809 resultados para Contract to Provide Professional Services.
Demand response can be used for providing regulation services in the electricity markets. The retailers can bid in a day-ahead market and respond to real-time regulation signal by load control. This paper proposes a new stochastic ranking method to provide regulation services via demand response. A pool of thermostatically controllable appliances (TCAs) such as air conditioners and water heaters are adjusted using direct load control method. The selection of appliances is based on a probabilistic ranking technique utilizing attributes such as temperature variation and statuses of TCAs. These attributes are stochastically forecasted for the next time step using day-ahead information. System performance is analyzed with a sample regulation signal. Network capability to provide regulation services under various seasons is analyzed. The effect of network size on the regulation services is also investigated.
Microfinance is increasingly seen as a major development tool. Its promise to help the poor by providing financial services is seen as the major reason for its support. Nevertheless, its ability to effectively reduce poverty is not yet clear, and it generates some unresolved ethical questions. These become even more prominent in the process of commercialization. The impact on poverty is usually measured in financial terms. In this paper, poverty is defined in a broader sense to include deficiency in human and social capital. The article shows that, in this broad sense, microfinance may have negative as well as positive effects on poverty.
Con la finalidad de mantener la mirada financiera equivalente entre las partes - lo que responde a la relación entre el derecho y la economía- no en vano la Ley 1150 de 2007 contempló dentro de su articulado el restablecimiento del equilibrio económico y financiero del contrato. Por su parte, el Decreto Nacional 0734 del 13 de abril de 2012 –hoy derogado por el Decreto 1510 de 2013- impuso la obligación a las entidades del Estado de incluir los riesgos previsibles en los estudios previos pero sólo aquellos que puedan afectar el equilibrio económico del contrato que pretenda celebrar la Entidad Pública contratante. Aunado a lo anterior, el Decreto Nacional 1510 del 17 de julio de 2013 también contempla la teoría de los riesgos dentro de su articulado. No obstante lo anterior, la normatividad legal pese a su esfuerzo, no puede regular todas las situaciones, prueba de ello, es que para los contratos de prestación de servicios profesionales la disposición legal en lo que respecta a los riesgos previsibles resulta ser innecesaria por la naturaleza misma de éstos y otras razones que se abordo a fondo. Es así como las actuaciones que se desplieguen en la contratación Estatal deben funcionar sobre una lógica económica, por ello, resulta pertinente investigar sobre la eficacia o no de incorporar los riesgos previsibles que puedan afectar el equilibrio económico en los contratos de prestación de servicios profesionales cuando la ejecución de éstos depende exclusivamente del desarrollo intelectual que corre por cuenta del contratista.
Background: Evolution in Australian community pharmacy and general practice environments has seen the emergence of a new opportunity for pharmacist practice, distinct from the conventional community and hospital settings, in which the pharmacist is integrated into the general practice setting to provide professional services. Aim: To characterise pharmacists practising in the Australian general practice setting. Method: An electronic questionnaire. Results: Twenty-six practice pharmacists completed the questionnaire. Practice pharmacists were more likely to be female, aged between 30 and 49 years, have postgraduate qualifications and also work in other pharmacy sectors. The general practice settings more frequently had multiple general practitioners and also housed multiple allied health professionals. The most commonly conducted services provided by the practice pharmacists were Home Medicine Reviews, responding to clinical enquiries from general practitioners and responding to enquiries from other health professionals. Most practice pharmacists worked as independent contractors for services provided. The practice pharmacists provided some services in the absence of remuneration. The majority of practice pharmacists agreed or strongly agreed that a set of competencies should be developed and a credentialing process required with experience of the pharmacist being regarded highly. Conclusion: The results of this study have described the variety of professional roles, remuneration and characteristics in a small sample of pharmacists practising in a general practice setting in Australia. For this model of pharmacist practice to expand an appropriate method of remuneration is required.
High street optometric practices are for-profit businesses. They mostly provide sight testing and eye examination services and sell optical products, such as spectacles and contact lenses. The sight testing services are often sold at a vastly reduced price and profits are generated primarily through high margin spectacle sales, in a loss leading strategy. Published literature highlights weaknesses in this strategy as it forms a barrier to widening the scope of services provided within optometric practices. This includes specialist non-refraction based services, such as shared care. In addition this business strategy discourages investment in advanced diagnostic equipment and higher professional qualifications. The aim of this thesis was to develop a greater understanding of the traditional loss-leading strategy. The thesis also aimed to assess the plausibility of alternative business models to support the development of specialist non-refraction services within high street optometric practice. This research was based on a single independent optometric practice that specialises in advanced retinal imaging and offers a broad range of shared care services. Specialist non-refraction based services were found to be poor generators of spectacle sales likely due to patient needs and presenting concerns. Alternative business strategies to support these services included charging more realistic professional fees via cost-based pricing and monthly payment plans. These strategies enabled specialist services to be more self-sustainable with less reliance on cross-subsidy from spectacle sales. Furthermore, improving operational efficiency can increase stand-alone profits for specialist services.Practice managers may be reluctant to increase professional fees due to market pressures and confidence. However, this thesis found that patients were accepting of increased professional fees. Practice managers can implement alternative business models to enhance eye care provision in high street optometric practices. These alternative business models also improve revenues and profits generated via clinical services and improve patient loyalty.
