947 resultados para Contractile ring
Cytokinesis in animal cells requires the constriction of an actomyosin contractile ring, whose architecture and mechanism remain poorly understood. We use laser microsurgery to explore the biophysical properties of constricting rings in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Laser cutting causes rings to snap open. However, instead of disintegrating, ring topology recovers and constriction proceeds. In response to severing, a finite gap forms and is repaired by recruitment of new material in an actin polymerization-dependent manner. An open ring is able to constrict, and rings repair from successive cuts. After gap repair, an increase in constriction velocity allows cytokinesis to complete at the same time as controls. Our analysis demonstrates that tension in the ring increases while net cortical tension at the site of ingression decreases throughout constriction and suggests that cytokinesis is accomplished by contractile modules that assemble and contract autonomously, enabling local repair of the actomyosin network. Consequently, cytokinesis is a highly robust process impervious to discontinuities in contractile ring structure.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Molecular Medicine
Une cellule se divise en deux par le processus de cytokinèse. Elle requiert la coordination de plusieurs composants pour éviter la formation des cellules potentiellement cancéreuses. Premièrement, un anneau contractile (AC) dépendant de l’actine et de Rho-GTP diminue le diamètre de la cellule jusqu’à la formation d’une structure plus stable indépendante de l’actine, l’anneau du midbody (AM) qui guide l’éventuelle séparation des cellules sœurs. Diaphanous (Dia) est une formine dépendante de Rho responsable de l’agencement des filaments d’actine non ramifiés qui se localise à l’AC et est essentielle à la cytokinèse. Nous avons étudié le rôle de Dia pendant la cytokinèse par microscopie de haute résolution en temps réel pour suivre le comportement dynamique des protéines fluorescentes (PF) dans des cellules de Drosophile S2. Une construction fonctionnelle de Dia-PF est recrutée à l’AC et l’AM indépendamment de l’actine mais est absente dans l’AM mature. Dia quitte l’AM au même temps où l’AM dévient indépendant d’actine. La déplétion de Dia par ARN interférant ralentit la constriction de l’AC, augmente les oscillations et, dans 70% des cas, les cellules échouent la cytokinèse pendant la constriction, suggérant que Dia a un rôle dans l’organisation de l’AC. LifeAct-PF, une sonde pour F-actine, dévoile une diminution des filaments d’actine spécifique à l’AC des cellules dépourvues de Dia pendant que Anilline-PF et Myosine-PF sont recrutées en puncta. Ces résultats soutiennent un modèle où Dia nuclée des filaments d’actine qui permettent l’organisation dynamique de l’AC et la perte de Dia régule la transition à l’AM stable indépendant d’actine.
The budding yeast IQGAP-like protein Cyk1p/Iqg1p localizes to the mother-bud junction during anaphase and has been shown to be required for the completion of cytokinesis. In this study, video microscopy analysis of cells expressing green fluorescent protein-tagged Cyk1p/Iqg1p demonstrates that Cyk1p/Iqg1p is a dynamic component of the contractile ring during cytokinesis. Furthermore, in the absence of Cyk1p/Iqg1p, myosin II fails to undergo the contraction-like size change at the end of mitosis. To understand the mechanistic role of Cyk1p/Iqg1p in actomyosin ring assembly and dynamics, we have investigated the role of the structural domains that Cyk1p/Iqg1p shares with IQGAPs. An amino terminal portion containing the calponin homology domain binds to actin filaments and is required for the assembly of actin filaments to the ring. This result supports the hypothesis that Cyk1p/Iqg1p plays a direct role in F-actin recruitment. Deletion of the domain harboring the eight IQ motifs abolishes the localization of Cyk1p/Iqg1p to the bud neck, suggesting that Cyk1p/Iqg1p may be localized through interactions with a calmodulin-like protein. Interestingly, deletion of the COOH-terminal GTPase-activating protein-related domain does not affect Cyk1p/Iqg1p localization or actin recruitment to the ring but prevents actomyosin ring contraction. In vitro binding experiments show that Cyk1p/Iqg1p binds to calmodulin, Cmd1p, in a calcium-dependent manner, and to Tem1p, a small GTP-binding protein previously found to be required for the completion of anaphase. These results demonstrate the critical function of Cyk1p/Iqg1p in regulating various steps of actomyosin ring assembly and cytokinesis.
