998 resultados para Cranial Base


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Objective: This study evaluated the variations in the anterior cranial base (S-N), posterior cranial base (S-Ba) and deflection of the cranial base (SNBa) among three different facial patterns (Pattern I, II and III). Method: A sample of 60 lateral cephalometric radiographs of Brazilian Caucasian patients, both genders, between 8 and 17 years of age was selected. The sample was divided into 3 groups (Pattern I, II and III) of 20 individuals each. The inclusion criteria for each group were the ANB angle, Wits appraisal and the facial profile angle (G’.Sn.Pg’). To compare the mean values obtained from (SNBa, S-N, S-Ba) each group measures, the ANOVA test and Scheffé’s Post-Hoc test were applied. Results and Conclusions: There was no statistically significant difference for the deflection angle of the cranial base among the different facial patterns (Patterns I, II and III). There was no significant difference for the measures of the anterior and posterior cranial base between the facial Patterns I and II. The mean values for S-Ba were lower in facial Pattern III with statistically significant difference. The mean values of S-N in the facial Pattern III were also reduced, but without showing statistically significant difference. This trend of lower values in the cranial base measurements would explain the maxillary deficiency and/or mandibular prognathism features that characterize the facial Pattern III.


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The primary aim of the present study was to assess morphological covariation between the face and the basicranium (midline and lateral), and to evaluate patterns of integration at two specific developmental stages. A group of 71 children (6-10 years) was compared with a group of 71 adults (20-35 years). Lateral cephalometric radiographs were digitized and a total of 28 landmarks were placed on three areas; the midline cranial base, the lateral cranial base and the face. Geometric morphometric methods were applied and partial least squares analysis was used to evaluate correlation between the three shape blocks. Morphological integration was tested both with and without removing the effect of allometry. In children, mainly the midline and, to a lesser extent, the lateral cranial base were moderately correlated to the face. In adults, the correlation between the face and the midline cranial base, which ceases development earlier than the lateral base, was reduced. However, the lateral cranial base retained and even strengthened its correlation to the face. This suggests that the duration of common developmental timing is an important factor that influences integration between craniofacial structures. However, despite the apparent switch of primary roles between the cranial bases during development, the patterns of integration remained stable, thereby supporting the role of genetics over function in the establishment and development of craniofacial shape.


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Embora a cirurgia de avanço mandibular seja considerada um procedimento altamente estável, existem algumas preocupações clínicas em relação a mudanças nos côndilos e nos segmentos proximais, que podem levar a recidiva sagital e abertura de mordida. A avaliação dos resultados da cirurgia através de ferramentas de geração e superposição de modelos virtuais tridimensionais (3D) permite a identificação e quantificação dos deslocamentos e remodelação óssea que podem ajudar a explicar as interações entre os componentes dentários, esqueléticos e de tecido mole que estão relacionados a resposta ao tratamento. Este estudo observacional prospectivo avaliou, através de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (CBCT), mudanças na posição/remodelação 3D dos ramos mandibulares, côndilos e mento. Assim, exames CBCT de 27 pacientes foram adquiridos antes da cirurgia (T1), imediatamente após a cirurgia(T2), e 1 ano após a cirurgia(T3). Uma técnica automática de superposição na base do crânio foi utilizada para permitir a avaliação das mudanças ocorridas nas regiões anatômicas de interesse (RAI). Os deslocamentos foram visualizados e quantificados em mapas coloridos 3D através da ferramenta de linha de contorno (ISOLINE). Pelo teste t pareado compararam-se as mudanças entre T1-T2 e T2-T3. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson verificou se os deslocamentos ocorridos nas RAI foram correlacionados entre si e entre os tempos de avaliação. O nível de significância foi determinado em 0,05. O avanço mandibular médio foi de 6,813,2mm em T2 e 6,363,41mm em T3 (p=0,13). Entre T2 e T3, a posição do mento variou positivamente (≥2mm) em 5 pacientes negativamente em 7. 12% dos pacientes sofreram recidivas ≥4mm. Para todas as outras RAI avaliadas, apenas a porção inferior dos ramos (lado direito - 2,342,35mm e lado esquerdo 2,972,71mm) sofreram deslocamentos médios >2mm com a cirurgia. No acompanhamento em longo prazo, esse deslocamento lateral da porção inferior dos ramos foi mantido (lado direito - 2,102,15mm, p=0,26; e lado esquerdo -2,762,80, p=0,46), bem como todos os outros deslocamentos observados (p>0,05). As mudanças na posição do mento foram correlacionadas a adaptações pós-cirúrgicas nos bordos posteriores dos ramos (esquerdo r=-0,73 e direito r=-0,68) e côndilos (esquerdo r=-0,53 e direito r=-0,46). Os deslocamentos médios sofridos pelas estruturas do lado esquerdo foram suavemente maiores do que no direito. Correlações dos deslocamentos ocorridos entre T1-T2 e T2-T3 mostraram que: os deslocamentos dos côndilos esquerdos com a cirurgia foram negativamente correlacionados às adaptações pós-cirúrgicas destes (r=-0,51); e que o deslocamento da porção superior do ramo esquerdo com a cirurgia foi correlacionado à adaptação pós-cirúrgica ocorrida nos bordos posteriores (r=0,39) e côndilos do mesmo lado (r=0,39). Pode-se concluir que: (1) os deslocamentos causados pela cirurgia foram de modo geral estáveis no acompanhamento de 1 ano, mas identificou-se uma considerável variação individual; (2) as mudanças pós-cirúrgicas na posição do mento foram correlacionadas a adaptações sofridas pelos côndilos e bordos posteriores dos ramos; e que (3) deslocamentos suavemente maiores causados pela cirurgia nas estruturas do lado esquerdo levaram a maiores adaptações pós-cirúrgicas no segmento proximal deste lado.


