23 resultados para Creón


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Objective: To build a life table and determine the factors related to the time of treatment of undernourished children at a nutrition rehabilitation centre (CREN), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Design: Nutritional status was assessed from weight-for-age, height-for-age and BMI-for-age Z-scores, while neuropsychomotor development was classified according to the milestones of childhood development. Life tables, Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox multiple regression models were employed in data analysis. Setting: CREN (Centre of Nutritional Recovery and Education), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Subjects: Undernourished children (n 228) from the southern slums of Sao Paulo who had received treatment at CREN under a day-hospital regime between the years 1994 and 2009. Results: The Kaplan-Meier curves of survival analysis showed statistically significant differences in the periods of treatment at CREN between children presenting different degrees of neuropsychomotor development (log-rank = 6.621; P = 0.037). Estimates based on the multivariate Cox model revealed that children aged >= 24 months at the time of admission exhibited a lower probability of nutritional rehabilitation (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.49; P = 0.046) at the end of the period compared with infants aged up 12 months. Children presenting slow development were better rehabilitated in comparison with those exhibiting adequate evolution (HR = 4.48; P = 0.023). No significant effects of sex, degree of undernutrition or birth weight on the probability of nutritional rehabilitation were found. Conclusions: Age and neuropsychomotor developmental status at the time of admission to CREN are critical factors in determining the duration of treatment.


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Archaea were long thought to be a group of ancient bacteria, which mainly lived in extreme environments. Due to the development of DNA sequencing methods and molecular phylogenetic analyses, it was shown that the living organisms are in fact divided into three domains; the Archaea, Bacteria and the Eucarya. Since the beginning of the previous decade, it was shown that archaea generally inhabit moderate environments and that these non-extremophilic archaea are more ubiquitous than the extremophiles. Group 1 of non-extreme archaea affiliate with the phylum Crenarchaeota. The most commonly found soil archaea belong to the subgroup 1.1b. However, the Crenarchaeota found in the Fennoscandian boreal forest soil belong to the subgroup 1.1c. The organic top layer of the boreal forest soil, the humus, is dominated by ectomycorrhizal fungal hyphae. These colonise virtually all tree fine root tips in the humus layer and have been shown to harbour distinct bacterial populations different from those in the humus. The archaea have also been shown to colonise both boreal forest humus and the rhizospheres of plants. In this work, studies on the archaeal communities in the ectomycorrhizospheres of boreal forest trees were conducted in microcosms. Archaea belonging to the group 1.1c Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota of the genera Halobacterium and Methanolobus were detected. The archaea generally colonised fungal habitats, such as ectomycorrhizas and external mycelia, rather than the non-mycorrhizal fine roots of trees. The species of ectomycorrhizal fungus had a great impact on the archaeal community composition. A stable euryarchaeotal community was detected especially in the mycorrhizas, of most of the tested Scots pine colonising ectomycorrhizal fungi. The Crenarchaeota appeared more sporadically in these habitats, but had a greater diversity than the Euryarchaeota. P. involutus mycorrhizas had a higher diversity of 1.1c Crenarchaeota than the other ectomycorrhizal fungi. The detection level of archaea in the roots of boreal trees was generally low although archaea have been shown to associate with roots of different plants. However, alder showed a high diversity of 1.1c Crenarchaeota, exceeding that of any of the tested mycorrhizas. The archaeal 16S rRNA genes detected from the non-mycorrhizal roots were different from those of the P. involutus mycorrhizas. In the phylogenetic analyses, the archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from non-mycorrhizal fine roots fell in a separate cluster within the group 1.1c Crenarchaeota than those from the mycorrhizas. When the roots of the differrent tree species were colonised by P. involutus, the diversity and frequency of the archaeal populations of the different tree species were more similar to each other. Both Cren- and Euryarchaeota were enriched in cultures to which C-1 substrates were added. The 1.1c Crenarchaeota grew anaerobically in mineral medium with CH4 and CO2 as the only available C sources, and in yeast extract media with CO2 and CH4 or H2. The crenarchaeotal diversity was higher in aerobic cultures on mineral medium with CH4 or CH3OH than in the anaerobic cultures. Ecological functions of the mycorrhizal 1.1c Crenarchaeota in both anaerobic and aerobic cycling of C-1 compounds were indicated. The phylogenetic analyses did not divide the detected Crenarchaeota into anaerobic and aerobic groups. This may suggest that the mycorrhizospheric crenarchaeotal communities consist of closely related groups of anaerobic and aerobic 1.1c Crenarchaeota, or the 1.1c Crenarchaeota may be facultatively anaerobic. Halobacteria were enriched in non-saline anaerobic yeast extract medium cultures in which CH4 was either added or produced, but were not detected in the aerobic cultures. They may potentially be involved in anaerobic CH4 cycling in ectomycorrhizas. The CH4 production of the mycorrhizal samples was over 10 times higher than for humus devoid of mycorrhizal hyphae, indicating a high CH4 production potential of the mycorrhizal metanogenic community. Autofluorescent methanogenic archaea were detected by microscopy and 16S rRNA gene sequences of the genus Methanolobus were obtained. The archaeal community depended on both tree species and the type of ectomycorrhizal fungus colonising the roots and the Cren- and Euryarchaeota may have different ecological functions in the different parts of the boreal forest tree rhizosphere and mycorrhizosphere. By employing the results of this study, it may be possible to isolate both 1.1c Crenarchaeota as well as non-halophilic halobacteria and aerotolerant methanogens from mycorrhizospheres. These archaea may be used as indicators for change in the boreal forest soil ecosystem due to different factors, such as exploitations of forests and the rise in global temperature. More information about the microbial populations with apparently low cell numbers but significant ecological impacts, such as the boreal forest soil methanogens, may be of crucial importance to counteract human impacts on such globally important ecosystems as the boreal forests.


