893 resultados para Contractile Proteins
Aortic aneurysms and dissections are the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD). Currently, six loci and four genes have been identified for familial TAAD. Notably, mutations in smooth muscle cell (SMC) contractile genes, ACTA2 and MYH11, are responsible for 15% of familial TAAD, suggesting that proper SMC contraction is important for normal aorta function. Therefore, we hypothesize that mutations in other genes encoding SMC contractile proteins also cause familial TAAD. ^ To test this hypothesis, we used a candidate gene approach to identify causative mutations in SMC contractile genes for familial TAAD. Sequencing DNA in 80 TAAD patients from unrelated families, we identified putative mutations in eight contractile genes. We chose myosin light chain kinase (MLCK ) S1759P for further study for the following reasons: (1) Serine 1759 is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. (2) S1759P is predicted to be functionally deleterious by bioinformatics. (3) Low blood pressure is observed in SMC-selective MLCK-deficient mice. ^ In the presence of Ca2+/Calmodulin (CaM), MLCK containing CaM binding and kinase domains are activated to phosphorylate myosin light chain, thereby initiate SMC contraction. The CaM binding sequence of MLCK forms an α-helix structure required for CaM binding. MLCK Serine 1759 is located within the CaM binding domain. S1759P is predicted to decrease the α-helix composition in the CaM binding domain. Hence, we hypothesize that MLCK mutations cause TAAD through disturbing CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ We further sequenced MLCK in DNA samples from additional 86 probands with familial TAAD. Two more mutations, MLCK A1754T and R1480Stop, were identified, supporting that MLCK mutations cause familial TAAD. ^ To define whether MLCK mutations disrupted CaM binding and MLCK activity, we performed co-immunoprecipitation and kinase assays. Decreased CaM binding and kinase activity was detected in A1754T and S1759P. Moreover, R1480Stop is predicted to truncate kinase and CaM binding domains. We conclude that MLCK mutations disrupt CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ Collectively, our study is first to show mutations in genes regulating SMC contraction cause TAAD. This finding further highlights the importance of SMC contraction in maintaining aorta function. ^
Skeletal muscle is a malleable tissue capable of altering the type and amount of protein in response to disruptions to cellular homeostasis. The process of exercise-induced adaptation in skeletal muscle involves a multitude of signalling mechanisms initiating replication of specific DNA genetic sequences, enabling subsequent translation of the genetic message and ultimately generating a series of amino acids that form new proteins. The functional consequences of these adaptations are determined by training volume, intensity and frequency, and the half-life of the protein. Moreover, many features of the training adaptation are specific to the type of stimulus, such as the mode of exercise. Prolonged endurance training elicits a variety of metabolic and morphological changes, including mitochondrial biogenesis, fast-to-slow fibre-type transformation and substrate metabolism. In contrast, heavy resistance exercise stimulates synthesis of contractile proteins responsible for muscle hypertrophy and increases in maximal contractile force output. Concomitant with the vastly different functional outcomes induced by these diverse exercise modes, the genetic and molecular mechanisms of adaptation are distinct. With recent advances in technology, it is now possible to study the effects of various training interventions on a variety of signalling proteins and early-response genes in skeletal muscle. Although it cannot presently be claimed that such scientific endeavours have influenced the training practices of elite athletes, these new and exciting technologies have provided insight into how current training techniques result in specific muscular adaptations, and may ultimately provide clues for future and novel training methodologies. Greater knowledge of the mechanisms and interaction of exercise-induced adaptive pathways in skeletal muscle is important for our understanding of the aetiology of disease, maintenance of metabolic and functional capacity with aging, and training for athletic performance. This article highlights the effects of exercise on molecular and genetic mechanisms of training adaptation in skeletal muscle.