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Introduction : La croissance maxillo-mandibulaire des enfants avec une séquence de Pierre Robin (SPR) est controversée dans la littérature. Certains auteurs croient que la croissance mandibulaire est accélérée après la naissance, mais peu se sont penchés sur la croissance du maxillaire supérieur. Cette étude rétrospective sur dossier vise à analyser la croissance maxillo-mandibulaire des enfants atteints de la SPR. Dans un deuxième temps, nous aurions aimé évaluer la sévérité et l’évolution de l’apnée du sommeil en lien avec la croissance des maxillaires, mais un manque de données a empêché l’atteinte de cet objectif. Matériel et méthode : Les dossiers médicaux et orthodontiques de 93 patients (82 volet apnée et 40 volet croissance) du CHU Ste-Justine avec une SPR isolée ont été révisés puis comparés au groupe contrôle composé d’enfants normaux de l’Université du Michigan. L’analyse statistique de modèle mixte pour mesures répétées de même que celle de Brunner-Langer furent effectuées. Résultats : L’évaluation orthodontique a montré un changement statistiquement significatif pour la relation molaire droite, la présence de chevauchement et de diastème au maxillaire et le surplomb vertical. L’analyse des données céphalométriques nous montre que le maxillaire supérieur, la branche montante et le corps de la mandibule sont tous réduits par rapport à la normale. Ce dernier montre une diminution significative avec l’âge (p = 0,03). L’angle gonial, le SNA, SNB, ANB, l’angle de convexité faciale et l’inclinaison de l’incisive supérieure par rapport à FH sont tous normaux. Par contre, on remarque une augmentation statistiquement significative de cette dernière avec l’âge (p = 0,04). L’angle Y est augmenté tandis que les hauteurs faciales supérieure (HFS) et inférieure (HFI) sont diminuées bien que cette dernière montre une tendance à s’approcher de la normale avec l’âge (p ≤ 0,001). Discussion : Les dimensions des maxillaires sont similaires à plusieurs études. En ce qui concerne la mandibule, la croissance est soit plus lente, soit diminuée. Cette observation est plus marquée lorsque l’on s’approche du pic de croissance puisque l’écart par rapport à la normale s’agrandit. On voit une tendance à la croissance hyperdivergente qui pourrait expliquer l’augmentation de la HFI avec l’âge. Le fait que SNA et SNB soient dans la normale pourrait s’expliquer par une diminution de la longueur de la base crânienne. Conclusion : Il n’y a pas de rattrapage de croissance maxillaire et mandibulaire. Les maxillaires restent micrognathes quoique proportionnels l’un envers l’autre et le profil est convexe tout au long de la croissance. La comparaison des données céphalométriques et des traitements orthodontiques avec ceux des patients présentant une fente palatine isolée devrait se faire sous peu. Nous n’avons pas été en mesure d’atteindre nos objectifs concernant l’apnée du sommeil. Une étude prospective serait à prévoir pour y arriver.


