44 resultados para Cooccurrence


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Ce mémoire est rédigé dans le cadre d’une recherche multidisciplinaire visant à développer de meilleurs outils d’intervention et politiques en santé mentale au travail. L’objectif principal de cette étude était de cibler les déterminants de l’épuisement professionnel et des troubles musculosquelettiques et leur cooccurrence chez une population policière. Un échantillon de 410 policiers du Service de Police de Montréal (SPVM) a été sondé à l’aide d’un questionnaire basé sur des outils standardisés en santé mentale au travail. Les conditions organisationnelles, variables indépendantes de cette étude, ont été identifiées à partir de modèles théoriques validés. L’analyse segmentée de chacun des grands concepts (latitude décisionnelle, soutien social au travail, demandes, justice distributive et sur engagement) révèle que l’effet des conditions organisationnelles ne se manifeste pas également sur chacune des trois dimensions de l’épuisement professionnel (l’épuisement émotionnel, le cynisme et l’efficacité professionnelle). De plus, on observe que les trois formes de récompenses de justice distributive tirées du modèle « Déséquilibre-Efforts-Récompenses » (Siegrist, 1996) ne sont pas distribuées également selon les dimensions de l’épuisement professionnel. Selon nos données, la justice distributive d’estime de soi et le sur engagement s’avèrent significatifs dans tous les cas en regard des dimensions de l’épuisement professionnel et de son indice global. Finalement, nos résultats révèlent que la justice distributive d’estime de soi a un lien significatif sur la cooccurrence de l’épuisement professionnel et des troubles musculosquelettiques. Par contre, on note que des outils de recherche plus spécifiques permettraient une analyse approfondie de l’effet des conditions organisationnelles sur les troubles musculosquelettiques et sur l’effet de cooccurrence entre les deux problèmes à l’étude.


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est de décrire et comparer les facteurs de risque individuels, parentaux et familiaux qui sont associés à la cooccurrence simultanée du trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) et des troubles de comportement sévère tels le trouble oppositionnel avec provocation (TOP) et le trouble des conduites (TC). Plus particulièrement, l’étude s’appuie sur les informations issues du modèle de cooccurrence de Neale et Kendler (1995), voulant que le fait de partager des facteurs de risque génétiques et environnementaux communs puisse entraîner une cooccurrence de troubles. Les enfants (N = 345, 41% de filles), âgés entre 6 et 10 ans, ont été recrutés parmi des jeunes recevant des services spécialisées dans huit commissions scolaires de trois régions du Québec. Ces enfants ont été séparés dans différents groupes de comparaison selon la présence/absence du TDAH, du TOP et du TC. Les analyses de régressions logistiques multinomiales réalisées suggèrent que les enfants du groupe TDAH+TOP lorsque comparés à ceux du groupe TDAH seul vivraient dans des familles au sein desquelles il y aurait plus de coercition parentale et auraient vécu plus de changements familiaux que les enfants du groupe TOP seul. Aussi, plus de traits d’insensibilité seraient présents chez les enfants du groupe TDAH+TOP+TC lorsque comparés au groupe TDAH seul. De plus, les enfants du groupe TDAH+TOP+TC présenteraient plus d’anxiété que les enfants du groupe TOP+TC. Dans l’ensemble, il appert que la cooccurrence du TDAH et des troubles du comportement est associée à plus de facteurs de risque chez les enfants.


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This paper presents the results from a study of information behaviors in the context of people's everyday lives undertaken in order to develop an integrated model of information behavior (IB). 34 participants from across 6 countries maintained a daily information journal or diary – mainly through a secure web log – for two weeks, to an aggregate of 468 participant days over five months. The text-rich diary data was analyzed using a multi-method qualitative-quantitative analysis in the following order: Grounded Theory analysis with manual coding, automated concept analysis using thesaurus-based visualization, and finally a statistical analysis of the coding data. The findings indicate that people engage in several information behaviors simultaneously throughout their everyday lives (including home and work life) and that sense-making is entangled in all aspects of them. Participants engaged in many of the information behaviors in a parallel, distributed, and concurrent fashion: many information behaviors for one information problem, one information behavior across many information problems, and many information behaviors concurrently across many information problems. Findings indicate also that information avoidance – both active and passive avoidance – is a common phenomenon and that information organizing behaviors or the lack thereof caused the most problems for participants. An integrated model of information behaviors is presented based on the findings.