Collective cell migrations are essential in several physiological processes and are driven by both chemical and mechanical cues. The roles of substrate stiffness and confinement on collective migrations have been investigated in recent years, however few studies have addressed how geometric shapes influence collective cell migrations. Here, we address the hypothesis that the relative position of a cell within the confinement influences its motility. Monolayers of two types of epithelial cells-MCF7, a breast epithelial cancer cell line, and MDCK, a control epithelial cell line-were confined within circular, square, and cross-shaped stencils and their migration velocities were quantified upon release of the constraint using particle image velocimetry. The choice of stencil geometry allowed us to investigate individual cell motility within convex, straight and concave boundaries. Cells located in sharp, convex boundaries migrated at slower rates than those in concave or straight edges in both cell types. The overall cluster migration occurred in three phases: an initial linear increase with time, followed by a plateau region and a subsequent decrease in cluster speeds. An acto-myosin contractile ring, present in the MDCK but absent in MCF7 monolayer, was a prominent feature in the emergence of leader cells from the MDCK clusters which occurred every similar to 125 mu m from the vertex of the cross. Further, coordinated cell movements displayed vorticity patterns in MDCK which were absent in MCF7 clusters. We also used cytoskeletal inhibitors to show the importance of acto-myosin bounding cables in collective migrations through translation of local movements to create long range coordinated movements and the creation of leader cells within ensembles. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of how bounding shapes influence long-term migratory behaviours of epithelial cell monolayers. These results are important for tissue engineering and may also enhance our understanding of cell movements during developmental patterning and cancer metastasis.
Au cours de la cytokinèse, le génome dédoublé est compartimentalisé en deux cellules filles. L’anneau contractile, une structure dynamique, est constitué d’actine, myosine (NMY-II) et d’autres protéines accessoires. NMY-2 est le seul moteur protéique impliqué dans la contraction de l’anneau durant la cytokinèse. Depuis longtemps, il a été considéré que celle-ci glissait le long des filaments d’actine grâce à sa capacité de traction. Récemment, plusieurs études ont découvert que son activité réticulante joue un rôle en cytokinèse et il est connu que la NMY-2 peut s’assembler en filaments bipolaires à partir de dimères. Ainsi, nous postulons que leur dimension (nombre de moteurs ATPasiques) pourrait dicter leur contribution en activité motrice et réticulante. Afin de déterminer la composition des filaments corticaux de NMY-2, nous avons utilisé une technique d'imagerie de molécules individuelles à l’aide de la microscopie TIRF. J’ai trouvé à travers l’analyse statistique de la distribution des NMY-2 mesurés que les filaments sont assemblés à deux dimensions constantes: Des filaments composés de 20 dimères et 30 dimères. La kinase Rho est une activatrice de NMY-2 nécessaire pour les niveaux physiologiques de NMY-2 sur l’anneau contractile, pour des cinétiques et fermeture concentrique de l’anneau. La déplétion de RhoK augmente l’abondance relative des filaments de 20 dimères. Ainsi, RhoK pourrait réguler le recrutement de la NMY et aussi l’assemblage des filaments corticaux de NMY-2. De plus, à l’aide de la microscopie confocale à temps réel, j’ai trouvé que lors de la déplétion de RhoK, il se produit une réduction du recrutement et du délai d’initiation du sillon, une fermeture lente et une augmentation significative de la concentricité de l’anneau. De plus, j’ai mesuré des défauts dans l’organisation corticale de l’anneau contractile en patch. La déplétion de MRCK-1 n’affecte pas l’initiation du sillon, les cinétiques de fermeture, ou la fermeture concentrique de l’anneau. Paradoxalement, la déplétion de MRCK-1 augmente le recrutement cortical de NMY-2, mais quand depleté simultanément avec Rho-K il diminue NMY-2 à l’équateur comparé à la déplétion seule de Rho-K. De plus, la double déplétion, conduit à un phénotype de concentricité de l’anneau, suivie d’un recentrage.