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OBJETIVO: o avanço maxilomandibular é um método cirúrgico comumente usado no tratamento de pacientes acometidos pela Síndrome da Apnéia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAOS) e portadores de anormalidades anatômicas identificáveis neste complexo, que estreitam e/ou obstruem o espaço aéreo. O intuito deste estudo foi analisar variações cefalométricas do espaço aéreo faríngeo em indivíduos Classe II de Angle, após a cirurgia ortognática. METODOLOGIA: a amostra consistiu de telerradiografias laterais equivalentes aos períodos pré e pós-operatório de 30 indivíduos, divididos no grupo com avanço cirúrgico mandibular (n=15) e no grupo com avanço maxilomandibular (n=15). Os parâmetros cefalométricos usados permitiram avaliar o espaço aéreo posterior em 3 níveis: a hipofaringe (PFI-V), a orofaringe (PFM-PM, PFM-PO, PFM-U, PFM-Up) e a nasofaringe (PFM-PN, pm-PFS). A análise esquelética foi na base do crânio (N-S-Ba) e na mandíbula (Ar-Go-Me). A média das diferenças entre os valores pré e pós-operatórios das mensurações lineares (mm) e angulares (graus) foi avaliada pelo teste t pareado. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: estatisticamente, não houve redução do espaço aéreo faríngeo pós-avanço cirúrgico. O que se observou foi que apenas PFM-PO e PFS-pM se mantiveram constantes e na maioria restante os valores aumentaram.


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Introduction: Hypertrophy of the adenoids and palatine tonsils is the second most frequent cause of upper respiratory obstruction and, consequently, mouth breathing in children. Prolonged mouth breathing leads to muscular and postural alterations which, in turn, cause dentosketetal changes. Objective: the aim of this study was to determine muscular, functional and dentoskeletal alterations in children aged 3-6 years. Materials and methods: Seventy-three children, including 44 with tonsil hypertrophy and 29 controls, were submitted to otorhinolaryngologic, speech pathologic and orthodontic assessment. Results: Otorhinolaryngologic evaluation revealed a higher incidence of nasal obstruction, snoring, mouth breathing, apneas, nocturnal hypersalivation, itchy nose, repeated tonsillitis and bruxism in children with tonsils hypertrophy. Speech pathologic assessment showed a higher incidence of open lip and lower tongue position, and of hypotonia of the upper and lower lips, tongue and buccinator muscle in these children, accompanied by important impairment in mastication and deglutition. Orthodontic evaluation demonstrated a higher incidence of lower mandible position in relation to the cranial base, a reduction in lower posterior facial height, transverse atresia of the palate, and a dolicofacial pattern. Conclusion: Postural and functional alterations anticipate dentoskeletal changes, except for the facial pattern. Postural alterations and the skeletal pattern seem to play an important role in infant dentofacial growth. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study pertains to a random sample of untreated French-Canadian adolescents (79 females and 107 males) evaluated at 10 and again at 15 years of age. Superimpositions on natural reference structures were performed to describe condylar growth and modelling of 11 mandibular landmarks. Superimpositions on natural cranial/cranial base reference structures were performed to describe mandibular displacement and true rotation.The results showed significant superior and posterior growth/modelling of the condyle and ramus. Males underwent significantly (P < 0.01) greater condylar growth and ramus modelling than females. With the exception of point B, which showed significant superior drift, modelling changes for the corpus landmarks were small and variable. The mandible rotated forward 2-3.3 degrees and was displaced 9.6-12.7 mm inferiorly and 1.9-2.7 mm anteriorly. Individual differences in ramus growth and modelling, both amount and direction, can be explained by mandibular rotation and displacements. Multivariate assessments revealed that superior condylar growth and ramus modelling were most closely associated with forward rotation and inferior mandibular displacement. Posterior growth and modelling were most closely correlated with anterior mandibular displacement and forward rotation. Modelling of the lower anterior border was independent of rotation and displacement.


