique challenges. A review of food service in the cruise industry is presented along with some ideas on the future. The case is made for a change in traditional operations with a move toward greater use of computer-driven management techniques.
Reports the results of surveys of Antarctic cruise ship passengers on the ‘Akademik Ioffe’ who undertook their Antarctic journey in January 2003. The prime purposes of the surveys were to determine the socio-economic profile of these travellers, evaluate the importance of Antarctic wildlife for their travel, their attitude to Antarctic wildlife conservation as well as environmental issues involving Antarctica, both prior to their tourist visit to Antarctica and following it. This paper reports on the socio-economic profile of respondents, their willingness to pay for their Antarctic trip, and their knowledge of Antarctica. The comparative importance of Antarctic wildlife as a factor motivating respondents to undertake their journey is assessed and the evaluation of travellers following their Antarctic visit is considered. The relative importance of different Antarctic wildlife species is taken into account as well as Antarctic attractions other than wildlife. The attitudes of respondents to several environmental issues involving Antarctica, (eg. the commercial use of its natural resources and global environmental change impacting on Antarctica) are canvassed and summarised. In conclusion, the relevance of the survey results for Antarctic conservation are discussed. Particular attention is given to the question of whether Antarctic tourism favours or threatens Antarctic nature conservation.
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo realizado em São Vicente, de Março a Abril de 2012 a turistas de cruzeiro. Este estudo teve como objectivo analisar o perfile a satisfação dos visitantes durante a sua estadia na ilha, para ajudar a indústria do turismo na melhoria do produto e infra-estrutura turística, e ao fazê-lo melhorar aexperiência para os cruzeiristas. O estudo foi conduzido através da revisão da literaturasobre turismo de cruzeiro, imagem do destino, elementos da oferta turística, qualidade esatisfação e sua relação com o turismo. Para a avaliação do perfil e satisfação do turistade cruzeiro, aplicou-se um questionário a uma amostra de 131 cruzeiristas, no fim dasua visita à ilha. Os resultados do questionário aplicado aos cruzeiristas evidenciaram maior satisfação com aspectos como paisagem natural, clima, simpatia da população local, oportunidadepara conhecer pessoas e limpeza urbana. Os atributos que demonstraram valores maisaltos de insatisfação são: museus, sanitários, gastronomia, sinalização, serviços derestauração e de informação turística. O perfil do cruzeirista é caracterizado pela disponibilidade em viajar, nível académico eprofissional médio alto, poder de compra médio alto e de média idade. Verificou-se que os vários sectores não estão bem organizados e integrados entre si paraatender às necessidades e desejos dos visitantes. Assim, recomenda-se uma série deactividades, tendo em vista, minimizar os aspectos negativos identificados peloscruzeiristas e integrar a oferta turística entre os vários elementos que a compõem. This research is based on the results acquired from tourists who traveled to the island of Sao Vicente on cruise ships during the months of March and April of 2012. The object of this study was to analyze the characteristics and level of satisfaction of those visiting the island of Sao Vicente, in order to help improve the tourism industry, and its infrastructure in hopes of bettering the overall experience for cruise tourists. The study emerged from a profound revision of cruise ship literature, now detailing destination images, available touristic elements, as well as quality and satisfaction ratings in relationship to tourism. In order to measure the satisfaction of the tourists we implemented a questionnaire where a sample of 131 people was surveyed at the end of their visit to the island. The questionnaire resulted in evidence detailing higher satisfaction regarding natural landscape, climate, local acceptance, ability to meet others and urban cleanliness. However, elements such as museums, sanitation, gastronomy, signage, restaurant services and travel information demonstrated higher levels of dissatisfaction. Cruise tourists are characterized as middle aged, frequent travelers with high academic and professional levels, and by their ability to consume heavily. This study verifies that various elements within the tourism sector are not well organized to satisfy the necessities and desires of cruise tourists. Therefore, an implementation of more activities is recommended for those visiting the island of Sao Vicente on cruise ships. While considering the need to minimize the negative aspects identified by the surveyed cruise tourists it is also important to integrate the offered tourist attractions within the various elements that embody tourism.