934 resultados para Conflicts distributive


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Desde los inicios de la colonización europea, la historia de la Patagonia es la trayectoria de la ocupación para la puesta en valor de la riqueza de sus bienes naturales en el suelo, subsuelo y en su extenso litoral marítimo. Asentados primero en la explotación del ovino, luego del petróleo, el gas y el carbón y recientemente de la pesca, la minería metalífera y el turismo internacional, los territorios de las actuales provincias de Santa Cruz, del Chubut y de Tierra del Fuego, al igual que sus pares trasandinos de las regiones de Aysén y Magallanes, son espacios ricos en recursos. Para la puesta en valor de los territorios por parte del capital, hacen falta dos condiciones básicas: la existencia de bienes naturales y la presencia de fuerza de trabajo, las cuales, dependiendo de la actividad, pueden o no estar presentes. En algunos casos, se hace necesario adecuar estos espacios mediante equipamientos e infraestructuras, la atracción de trabajadores de diversa calificación y la presencia estatal, en un doble proceso de expansión geográfica y acumulación por desposesión que asegure la valorización en general. En estos territorios, periféricos desde el punto de vista espacial, cada proceso de valorización particular exigió una combinación de apropiación, habilitación y organización del territorio específicas. En el presente artículo se apunta, en primer lugar, a presentar sintéticamente los procesos históricos de valorización de la naturaleza de la región, para luego analizar la actual situación del proceso en el territorio y los conflictos resultantes. En una segunda parte, teniendo en cuenta las tendencias mundiales de alta demanda de bienes naturales, se expondrán los escenarios futuros más probables en caso de acentuarse el actual modelo extractivo y rentista


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Desde los inicios de la colonización europea, la historia de la Patagonia es la trayectoria de la ocupación para la puesta en valor de la riqueza de sus bienes naturales en el suelo, subsuelo y en su extenso litoral marítimo. Asentados primero en la explotación del ovino, luego del petróleo, el gas y el carbón y recientemente de la pesca, la minería metalífera y el turismo internacional, los territorios de las actuales provincias de Santa Cruz, del Chubut y de Tierra del Fuego, al igual que sus pares trasandinos de las regiones de Aysén y Magallanes, son espacios ricos en recursos. Para la puesta en valor de los territorios por parte del capital, hacen falta dos condiciones básicas: la existencia de bienes naturales y la presencia de fuerza de trabajo, las cuales, dependiendo de la actividad, pueden o no estar presentes. En algunos casos, se hace necesario adecuar estos espacios mediante equipamientos e infraestructuras, la atracción de trabajadores de diversa calificación y la presencia estatal, en un doble proceso de expansión geográfica y acumulación por desposesión que asegure la valorización en general. En estos territorios, periféricos desde el punto de vista espacial, cada proceso de valorización particular exigió una combinación de apropiación, habilitación y organización del territorio específicas. En el presente artículo se apunta, en primer lugar, a presentar sintéticamente los procesos históricos de valorización de la naturaleza de la región, para luego analizar la actual situación del proceso en el territorio y los conflictos resultantes. En una segunda parte, teniendo en cuenta las tendencias mundiales de alta demanda de bienes naturales, se expondrán los escenarios futuros más probables en caso de acentuarse el actual modelo extractivo y rentista


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Desde los inicios de la colonización europea, la historia de la Patagonia es la trayectoria de la ocupación para la puesta en valor de la riqueza de sus bienes naturales en el suelo, subsuelo y en su extenso litoral marítimo. Asentados primero en la explotación del ovino, luego del petróleo, el gas y el carbón y recientemente de la pesca, la minería metalífera y el turismo internacional, los territorios de las actuales provincias de Santa Cruz, del Chubut y de Tierra del Fuego, al igual que sus pares trasandinos de las regiones de Aysén y Magallanes, son espacios ricos en recursos. Para la puesta en valor de los territorios por parte del capital, hacen falta dos condiciones básicas: la existencia de bienes naturales y la presencia de fuerza de trabajo, las cuales, dependiendo de la actividad, pueden o no estar presentes. En algunos casos, se hace necesario adecuar estos espacios mediante equipamientos e infraestructuras, la atracción de trabajadores de diversa calificación y la presencia estatal, en un doble proceso de expansión geográfica y acumulación por desposesión que asegure la valorización en general. En estos territorios, periféricos desde el punto de vista espacial, cada proceso de valorización particular exigió una combinación de apropiación, habilitación y organización del territorio específicas. En el presente artículo se apunta, en primer lugar, a presentar sintéticamente los procesos históricos de valorización de la naturaleza de la región, para luego analizar la actual situación del proceso en el territorio y los conflictos resultantes. En una segunda parte, teniendo en cuenta las tendencias mundiales de alta demanda de bienes naturales, se expondrán los escenarios futuros más probables en caso de acentuarse el actual modelo extractivo y rentista