Acute heart failure syndrome represents a prominent and growing health problem all around the world. Ideally, medical treatment for patients admitted to hospital because of this syndrome, in addition to alleviating the acute symptoms, should also prevent myocardial damage, modulate neurohumoral and inflammatory activation, and preserve or even improve renal function. Levosimendan is a cardiac enhancer having both inotropic and vasodilatory effects. It is approved for the short-term treatment of acutely decompensated chronic heart failure, but it has been shown to have beneficial clinical effects also in ischemic heart disease and septic shock as well as in perioperative cardiac support. In the present study, the mechanisms of action of levosimendan were studied in isolated guinea-pig heart preparations: Langendorff-perfused heart, papillary muscle and permeabilized cardiomyocytes as well as in purified phosphodiesterase isoenzyme preparations. Levosimendan was shown to be a potent inotropic agent in isolated Langendorff-perfused heart and right ventricle papillary muscle. In permeabilized cardiomyocytes, it was demonstrated to be a potent calcium sensitizer in contrast to its enantiomer, dextrosimendan. It was additionally shown to be a very selective phosphodiesterase (PDE) type-3 inhibitor, the selectivity factor for PDE3 over PDE4 being 10000 for levosimendan. Irrespective of this very selective PDE3 inhibitory property in purified enzyme preparations, the inotropic effect of levosimendan was demonstrated to be mediated mainly through calcium sensitization in the isolated heart as well as the papillary muscle preparations at clinically relevant concentrations. In the isolated Lagendorff-perfused heart, glibenclamide antagonized the levosimendan-induced increase in coronary flow (CF). Therefore, the main vasodilatory mechanism in coronary veins is believed to be the opening of the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels. In the paced hearts, CF did not increase in parallel with oxygen consumption (MVO2), thus indicating that levosimendan had a direct vasodilatory effect on coronary veins. The pharmacology of levosimendan was clearly different from that of milrinone, which induced an increase in CF in parallel with MVO2. In conclusion, levosimendan was demonstrated to increase cardiac contractility by binding to cardiac troponin C and sensitizing the myofilament contractile proteins to calcium, and further to induce coronary vasodilatation by opening KATP channels in vascular smooth muscle. In addition, the efficiency of the cardiac contraction was shown to be more advantageous when the heart was perfused with levosimendan in comparison to milrinone perfusion.
Levosimendan is a drug developed for the treatment of heart failure. Its mechanism of action includes calcium sensitization of contractile proteins and the opening of ATP-sensitive potassium channels. The combination of positive inotropy with possible anti-ischaemic effects via potassium channel opening may offer benefits in comparison with currently available intravenous inotropes, which are contraindicated in patients with ongoing myocardial ischaemia. The active levosimendan metabolite OR-1896 significantly prolongs the duration of the haemodynamic effects of levosimendan. The aims of the present study were to investigate: 1) the clinical effects and safety of intravenous and oral levosimendan and 2) the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of intravenous and oral levosimendan and its metabolites in patients with ischaemic heart disease. Levosimendan was administered intravenously or orally in four studies to 557 patients with ischaemic heart disease with or without concomitant heart failure. One study included patients with acute myocardial infarction, while the other three studies included stable ischaemic patients. Non-invasive haemodynamic measurements were used in all studies, and blood samples for pharmacokinetics were drawn in three studies. Safety was followed by ECG recordings, adverse event inquiries and laboratory assessments. Intravenous levosimendan, administered as a 6-hour infusion did not cause clinically significant hypotension or ischaemia in comparison with placebo and reduced worsening heart failure and short- and long-term mortality. Increase in incidence of hypotension and ischaemia was seen only with the highest dose (0.4 µg/kg/min). Both intravenous and oral levosimendan possessed a moderate positive inotropic effect. Vasodilatory effect was more pronounced with intravenous levosimendan. A chronotropic effect was seen in all studies; however, it was not accompanied by any increase in arrhythmic events. The formation of levosimendan metabolites after oral dosing increased linearly with the daily dose of the parent drug, leading to increased inotropic and chronotropic response. Levosimendan was well tolerated in all studies. In conclusion, levosimendan was safe and effective in the treatment of patients with acute or chronic ischaemia. The risk-benefit ratio of intravenous levosimendan is favourable up to the dose of 0.2 µg/kg/min. The daily dose of oral levosimendan in patients with ischaemic heart failure should not exceed 4 mg due to an increase in chronotropic response.
