997 resultados para Critical extension
We report rotation of a single director in a nematic monodomain, acrylate based side-chain elastomer which was subjected to mechanical fields applied at angles in the range to the director, , present at the time of network formation. Time and spatially resolving wide angle X-ray scattering, together with polarised light microscopy measurements revealed a pronounced, almost discontinuous switching mode at a critical extension as the strain was applied at angles approaching to , whereas a more continuous rotation was seen when the strain was applied at more acute angles. This director reorientation was more or less uniform across the complete sample and was accompanied by a modest decrease in orientation parameter . At strains sufficient to induce switching there was some continuous distribution of director orientations with fluctuations of 10 although there was no evidence for any localised director inhomogenities such as domain formation. The observed deformation behaviour of these acrylate-based nematic monodomains was in accord with the predictions of a theory developed by Bladon et al., in that the complete set of data could be accounted for through a single parameter describing the chain anisotropy. The experimentally deduced chain anisotropy parameter was in broad agreement with that obtained from small-angle neutron scattering procedures, but was somewhat greater than that obtained by spontaneous shape changes at the nematic-isotropic transition.
Comprender los problemas a los que se enfrenta la extensión rural en Uruguay y las concepciones con que los técnicos de terreno guían sus prácticas constituye un elemento de interés tanto para las políticas públicas de desarrollo rural como para el espacio más amplio del MERCOSUR. Se llevó adelante una investigación cuali-cuantitativa centrada en un cuestionario a 32 extensionistas uruguayos. Las respuestas fueron sometidas a análisis estadísticos y de contenido. Se concluye que existe una visión compleja de la extensión rural que articula lo técnico-productivo y lo social, la cual se asocia con una visión crítica y participativa de la práctica. No obstante, esto no quita la persistencia de una visión difusionista en algunos casos. Se destaca como principal problema las dificultades relacionadas con el manejo de grupos y asociaciones
Comprender los problemas a los que se enfrenta la extensión rural en Uruguay y las concepciones con que los técnicos de terreno guían sus prácticas constituye un elemento de interés tanto para las políticas públicas de desarrollo rural como para el espacio más amplio del MERCOSUR. Se llevó adelante una investigación cuali-cuantitativa centrada en un cuestionario a 32 extensionistas uruguayos. Las respuestas fueron sometidas a análisis estadísticos y de contenido. Se concluye que existe una visión compleja de la extensión rural que articula lo técnico-productivo y lo social, la cual se asocia con una visión crítica y participativa de la práctica. No obstante, esto no quita la persistencia de una visión difusionista en algunos casos. Se destaca como principal problema las dificultades relacionadas con el manejo de grupos y asociaciones
Comprender los problemas a los que se enfrenta la extensión rural en Uruguay y las concepciones con que los técnicos de terreno guían sus prácticas constituye un elemento de interés tanto para las políticas públicas de desarrollo rural como para el espacio más amplio del MERCOSUR. Se llevó adelante una investigación cuali-cuantitativa centrada en un cuestionario a 32 extensionistas uruguayos. Las respuestas fueron sometidas a análisis estadísticos y de contenido. Se concluye que existe una visión compleja de la extensión rural que articula lo técnico-productivo y lo social, la cual se asocia con una visión crítica y participativa de la práctica. No obstante, esto no quita la persistencia de una visión difusionista en algunos casos. Se destaca como principal problema las dificultades relacionadas con el manejo de grupos y asociaciones
The computational approach to the Hirshfeld [Theor. Chim. Acta 44, 129 (1977)] atom in a molecule is critically investigated, and several difficulties are highlighted. It is shown that these difficulties are mitigated by an alternative, iterative version, of the Hirshfeld partitioning procedure. The iterative scheme ensures that the Hirshfeld definition represents a mathematically proper information entropy, allows the Hirshfeld approach to be used for charged molecules, eliminates arbitrariness in the choice of the promolecule, and increases the magnitudes of the charges. The resulting "Hirshfeld-I charges" correlate well with electrostatic potential derived atomic charges
The computational approach to the Hirshfeld [Theor. Chim. Acta 44, 129 (1977)] atom in a molecule is critically investigated, and several difficulties are highlighted. It is shown that these difficulties are mitigated by an alternative, iterative version, of the Hirshfeld partitioning procedure. The iterative scheme ensures that the Hirshfeld definition represents a mathematically proper information entropy, allows the Hirshfeld approach to be used for charged molecules, eliminates arbitrariness in the choice of the promolecule, and increases the magnitudes of the charges. The resulting "Hirshfeld-I charges" correlate well with electrostatic potential derived atomic charges
The purpose of this paper is to explicitly describe in terms of generators and relations the universal central extension of the infinite dimensional Lie algebra, g circle times C[t, t(-1), u vertical bar u(2) = (t(2) - b(2))(t(2) - c(2))], appearing in the work of Date, Jimbo, Kashiwara and Miwa in their study of integrable systems arising from the Landau-Lifshitz differential equation.
