1000 resultados para Covariant Specator Theory


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We give a gauge and manifestly SO(2,2) covariant formulation of the field theory of the self-dual string. The string fields are gauge connections that turn the super-Virasoro generators into covariant derivatives, © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We present the first results of a study on meson spectroscopy using a covariant formalism based on the Covariant Spectator Theory. Our approach is derived directly in Minkowski space and it approximates the Bethe–Salpeter equation by taking effectively into account the contributions from both ladder and crossed ladder diagrams in the $q\bar{q}$ interaction kernel. A general Lorentz structure of the kernel is tested and chiral constraints on the kernel are discussed. Results for the pion form factor are also presented.


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The Covariant Spectator Theory (CST) is used to calculate the mass spectrum and vertex functions of heavy–light and heavy mesons in Minkowski space. The covariant kernel contains Lorentz scalar, pseudoscalar, and vector contributions. The numerical calculations are performed in momentum space, where special care is taken to treat the strong singularities present in the confining kernel. The observed meson spectrum is very well reproduced after fitting a small number of model parameters. Remarkably, a fit to a few pseudoscalar meson states only, which are insensitive to spin–orbit and tensor forces and do not allow to separate the spin–spin from the central interaction, leads to essentially the same model parameters as a more general fit. This demonstrates that the covariance of the chosen interaction kernel is responsible for the very accurate prediction of the spin-dependent quark–antiquark interactions.


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Preliminary calculations using the Covariant Spectator Theory (CST) employed a scalar linear confining interaction and an additional constant vector potential to compute the mesonic mass spectra. In this work we generalize the confining interaction to include more general structures, in particular a vector and also a pseudoscalar part, as suggested by a recent study. A one-gluon-exchange kernel is also implemented to describe the short-range part of the interaction. We solve the simplest CST approxima- tion to the complete Bethe-Salpeter equation, the one-channel spectator equation, using a numerical technique that eliminates all singularities from the kernel. The parameters of the model are determined through a fit to the experimental pseudoscalar meson spectra, with a good agreement for both quarkonia and heavy-light states.


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We propose a model for the quark-antiquark interaction in Minkowski space using the Covariant Spectator Theory. We show that with an equal-weighted scalar-pseudoscalar structure for the confining part of our interaction kernel the axial-vector Ward-Takahashi identity is preserved and our model complies with the Adler-zero constraint for π-π-scattering imposed by chiral symmetry.


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We introduce a covariant approach in Minkowski space for the description of quarks and mesons that exhibits both chiral-symmetry breaking and confinement. In a simple model for the interquark interaction, the quark mass function is obtained and used in the calculation of the pion form factor. We study the effects of the mass function and the different quark pole contributions on the pion form factor.


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We show that the Einstein-Hilbert, the Einstein-Palatini, and the Holst actions can be derived from the Quadratic Spinor Lagrangian (QSL), when the three classes of Dirac spinor fields, under Lounesto spinor field classification, are considered. To each one of these classes, there corresponds an unique kind of action for a covariant gravity theory. In other words, it is shown to exist a one-to-one correspondence between the three classes of non-equivalent solutions of the Dirac equation, and Einstein-Hilbert, Einstein-Palatini, and Holst actions. Furthermore, it arises naturally, from Lounesto spinor field classification, that any other class of spinor field-Weyl, Majorana, flagpole, or flag-dipole spinor fields-yields a trivial (zero) QSL, up to a boundary term. To investigate this boundary term, we do not impose any constraint on the Dirac spinor field, and consequently we obtain new terms in the boundary component of the QSL. In the particular case of a teleparallel connection, an axial torsion one-form current density is obtained. New terms are also obtained in the corresponding Hamiltonian formalism. We then discuss how these new terms could shed new light on more general investigations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Following up on earlier work on the $q\bar{q}$-bound-state problem using a covariant, chiral-symmetric formalism based upon the Covariant Spectator Theory, we study the heavy–light case for both pseudoscalar and vector mesons. Derived directly in Minkowski space, our approach approximates the full Bethe–Salpeter-equation, taking into account, effectively, the contributions of both ladder and crossed ladder diagrams in the kernel. Results for several mass spectra using a relativistic covariant generalization of a Cornell plus a constant potential to model the interquark interaction are given and discussed.


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In questa tesi vengono presentati i piu recenti risultati relativi all'estensione della teoria dei campi localmente covariante a geometrie che permettano di descrivere teorie di campo supersimmetriche. In particolare, si mostra come la definizione assiomatica possa essere generalizzata, mettendo in evidenza le problematiche rilevanti e le tecniche utilizzate in letteratura per giungere ad una loro risoluzione. Dopo un'introduzione alle strutture matematiche di base, varieta Lorentziane e operatori Green-iperbolici, viene definita l'algebra delle osservabili per la teoria quantistica del campo scalare. Quindi, costruendo un funtore dalla categoria degli spazio-tempo globalmente iperbolici alla categoria delle *-algebre, lo stesso schema viene proposto per le teorie di campo bosoniche, purche definite da un operatore Green-iperbolico su uno spazio-tempo globalmente iperbolico. Si procede con lo studio delle supervarieta e alla definizione delle geometrie di background per le super teorie di campo: le strutture di super-Cartan. Associando canonicamente ad ognuna di esse uno spazio-tempo ridotto, si introduce la categoria delle strutture di super-Cartan (ghsCart) il cui spazio-tempo ridotto e globalmente iperbolico. Quindi, si mostra, in breve, come e possibile costruire un funtore da una sottocategoria di ghsCart alla categoria delle super *-algebre e si conclude presentando l'applicazione dei risultati esposti al caso delle strutture di super-Cartan in dimensione 2|2.