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The desired species identified in this survey include mullets, catfishes, fast growing fish predators, species for control of weeds and grass it, ponds, cichlids and shrimps. Five coastal states: Lagos, Ondo, Bendel, Rivers, and Cross River were covered in the studies. Investigations were also carried into the major rivers and their tributaries. A combination of the estimation methods of Le Cren, (1962) and Pitcher and Mac Donald (1973) was employed in the analysis of data. From the detailed data collected from (1978-1985), the survey indicated that about 100 million fish seeds can be collected annually from Nigerian waters using appropriate gear-seine nets, cast nets, and fish traps. Of this number, 60% is available along the coastal belt of the country while 40% is in the major rivers, their tributaries and swamps. At the present level of fish culture development in Nigeria, this is more than enough, even after allowing for 50% mortality due to handling and transportation stress


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This paper is an attempt to set the background, provide a brief history, review some of the Windermere perch and pike project's scientific achievements, note current developments and hopes for the future, and comment on some aspects of such long-term projects. The project was originally started in 1939 in order to provide fish in freshwater lakes which might be harvested to enhance the supplies of food in a country subject to blockade. Pike traps and gill-netting were trialed as fishing methods. Catch statistics are available from 1939 which can be used to study population dynamics or for modelling purposes. The author provides an overview of changes in the population dynamics of perch and pike but covers briefly other species like arctic charr and brown trout. Also covered are several aspects of the basic biology and ecology of the principal species involved.


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A brief history of the Freshwater Biological Association is given in this article. The association has been in existence for fifty years, having been founded in 1929.


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El lluç europeu del Golf de Lleó és una espècie amb un gran valor comercial a les llotges catalanes per la qual cosa es troba sobreexplotat. Els paràmetres indicadors de la condició física avaluen la salut dels peixos i poden ajudar a predir la productivitat de les poblacions explotades. Un factor que pot estar relacionat amb la condició és el parasitisme, tot i que les investigacions en aquest sentit són molt escasses. Aquest estudi avalua per primera vegada la relació entre parasitisme i condició del lluç europeu. S’han examinat 30 individus, entre gener i març de 2010, i s’han localitzat paràsits que s’han classificat com a nematodes, cestodes, copèpodes i trematodes. S’han calculat també, els índexs de condició Le Cren, índex hepatosomàtic, índex gonodosomàtic i contingut lipídic en fetge i gònades. Els resultats d’aquest estudi suggereixen que els lluços infectats amb copèpodes tenen una quantitat inferior de lípids al fetge, la qual cosa podria indicar una menor condició física. Malgrat tot, cal disposar de més mostres per poder afirmar aquest fet, així com una sèrie temporal de dades que comprengui totes les estacions de l’ any


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Adsorption isotherms for the removal of linoleic acid from aqueous ethanol were measured using a strong anion exchange resin (Amberlyst A26 OH). The data for linoleic acid were compared with previously published results for oleic acid. The equilibrium data were correlated using the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Lower average deviations between experimental and calculated results were obtained with the Langmuir model. The capacity of the resin for adsorbing linoleic acid was evaluated at different water contents in ethanol, 100 w = 0.50 to 15.27, and at 298.15 K. The water content in ethanol does not influence significantly the equilibrium behavior, and the strong anion exchange resin has a good performance in the removal of linoleic acid from the liquid phase.


