994 resultados para Coral-dwelling Fishes


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A new method is described and evaluated for visually sampling reef fish community structure in environments with highly diverse and abundant reef fish populations. The method is based on censuses of reef fishes taken within a cylinder of 7.5 m radius by a diver at randomly selected, stationary points. The method provides quantitative data on frequency of occnrrence, fish length, abundance, and community composition, and is simple, fast, objective, and repeatable. Species are accumulated rapidly for listing purposes, and large numbers of samples are easily obtained for statistical treatment. The method provides an alternative to traditional visual sampling methods. Observations showed that there were no significant differences in total numbers of species or individuals censused when visibility ranged between 8 and 30 m. The reefs and habitats sampled were significant sources of variation in number of species and individuals censused, but the diver was not a significant influence. Community similarity indices were influenced significantly by the specific sampling site and the reef sampled, but were not significantly affected by the habitat or diver (PDF file contains 21 pages.)


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A compilation of 48 estimates of Caribbean and Pacific coral reef fish catches, ranging from 0.1 to 23.7 t km super(-2) year super(-1), obtained from coral reef areas ranging from 0.1 to nearly 4-10 super(5) km super(2), are used to show that observed catches, and hence potential yield estimates, depend strongly on the reference area. The implications for coral reef fisheries assessments are discussed.


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Length-weight relationships were computed for 42 species of coral reef fishes from 14 families from the Alacran Reef (Yucatan, Mexico). A total of 1 892 individuals was used for this purpose. The fish species were caught by different fishing techniques such as fishhooks, harpoons, gill and trawl nets. The sampling period was from March 1998 to January 2000.


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Light traps and channel nets are fixed-position devices that involve active and passive sampling, respectively, in the collection of settlement-stage larvae of coral-reef fishes. We compared the abundance, taxonomic composition, and size of such larvae caught by each device deployed simultaneously near two sites that differed substantially in current velocity. Light traps were more selective taxonomically, and the two sampling devices differed significantly in the abundance but not size of taxa caught. Most importantly, light traps and channel nets differed greatly in their catch efficiency between sites: light traps were ineffective in collecting larvae at the relatively high-current site, and channel nets were less efficient in collecting larvae at the low-current site. Use of only one of these sampling methods would clearly result in biased and inaccurate estimates of the spatial variation in larval abundance among locations that differ in current velocity. When selecting a larval sampling device, one must consider not only how well a particular taxon may be represented, but also the environmental conditions under which the device will be deployed.


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This study examined how riverine inputs, in particular sediment, influenced the community structure and trophic composition of reef fishes within Rio Bueno, north Jamaica. Due to river discharge a distinct gradient of riverine inputs existed across the study sites. Results suggested that riverine inputs (or a factor associated with them) had a structuring effect on fish community structure. Whilst fish communities at all sites were dominated by small individuals (


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Concerns about the impacts of ocean acidification on marine life have mostly focused on how reduced carbonate saturation affects calcifying organisms. Here, we show that levels of CO2-induced acidification that may be attained by 2100 could also have significant effects on marine organisms by reducing their aerobic capacity. The effects of temperature and acidification on oxygen consumption were tested in 2 species of coral reef fishes, Ostorhinchus doederleini and O. cyanosoma, from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The capacity for aerobic activity (aerobic scope) declined at temperatures above the summer average (29°C) and in CO2-acidified water (pH 7.8 and ~1000 ppm CO2) compared to control water (pH 8.15). Aerobic scope declined by 36 and 32% for O. doederleini and O. cyanosoma at temperatures between 29 to 32°C, whereas it declined by 33 and 47% for O. doederleini and O. cyanosoma in acidified water compared to control water. Thus, the declines in aerobic scope in acidified water were similar to those caused by a 3°C increase in water temperature. Minimum aerobic scope values of ~200 mg O2 kg-1 h-1 were attained for both species in acidified water at 32°C, compared with over 600 mg O2 kg-1 h-1 in control water at 29°C. Mortality rate increased sharply at 33°C, indicating that this temperature is close to the lethal thermal limit for both species. Acidification further increased the mortality rate of O. doederleini, but not of O. cyanosoma. These results show that coral reef fishes are sensitive to both higher temperatures and increased levels of dissolved CO2, and that the aerobic performance of some reef fishes could be significantly reduced if climate change continues unabated.