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This study aimed to compare and contrast how midwives working in either hospital or community settings are currently responding to the cooccurrence of domestic and child abuse (CA), their perceived role and willingness to identify abuse, record keeping, reporting of suspected or definite cases of CA and training received. A survey questionnaire was sent to 861 hospital and community midwives throughout Northern Ireland which resulted in 488 midwives completing the questionnaire, leading to a 57% response rate. Comparisons were made using descriptive statistics and cross-tabulation, and the questionnaire was validated using exploratory factor analysis. Community midwives reported receiving more training on domestic and CA. Although a high percent of both hospital and community midwives acknowledged a link between domestic violence (DV) and CA, it was the community midwives who encountered more suspected and definite (P <0.001) cases of CA. More community midwives reported to be aware of the mechanisms for reporting CA. However, an important finding is that although 12% of community midwives encountered a definite case of CA, only 2% reported the abuse, leaving a 10% gap between reporting and identifying definite cases of CA. Findings suggest that lack of education and training was a problem as only a quarter of hospital-based midwives reported to have received training on DV and 40% on CA. This was significantly less than that received by community midwives, as 57% received training on DV, and 62% on CA. The study suggests that midwives need training on how to interact with abused mothers using non-coercive, supportive and empowering mechanisms. Many women may not spontaneously disclose the issues of child or domestic abuse in their lives, but often respond honestly to a sensitively asked question. This issue is important as only 13% of the sample actually asked a woman a direct question about DV.


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Objective: The aim of this prospective study was to examine the link between individual and ecological workplace social capital and the co-occurrence of adverse lifestyle risk factors such as smoking, heavy drinking, physical inactivity and overweight.


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Objectives. We examined the associations between socioeconomic position, co-occurrence of behavior-related risk factors, and the effect of these factors on the relative and absolute socioeconomic gradients in coronary heart disease.


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Background: In occupational life, a mismatch between high expenditure of effort and receiving few rewards may promote the co-occurrence of lifestyle risk factors, however, there is insufficient evidence to support or refute this hypothesis. The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which the dimensions of the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) model - effort, rewards and ERI - are associated with the co-occurrence of lifestyle risk factors.


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It has long been recognised that dispersal abilities and environmental factors are important in shaping invertebrate communities, but their relative importance for primary soil community assembly has not yet been disentangled. By studying soil communities along chronosequences on four recently emerged nunataks (ice-free land in glacial areas) in Iceland, we replicated environmental conditions spatially at various geographical distances. This allowed us to determine the underlying factors of primary community assembly with the help of metacommunity theories that predict different levels of dispersal constraints and effects of the local environment. Comparing community assembly of the nunataks with that of non-isolated deglaciated areas indicated that isolation of a few kilometres did not affect the colonisation of the soil invertebrates. When accounting for effects of geographical distances, soil age and plant richness explained a significant part of the variance observed in the distribution of the oribatid mites and collembola communities, respectively. Furthermore, null model analyses revealed less co-occurrence than expected by chance and also convergence in the body size ratio of co-occurring oribatids, which is consistent with species sorting. Geographical distances influenced species composition, indicating that the community is also assembled by dispersal, e.g. mass effect. When all the results are linked together, they demonstrate that local environmental factors are important in structuring the soil community assembly, but are accompanied with effects of dispersal that may "override" the visible effect of the local environment.


