936 resultados para Cristalline electric field


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Quantum field theory with an external background can be considered as a consistent model only if backreaction is relatively small with respect to the background. To find the corresponding consistency restrictions on an external electric field and its duration in QED and QCD, we analyze the mean-energy density of quantized fields for an arbitrary constant electric field E, acting during a large but finite time T. Using the corresponding asymptotics with respect to the dimensionless parameter eET(2), one can see that the leading contributions to the energy are due to the creation of particles by the electric field. Assuming that these contributions are small in comparison with the energy density of the electric background, we establish the above-mentioned restrictions, which determine, in fact, the time scales from above of depletion of an electric field due to the backreaction.


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In this work, we study the role of the ac Stark effects on the excitation of nS(1/2) cold Rydberg atoms produced in a rubidium magneto-optical trap. We have observed an atomic population in the nP(3/2) state after excitation of nS(1/2) for 29 <= n <= 37. Such an observation is normally attributed to binary collisions; however, the interaction between Rb nS(1/2) atoms is repulsive. To explain our results, the dipole-dipole interaction and ac Stark shifts from the excitation laser must be considered. We find that the Rydberg-atom-pair state asymptotically correlating to nP(3/2)+(n-1)P(3/2) is excited directly.


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In this study, the concept of cellular automata is applied in an innovative way to simulate the separation of phases in a water/oil emulsion. The velocity of the water droplets is calculated by the balance of forces acting on a pair of droplets in a group, and cellular automata is used to simulate the whole group of droplets. Thus, it is possible to solve the problem stochastically and to show the sequence of collisions of droplets and coalescence phenomena. This methodology enables the calculation of the amount of water that can be separated from the emulsion under different operating conditions, thus enabling the process to be optimized. Comparisons between the results obtained from the developed model and the operational performance of an actual desalting unit are carried out. The accuracy observed shows that the developed model is a good representation of the actual process. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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We examine the mean flux across a homogeneous membrane of a charged tracer subject to an alternating, symmetric voltage waveform. The analysis is based on the Nernst-Planck flux equation, with electric field subject to time dependence only. For low frequency electric fields the quasi steady-state flux can be approximated using the Goldman model, which has exact analytical solutions for tracer concentration and flux. No such closed form solutions can be found for arbitrary frequencies, however we find approximations for high frequency. An approximation formula for the average flux at all frequencies is also obtained from the two limiting approximations. Numerical integration of the governing equation is accomplished by use of the numerical method of lines and is performed for four different voltage waveforms. For the different voltage profiles, comparisons are made with the approximate analytical solutions which demonstrates their applicability. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider the possibility that the electrons injected into organic field-effect transistors are strongly correlated. A single layer of acenes can be modeled by a Hubbard Hamiltonian similar to that used for the κ-(BEDT-TTF)2X family of organic superconductors. The injected electrons do not necessarily undergo a transition to a Mott insulator state as they would in bulk crystals when the system is half-filled. We calculate the fillings needed for obtaining insulating states in the framework of the slave-boson theory and in the limit of large Hubbard repulsion U. We also suggest that these Mott states are unstable above some critical interlayer coupling or long-range Coulomb interaction.


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In this paper we examine the effects of varying several experimental parameters in the Kane quantum computer architecture: A-gate voltage, the qubit depth below the silicon oxide barrier, and the back gate depth to explore how these variables affect the electron density of the donor electron. In particular, we calculate the resonance frequency of the donor nuclei as a function of these parameters. To do this we calculated the donor electron wave function variationally using an effective-mass Hamiltonian approach, using a basis of deformed hydrogenic orbitals. This approach was then extended to include the electric-field Hamiltonian and the silicon host geometry. We found that the phosphorous donor electron wave function was very sensitive to all the experimental variables studied in our work, and thus to optimize the operation of these devices it is necessary to control all parameters varied in this paper.


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Prior theoretical studies indicate that the negative spatial derivative of the electric field induced by magnetic stimulation may he one of the main factors contributing to depolarization of the nerve fiber. This paper studies this parameter for peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) induced by time.-varying gradient fields during MRI scans. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic human, full-body model. Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient sets in MRI systems and various input signals have been explored. The spatial distributions of the induced electric field and their gradients are calculated and attempts are made to correlate these areas with reported experimental stimulation data. The induced electrical field pattern is similar for both the planar coils and cylindrical coils. This study provides some insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced field gradients for PNS in MRI, which may be used to further evaluate the sites where magnetic stimulation is likely to occur and to optimize gradient coil design.


