963 resultados para Consumer science


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Capturing the sensory perception and preferences of older adults, whether healthy or with particular disease states, poses major methodological challenges for the sensory community. Currently a vastly under researched area, it is at the same time a vital area of research as alterations in sensory perception can affect daily dietary food choices, intake, health and wellbeing. Tailored sensory methods are needed that take into account the challenges of working with such populations including poor access leading to low patient numbers (study power), cognitive abilities, use of medications, clinical treatments and context (hospitals and care homes). The objective of this paper was to review current analytical and affective sensory methodologies used with different cohorts of healthy and frail older adults, with focus on food preference and liking. We particularly drew attention to studies concerning general ageing as well as to those considering age-related diseases that have an emphasis on malnutrition and weight loss. Pubmed and Web of Science databases were searched to 2014 for relevant articles in English. From this search 75 papers concerning sensory acuity, 41 regarding perceived intensity and 73 relating to hedonic measures were reviewed. Simpler testing methods, such as directional forced choice tests and paired preference tests need to be further explored to determine whether they lead to more reliable results and better inter-cohort comparisons. Finally, sensory quality and related quality of life for older adults suffering from dementia must be included and not ignored in our future actions.


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The present work proposes a method based on CLV (Clustering around Latent Variables) for identifying groups of consumers in L-shape data. This kind of datastructure is very common in consumer studies where a panel of consumers is asked to assess the global liking of a certain number of products and then, preference scores are arranged in a two-way table Y. External information on both products (physicalchemical description or sensory attributes) and consumers (socio-demographic background, purchase behaviours or consumption habits) may be available in a row descriptor matrix X and in a column descriptor matrix Z respectively. The aim of this method is to automatically provide a consumer segmentation where all the three matrices play an active role in the classification, getting homogeneous groups from all points of view: preference, products and consumer characteristics. The proposed clustering method is illustrated on data from preference studies on food products: juices based on berry fruits and traditional cheeses from Trentino. The hedonic ratings given by the consumer panel on the products under study were explained with respect to the product chemical compounds, sensory evaluation and consumer socio-demographic information, purchase behaviour and consumption habits.


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In a world of constant and rapid change there are greater demands placed on learners to not only gain content knowledge, but also to develop learning skills and to adopt new strategies that will enable them to produce better and faster learning outcomes. Especially in internationally advancing nations like Kuwait this will be a major challenge of the future. This literature review examines theoretical frameworks that enhance Kuwaiti teachers’ knowledge and skill to adopt culturally relevant reform practices across a number of disciplines and provide guidance in an exploration and use of newer pedagogical tools like graphic organisers. It analyses the effects of graphic organisers on higher order learning and evaluates how they can effect professional development and pedagogical change in Kuwait.


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This paper addresses the professional development of Kuwaiti teachers in the use of concept maps to teach Family and Consumer Science. A key aim of the study was to evaluate the degree to which the use of concept maps would influence the way Kuwaiti teachers approach and teach Family and Consumer Studies (FCS) subjects and the degree to which concept maps empower students to critically identify and express their knowledge of the subject being taught. A case study methodology was adopted to follow the implementation of lessons using concept maps by four teachers of middle years. An analysis of the data revealed the positive impact that student-centred teaching tools can have on the reformation of traditional teaching environments. For all teachers, the primary strengths of using concept maps were the ability to generate student interest, to motivate student participation and to enhance student understanding of content. Although a case study design may limit the generalisation and comparative value of the study, the findings of this study remain important to the planning of future professional development programs and the use of concept maps within Kuwait’s FCS curriculum area.


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While much of the control and many of the activities found in today’s classrooms have been placed in the hands of the learners and learning has become inquiry-based, there remains a need for teachers to use teaching tools that would facilitate this student-centered teaching process. This article identifies the K-W-L Chart as one such tool and follows a case study of four Kuwaiti ‘Family and Consumer Sciences’ teaching / learning events to evaluate their ability to enhance the learning outcomes of eight students. The research was designed from a qualitative, multi-tiered design approach and was assessed through a constant comparative method of data analysis of interview responses, classroom observations and worksheet-assessments. The results showed that the use of K-W-L Charts influenced the teachers and learners toward a more inquiry-based approach and facilitated a more student-centered and collaborative learning environment, raising the level of interest and the amount of personal input given by the students.


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© Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2014.Motivated by recent findings in the field of consumer science, this paper evaluates the causal effect of debit cards on household consumption using population-based data from the Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). Within the Rubin Causal Model, we focus on the estimand of population average treatment effect for the treated (PATT). We consider three existing estimators, based on regression, mixed matching and regression, propensity score weighting, and propose a new doubly-robust estimator. Semiparametric specification based on power series for the potential outcomes and the propensity score is adopted. Cross-validation is used to select the order of the power series. We conduct a simulation study to compare the performance of the estimators. The key assumptions, overlap and unconfoundedness, are systematically assessed and validated in the application. Our empirical results suggest statistically significant positive effects of debit cards on the monthly household spending in Italy.