Un dérèglement du cycle cellulaire peut causer le cancer. Lors de la cytocinèse un anneau contractile d’actine et de myosine se forme, se contracte, et donne un anneau du midbody qui mène à l’abscision. Le processus de cytocinèse est sous le contrôle de protéines telles que la GTPase Rho qui active la cytocinèse et les cyclines-Cdks qui l'inhibent. La Drosophile possède 3 cyclines mitotiques CycA/ CycB/ CycB3 qui sont successivement dégradées en fin de mitose et permettent l'initiation de la cytocinèse. La dernière étape d’abscission est un phénomène qui reste encore peu connu. Les protéines Vps4 et CHMP4C liées à ANCHR vont, sous la dépendance de la kinase Aurora B, promouvoir l’abscision mais, suite à quelques études récentes, il semble y avoir une implication de la cycline B. Ici, le but était de tester l’implication de cette cycline dans les processus de cytocinèse et d’abscision, elle a été menée par microscopie à haute résolution en temps réel avec des cellules S2 de l’organisme Drosophila melanogaster par le suivi de protéines recombinantes fluorescentes. L’étude a été divisée en deux axes : gain et perte de fonction par l’intermédiaire respectivement de la protéine Cycline B recombinante stable, non dégradable (CycBstable-GFP) et l’inhibition par l’utilisation d’ARN double brin (ARNdb) sur l’endogène. La CycBstable-GFP a perturbé la cytocinèse en induisant plusieurs anneaux contractiles et midbodies. En revanche la réduction de l’expression de CycB n'a pas eu d’effet observable, et elle ne semble pas avoir d’action sur l’abscission malgré le recrutement de CycB-GFP au midbody tardif. En revanche la protéine Cdk1 semble avoir un rôle dans l'abscision puisque sa réduction d’expression a induit un délai. Elle a donc une implication potentielle sur la cytocinèse.
Using clathrin-minus Dictyostelium cells, we identified a novel requirement for clathrin during cytokinesis. In suspension culture, clathrin-minus cells failed to divide and became large and multinucleate. This cytokinesis deficiency was not attributable to a pleiotropic effect on the actomyosin cytoskeleton, since other cellular events driven by myosin II (e.g., cortical contraction and capping of concanavalin A receptors) remained intact in clathrin-minus cells. Examination of cells expressing myosin II tagged with green fluorescent protein showed that clathrin-minus cells failed to assemble myosin II into a functional contractile ring. This inability to localize myosin II to a particular location was specific for cytokinesis, since clathrin-minus cells moving across a substrate localized myosin II properly to their posterior cortexes. These results demonstrate that clathrin is essential for construction of a functional contractile ring during cell division.
Ro09-0198 is a tetracyclic polypeptide of 19 amino acids that recognizes strictly the structure of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and forms a tight equimolar complex with PE on biological membranes. Using the cyclic peptide coupled with fluorescence-labeled streptavidin, we have analyzed the cell surface localization of PE in dividing Chinese hamster ovary cells. We found that PE was exposed on the cell surface specifically at the cleavage furrow during the late telophase of cytokinesis. PE was exposed on the cell surface only during the late telophase and no alteration in the distribution of the plasma membrane-bound cyclic peptide was observed during the cytokinesis, suggesting that the surface exposure of PE reflects the enhanced scrambling of PE at the cleavage furrow. Furthermore, cell surface immobilization of PE induced by adding the cyclic peptide coupled with streptavidin to prometaphase cells effectively blocked the cytokinesis at late telophase. The peptide-streptavidin complex treatment had no effect on furrowing, rearrangement of microtubules, and nuclear reconstitution, but specifically inhibited both actin filament disassembly at the cleavage furrow and subsequent membrane fusion. These results suggest that the redistribution of the plasma membrane phospholipids is a crucial step for cytokinesis and the cell surface PE may play a pivotal role in mediating a coordinate movement between the contractile ring and plasma membrane to achieve successful cell division.