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To re-examine the correlation between mtDNA variability and longevity, we examined mtDNAs from samples obtained from over 2200 ultranonagenarians (and an equal number of controls) collected within the framework of the GEHA EU project. The samples were categorized by high-resolution classification, while about 1300 mtDNA molecules (650 ultranonagenarians and an equal number of controls) were completely sequenced. Sequences, unlike standard haplogroup analysis, made possible to evaluate for the first time the cumulative effects of specific, concomitant mtDNA mutations, including those that per se have a low, or very low, impact. In particular, the analysis of the mutations occurring in different OXPHOS complex showed a complex scenario with a different mutation burden in 90+ subjects with respect to controls. These findings suggested that mutations in subunits of the OXPHOS complex I had a beneficial effect on longevity, while the simultaneous presence of mutations in complex I and III (which also occurs in J subhaplogroups involved in LHON) and in complex I and V seemed to be detrimental, likely explaining previous contradictory results. On the whole, our study, which goes beyond haplogroup analysis, suggests that mitochondrial DNA variation does affect human longevity, but its effect is heavily influenced by the interaction between mutations concomitantly occurring on different mtDNA genes


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Children consuming maize based foods in Tanzania may be exposed to multiple mycotoxins. We estimated co-exposures of aflatoxins with Deoxynivalenol (DON) and fumonisins for children in rural Tanzania. Food consumption by the children was estimated by twice administering a 24 h dietary recall questionnaire to mothers of 18-24 months old children in Kikelelwa village. Each mother also; provided a sample of maize based flour used for feeding her child in the previous day. Each child's body weight (bw) was measured by following standard procedures. Aflatoxins, DON and fumonisins were determined in each sample using validated HPLC methods. Exposures for a mycotoxin were estimated by multiplying flour consumption (g/child/kgbw/day) by its contamination (mu g/kg). Complete data were obtained for 41 children. Maize flour consumption ranged from 16 to 254 g/child/day. Thirteen (32%) of the 41 children consumed flour with detectable aflatoxin levels (range, 0.11-386 mu g/kg), resulting in exposures from 1 to 786 ng/kg bw/day. All these children exceeded the aflatoxins exposure of concern (0.017 ng/kg bw/day). Eighteen (44%) of the children consumed flour with detectable DON levels (57-825 mu g/kg) and 34(83%), detectable fumonisins levels (63-2284 mu g/kg), resulting in respective exposure ranges of 0.38-8.87 mu g/kg bw/day and 0.19-26.37 mu g/kg bw/day. Twelve (66%) of the DON exposed children and 56% of the fumonisins exposed children exceeded the respective provisional tolerable daily intakes of 1 mu g/kg bw and 2 ng/kg bw. Co-exposures for aflatoxins with both DON and fumonsins were determined in 10% of the 41 children. Co-exposures of aflatoxins with fumonisins alone were found in 29% and of fumonisins with DON alone in 41% of the children. The study showed that children consuming maize based complementary foods in Northern Tanzania are at a risk of exposure to multiple mycotoxins. We recommend adoption of appropriate measures to minimize exposures of multiple mycotoxins in Tanzania. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Many marine organisms have pelagic larval stages that settle into benthic habitats occupied by older individuals; however, a mechanistic understanding of inter cohort interactions remains elusive for most species. Patterns of spatial covariation in the densities of juvenile and adult age classes of a small temperate reef fish, the common triplefin (Forsterygion lapillum), were evaluated during the recruitment season (Feb–Mar, 2011) in Wellington, New Zealand (41°17′S, 174°46′E). The relationship between juvenile and adult density among sites was best approximated by a dome-shaped curve, with a negative correlation between densities of juveniles and adults at higher adult densities. The curve shape was temporally variable, but was unaffected by settlement habitat type (algal species). A laboratory experiment using a “multiple-predator effects”design tested the hypothesis that increased settler mortality in the presence of adults (via enhanced predation risk or cannibalism) contributed to the observed negative relationship between juveniles and adults. Settler mortality did not differ between controls and treatments that contained either one (p = 0.08) or two (p = 0.09) adults. However, post hoca analyses revealed a significant positive correlation between the mean length of juveniles used in experimental trials and survival of juveniles in these treatments, suggesting that smaller juveniles may be vulnerable to cannibalism. There was no evidence for risk enhancement or predator interference when adults were present alongside a hetero specific predator (F. varium). These results highlight the complex nature of intercohort relationships in shaping recruitment patterns and add to the growing body of literature recognizing the importance of age class interactions.