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Public concern over impacts of chemicals in plant and animal production on health and the environment has led to increased demand for organic produce, which is usually promoted and often perceived as containing fewer contaminants, more nutrients, and being positive for the environment. These benefits are difficult to quantify, and potential environmental impacts on such benefits have not been widely studied. This book addresses these key points, examining factors such as the role of certain nutrients in prevention and promotion of chronic disease, potential health benefits of bioactive compounds in plants, the prevalence of food-borne pesticides and pathogens and how both local and global environmental factors may affect any differences between organic and conventionally produced food. This book is an essential resource for researchers and students in human health and nutrition, environmental science, agriculture and organic farming. Main Contents 1. Organic farming and food systems: definitions and key characteristics. 2. The health benefits of n-3 fatty acids and their concentrations in organic and conventional animal-derived foods. 3. Environmental impacts on n-3 content of foods from ruminant animals. 4. Health benefits and selenium content of organic vs conventional foods. 5. Environmental impacts concerning the selenium content of foods. 6. Contaminants in organic and conventional food: the missing link between contaminant levels and health effects. 7. Mycotoxins in organic and conventional foods and effects of the environment. 8. Human pathogens in organic and conventional foods and effects of the environment. 9. What does consumer science tell us about organic foods? 10. The beneficial effects of dietary flavonoids: sources, bioavailability and biological functions. 11. Environmental regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis. 12. Nitrates in the human diet. 13. Impacts of environment and management on nitrate in vegetables and water. 14. Effects of the environment on the nutritional quality and safety of organically produced foods: Round-up and summary.


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Reduction of household energy consumption is one of the top issues in contemporary discussions on sustainable consumption. This chapter concerns one way through which consumption of purchased energy for house heating can be reduced; by having a solar thermal system added to one's house. However, the fact that one of the components - the solar collector - usually is situated on the roof or the facade of a building, is a recurrent impediment to such installations. In certain contexts, these attributes may melt into the building, while in others, they may be perceived as problematic. The latter may particularly be the case when the appearance of the building is of major imiportance, as with houses deemed worthy of preservation for coming generations. This chapter draws upon a study carried out in Visby Town, a walled Hanseatic town and a World Heritage site on the island of Gotland, Sweden.