This work presents a critical analysis of methodologies to evaluate the effective (or generalized) electromechanical coupling coefficient (EMCC) for structures with piezoelectric elements. First, a review of several existing methodologies to evaluate material and effective EMCC is presented. To illustrate the methodologies, a comparison is made between numerical, analytical and experimental results for two simple structures: a cantilever beam with bonded extension piezoelectric patches and a simply-supported sandwich beam with an embedded shear piezoceramic. An analysis of the electric charge cancelation effect on the effective EMCC observed in long piezoelectric patches is performed. It confirms the importance of reinforcing the electrodes equipotentiality condition in the finite element model. Its results indicate also that smaller (segmented) and independent piezoelectric patches could be more interesting for energy conversion efficiency. Then, parametric analyses and optimization are performed for a cantilever sandwich beam with several embedded shear piezoceramic patches. Results indicate that to fully benefit from the higher material coupling of shear piezoceramic patches, attention must be paid to the configuration design so that the shear strains in the patches are maximized. In particular, effective square EMCC values higher than 1% were obtained embedding nine well-spaced short piezoceramic patches in an aluminum/foam/aluminum sandwich beam.
Factors influencing job valuation: a comparative study of critical care and mon-critical care nurses
This study sought to identify the relationship between three predictor variables. perceived collaboration with medical staff, autonomy and independent actions and an outcome. the value hospital nurses placed on their work. In total 189 critical care and 366 non-critical care nurses completed a mailed survey. Critical cure nurses perceived themselves to have a mure collaborative relationship with the medical staff. described performing actions independent of medical orders more frequently and perceived their jobs to have more value than non-critical care nurses. However the latter group perceived themselves to have more autonomy in their work. Within both groups collaboration and autonomy were significantly, but weak to moderately correlated with job valuation. Simply expanding the work hospital nurses do is unlikely to result in nurses valuing their jobs more. however promoting an environment of respect and sharing between the medical and nursing staff and supporting nurses when they act in an autonomous fashion may positively influence nurses' perceptions of their work. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Late Miocene Malbusca outcrop is located in the southeastern coast of Santa Maria Island (Azores, NE Atlantic), interspersed in volcanic formations. At ~20 meters above present sea level, a prominent discontinuous layer of rhodoliths seizes with an extension of ~250 meters. This paper presents the first taxonomic record of fossil rhodolith forming coralline algae for the Miocene of the Azores. The preserved taxonomic features used were the following: (1) arrangement of basal filaments, (2) epithallial cells (when observable), (3) presence of cell fusions, (4) conceptacle type, (5) number of cells layers which conceptacle chamber floors are situated below the surrounding thallus surface and (6) for the sporangial pores, the orientation of the filaments around the conceptacle pores. Based on these characters, six taxa were identified encompassing three Corallinaceae (Lithophyllum prototypum, Lithophyllum sp., Spongites sp., Hydrolithon sp.) and one Hapalidaceae (Phymatolithon calcareum and cf. Phymatolithon sp.). An unidentified coaxial thallus was also present, the coaxial construction ascribing the specimens to the genus Mesophyllum or Neogoniolithon. Taxonomic accounts for the identified taxa are described, illustrated and an identification key is provided. The report of L prototypum represents the first Miocene record and the preservation of the specimens is very good. Miocene coralline algae seem very consistent among deposits but some species are relevant for particular areas, like in the Azores.
Discussed are the taxonomy of the Scleria arundinacea-latifoliacomplex, S. mitis, and S. myricocarpa, all controversial and widespread taxa in tropical America. Scleria cerradicola is described as new in the section Hymenolytrum and a range extension of a rare species, Scleria neogranatensis, is noted.