Myotonic dystrophies type 1 (DM1) and type 2 (DM2) are the most common forms of muscular dystrophy affecting adults. They are autosomal dominant diseases caused by microsatellite tri- or tetranucleotide repeat expansion mutations in transcribed but not translated gene regions. The mutant RNA accumulates in nuclei disturbing the expression of several genes. The more recently identified DM2 disease is less well known, yet more than 300 patients have been confirmed in Finland thus far, and the true number is believed to be much higher. DM1 and DM2 share some features in general clinical presentation and molecular pathology, yet they show distinctive differences, including disease severity and differential muscle and fiber type involvement. However, the molecular differences underlying DM1 and DM2 muscle pathology are not well understood. Although the primary tissue affected is muscle, both DMs show a multisystemic phenotype due to wide expression of the mutation-carrying genes. DM2 is particularly intriguing, as it shows an incredibly wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. For this reason, it constitutes a real diagnostic challenge. The core symptoms in DM2 include proximal muscle weakness, muscle pain, myotonia, cataracts, cardiac conduction defects and endocrinological disturbations; however, none of these is mandatory for the disease. Myalgic pains may be the most disabling symptom for decades, sometimes leading to incapacity for work. In addition, DM2 may cause major socio-economical consequences for the patient, if not diagnosed, due to misunderstanding and false stigmatization. In this thesis work, we have (I) improved DM2 differential diagnostics based on muscle biopsy, and (II) described abnormalities in mRNA and protein expression in DM1 and DM2 patient skeletal muscles, showing partial differences between the two diseases, which may contribute to muscle pathology in these diseases. This is the first description of histopathological differences between DM1 and DM2, which can be used in differential diagnostics. Two novel high-resolution applications of in situ -hybridization have been described, which can be used for direct visualization of the DM2 mutation in muscle biopsy sections, or mutation size determination on extended DNA-fibers. By measuring protein and mRNA expression in the samples, differential changes in expression patterns affecting contractile proteins, other structural proteins and calcium handling proteins in DM2 compared to DM1 were found. The dysregulation at mRNA level was caused by altered transciption and abnormal splicing. The findings reported here indicate that the extent of aberrant splicing is higher in DM2 compared to DM1. In addition, the described abnormalities to some extent correlate to the differences in fiber type involvement in the two disorders.
Sydämen vajaatoiminta on erilaisista sydän- ja verisuonisairauksista aiheutuva monimuotoinen oireyhtymä, johon sairastuneiden ja kuolleiden potilaiden määrä on yhä suuri. Sen patofysiologiaan voi kuulua muun muassa sympaattisen hermoston ja reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteroni–järjestelmän aktiivisuutta, huonosti supistuva vasen kammio, sydämen uudelleenmuokkautumista, muutoksia [Ca2+]i:n säätelyssä, kardiomyosyyttien apoptoosia sekä systeeminen tulehdustila. Johonkin osaan sairauden patofysiologiasta eivät nykyiset lääkehoidot riittävästi vaikuta. Klassiset inotroopit lisäävät sydämen supistusvireyttä kasvattamalla solunsisäistä Ca2+-pitoisuutta, mutta ne lisäävät rytmihäiriöriskiä, sydämen hapenkulutusta sekä heikentävät ennustetta. Levosimendaani, kalsiumherkistäjä, lisää sydämen supistusvoimaa [Ca2+]i:ta kohottamatta herkistämällä sydänlihaksen kalsiumin vaikutuksille. Lisäksi levosimendaani avaa sarkolemmaalisia ja mitokondriaalisia K+-kanavia, jotka välittävät vasodilataatiota ja kardioprotektiota. Suurilla annoksilla levosimendaani on selektiivinen PDE3-estäjä. Levosimendaania suositellaan äkillisesti pahentuneen sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoitoon, mutta muitakin lupaavia indikaatioita sille on keksitty. Esimerkiksi kroonisesti annosteltu oraalinen levosimendaani on suojannut kardiovaskulaarijärjestelmää ja parantanut selviytymistä in vivo. Erikoistyössä selvitettiin kroonisesti annostellun oraalisen levosimendaanin, valsartaanin ja näiden kombinaatioterapian vaikutuksia selviytymiseen, verenpaineeseen sekä sydämen hypertrofioitumiseen Dahlin suolaherkillä (Dahl/Rapp) rotilla. Levosimendaanin suojavaikutus ilmeni vähäisempänä kuolleisuutena, mutta ero ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä kontrolliryhmään nähden. Kombinaatioterapia suojasi rottia kardiovaskulaarikuolleisuudelta ja vähensi todennäköisesti verenpaineesta riippuvaisesti sydämen hypertofioitumista niin sydän/kehonpaino–suhteen kuin ultraäänitutkimuksenkin perusteella arvioituna paremmin kuin kumpikaan lääke monoterapiana. Lääkekombinaatio alensi additiivisesti hypertensiota kaikissa mittauspisteissä. Sydämen systolista toimintaa levosimendaani kohensi vain vähäisesti. Dahl/Rapp-rotille kehittyikin pääosin hypertension indusoimaa diastolista sydämen vajaatoimintaa kohonneen IVRT-arvon perusteella. Levosimendaani sekä monoterapiana että kombinaatioterapiana valsartaanin kanssa vähensi sydämen diastolista vajaatoimintaa.