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We directly visualize the response of nematic liquid crystal drops of toroidal topology threaded in cellulosic fibers, suspended in air, to an AC electric field and at different temperatures over the N-I transition. This new liquid crystal system can exhibit non-trivial point defects, which can be energetically unstable against expanding into ring defects depending on the fiber constraining geometries. The director anchoring tangentially near the fiber surface and homeotropically at the air interface makes a hybrid shell distribution that in turn causes a ring disclination line around the main axis of the fiber at the center of the droplet. Upon application of an electric field, E, the disclination ring first expands and moves along the fiber main axis, followed by the appearance of a stable "spherical particle" object orbiting around the fiber at the center of the liquid crystal drop. The rotation speed of this particle was found to vary linearly with the applied voltage. This constrained liquid crystal geometry seems to meet the essential requirements in which soliton-like deformations can develop and exhibit stable orbiting in three dimensions upon application of an external electric field. On changing the temperature the system remains stable and allows the study of the defect evolution near the nematic-isotropic transition, showing qualitatively different behaviour on cooling and heating processes. The necklaces of such liquid crystal drops constitute excellent systems for the study of topological defects and their evolution and open new perspectives for application in microelectronics and photonics.


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Additional apple juice extraction with pulsed electric field pretreated apple cubes towards control samples is evaluated. Monopolar and bipolar shaped pulses are compared and their effect is studied with variation of electric field, pulse width and number of pulses. Variation of electric field strength is ranged from 100 V/cm to 1300 V/cm, pulse width from 20 mu s to 300 mu s and number of pulses from 10 to 200, at frequency of 200Hz. Two pulse trains separated by 1 second are applied to all samples. Bipolar pulses showed higher apple juice yields with all studied parameters. Calculation of specific energies consumed was assessed and a threshold where higher energy inputs do not increase juice yield is found for a number of used parameters. Qualitative parameters of total soluble matter (Brix) and absorbance at 390 nm wavelength were determined for each sample and results show that no substantial differences are found for PEF pre-treated and control samples.


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Zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) are considered very promising for the remediation of contaminated soils and groundwaters. However, an important issue related to their limited mobility remains unsolved. Direct current can be used to enhance the nanoparticles transport, based on the same principles of electrokinetic remediation. In this work, a generalized physicochemical model was developed and solved numerically to describe the nZVI transport through porous media under electric field, and with different electrolytes (with different ionic strengths). The model consists of the Nernst–Planck coupled system of equations, which accounts for the mass balance of ionic species in a fluid medium, when both the diffusion and electromigration of the ions are considered. The diffusion and electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nZVI particles were also considered in the system. The contribution of electroosmotic flow to the overall mass transport was included in the model for all cases. The nZVI effective mobility values in the porous medium are very low (10−7–10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1), due to the counterbalance between the positive electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nanoparticles. The higher the nZVI concentration is in the matrix, the higher the aggregation; therefore, low concentration of nZVI suspensions must be used for successful field application.


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Systematic asymptotic methods are used to formulate a model for the extensional flow of a thin sheet of nematic liquid crystal. With no external body forces applied, the model is found to be equivalent to the so-called Trouton model for Newtonian sheets (and fi bers), albeit with a modi fied "Trouton ratio". However, with a symmetry-breaking electric field gradient applied, behavior deviates from the Newtonian case, and the sheet can undergo fi nite-time breakup if a suitable destabilizing field is applied. Some simple exact solutions are presented to illustrate the results in certain idealized limits, as well as sample numerical results to the full model equations.


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Two common methods of accounting for electric-field-induced perturbations to molecular vibration are analyzed and compared. The first method is based on a perturbation-theoretic treatment and the second on a finite-field treatment. The relationship between the two, which is not immediately apparent, is made by developing an algebraic formalism for the latter. Some of the higher-order terms in this development are documented here for the first time. As well as considering vibrational dipole polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities, we also make mention of the vibrational Stark effec


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Quantum molecular similarity (QMS) techniques are used to assess the response of the electron density of various small molecules to application of a static, uniform electric field. Likewise, QMS is used to analyze the changes in electron density generated by the process of floating a basis set. The results obtained show an interrelation between the floating process, the optimum geometry, and the presence of an external field. Cases involving the Le Chatelier principle are discussed, and an insight on the changes of bond critical point properties, self-similarity values and density differences is performed


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The magnetic exchange between epitaxial thin films of the multiferroic (antiferromagnetic and ferroelectric) hexagonal YMnO3 oxide and a soft ferromagnetic (FM) layer is used to couple the magnetic response of the FM layer to the magnetic state of the antiferromagnetic one. We will show that biasing the ferroelectric YMnO3 layer by an electric field allows control of the magnetic exchange bias and subsequently the magnetotransport properties of the FM layer. This finding may contribute to paving the way towards a new generation of electric-field controlled spintronic devices.


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We use the method of Bogolubov transformations to compute the rate of pair production by an electric field in (1+1)-dimensional de Sitter space. The results are in agreement with those obtained previously using the instanton methods. This is true even when the size of the instanton is comparable to the size of the de Sitter horizon.