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OBJETIVOS: A importância do coping religioso espiritual (CRE) nas áreas da saúde e qualidade de vida (QV), e a falta de instrumentos brasileiros para avalia-lo são apontadas pela literatura científica. Este estudo objetivou realizar a versão brasileira da RCOPE Scale, gerando a Escala de Coping Religioso Espiritual (Escala CRE), e examinar a relação entre CRE, saúde e QV. MÉTODO: A primeira fase deste estudo compreendeu: tradução por especialistas da RCOPE, adaptação à cultura brasileira, teste piloto com 50 estudantes de nível médio e superior. A segunda abrangeu teste de campo e processo de validação. Os 616 participantes [65% mulheres, 13-DQRV p=18,44)], foram acessados em um dos seguintes locais que freqüentavam: instituições religiosas ou grupos espirituais (74,4%), universidades (13,5%), clínicas para tratamento de saúde (9,1%) e Web Mail (2,9%). Eles completaram vários instrumentos: Consentimento Livre/Esclarecido, Questionário Geral (questões demográficas, socioeconômicas, religiosas, de saúde), Escala CRE, Escala de Atitude Religiosa e WHOQOL-bref. RESULTADOS: Análises fatoriais geraram uma Escala CRE com duas dimensões: CRE Positivo (CREP) (8 fatores, 66 itens) e CRE Negativo (CREN) (4 fatores, 21 itens). Foram criados quatro índices principais para avaliar os respondentes: as médias CREP e CREN, os escores de CRE TOTAL e Razão CREN/CREP. A Escala CRE demonstrou validade de construto, critério, conteúdo e bons níveis de fidedignidade. Testes Qui-quadrado para Classificação Subjetiva de Saúde (7categorias) mostraram problemas de saúde (PS) físicos relacionados a altos escores de CRE TOTAL e baixos de Razão CREN/CREP; PS emocionais, acrescidos ou não de PS físicos, mostraram resultado inverso. Ainda, QV e CRE TOTAL estiveram positiva e significativamente correlacionados. O CREN esteve negativamente correlacionado à QV em grau maior do que o CREP esteve positivamente correlacionado com QV. Usando Testes t de Student, aqueles que tiveram altos escores de CRE TOTAL mostraram maiores níveis de QV em todos os domínios do WHOQOL-bref, além de maior Classificação Objetiva de Saúde (Likert 5-pontos). Ademais, aqueles que tiveram altos níveis de QV demonstraram maior uso de CREP e menor de CREN. CONCLUSÕES: A Escala CRE é válida e fidedigna, permite aplicação clínica e em pesquisas em locais para tratamento de saúde públicos ou privados. PS físicos podem ser motivadores e educadores do uso do CRE. PS emocionais podem dificultar um melhor uso do CRE, sugerindo que intervenções psicológicas poderiam facilitar o processo. Além disso, CRE e QV são construtos correlacionados. Uma proporção mínima de 2CREP:1CREN (Razão CREN/CREP menor/igual 0,5) foi proposta para se obter um efeito benéfico geral do CRE na QV. Evidências sugerem que intervenções focadas no processo de CRE poderiam ser benéficas e efetivas para agentes de saúde pública pelo seu potencial de reduzir custos de intervenções e pelo seu impacto significante na saúde e QV da população. Os próximos passos seriam: utilização de metodologias experimentais longitudinais para melhor avaliar os efeitos do CRE na saúde e na QV, elaboração de uma Escala CRE Abreviada, investigação aprofundada da influência da variável idade na relação CRE-Saúde e testes de proporção e causais, para verificar a direção da correlação, entre CRE e QV.


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This paper aims to examine some challenges to translation training,particularly in the context of the discipline of translation theory, starting withthe belief in its impossibility. Other topics focused are the Italian adage traduttori,traditori, the opposition between theory and practice, the notion that thetranslator should not interfere in his/her work and the sacralization of the original text.


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Este trabajo pretende mostrar cómo la hamartía es el componente principal de la obra de Sófocles y cómo convierte a Creonte en el personaje principal por ser quien la padece. Se analizarán episodios en los que se hace referencia al error en relación a Creonte, los cuales demuestran cómo a la vez que se erige en su figura de tirano también se va produciendo su caída


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La ponencia analiza la muerte de Antígona en la obra de Sófocles. Se propone que su suicidio es un acto consciente de voluntad preanunciado a lo largo de toda la obra y no una medida desesperada. Con ese fin se exploran las posibles motivaciones de Antígona para poner fin a su vida. En el análisis se proponen tres respuestas (no necesariamente excluyentes): -Antígona responde a la ética homérica. Está en lucha con Creón, y su suicidio es su golpe de gracia al poder del rey. -Antígona se siente impulsada hacia la muerte por amor a la muerte misma. -Antígona concibe la muerte como una reunión con Polinices


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Este trabajo pretende mostrar cómo la hamartía es el componente principal de la obra de Sófocles y cómo convierte a Creonte en el personaje principal por ser quien la padece. Se analizarán episodios en los que se hace referencia al error en relación a Creonte, los cuales demuestran cómo a la vez que se erige en su figura de tirano también se va produciendo su caída