Fluorescently labeled myosin moved and accumulated circumferentially in the equatorial region of dividing Dictyostelium cells within a time course of 4 min, followed by contraction of the contractile ring. To investigate the mechanism of this transport process, we have expressed three mutant myosins that cannot hydrolyze ATP in myosin null cells. Immunofluorescence staining showed that these mutant myosins were also correctly transported to the equatorial region, although no contraction followed. The rates of transport, measured using green fluorescent protein-fused myosins, were indistinguishable between wild-type and mutant myosins. These observations demonstrate that myosin is passively transported toward the equatorial region and incorporated into the forming contractile ring without its own motor activity.
Un dérèglement du cycle cellulaire peut causer le cancer. Lors de la cytocinèse un anneau contractile d’actine et de myosine se forme, se contracte, et donne un anneau du midbody qui mène à l’abscision. Le processus de cytocinèse est sous le contrôle de protéines telles que la GTPase Rho qui active la cytocinèse et les cyclines-Cdks qui l'inhibent. La Drosophile possède 3 cyclines mitotiques CycA/ CycB/ CycB3 qui sont successivement dégradées en fin de mitose et permettent l'initiation de la cytocinèse. La dernière étape d’abscission est un phénomène qui reste encore peu connu. Les protéines Vps4 et CHMP4C liées à ANCHR vont, sous la dépendance de la kinase Aurora B, promouvoir l’abscision mais, suite à quelques études récentes, il semble y avoir une implication de la cycline B. Ici, le but était de tester l’implication de cette cycline dans les processus de cytocinèse et d’abscision, elle a été menée par microscopie à haute résolution en temps réel avec des cellules S2 de l’organisme Drosophila melanogaster par le suivi de protéines recombinantes fluorescentes. L’étude a été divisée en deux axes : gain et perte de fonction par l’intermédiaire respectivement de la protéine Cycline B recombinante stable, non dégradable (CycBstable-GFP) et l’inhibition par l’utilisation d’ARN double brin (ARNdb) sur l’endogène. La CycBstable-GFP a perturbé la cytocinèse en induisant plusieurs anneaux contractiles et midbodies. En revanche la réduction de l’expression de CycB n'a pas eu d’effet observable, et elle ne semble pas avoir d’action sur l’abscission malgré le recrutement de CycB-GFP au midbody tardif. En revanche la protéine Cdk1 semble avoir un rôle dans l'abscision puisque sa réduction d’expression a induit un délai. Elle a donc une implication potentielle sur la cytocinèse.
We examined acute molecular responses in skeletal muscle to divergent exercise stimuli by combining consecutive bouts of resistance and endurance exercise. Eight men [22.9 ± 6.3 yr, body mass of 73.2 ± 4.5 kg, peak O2 uptake (V?O2peak) of 54.0 ± 5.7 ml·kg-1·min-1] were randomly assigned to complete trials consisting of either resistance exercise (8 x 5 leg extension, 80% 1 repetition maximum) followed by a bout of endurance exercise (30 min cycling, 70% V?O2peak) or vice versa. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis at rest, 15 min after each exercise bout, and after 3 h of passive recovery to determine early signaling and mRNA responses. Phosphorylation of Akt and Akt1Ser473 were elevated 15 min after resistance exercise compared with cycling, with the greatest increase observed when resistance exercise followed cycling (?55%; P < 0.01). TSC2-mTOR-S6 kinase phosphorylation 15 min after each bout of exercise was similar regardless of the exercise mode. The cumulative effect of combined exercise resulted in disparate mRNA responses. IGF-I mRNA content was reduced when cycling preceded resistance exercise (-42%), whereas muscle ring finger mRNA was elevated when cycling was undertaken after resistance exercise (?52%; P < 0.05). The hexokinase II mRNA level was higher after resistance cycling (?45%; P < 0.05) than after cycling-resistance exercise, whereas modest increases in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1? mRNA did not reveal an order effect. We conclude that acute responses to diverse bouts of contractile activity are modified by the exercise order. Moreover, undertaking divergent exercise in close proximity influences the acute molecular profile and likely exacerbates acute "interference".