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Apert Syndrome, also called acrocephalosyndactylia type 1, is characterized by craniostenosis with early fusion of sutures of the vault and/ or cranial base, associated to mid-face hypoplasia, symmetric syndactylia of the hands and feet and other systemic malformations. CNS malformations and intracranial hypertension are frequently observed in these patients. Early surgical treatment aims to minimize the deleterious effects of intracranial hypertension. Fronto-orbital advancement, the usual surgical technique, increases the intracranial volume and improves the disposition of encephalic structures previously deformed by a short skull. This study analyzes CNS alterations revealed by magnetic resonance in 18 patients presenting Apert Syndrome, and the conformational alterations in the encephalic structures after surgical treatment. The patients' age in February 2001 ranged from 14 to 322 months (m=107). Image study included brain magnetic resonance showing ventricular enlargement in five cases (27.8%), corpus callosum hypoplasia in five cases (27.8%), septum pellucidum hypoplasia in five cases (27.8%), cavum vergae in two cases (11.1%) and, arachnoid cyst in the posterior fossa in two cases (11.1%). Absence of CNS alterations was noted in 44.4% of cases. A corpus callosum morphologic index was established by dividing its height by its length, which revealed values that ranged from 0.4409 to 1.0237. The values of this index were correlated to the occurrence or absence of surgical treatment (p=0.012; t=2.83). Data analysis allowed the conclusion that the corpus callosum morphologic measure quantified the conformational alterations of the cerebral structures determined by the surgical treatment.


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Purpose To evaluate condylar changes 1 year after bimaxillary surgical advancement with or without articular disc repositioning using longitudinal quantitative measurements in 3-dimensional (3D) temporomandibular joint (TMJ) models. Methods Twenty-seven patients treated with maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) underwent cone-beam computed tomography before surgery, immediately after surgery, and at 1-year follow-up. All patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging before surgery to assess disc displacements. Ten patients without disc displacement received MMA only. Seventeen patients with articular disc displacement received MMA with simultaneous TMJ disc repositioning (MMA-Drep). Pre- and postsurgical 3D models were superimposed using a voxel-based registration on the cranial base. Results The location, direction, and magnitude of condylar changes were displayed and quantified by graphic semitransparent overlays and 3D color-coded surface distance maps. Rotational condylar displacements were similar in the 2 groups. Immediately after surgery, condylar translational displacements of at least 1.5 mm occurred in a posterior, superior, or mediolateral direction in patients treated with MMA, whereas patients treated with MMA-Drep presented more marked anterior, inferior, and mediolateral condylar displacements. One year after surgery, more than half the patients in the 2 groups presented condylar resorptive changes of at least 1.5 mm. Patients treated with MMA-Drep presented condylar bone apposition of at least 1.5 mm at the superior surface in 26.4%, the anterior surface in 23.4%, the posterior surface in 29.4%, the medial surface in 5.9%, or the lateral surface in 38.2%, whereas bone apposition was not observed in patients treated with MMA. Conclusions One year after surgery, condylar resorptive changes greater than 1.5 mm were observed in the 2 groups. Articular disc repositioning facilitated bone apposition in localized condylar regions in patients treated with MMA-Drep. © 2013 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A agenesia dental é a anomalia de número mais freqüente na dentição permanente e o incisivo lateral superior permanente (ILSP) é um dos dentes mais acometidos por essa condição. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência da agenesia de ILSP sobre a morfologia dentofacial. A amostra consistiu de 100 telerradiografias da cabeça, em norma lateral, de indivíduos de ambos os gêneros, na fase de dentição permanente, com idades variando de 11 a 25 anos (média de 14.3), que foram divididos em dois grupos pareados individualmente segundo o gênero e a idade: um grupo de 50 casos de agenesia uni ou bilateral de ILSP e outro grupo sem agenesia dental, o grupo controle. As telerradiografias laterais foram traçadas e as medidas angulares e lineares foram comparadas entre os dois grupos, através do teste “t” de Student. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os dois grupos não diferiram significantemente quanto à direção de crescimento facial. A maxila e a mandíbula mostraramse na mesma disposição sagital, quando avaliadas isoladamente em relação à base craniana, e com comprimentos semelhantes nos dois grupos. Entretanto, a convexidade facial mostrou-se significantemente reduzida no grupo com agenesia, medida através do ângulo NAP (P=0.008), bem como a relação maxilo-mandibular entre si, medida pelo ângulo ANB (P=0.017). As alterações mais significantes foram observadas nos incisivos superiores e inferiores, que apresentaram redução significante na inclinação axial e protrusão (P<0.05), com conseqüente aumento do ângulo nasolabial, no grupo com agenesia. Esses resultados permitem concluir que a agenesia de ILSP está associada a alterações na morfologia dentofacial.