989 resultados para Creation value
This study discusses the procedures of value co-creation that persist in gaming industry. The purpose of this study was to identify the procedures that persist in current video gaming industry which answers the main research problem how value is co-created in video gaming industry followed by three sub questions: (i) What is value co-creation in gaming industry? (ii) Who participates in value co-creation in gaming industry? (iii) What are the procedures that are involved in value co-creation in gaming industry? The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the theory of marketing i.e., notion of value, conventional understanding of value creation, value chain, co-creation approach, co-production approach. The research adopted qualitative research approach. As a platform of relationship researcher used web 2.0 tool interface. Data were collected from the social networks and netnography method was applied for analyzing them. Findings show that customer and company both co-create optimum level of value while they interact with each other and within the customers as well. However mostly the C2C interaction, discussions and dialogues threads that emerged around the main discussion facilitated to co-create value. In this manner, companies require exploiting and further motivating, developing and supporting the interactions between customers participating in value creation. Hierarchy of value co-creation processes is the result derived from the identified challenges of value co-creation approach and discussion forums data analysis. Overall three general sets and seven topics were found that explored the phenomenon of customer to customer (C2C) and business to customer (B2C) interaction/debating for value co-creation through user generated contents. These topics describe how gamer contributes and interacts in co-creating value along with companies. A methodical quest in current research literature acknowledged numerous evolving flows of value in this study. These are general management perspective, new product development and innovation, virtual customer environment, service science and service dominant logic. Overall the topics deliver various realistic and conceptual implications for using and handling gamers in social networks for augmenting customers’ value co-creation process.
The economy, under the condition of scarcity is meanwhile aiming at more rational economic activities that are efficient and effective. Companies need to know how to make use of new possibilities towards a more sustainable business. The right balance between risk and opportunity implies a sustainable growth and competitive advantage. Managers need to navigate companies across the globalization, as the global economy is constantly in motion. Further, companies have to face trends since the business world is changing radically. In order to keep up with those changes, companies have to recognize new trends early and respond quickly, efficiently and smart. To gain a competitive edge is without a doubt a critical aspect of a comprehensive value creation economy that withstands the demand for value capture and sustainability. Expectations towards a responsible economy are growing steadily. Therefore, companies have increasingly an obligation to economize more sustainable and to communicate their social and environmental commitment externally. Sustainability can live through the entire structure of value creation of a company. By reducing environmental and social risks companies can create values. This value creation thus represents a proper performance of a company and the accomplished added value through companies’ activities.
The goal of this thesis is to look for and point out problems and bottlenecks related to value chains and networks in initiation and implementation of intelligent packaging. The research is based on interviews in different case companies and is qualitative by nature. The interview results are examined through a framework built upon relevant theory, with the aim to present a useful recommendation for a supplier company for advancing intelligent packaging business. The perspective that is attained through the research questions demonstrates the potential customer companies’ views of possibilities and problems. The key results suggest that intellectual property of relevant products is in an important position from the customers’ perspective. If the supplier does not own a product technology, a sufficiently large company can consider working as an integrator in a network where smaller companies make use of a compiled offering from other smaller actors. The foundation for these networks and company relationships is value creation, which has to be based on profound customer knowledge and research. The framework that is created for this study builds upon earlier research to provide a model that better serves intelligent packaging implementation and includes the notion of importance of value proposition and continuous value co-creation.
The aim of this qualitative thesis is to research, how professional services create value, and what are the key factors affecting on this process. A model describing value creation process in professional services will be explained, based on the existing literature and three in depth discussions with professional service representatives. Professional services are such services that are tend to base on problem solving and require high skills and knowledge of a professional. These services often have a consultative or an advisory nature, and they often involve both client and a company in service process. As the service is often delivered in somewhat collaboration so is the value created. The results of this thesis revealed that value is created in collaboration or co-operation in professional services. Therefore, value co-creation, as a concept, is exact to describe the value creation process in professional services. This thesis also revealed that value is co- created in continuous communication between a client and a company and no value or only a little value can be created if there is no effective communication during the professional service process.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to study value co-creation in emerging value network. The main objective is to examine how value is co-created in bio-based chemicals value network. The study provides insights to different actors’ perceived value in the value network and enlightens their motivations to commit to the collaborative partnerships with other actors. Empirical study shows that value co-creation is creation of mutual value for both parties of the relationship by combining their non-competing resources to achieve a common goal. Value co-creation happens in interactions, and trust, commitment and information sharing are essential prerequisites for value co-creation. Value co-creation is not only common value creation, but it is also value that emerges for each actor because of the co-operation with the other actor. Even though the case companies define value mainly in economic terms, the other value elements like value of the partnership, knowledge transfer and innovation are more important for value co-creation.