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Over the last three years, in our Early Algebra Thinking Project, we have been studying Years 3 to 5 students’ ability to generalise in a variety of situations, namely, compensation principles in computation, the balance principle in equivalence and equations, change and inverse change rules with function machines, and pattern rules with growing patterns. In these studies, we have attempted to involve a variety of models and representations and to build students’ abilities to switch between them (in line with the theories of Dreyfus, 1991, and Duval, 1999). The results have shown the negative effect of closure on generalisation in symbolic representations, the predominance of single variance generalisation over covariant generalisation in tabular representations, and the reduced ability to readily identify commonalities and relationships in enactive and iconic representations. This chapter uses the results to explore the interrelation between generalisation and verbal and visual comprehension of context. The studies evidence the importance of understanding and communicating aspects of representational forms which allowed commonalities to be seen across or between representations. Finally the chapter explores the implications of the studies for a theory that describes a growth in integration of models and representations that leads to generalisation.


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We discuss the consistency, unitarity and Lorentz invariance of an anomalous U(1) gauge theory in four dimensions. Our analysis is based on an effective low-energy action valid in the chiral symmetry broken phase. The allegedly bad properties of anomalous theories (except non-renormalizability) are examined. It is shown that, in the low-energy context, the theory can be consistently and unitarily quantised, and is formally Lorentz covariant.


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Gravitaation kvanttiteorian muotoilu on ollut teoreettisten fyysikkojen tavoitteena kvanttimekaniikan synnystä lähtien. Kvanttimekaniikan soveltaminen korkean energian ilmiöihin yleisen suhteellisuusteorian viitekehyksessä johtaa aika-avaruuden koordinaattien operatiiviseen ei-kommutoivuuteen. Ei-kommutoivia aika-avaruuden geometrioita tavataan myös avointen säikeiden säieteorioiden tietyillä matalan energian rajoilla. Ei-kommutoivan aika-avaruuden gravitaatioteoria voisi olla yhteensopiva kvanttimekaniikan kanssa ja se voisi mahdollistaa erittäin lyhyiden etäisyyksien ja korkeiden energioiden prosessien ei-lokaaliksi uskotun fysiikan kuvauksen, sekä tuottaa yleisen suhteellisuusteorian kanssa yhtenevän teorian pitkillä etäisyyksillä. Tässä työssä tarkastelen gravitaatiota Poincarén symmetrian mittakenttäteoriana ja pyrin yleistämään tämän näkemyksen ei-kommutoiviin aika-avaruuksiin. Ensin esittelen Poincarén symmetrian keskeisen roolin relativistisessa fysiikassa ja sen kuinka klassinen gravitaatioteoria johdetaan Poincarén symmetrian mittakenttäteoriana kommutoivassa aika-avaruudessa. Jatkan esittelemällä ei-kommutoivan aika-avaruuden ja kvanttikenttäteorian muotoilun ei-kommutoivassa aika-avaruudessa. Mittasymmetrioiden lokaalin luonteen vuoksi tarkastelen huolellisesti mittakenttäteorioiden muotoilua ei-kommutoivassa aika-avaruudessa. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään näiden teorioiden vääristyneeseen Poincarén symmetriaan, joka on ei-kommutoivan aika-avaruuden omaama uudentyyppinen kvanttisymmetria. Seuraavaksi tarkastelen ei-kommutoivan gravitaatioteorian muotoilun ongelmia ja niihin kirjallisuudessa esitettyjä ratkaisuehdotuksia. Selitän kuinka kaikissa tähänastisissa lähestymistavoissa epäonnistutaan muotoilla kovarianssi yleisten koordinaattimunnosten suhteen, joka on yleisen suhteellisuusteorian kulmakivi. Lopuksi tutkin mahdollisuutta yleistää vääristynyt Poincarén symmetria lokaaliksi mittasymmetriaksi --- gravitaation ei-kommutoivan mittakenttäteorian saavuttamisen toivossa. Osoitan, että tällaista yleistystä ei voida saavuttaa vääristämällä Poincarén symmetriaa kovariantilla twist-elementillä. Näin ollen ei-kommutoivan gravitaation ja vääristyneen Poincarén symmetrian tutkimuksessa tulee jatkossa keskittyä muihin lähestymistapoihin.


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Static optical transmission is restudied by postulation of the optical path as the proper element in a three-dimensional Riemannian manifold (no torsion); this postulation can be applied to describe the light-medium interactive system. On the basis of the postulation, the behaviors of light transmitting through the medium with refractive index n are investigated, the investigation covering the realms of both geometrical optics and wave optics. The wave equation of light in static transmission is studied modally, the postulation being employed to derive the exact form of the optical field equation in a medium (in which the light is viewed as a single-component field). Correspondingly, the relationships concerning the conservation of optical fluid and the dynamic properties are given, and some simple applications of the theories mentioned are presented.


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We study the problem of consistent interactions for spin-3 gauge fields in flat spacetime of arbitrary dimension 3$">n>3. Under the sole assumptions of Poincaré and parity invariance, local and perturbative deformation of the free theory, we determine all nontrivial consistent deformations of the abelian gauge algebra and classify the corresponding deformations of the quadratic action, at first order in the deformation parameter. We prove that all such vertices are cubic, contain a total of either three or five derivatives and are uniquely characterized by a rank-three constant tensor (an internal algebra structure constant). The covariant cubic vertex containing three derivatives is the vertex discovered by Berends, Burgers and van Dam, which however leads to inconsistencies at second order in the deformation parameter. In dimensions 4$">n>4 and for a completely antisymmetric structure constant tensor, another covariant cubic vertex exists, which contains five derivatives and passes the consistency test where the previous vertex failed. © SISSA 2006.