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Résumé : Les liens entre les maladies dermatologiques et les troubles de santé mentale, dont la dépression, sont reconnus depuis longtemps. Cependant, peu d’études de population ont examiné cette problématique et aucune n’a été faite auprès des aînés. Le but de ce mémoire est d’explorer l’association entre les affections dermatologiques et les troubles dépressifs chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile. Pour ce faire, deux études ont été réalisées. La première visait à décrire les caractéristiques dermatologiques de la population à l’étude et la deuxième avait pour but de tester l’hypothèse d’une association bidirectionnelle entre les problèmes mentionnés. Il s’agit d’une analyse secondaire des données de l’Enquête sur la Santé des Aînés (ESA) qui a été menée auprès d’un échantillon représentatif de la population âgée (≥ 65 ans) vivant à domicile au Québec. Des mesures répétées à un an d’intervalle (T1 et T2) ont été obtenues auprès de 2 cohortes successives fixes. Les données de l’enquête ESA ont été appariées à celles des registres de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Les troubles dépressifs ont été définis en se basant sur les critères du DSM-IV et les affections dermatologiques ont été mesurées à partir de deux sources de données (enquête et registres administratifs de la RAMQ). Des modèles autorégressifs bivariés ont été utilisés pour tester l’hypothèse d’association bidirectionnelle entre les affections dermatologiques et les troubles dépressifs. Nos résultats ont montré que près de 13% et 21% des répondants ont rapporté des affections dermatologiques auto-rapportées ou avaient été diagnostiqués selon les registres de la RAMQ. En plus, près de 6% des participants rapportaient un trouble dépressif probable au T1 et au T2. Nos résultats suggèrent la présence d’une association synchronique (transversale) entre les affections dermatologiques et les troubles dépressifs. Ce projet souligne l’importance d’évaluer et d’explorer la cooccurrence de ces deux pathologies afin d’améliorer la prise en charge des individus atteints simultanément par ces deux problèmes. Nous suggérons l'inclusion des affections dermatologiques dans les futures études épidémiologiques visant à explorer les liens entre les troubles de santé mentale et de santé physique chez les personnes âgées.//Abstract : The relationship between skin conditions and mental health disorders, which includes depression, has long been recognized. However, few population - based studies have examined this issue and none were carried out in older - adults. The aim of this project was to explore the associations between skin conditions and depressive disorders affecting the elderly living at home. To do this, two studies were conducted; the first aimed to describe the dermatological features of the study population. The second was designed to test the hypothesis of a bidirectional association between the conditions mentioned above. We carried out secondary data analyses from data collected in the Study on the Health of Seniors (ESA ) survey, which consisted of a representative sample of the elderly population (≥ 65 years) living at home in Quebec. Two repeated measurements one year apart (T1 and T2) were obtained from two fixed successive cohorts. Participants in both phases of the investigation and with available health service information from Quebec’s health insurance plan agency (Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec - RAMQ) were selected for this project. Depressive disorders were defined based on DSM - IV criteria and dermatological conditions were measured from two data sources (survey and administrative records). Cross - lagged panel models were used to test the hypothesis of association between the two mentioned conditions. Our results showed that nearly 13% and 21% of respondents have self - reported and diagnosed skin conditions, respectively. In addition, about 6% of participants reported symptoms that were consistent with a probable depressive disorder on T1 and T2. Our results suggested the presence of synchronous (cross - sectional) associations between skin conditions and depressive disorders in the elderly. This research highlights the importance of assessing and exploring the co - occurrence of these two conditions to improve the management of individuals who are affected. We suggest the inclusion of dermatological conditions in future/further studies exploring the comorbidity between mental and physical health in the older adults.