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten organisaatioon sitoutuminen moniulotteisena käsitteenä ymmärretään yrityksen johtoryhmässä ja avainesimiesten kesken, kun työpaikkana on risteilyvarustamo ja -laiva. Tutkimuksen empiirisen aineiston muodostaa viisi haastattelua laivan palveluosastoilta sekä yrityksen johtoryhmän haastattelut. Teoriaosuudessa on keskitytty kuvailemaan sitoutumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ottaen huomioon kohdeorganisaation toimintaympäristö. Tässä tutkimuksessa organisaatiositoutuminen ymmärretään yksilön henkilökohtaisten tarpeiden, tunnepitoisen kiinnittymisen ja työyhteisön vaikutuksen yhteenliittymänä. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja aineiston keräystapana on käytetty pääasiallisesti teemahaastattelua. Aineistoa on täydennetty muutamalla avoimella sähköpostikyselyllä. Analysointi tapahtui teemoittelun avulla, josta johtopäätöksiin edettiin induktiivisesti. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että organisaatiositoutuminen kohdeyrityksessä on ymmärretty lähes samalla tavalla sekä johtoryhmän että esimiesten kesken. Huomioon otettavia aiheita sitouttamista silmällä pitäen ovat yrityksen arvojen ja tavoitteiden merkitys läpi koko sitoutumisprosessin.
Kiristyvät päästörajoitukset ja muuttuvat säädökset ovat muokanneet laivanrakennusalaa energiatehokkaampaan ja ympäristöystävällisempään suuntaan. Energiatehokkuutta tutkitaan yksittäisistä laiteratkaisuista laivan operointitasolle asti. Tämä työ on tehty osana STX Finland Oy:n laivojen energiatehokkuuden tutkimusta. Työn tarkoituksena oli uudistaa laivojen sähkötaseen laskennassa käytettyjä kuormitustaulukoita ja kehittää operointialueen vaikutuksia huomioiva laskentamenetelmä. Uudistuksen taustalla oli tieto operointialueiden ympäristöolosuhteiden vaikutuksista sähkönkulutukseen ja työn tarkoituksena oli mahdollistaa suunnittelun myöhäisemmässä vaiheessa tehtävä operointialuekohtainen sähkönkulutustarkastelu. Sähkötaseen laskenta haluttiin vastaamaan enemmän todellista sähkönkulutusta. Aikaisemmin käytetystä mitoitusperusteisesta laskennasta haluttiin siirtyä todellisempien kuormien arviointiin laitteiden ja muuntajien turhan ylimitoituksen poistamiseksi. Kuormitustaulukoiden toimintaa yksinkertaistettiin ja taulukoista tehtiin helpommin mukautuvia, jotta erilaisten operointitilanteiden vertailu olisi mahdollista. Perinteisen taselaskennan rinnalle kehitettiin operointialueiden vaikutuksia huomioivat laskentataulukot. Uudet taulukot huomioivat komponenttien sähkönkulutuksen prosentuaalisen muutoksen operointialueittain sekä yksilöllisesti että kulutusryhmittäin. Laskentataulukoiden yhteyteen tehtiin kuvaajat havainnollistamaan alueittaisia kulutuseroja.
Cette étude vise à comprendre les motifs qui peuvent s’avérer source de conflits dans une situation où il est le plus inattendu : les navires de croisières. Nous analysons les constructions de la propagande de vente de croisières avec l’utilisation des mythes marins. Nous nous questionnons ensuite sur la relation entre l’être humain et la mer à partir de la grande diversité mythologique entourant celle-ci ainsi que l’expérience empirique de la vie sur un navire de croisière (également sur un paquebot, cargo et bateau militaire). Dans ce contexte touristique, nous abordons le thème de la rencontre de l’Autre : l’Autre étant les personnes habitant les destinations visitées, les touristes, et principalement, les employés sur le navire responsables du service à la clientèle. Enfin, nous analysons plusieurs conflits représentatifs vécus à bord d’une croisière afin de comprendre les structures conflictuelles ; l’espace, la subordination, les jeux de rôle, les classes sociales, etc.
Includes bibliography