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe, progressive disease first described by Meryon in 1852 and later by Guillaume Duchene. It is the most common and severe form of childhood muscular dystrophy, affecting 1 in 3500 live male births. Is caused by an X—linked recessive genetic disorder resulting in a deficiency of the dystrophin protein, responsible for linking contractile proteins to the sarcolemma. Diagnosis is not always easy and the first symptoms are often related to weakness and difficulty or delay in acquiring the ability to perform simple activities. Progressive weakness leads to the use of compensatory strategies in order to maintain the ability to walk and perform other activities. Respiratory muscles are also affected and the complications resulting from its impairments are frequently the cause of early death of these patients. The advances in DMD management has increased life expectancy of these children with the need for adequate care in adulthood. DMD manifestations include muscle weakness, contractures, respiratory and cardiac complications. Some authors also refer that one-third of patients have difficulties with learning and delayed global development because the gene that encodes dystrophyn expresses various dystrophin isoforms that are found in Schwann and Purkinje celis in the brain. Body functions and structure impairments like muscle weakness, contractures and reduced range of motion lead to limitations in activities, i.e., impairments affect the performance of tasks by the individual. In a physiotherapist’s point of view analysing these limitations is mandatory because physiotherapy’s final purpose is to restore or preserve the ability to perform ADL and to improve quality of life.
The mechanical action of the heart is made possible in response to electrical events that involve the cardiac cells, a property that classifies the heart tissue between the excitable tissues. At the cellular level, the electrical event is the signal that triggers the mechanical contraction, inducing a transient increase in intracellular calcium which, in turn, carries the message of contraction to the contractile proteins of the cell. The primary goal of my project was to implement in CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture, an hardware architecture for parallel processing created by NVIDIA) a tissue model of the rabbit sinoatrial node to evaluate the heterogeneity of its structure and how that variability influences the behavior of the cells. In particular, each cell has an intrinsic discharge frequency, thus different from that of every other cell of the tissue and it is interesting to study the process of synchronization of the cells and look at the value of the last discharge frequency if they synchronized.
The skeletal muscle phenotype is subject to considerable malleability depending on use. Low-intensity endurance type exercise leads to qualitative changes of muscle tissue characterized mainly by an increase in structures supporting oxygen delivery and consumption. High-load strength-type exercise leads to growth of muscle fibers dominated by an increase in contractile proteins. In low-intensity exercise, stress-induced signaling leads to transcriptional upregulation of a multitude of genes with Ca2+ signaling and the energy status of the muscle cells sensed through AMPK being major input determinants. Several parallel signaling pathways converge on the transcriptional co-activator PGC-1α, perceived as being the coordinator of much of the transcriptional and posttranscriptional processes. High-load training is dominated by a translational upregulation controlled by mTOR mainly influenced by an insulin/growth factor-dependent signaling cascade as well as mechanical and nutritional cues. Exercise-induced muscle growth is further supported by DNA recruitment through activation and incorporation of satellite cells. Crucial nodes of strength and endurance exercise signaling networks are shared making these training modes interdependent. Robustness of exercise-related signaling is the consequence of signaling being multiple parallel with feed-back and feed-forward control over single and multiple signaling levels. We currently have a good descriptive understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling muscle phenotypic plasticity. We lack understanding of the precise interactions among partners of signaling networks and accordingly models to predict signaling outcome of entire networks. A major current challenge is to verify and apply available knowledge gained in model systems to predict human phenotypic plasticity.