In order to grow and survive, a firm must create value with consumers in ways that both fit in with consumer demands and stand out from competitors. Focusing on and understanding consumer and firm assessments of value and creation of value has become a central scope in the contemporary strategic management and marketing literature for understanding and explaining firm survival and success. Consequently, the overall aim of this thesis is to provide a conceptually and empirically grounded understanding of consumers’ and managers’ value assessments and behavior in value creation. This thesis draws on a consumer experience perspective and theories on social construction, organizational identity, self-congruence, and the theory of attractive quality, and combines multiple qualitative and quantitative studies. The findings in this thesis shed light on the interplay between consumers, firms, and contextual structures in value creation. Contextual structural, cultural, and political forces are shown to affect and be affected by the shared and individual cognitions of value creation that firms and consumers use in their assessment and creation value. The results of the study enhance the understanding of how firms can adopt various strategic schemas or organizing logics to optimize different types of use value creation when choosing between opposing and contradictive demands in their value creation. Furthermore, the thesis provides a deeper understanding of the hierarchical nature of consumer judgments of value that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of firm prioritizations and as a foundation for future value-creating strategies.
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras
Network externalities and two-sided markets in the context of web services and value creation is not very well discussed topic in academic literature. The explosive rise of the Internet users has created a strong base for many successful web services and pushed many firms towards e-business and online service based business models. Thus the subject of this thesis, the role of network externalities in value creating process of the commer-cial web service for two-sided international markets is very current and interesting topic to examine. The objective of this Master’s Thesis is to advance the study of network externalities from the viewpoint of two-sided markets and network effects as well as describe the value creation & value co-creation process in commercial web service business models. The main proposition suggests that the larger network of customers and the bigger number of users the web service is able to attract, the more value and stronger positive net-work externalities the service is able to create for each customer group. The empirical research of this study was implemented for commercial web service, targeted to Russian consumers and Finnish business users. The findings suggest that the size of the network is highly related to the experi-enced value of the customers and the whole value creation process of commercial web targeted for two-sided international markets varies from the value creation for one-sided or pure domestic markets.
Cross-sector collaboration and partnerships have become an emerging and desired strategy in addressing huge social and environmental challenges. Despite its popularity, cross-sector collaboration management has proven to be very challenging. Even though cross-sector collaboration and partnership management have been widely studied and discussed in recent years, their effectiveness as well as their ability to create value with respect to the problems they address has remained very challenging. There is little or no evidence of their ability to create value. Regarding all these challenges, this study aims to explore how to manage cross-sector collaborations and partnerships to be able to improve their effectiveness and to create more value for all partners involved in collaboration as well as for customers. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part comprises an overview of relevant literature (including strategic management, value networks and value creation theories), followed by presenting the results of the whole thesis and the contribution made by the study. The second part consists of six research publications, including both quantitative and qualitative studies. The chosen research strategy is triangulation, as the study includes four types of triangulation: (1) theoretical triangulation, (2) methodological triangulation, (3) data triangulation and (4) researcher triangulation. Two publications represent conceptual development, which are based on secondary data research. One publication is a quantitative study, carried out through a survey. The other three publications represent qualitative studies, based on case studies, where data was collected through interviews and workshops, with participation of managers from all three sectors: public, private and the third (nonprofit). The study consolidates the field of “strategic management of value networks,” which is proposed to be applied in the context of cross-sector collaboration and partnerships, with the aim of increasing their effectiveness and the process of value creation. Furthermore, the study proposes a first definition for the strategic management of value networks. The study also proposes and develops two strategy tools that are recommended to be used for the strategic management of value networks in cross-sector collaboration and partnerships. Taking a step forward, the study implements the strategy tools in practice, aiming to show and to demonstrate how new value can be created by using the developed strategy tools for the strategic management of value networks. This study makes four main contributions. (1) First, it brings a theoretical contribution by providing new insights and consolidating the field of strategic management of value networks, also proposing a first definition for the strategic management of value networks. (2) Second, the study makes a methodical contribution by proposing and developing two strategy tools for value networks of cross-sector collaboration: (a) value network mapping, a method that allows us to assess the current and the potential value network and (b) the Value Network Scorecard, a method of performance measurement and performance prediction in cross-sector collaboration. (3) Third, the study has managerial implications, offering new solutions and empirical evidence on how to increase the effectiveness of cross-sector collaboration and also allow managers to understand how new value can be created in cross-sector partnerships and how to get the full potential of collaboration. (4) And fourth, the study also has practical implications, allowing managers to understand how to use in practice the strategy tools developed in this study, providing discussions on the limitations regarding the proposed tools as well as general limitations involved in the study.
Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação de Doutora Alcina Portugal Dias
Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo
The most important knowledge in firms is mostly tacit and embedded in individuals within the organization. This background knowledge that firms possess is used for creation of new knowledge and innovations. As firms today greatly concentrate on their core competencies, they need external knowledge from various collaboration partners. Thus, collaborative relationship governance, as well as control (use of appropriability mechanisms) over background (the input from each firm in innovative activities) and foreground knowledge (the output of collaboration activities) is needed in order to successfully create and capture value from innovative activities without losing core knowledge and competitiveness. Even though research has concentrated on knowledge protection and knowledge sharing, studies that combine both of these views and examine the effects of sharing and protection on value creation and capture have been rather limited. Studies have mainly focused on the protection of the output of innovation while forgetting the protection of the input of innovation. On the other hand, as the research concentrating on the output of innovation tends to favor formal mechanisms, informal mechanisms have remained more unknown to researchers as well as managers. This research aims to combine the perspectives of knowledge sharing and knowledge protection and their relationship with value creation and value capture. The sharing and protection are viewed from two points of view: the use of appropriability mechanisms, as well as governance of the collaborative relationship. The study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises six complementary research publications. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used in the study. In terms of results, the findings enhance understanding of the combined use of formal and informal mechanisms for knowledge protection and sharing. Informal mechanisms appear to be emphasized in the protection of background knowledge, and thus are prerequisites for innovation, whereas formal mechanisms are relied on more for protecting the results of innovative activities. However, the simultaneous use of the formal and informal mechanisms that are relevant to the particular industry and innovation context is recommendedthroughout the collaborative innovation process. Further, the study adds to the current knowledge on HRM as an appropriability mechanism: on the firm level its uses include assessing and hedging against employee-related risks such as knowledge leaking and knowledge leaving. A further contribution is to the research on HRM protection and its interrelations with other appropriability mechanisms, its constituents, and its potential use in the area of knowledge protection.
Työn tarkoitus on löytää parhaat mahdolliset toimintatavat eli liiketoimintamallit, joiden avulla yritys pystyy laajentamaan jätteistä ja prosessitähteistä etanolia -liiketoimintaa kolmansille osapuolille. Työn teoriaosassa perehdytään eri liiketoimintamalleihin sekä selvitetään valittujen energia-alan yrityksien käyttämiä liiketoimintamalleja. Lisäksi työssä on perehdytty tarkemmin franchisingin soveltamiseen teollisessa liiketoiminnassa sekä yrityksen mahdollisena toimintamallina. Arvon muodostuminen on oleellisesti liiketoimintamallin valintaan vaikuttava tekijä, minkä takia työssä perehdytään myös yrityksen ja sen asiakkaiden arvonmuodostumiseen ja arvonluontitapoihin teorioiden ja haastattelujen pohjalta. Teorioiden ja kerätyn aineiston perusteella pystytään sanomaan, että tulevan liiketoimintamallin on oltava kaikille Etanolix®-liiketoiminnan osapuolille selkeä ja nykyistä parempi ratkaisu niin taloudellisesti kuin imagollisesti. Työssä on päädytty liiketoimintamalliin, jossa hyödynnetään franchisingia ja BOOT-konsortiota, jotka yhdistetään kokonaisuudeksi arvopaja- ja arvoverkkoajattelulla.
This paper studies the communication and information management in the perspective of corporate social responsibility. We assume that a company becomes socially responsible when it’s necessary implementing a communication and information policy able to align their business management processes to social responsibility policies, thus creating the necessary, fundamental synergy to their audiences. We raised the hypothesis that corporate social responsibility, in order to be incorporated on a business process management, necessarily involves a transformation in the form of information management and communication - understood as strategic skills which enable the generation of knowledge creation value and the acquisition of awareness of ethical conduct and company's corporate organizational culture as a mirror, reflected to its internal and external audiences. Therefore, this study was supported by a case study in a retail company in Bauru city, regarded as a socially responsible company. Thus, we proceeded to develop a descriptive-exploratory field research, by using the technique of structured interviews which were conducted with the most representative considered leaders of the company - management, store managers, responsible CSR department and advertising agency
En este articulo se hace un análisis sobre la validez de la TBR (Total Bussines return) como medida de rentabilidad de unidades de negocio que pertenecen a un portafolio corporativo. Se establecen cuales son sus debilidades y en que casos es posible aceptarla como medida de rentabilidad asociada con la creación de valor. Se expone, la coincidencia matemática entre la TBR y el WACC (costo promedio ponderado de capital) a partir del descuento de flujos de caja proyectados y entre el CAV (creación adicional de valor) y la diferencia entre el ingreso económico obtenido y el ingreso económico esperado en un periodo determinado. También se evidencia la equivalencia entre el CAV y la variación del valor de las operaciones más la variación del flujo de caja del periodo. Posteriormente se realiza una aplicación para mostrar como puede utilizar la TBR y la teoría moderna de portafolio para que un gerente corporativo pueda controlar la relación rendimiento-riesgo existente entre las distintas unidades de negocio a cargo de su corporación.