Over the past four decades the EU cohesion policy’s focus, objectives and content have experienced significant changes as a result of successive reforms aiming at adapting it to a Union in constant evolution. In the early stages, cohesion policy had eminently redistributive goals and it assumed an explicit spatial dimension. In the late nineties, the possibility of an extension towards Eastern European countries and the limited willingness of net contributors to increase funding led to a turning point in cohesion policy. The increased importance of economic growth and job creation in the 2000’s, within the cohesion policy’s context, has led to a misrepresentation of its essence and motivations. Cohesion was losing importance towards competitiveness and regional equity towards national efficiency. Today, cohesion policy is for many EU countries the main mean for mobilising investment in a context of budgetary constraints and credit rationing. In light of the available evidence, it is likely that the overall design and priorities of the current cohesion policy have a limited impact in terms of convergence in many EU regions, especially in the less developed regions. This paper’s main objectives are to analyse the evolution of European cohesion policy throughout its history, to present a picture of cohesion policy in the 2014-2020 programming period and to discuss the main problems associated with its design, priorities and programming model.
We prove that any subanalytic locally Lipschitz function has the Sard property. Such functions are typically nonsmooth and their lack of regularity necessitates the choice of some generalized notion of gradient and of critical point. In our framework these notions are defined in terms of the Clarke and of the convex-stable subdifferentials. The main result of this note asserts that for any subanalytic locally Lipschitz function the set of its Clarke critical values is locally finite. The proof relies on Pawlucki's extension of the Puiseuxlemma. In the last section we give an example of a continuous subanalytic function which is not constant on a segment of "broadly critical" points, that is, points for which we can find arbitrarily short convex combinations of gradients at nearby points.
PURPOSE: The primary objective of this study was to describe the frequency of behaviors observed during rest, a non-nociceptive procedure, and a nociceptive procedure in brain-injured intensive care unit (ICU) patients with different levels of consciousness (LOC). Second, it examined the inter-rater reliability and discriminant and concurrent validity of the behavioral checklist used. METHODS: The non-nociceptive procedure involved calling the patient and shaking his/her shoulder. The nociceptive procedure involved turning the patient. The frequency of behaviors was recorded using a behavioral checklist. RESULTS: Patients with absence of movement, or stereotyped flexion or extension responses to a nociceptive stimulus displayed more behaviors during turning (median 5.5, range 0-14) than patients with localized responses (median 4, range 0-10) or able to self-report their pain (median 4, range 0-10). Face flushing, clenched teeth, clenched fist, and tremor were more frequent in patients with absence of movement, or stereotyped responses to a nociceptive stimulus. The reliability of the checklist was supported by a high intra-class correlation coefficient (0.77-0.92), and the internal consistency was acceptable in all three groups (KR 20, 0.71-0.85). Discriminant validity was supported as significantly more behaviors were observed during nociceptive stimulation than at rest. Concurrent validity was confirmed as checklist scores were correlated to the patients' self-reports of pain (r s = 0.53; 95 % CI 0.21-0.75). CONCLUSION: Brain-injured patients reacted significantly more during a nociceptive stimulus and the number of observed behaviors was higher in patients with a stereotyped response.
To predict the capacity of the structure or the point which is followed by instability, calculation of the critical crack size is important. Structures usually contain several cracks but not necessarily all of these cracks lead to failure or reach the critical size. So, defining the harmful cracks or the crack size which is the most leading one to failure provides criteria for structure’s capacity at elevated temperature. The scope of this thesis was to calculate fracture parameters like stress intensity factor, the J integral and plastic and ultimate capacity of the structure to estimate critical crack size for this specific structure. Several three dimensional (3D) simulations using finite element method by Ansys program and boundary element method by Frank 3D program were carried out to calculate fracture parameters and results with the aid of laboratory tests (loaddisplacement curve, the J resistance curve and yield or ultimate stress) leaded to extract critical size of the crack. Two types of the fracture which is usually affected by temperature, Elastic and Elasti-Plastic fractures were simulated by performing several linear elastic and nonlinear elastic analyses. Geometry details of the weldment; flank angle and toe radius were also studied independently to estimate the location of crack initiation and simulate stress field in early stages of crack extension in structure. In this work also overview of the structure’s capacity in room temperature (20 ºC) was studied. Comparison of the results in different temperature (20 ºC and -40 ºC) provides a threshold of the structure’s behavior within the defined range.