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder with pleiotropic manifestations caused by heterozygous mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2. One of the less investigated complications of TSC is the formation of aneurysms of the descending aorta, which are characterized on pathologic examination by smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation in the aortic media. SMCs were explanted from Tsc2(+/-) mice to investigate the pathogenesis of aortic aneurysms caused by TSC2 mutations. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs demonstrated increased phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), S6 and p70S6K and increased proliferation rates compared with wild-type (WT) SMCs. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs also had reduced expression of SMC contractile proteins compared with WT SMCs. An inhibitor of mTOR signaling, rapamycin, decreased SMC proliferation and increased contractile protein expression in the Tsc2(+/-) SMCs to levels similar to WT SMCs. Exposure to alpha-elastin fragments also decreased proliferation of Tsc2(+/-) SMCs and increased levels of p27(kip1), but failed to increase expression of contractile proteins. In response to artery injury using a carotid artery ligation model, Tsc2(+/-) mice significantly increased neointima formation compared with the control mice, and the neointima formation was inhibited by treatment with rapamycin. These results demonstrate that Tsc2 haploinsufficiency in SMCs increases proliferation and decreases contractile protein expression and suggest that the increased proliferative potential of the mutant cells may be suppressed in vivo by interaction with elastin. These findings provide insights into the molecular pathogenesis of aortic disease in TSC patients and identify a potential therapeutic target for treatment of this complication of the disease.
Skeletal muscle differentiation involves sequential events in which proliferating undifferentiated myoblasts withdraw from the cell cycle and fuse to form multinucleated myotubes. The process of fusion is accompanied by the disappearance of proteins associated with cell proliferation and the coordinate induction of a battery of muscle-specific gene products, which includes the muscle isoenzyme of creatine kinase, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, and contractile proteins such as alpha-actin. The molecular events associated with myogenesis are particularly amenable to experimental analysis because the events which occur in vivo can be recapitulated in vitro using established muscle cell lines. Initiation of myogenic differentiation in vitro can be achieved by removing serum from the culture medium. Myogenesis, therefore, can be considered to be regulated through a repression-type of mechanism by components in serum. The objectives of this project were to identify the components involved in regulation of myogenesis and approach the mechanism(s) whereby these components achieve their regulatory function. Initially, the effects of a series of polypeptide growth factors on myogenesis were examined. Among them TGF$\beta$ and FGF were found to be potent inhibitors of myogenic differentiation which did not affect cell proliferation. The inhibitory effects of these growth factors on differentiation requires their persistent presence in the culture medium. After myoblasts have undergone fusion, they become refractory to the inhibitory effects of TGF$\beta$, FGF, and serum. When fusion is inhibited by the presence of EGTA, a Ca$\sp{2+}$ chelator, muscle-specific genes are expressed reversibly upon removal of inhibitory growth factors. Subsequent exposure of biochemically differentiated cells to serum or TGF$\beta$ leads to down-regulation of muscle-specific genes. Stimulation with serum also leads to reentry of myocytes into the cell cycle, whereas fused myotubes are irreversibly and terminally differentiated. Measurement of levels of TGF$\beta$ receptors reveals that under non-fusing conditions, TGF$\beta$ receptor levels in biochemically differentiated myocytes remained as high as in undifferentiated myoblasts, while during terminal differentiation, TGF$\beta$ receptors decreased at least five-fold. Thus, down-regulation of TGF$\beta$ receptors is coupled to irreversible differentiation, but not reversible differentiation in the absence of fusion. The possible involvement of second messenger systems, such as cAMP and protein kinase C, in the pathway(s) by which TGF$\beta$, FGF, or serum factors transduce their signals from the cell surface to the nucleus was also examined. The results showed that myogenic differentiation is subject to negative regulation through cAMP elevation-dependent and cAMP elevation-independent pathways and that serum mitogens, TGF$\beta$ and FGF inhibit differentiation through a mechanism independent of cAMP-elevation or protein kinase C activation. ^
