868 resultados para Crisis energètiques


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In this study I try to explain the systemic problem of the low economic competitiveness of nuclear energy for the production of electricity by carrying out a biophysical analysis of its production process. Given the fact that neither econometric approaches nor onedimensional methods of energy analyses are effective, I introduce the concept of biophysical explanation as a quantitative analysis capable of handling the inherent ambiguity associated with the concept of energy. In particular, the quantities of energy, considered as relevant for the assessment, can only be measured and aggregated after having agreed on a pre-analytical definition of a grammar characterizing a given set of finite transformations. Using this grammar it becomes possible to provide a biophysical explanation for the low economic competitiveness of nuclear energy in the production of electricity. When comparing the various unit operations of the process of production of electricity with nuclear energy to the analogous unit operations of the process of production of fossil energy, we see that the various phases of the process are the same. The only difference is related to characteristics of the process associated with the generation of heat which are completely different in the two systems. Since the cost of production of fossil energy provides the base line of economic competitiveness of electricity, the (lack of) economic competitiveness of the production of electricity from nuclear energy can be studied, by comparing the biophysical costs associated with the different unit operations taking place in nuclear and fossil power plants when generating process heat or net electricity. In particular, the analysis focuses on fossil-fuel requirements and labor requirements for those phases that both nuclear plants and fossil energy plants have in common: (i) mining; (ii) refining/enriching; (iii) generating heat/electricity; (iv) handling the pollution/radioactive wastes. By adopting this approach, it becomes possible to explain the systemic low economic competitiveness of nuclear energy in the production of electricity, because of: (i) its dependence on oil, limiting its possible role as a carbon-free alternative; (ii) the choices made in relation to its fuel cycle, especially whether it includes reprocessing operations or not; (iii) the unavoidable uncertainty in the definition of the characteristics of its process; (iv) its large inertia (lack of flexibility) due to issues of time scale; and (v) its low power level.


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Corea del Sud ha vist en els últims 50 anys com la seva economia creixia a unsritmes espectaculars fins arribar a situar-se entre les primeres del món. El seu ascenssemblava imparable fins que l’any 1997, de forma inesperada per la majoria, esclatà lacrisis. En aquells moments, Corea del Sud s’havia convertit en la undècima economiadel planeta i la sisena potència comercial, sent el primer productor de vaixells imemòries DRAM, el quart de béns electrònics de consum, el cinquè d’automòbils i deproductes petroquímics, els sisè d’acer i el setè de productes tèxtils,A mitjans dels anys 50 el país tenia una economia agrària afectada per unapobresa massiva, la seva renta per càpita era inferior a les d’Angola o Moçambic, peròentre 1962 i 1996 el seu PNB per càpita passà de 87 dòlars a més de 12.000 i el seuPIB es multiplicà per 12, amb una taxa anual mitja de creixement del 8%, convertint-seen un país industrial avançat. A més, durant els anys 70 i 80 havia resistitsorprenentment bé les perturbacions (energètiques, monetàries i comercials) externes,malgrat el seu model de creixement depenia molt de les importacions de petroli, deldeute extern (fins mitjans dels 80) i de les exportacions de manufactures als mercatsoccidentals, i havia superat bé els problemes de deute extern que afectaren a altrespaïsos en vies de desenvolupament.Durant els anys 90 el procés de globalització financera contribuí, aparentment,a sostenir aquest creixement, amb l’entrada d’una quantitat ingent de fluxos de capitalestranger i la integració cada cop més plena dins dels mercats mundials de la mà d’unprocés de liberalització financera i comercial, arribant a aconseguir a finals de 1996 laseva admissió a la Organització de Cooperació i Desenvolupament Econòmic (OCDE).Però aquests factors que contribuïren al creixement li passarien factura, al propiciaruna sèrie de vulnerabilitats macroeconòmiques que acabarien sortint a la llum en elcontext de la crisis asiàtica del 97 i mostrarien la necessitat d’un canvi en el model dedesenvolupament, tan exitós durant anys, però incapaç d’adaptar-se per si sol alsnous paràmetres de l’economia globalitzada.2Com a continuació es veurà, la crisis coreana té unes característiques concretes,que la diferencien de la patida per la resta de països afectats per la crisis asiàtica del97, però comparteix també elements en comú. La crisis coreana s’entén millor dins elmarc en què es produí, el de les crisis asiàtiques. Però encara podem anar més lluny, jaque per molts experts les crisis del 97 han estat les primeres grans crisis de laglobalització i per tant és des d’aquí que s’ha d’analitzar, fins arribar al cas concret deCorea del Sud, incomprensible sense tot el context general.Les debilitats estructurals de les diferents economies asiàtiques afectadespoden explicar parcialment la gènesis de la crisis, però es tracta per molts d’una crisissistèmica global, que s’insereix en un context molt més ampli. Per això s’ha dividit elsegüent anàlisi en tres parts: els efectes de la globalització en general, les crisisasiàtiques i finalment el cas concret de Corea del Sud.


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We consider a nonlinear system and show the unexpected and surprising result that, even for high dissipation, the mean energy of a particle can attain higher values than when there is no dissipation in the system. We reconsider the time-dependent annular billiard in the presence of inelastic collisions with the boundaries. For some magnitudes of dissipation, we observe the phenomenon of boundary crisis, which drives the particles to an asymptotic attractive fixed point located at a value of energy that is higher than the mean energy of the nondissipative case and so much higher than the mean energy just before the crisis. We should emphasize that the unexpected results presented here reveal the importance of a nonlinear dynamics analysis to explain the paradoxical strategy of introducing dissipation in the system in order to gain energy.


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The British agricultural sector is either already in or rapidly approaching some sort of crisis. Two features are particularly significant in the political response to the current situation. First, there is an increasingly neoliberal approach to agricultural policy. Sec end, agricultural policy per se is being subsumed with wider rural policies. In this paper we question the rationality of both these trends, both theoretically through 'new wave regulation theory' and by relating the British situation to the recent experiences of the agricultural sectors in Australia and New Zealand.


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Financial institutions are directly exposed to the credit risk, that is, the risk of the borrower not fulfill with their obligations, paying their debts in its stated periods established previously. The bank predict this type of risk, including them in their balance-sheets. In 2006/2007 there was the impact of a new financial crisis that spread around the world, known as the crisis of subprime. The objective of this study is to analyze if the provisions for credit risk or liquidation increased the sprouting of the crisis of subprime in ten major national banks, chosen accordant to their total assets. To answer this question, the balance-sheets of each one of these banks in the period of 2005 to 2007 were analyzed. This research is characterized, as for its objectives, as descriptive and as for the procedures as documentary research. It is also characterized as having a qualitative approach. The results show that the crisis of subprime has caused little impact in the credit risk provision of the analyzed institutions. It was noticed a slight increase in the provision indicators at the peak of the crisis in 2006. These percentages were reduced in, 2007, probably reflecting the economic stability of Brazil and the stagnation of the crisis Of subprime in that year, at least in relation to in our country.