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Il prosciutto cotto è un alimento presente nella dieta degli italiani, che lo consumano più di ogni altro salume. Il D. M. del 21/09/2005, che ne disciplina produzione e vendita, lo classifica in tre diverse categorie merceologiche (Prosciutto cotto o Standard, Prosciutto cotto Scelto, Prosciutto cotto Alta Qualità). Il lavoro svolto presso il Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari dell’Università di Bologna su 92 consumatori di prosciutto cotto ha permesso di studiare abitudini, gusti, aspettative dei soggetti intervistati e di verificare la loro capacità di distinguere prosciutti cotti appartenenti alle differenti categorie. A tale scopo è stato progettato un questionario strutturato secondo il modello RATA con una sezione per valutare i profili emozionali dei prodotti in esame conforme al metodo EmoSemio. Il gruppo di consumatori intervistati era composto da soggetti con età compresa tra 19 e 70 anni, frequenza di consumo di prosciutto cotto pari a 1-3 volte al mese e maggior familiarità con l’Alta Qualità. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato l’ottima capacità percettiva dei consumatori, che hanno descritto i campioni in modo analogo al panel di esperti, che in precedenza aveva valutato gli stessi campioni. La chiara discriminazione riscontrata da parte dei consumatori tra i prosciutti Standard e Alta Qualità, però, non sempre si è tradotta in una preferenza per il prodotto della categoria migliore. I risultati relativi alla valutazione dello stato emozionale erano in linea con il gradimento: per i prodotti più graditi l’intensità delle emozioni positive era più alta. Infine, quasi tutti gli attributi scelti dal panel sono stati compresi e valutati allo stesso modo dai consumatori, risultando efficaci e, talora, comunicabili. Questo studio ha contribuito a fornire gli elementi per la comprensione del profilo di gradimento del prosciutto cotto al consumo ed ha confermato l'utilità del metodo RATA e dell’EmoSemio.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita) é uma espécie pelágica encontrada no Sudoeste do Oceano Atlântico. Estima-se que 135000 toneladas/ano desse peixe possam ser exploradas ao longo do litoral sul do Brasil. Entretanto, os recursos pesqueiros do país são ainda inexplorados, o que torna esta matéria prima candidata em potencial para a fabricação de novos produtos a base desse pescado. Com o apoio de programas governamentais sociais, a tendência para o Brasil é para o desenvolvimento de produtos de anchoíta alternativos e que sejam capazes de suprir as necessidades específicas de cada grupo de consumo alvo. Dentro desse cenário, um estudo de novos produtos de pescado frente ao mercado se faz necessário, na tentativa de compreender as variáveis influentes do setor. Para tanto, na presente tese teve objetivou-se desenvolver produtos à base de anchoíta e estudar o comportamento do mercado consumidor frente a esses novos produtos de pescado. Um total de seis artigos foi gerado. O primeiro artigo intitulou-se: “Potencial de inserção de empanados de pescado na merenda escolar mediante determinantes individuais”. Neste objetivou-se detectar os determinantes individuais do consumo de pescado com adolescentes em idade de 12 a 17 anos, visando à inserção de empanados de pescado na merenda escolar. Foi verificado que as variáveis que melhor discriminaram a frequência de consumo foram “gosta de pescado” e “grau de escolaridade dos pais”. Os resultados indicaram um potencial de consumo de empanados de pescado por adolescentes, associado à necessidade de educação alimentar. O segundo artigo “Elaboração de hambúrguer a partir de base proteica de anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita)” no qual se objetivou avaliar o efeito de diferentes combinações de solventes para a obtenção de base proteica de anchoíta visando à elaboração de hambúrguer de pescado. As lavagens com ácido fosfórico e mais dois ciclos de água foram as que apresentaram os melhores valores para a obtenção da base proteica, baseando-se na remoção de nitrogenados e respostas sensoriais. No terceiro artigo “Aceitação de empanados de pescado (Engraulis anchoita) na merenda escolar no extremo sul do Brasil” o objetivo foi avaliar a aceitação de empanados de pescado (Engraulis anchoita) com alunos (n = 830) da rede pública de ensino, em idades entre 5 e 18 anos, de duas cidades do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os resultados indicaram relação inversa entre a aceitação de empanados de pescado e o aumento da idade das crianças. O quarto artigo estudou “Razões subjacentes ao baixo consumo de pescado pelo consumidor brasileiro.” Neste objetivou-se investigar o comportamento referente ao consumo de pescado de uma população com baixo consumo de pescado (Brasil), aplicando a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado (TCP). Os resultados indicaram que tanto a intenção como a atitude provou serem determinantes significativos na frequência de comer pescado, sendo a atitude inversamente correlacionada com o consumo de pescado. Hábito apareceu como uma importante variável discriminante para o consumo de pescado. O quinto artigo intitula-se “Modelagem de equações estruturais e associação de palavras como ferramentas para melhor compreensão do baixo consumo de pescado”. O objetivo foi desenvolver um modelo e explicar o conjunto das relações entre os construtos do consumo de pescado em uma população com baixo consumo de pescado (Brasil) através da aplicação da TCP e pelo Questionário das Escolhas dos Alimentos. Além disso, a percepção cognitiva de produtos de pescado (Engraulis anchoíta) foi avaliada pela mesma população. Os resultados indicaram um bom ajuste para o modelo proposto e mostraram que os construtos “saúde” e “controle de peso” são bons preditores da intenção. A técnica associação de palavras provou ser um método útil para a análise de percepção de um novo produto de pescado, além de ajudar a explicar os resultados obtidos pelas equações estruturais. O sexto e último artigo “Percepção de saudável em produtos de pescado em uma população com alto consumo de pescado. Uma investigação por eye tracking” em que se objetivou explorar o uso do método eye tracking para estudar a percepção de saudável em diferentes produtos de pescado. Dois pontos importantes podem ser salientados como influentes na percepção de saudável: produtos de pescado processados e alimentos fritos.


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In 2004, Lost debuted on ABC and quickly became a cultural phenomenon. Its postmodem take on the classic Robinson Crusoe desert island scenario gestures to a variety of different issues circulating within the post-9II1 cultural consciousness, such as terrorism, leadership, anxieties involving air travel, torture, and globalization. Lost's complex interwoven flashback and flash-forward narrative structure encourages spectators to creatively hypothesize solutions to the central mysteries of the narrative, while also thematically addressing archetypal questions of freedom of choice versus fate. Through an examination of the narrative structure, the significance of technological shifts in television, and fan cultures in Lost, this thesis discusses the tenuous notion of consumer agency within the current cultural context. Furthermore, I also explore these issues in relation to the wider historical post-9/II context.


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"S. 44, to regulate interstate commerce by providing for a uniform product liability law, and for other purposes"