Motility responses of the small intestine of iNOS deficient mice (iNOS −/−) and their wildtype littermates (iNOS+/+) to the inflammatory challenge of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were investigated. LPS administration failed to attenuate intestinal transit in iNOS−/− mice but depressed transit in their iNOS+/+ littermates. Supporting an inhibitory role for sustained nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in the regulation of intestinal motility during inflammation, iNOS immunoreactivity was upregulated in all regions of the small intestine of iNOS+/+ mice. In contrast, neuronal NOS was barely affected. Cyclooxygenase activation was determined by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentration. Following LPS challenge, PGE2 levels were elevated in all intestinal segments in both animal groups. Moreover, COX-1 and COX-2 protein levels were elevated in iNOS+/+ mice in response to LPS, while COX-2 levels were similarly increased in iNOS −/− intestine. However, no apparent relationship was observed between increased prostaglandin concentrations and attenuated intestinal transit. The presence of heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) in the murine small intestine was also investigated. In both animal groups HO-1 immunoreactivity in the proximal intestine increased in response to treatment, while the constitutive protein levels detected in the middle and distal intestine were unresponsive to LPS administration. No apparent correlation of HO-1 to the suppression of small intestinal motility induced by LPS administration was detected. The presence of S-nitrosylated contractile proteins in the small intestine was determined. γ-smooth muscle actin was basally nitrosylated as well as in response to LPS, but myosin light chain kinase and myosin regulatory chain (MLC20) were not. In conclusion, in a model of acute intestinal inflammation, iNOS-produced NO plays a significant role in suppressing small intestinal motility while nNOS, COX-1, COX-2 and HO-1 do not participate in this event. S-nitrosylation of γ-smooth muscle actin is associated with elevated levels of nitric oxide in the smooth muscle of murine small intestine. ^
Thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD) are the primary disease affecting the thoracic ascending aorta, with an incidence rate of 10.4/100,000. Although about 20% of patients carry a mutation in a single gene that causes their disease, the remaining 80% of patients may also have genetic factors that increase their risk for developing TAAD. Many of the genes that predispose to TAAD encode proteins involved in smooth muscle cell (SMC) contraction and the disease-causing mutations are predicted to disrupt contractile function. SMCs are the predominant cell type in the ascending aortic wall. Mutations in MYH11, encoding the smooth muscle specific myosin heavy chain, are a rare cause of inherited TAAD. However, rare but recurrent non-synonymous variants in MYH11 are present in the general population but do not cause inherited TAAD. The goal of this study was to assess the potential role of these rare variants in vascular diseases. Two distinct variants were selected: the most commonly seen rare variant, MYH11 R247C, and a duplication of the chromosomal region spanning the MYH11 locus at 16p13.1. Genetic analyses indicated that both of these variants were significantly enriched in patients with TAAD compared with controls. A knock-in mouse model of the Myh11 R247C rare variant was generated, and these mice survive and reproduce normally. They have no structural abnormalities of the aorta or signs of aortic disease, but do have decreased aortic contractility. Myh11R247C/R247C mice also have increased proliferative response to vascular injury in vivo and increased proliferation of SMCs in vitro. Myh11R247C/R247C SMCs have decreased contractile gene and protein expression and are dedifferentiated. In fibroblasts, myosin force generation is required for maturation of focal adhesions, and enhancers of RhoA activity replace enhancers of Rac1 activity as maturation occurs. Consistent with these previous findings, focal adhesions are smaller in Myh11R247C/R247C SMCs, and there is decreased RhoA activation. A RhoA activator (CN03) rescues the dedifferentiated phenotype of Myh11R247C/R247C SMCs. Myh11R247C/R247C mice were bred with an existing murine model of aneurysm formation, the Acta2-/- mouse. Over time, mice carrying the R247C allele in conjunction with heterozygous or homozygous loss of Acta2 had significantly increased aortic diameter, and a more rapid accumulation of pathologic markers. These results suggest that the Myh11 R247C rare variant acts as a modifier gene increasing the risk for and severity of TAAD in mice. In patients with 16p13.1 duplications, aortic MYH11 expression is increased, but there is no corresponding increase in smooth muscle myosin heavy chain protein. Using SMCs that overexpress Myh11, we identified alterations in SMC phenotype leading to excessive protein turnover. All contractile proteins, not just myosin, are affected, and the proteins are turned over by autophagic degradation. Surprisingly, these cells are also more contractile compared with wild-type SMCs. The results described in this dissertation firmly establish that rare variants in MYH11 significantly affect the phenotype of SMCs. Further, the data suggests that these rare variants do increase the risk of TAAD via pathways involving altered SMC phenotype and contraction. Therefore, this study validates that these rare genetic variants alter vascular SMCs and provides model systems to explore the contribution of rare variants to disease.