AIMS: Our aim was to determine whether alterations in biomechanical properties of human diseased compared to normal coronary artery contribute to changes in artery responsiveness to endothelin-1 in atherosclerosis. MAIN METHODS: Concentration-response curves were constructed to endothelin-1 in normal and diseased coronary artery. The passive mechanical properties of arteries were determined using tensile ring tests from which finite element models of passive mechanical properties of both groups were created. Finite element modelling of artery endothelin-1 responses was then performed. KEY FINDINGS: Maximum responses to endothelin-1 were significantly attenuated in diseased (27±3 mN, n=55) compared to normal (38±2 mN, n=68) artery, although this remained over 70% of control. There was no difference in potency (pD2 control=8.03±0.06; pD2 diseased=7.98±0.06). Finite element modelling of tensile ring tests resulted in hyperelastic shear modulus μ=2004±410 Pa and hardening exponent α=22.8±2.2 for normal wall and μ=2464±1075 Pa and α=38.3±6.7 for plaque tissue and distensibility of diseased vessels was decreased. Finite element modelling of active properties of both groups resulted in higher muscle contractile strain (represented by thermal reactivity) of the atherosclerotic artery model than the normal artery model. The models suggest that a change in muscle response to endothelin-1 occurs in atherosclerotic artery to increase its distensibility towards that seen in normal artery. SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest that an adaptation occurs in medial smooth muscle of atherosclerotic coronary artery to maintain distensibility of the vessel wall in the presence of endothelin-1. This may contribute to the vasospastic effect of locally increased endothelin-1 production that is reported in this condition.
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(-)-CGP12177 is a non-conventional partial agonist that causes modest and transient increases of contractile force in human atrial trabeculae (Kaumann and Molenaar, 2008). These effects are markedly increased and maintained by inhibition of phosphodiesterase PDE3. As verified with recombinant receptors, the cardiostimulant effect of (-)-CGP12177 is mediated through a site at the beta1-adrenoceptor with lower affinity (beta1LAR) compared to the site through which (-)-CGP12177 antagonizes the effects of catecholamines (beta1HAR). However, in a recent report it was proposed that the positive inotropic effects of CGP12177 are mediated through beta3-adrenoceptors (Skeberdis et al 2008). We therefore investigated whether the effects of (-)-CGP12177 on human atrial trabeculae are antagonized by the beta3-adrenoceptor-selective antagonist L-748,337 (1 microM). (-)-CGP12177 (200 nM) caused a stable increase in force which was significantly reduced by the addition of (-)-bupranolol (1 microM), P = 0.002, (basal 4.45 ± 0.78 mN, IBMX (PDE inhibitor) 5.47 ± 1.01 mN, (-)-CGP12177 9.34 ± 1.33 mN, (-)-bupranolol 5.79 ± 1.08 mN, n = 6) but not affected by the addition of L-748,337 (1 microM), P = 0.12, (basal 4.48 ± 1.32 mN, IBMX 7.15 ± 2.28 mN, (-)-CGP12177 12.51 ± 3.71 mN, L-748,337 10.90 ± 3.49 mN, n = 6). Cumulative concentration-effect curves for (-)-CGP12177 were not shifted to the right by L-748,337 (1 microM). The –logEC50M values of (-)-CGP12177 in the absence and presence of L-748,337 were 7.21±0.09 and 7.41±0.13, respectively (data from 25 trabeculae from 8 patients, P=0.2) The positive inotropic effects of (-)-CGP12177 (IBMX present) were not antagonized by L-748,337 but were blunted by (-)-bupranolol (1 microM). The results rule out an involvement of beta3-adrenoceptors in the positive inotropic effects (-)-CGP12177 in human right atrial myocardium and are consistent with mediation through beta1LAR. Kaumann A and Molenaar P (2008) Pharmacol Ther 118, 303-336 Skeberdis VA et al (2008) J Clin Invest, 118, 3219-3227