Corporate business and management are embracing design thinking for its potential to deliver competitive advantage through helping them be more innovative, differentiate their brands, and bring more customer centric products and services to market (Brown, 2008). As consumers continue to expect more personalisation and customisation from their service providers, the use of design thinking for innovation within organisations is a logical progression. To date however, there is little empirical literature discussing how organisations are setting about integrating design thinking into their culture and innovation practices. This paper is a first step in initiating a scholarly discussion on the integration of design thinking within organisational culture. Deloitte Australia is a large professional services firm employing over 5700 staff in 12 offices across Australia. The company provides a range of services to clients in the areas of audit, tax, financial advisory and consulting. In early 2011 the company made a strategic commitment to introducing design thinking into the organisation’s practices. While it already maintains a strong innovation culture, to date it had largely been operating within an analytical business environment. For Deloitte, design thinking is an opportunity to create better outcomes for the people they serve – both internal and external stakeholders (Brown and Wyatt, 2010). Research was conducted using case study methodology and ethnographic methods from June to September 2011 at the Melbourne Deloitte office. It involved three methods of data collection: semi structured interviews, participant observation and artifact analysis. This paper presents preliminary case study findings of Deloitte’s approach to building awareness and a consistent understanding of design thinking, as well as large scale capability, across the firm. Deloitte’s commitment to transforming its culture to one of design thinking poses significant potential for understanding how design thinking is comprehended, enabled and integrated within a complex organisational environment.
This is a study on “Professional Services: Civil Liability for Deficiency”. This study is made with special reference to medical profession. The importance of qualitative professional services does not require any emphasis. It is a matter of great concern for the people as they are consumers.This study is divided into 12 chapters. The introductory chapter deals with characteristics of profession, basis of professional liability and international efforts to check abuse of position by professional men. Consumers as laymen can not perceive the intricacies of professional services. As a result professional men could misuse their superior position to expose consumers to hardship through deficient services. This is obvious from the fact that deficiency in professional services has assumed a menacing proportion. It is indicative of failure of internal control through self-regulation to check the abuse of position by the professional men. The professional bodies entrusted with the task of enforcing disciplinary measures show a very callous and indifferent attitude towards the repressive conduct of their members. These bodies are more concerned to protect the interest of their members. They are not free from institutional bias. They have put the interest of consumers into oblivion. In effect remedies through professional bodies has become a myth. All these factors make the external control of professional services mandatory to protect the consumers from the clutches of unscrupulous professional men, who abuse their superior position. The professional men who abuse their position are exposed to liability. Their liability arises under contract, tort and statutory law. The present study substantially concentrates on professional liability of medical men. The obvious reason is that of all professional services medical services are the frequently availed services by the consumers. Medical negligence cases account for bulk of the professional negligence cases. ln India also large number of cases are coming before consumer forae. The legal principles evolved in this sphere of professional service confers an insight into legal control of other professional services as well. The same principles are applied to other professions also, as by and large all the professions share common characteristics. Such principles are modified wherever necessary to make room for differential aspects of particular profession
Assessing the ways in which rural agrarian areas provide Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) is proving difficult to achieve. This research has developed an innovative methodological approach named as Multi Scale Indicator Framework (MSIF) for capturing the CES embedded into the rural agrarian areas. This framework reconciles a literature review with a trans-disciplinary participatory workshop. Both of these sources reveal that societal preferences diverge upon judgemental criteria which in turn relate to different visual concepts that can be drawn from analysing attributes, elements, features and characteristics of rural areas. We contend that it is now possible to list a group of possible multi scale indicators for stewardship, diversity and aesthetics. These results might also be of use for improving any existing European indicators frameworks by also including CES. This research carries major implications for policy at different levels of governance, as it makes possible to target and monitor policy instruments to the physical rural settings so that cultural dimensions are adequately considered. There is still work to be developed on regional specific values and thresholds for each criteria and its indicator set. In practical terms, by developing the conceptual design within a common framework as described in this paper, a considerable step forward towards the inclusion of the cultural dimension in European wide assessments can be made.
Cultura organizacional e gestão de recursos humanos (GRH) são componentes fundamentais para a estratégia corporativa raramente estudada no contexto das pequenas e médias empresas (PME) no setor de serviços profissionais, um ambiente no qual o capital humano das empresas companhias é particularmente importante. Um estudo de caso de uma empresa de gestão de investimentos inglesa foi realizado. A PME quase triplicou o seu quadro de funcionários, de menos de 50 a mais de 140, nos últimos seis anos. Cultura e GRH foram pesquisadas tanto historicamente quanto no momento atual por meio de uma combinação de entrevistas individuais, observação direta durante as visitas ao local e análise documental. Foi verificado que a G RH (junto com um número de outras estruturas e processos internos) tornou-se mais formal, apesar do fato de que a empresa começou com políticas de RH relativamente desenvolvidas, em comparação com outras pequenas empresas. Uma possível explicação para esta estruturação das práticas de RH é que empresas do setor de serviços profissionais tendem a dar uma importância especial à qualidade da sua força de trabalho. Esta relativa estabilidade cultural pode ser explicada pelo fato da cultura ser forte e é mantida tanto inconscientemente quanto conscientemente, por meio de mecanismos como o planejamento de pessoal, recrutamento e remuneração. As conclusões, por conseguinte, demonstram que as atitudes e percepções nem sempre mudam tão rápido quanto sistemas organizacionais, e que a relação entre cultura e gestão de recursos humanos pode ser complexa; a formalização da GRH pode reforçar a mudança cultural em certos aspectos, ao mesmo tempo abrandá-lo em outros.
Informe del taller de trabajo de capacitación en métodos de organización de colecciones, especialmente algunas de documentos adquiridos recientemente, y métodos para proveer acceso a la información y mejorar los servicios para los usuarios, en bibliotecas y servicios de información en San Vicente.