One of the striking features of vascular endothelium, the single-cell-thick lining of the cardiovascular system, is its phenotypic plasticity. Various pathophysiologic factors, such as cytokines, growth factors, hormones, and metabolic products, can modulate its functional phenotype in health and disease. In addition to these humoral stimuli, endothelial cells respond to their biomechanical environment, although the functional implications of this biomechanical paradigm of activation have not been fully explored. Here we describe a high-throughput genomic analysis of modulation of gene expression observed in cultured human endothelial cells exposed to two well defined biomechanical stimuli—a steady laminar shear stress and a turbulent shear stress of equivalent spatial and temporal average intensity. Comparison of the transcriptional activity of 11,397 unique genes revealed distinctive patterns of up- and down-regulation associated with each type of stimulus. Cluster analyses of transcriptional profiling data were coupled with other molecular and cell biological techniques to examine whether these global patterns of biomechanical activation are translated into distinct functional phenotypes. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy of structural and contractile proteins revealed the formation of a complex apical cytoskeleton in response to laminar shear stress. Cell cycle analysis documented different effects of laminar and turbulent shear stresses on cell proliferation. Thus, endothelial cells have the capacity to discriminate among specific biomechanical forces and to translate these input stimuli into distinctive phenotypes. The demonstration that hemodynamically derived stimuli can be strong modulators of endothelial gene expression has important implications for our understanding of the mechanisms of vascular homeostasis and atherogenesis.
Alteration of myosin cross bridges by phosphorylation of myosin-binding protein C in cardiac muscle.
In addition to the contractile proteins actin and myosin, contractile filaments of striated muscle contain other proteins that are important for regulating the structure and the interaction of the two force-generating proteins. In the thin filaments, troponin and tropomyosin form a Ca-sensitive trigger that activates normal contraction when intracellular Ca is elevated. In the thick filament, there are several myosin-binding proteins whose functions are unclear. Among these is the myosin-binding protein C (MBP-C). The cardiac isoform contains four phosphorylation sites under the control of cAMP and calmodulin-regulated kinases, whereas the skeletal isoform contains only one such site, suggesting that phosphorylation in cardiac muscle has a specific regulatory function. We isolated natural thick filaments from cardiac muscle and, using electron microscopy and optical diffraction, determined the effect of phosphorylation of MBP-C on cross bridges. The thickness of the filaments that had been treated with protein kinase A was increased where cross bridges were present. No change occurred in the central bare zone that is devoid of cross bridges. The intensity of the reflections along the 43-nm layer line, which is primarily due to the helical array of cross bridges, was increased, and the distance of the first peak reflection from the meridian along the 43-nm layer line was decreased. The results indicate that phosphorylation of MBP-C (i) extends the cross bridges from the backbone of the filament and (ii) increases their degree of order and/or alters their orientation. These changes could alter rate constants for attachment to and detachment from the thin filament and thereby modify force production in activated cardiac muscle.