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It is highly desirable for an allocation of goods to be efficient. However, one might also deem it important that an allocation gives individuals what they deserve. This paper investigates whether it is possible for an allocation to be both efficient and give people what they deserve. It will first of all consider comparative desert, and conclude that it is possible to satisfy both desiderata. It will then consider absolute desert by integrating Shelly Kagan’s work on desert and economic theory. The conclusion will be that there are potential conflicts between absolute desert and efficiency. The paper will then examine how to select the best compromise between the two values, considering several different conceptions of absolute desert.


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In Web service based systems, new value-added Web services can be constructed by integrating existing Web services. A Web service may have many implementations, which are functionally identical, but have different Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, such as response time, price, reputation, reliability, availability and so on. Thus, a significant research problem in Web service composition is how to select an implementation for each of the component Web services so that the overall QoS of the composite Web service is optimal. This is so called QoS-aware Web service composition problem. In some composite Web services there are some dependencies and conflicts between the Web service implementations. However, existing approaches cannot handle the constraints. This paper tackles the QoS-aware Web service composition problem with inter service dependencies and conflicts using a penalty-based genetic algorithm (GA). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and the scalability of the penalty-based GA.


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We investigate the roles of finn and country level agency conflicts in determining corporate payout policics. Based on a large sample of 29,610 firms in 42 countries from 2001 to 2006, we show there is a form of "pecking order" in investors' ability to extract cash (whether as dividends only or share repurchases) from firms. Although investors are able to use their legal powers to extract cash from firms in high protection countries, their ability to do so can be substantially hindered when agency costs at the firm level are high. In poor protection countries, investors seem to take whatever cash they can get, even though the amount may be small, and with scant regard for investment opportunities and firm level agency conflicts. Finally, compared to repurchases, we find dividends are more likely to be the sole method of payout in high protection countries and in non insider-dominated firms.


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The stylized facts that motivate this thesis include the diversity in growth patterns that are observed across countries during the process of economic development, and the divergence over time in income distributions both within and across countries. This thesis constructs a dynamic general equilibrium model in which technology adoption is costly and agents are heterogeneous in their initial holdings of resources. Given the households‟ resource level, this study examines how adoption costs influence the evolution of household income over time and the timing of transition to more productive technologies. The analytical results of the model constructed here characterize three growth outcomes associated with the technology adoption process depending on productivity differences between the technologies. These are appropriately labeled as „poverty trap‟, „dual economy‟ and „balanced growth‟. The model is then capable of explaining the observed diversity in growth patterns across countries, as well as divergence of incomes over time. Numerical simulations of the model furthermore illustrate features of this transition. They suggest that that differences in adoption costs account for the timing of households‟ decision to switch technology which leads to a disparity in incomes across households in the technology adoption process. Since this determines the timing of complete adoption of the technology within a country, the implications for cross-country income differences are obvious. Moreover, the timing of technology adoption appears to be impacts on patterns of growth of households, which are different across various income groups. The findings also show that, in the presence of costs associated with the adoption of more productive technologies, inequalities of income and wealth may increase over time tending to delay the convergence in income levels. Initial levels of inequalities in the resources also have an impact on the date of complete adoption of more productive technologies. The issue of increasing income inequality in the process of technology adoption opens up another direction for research. Specifically increasing inequality implies that distributive conflicts may emerge during the transitional process with political- economy consequences. The model is therefore extended to include such issues. Without any political considerations, taxes would leads to a reduction in inequality and convergence of incomes across agents. However this process is delayed if politico-economic influences are taken into account. Moreover, the political outcome is sub optimal. This is essentially due to the fact that there is a resistance associated with the complete adoption of the advanced technology.


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Navigational collisions are one of the major safety concerns for many seaports. Despite the extent of work recently done on collision risk analysis in port waters, little is known about the influencing factors of the risk. This paper develops a technique for modeling collision risks in port waterways in order to examine the associations between the risks and the geometric, traffic, and regulatory control characteristics of waterways. A binomial logistic model, which accounts for the correlations in the risks of a particular fairway at different time periods, is derived from traffic conflicts and calibrated for the Singapore port fairways. Estimation results show that the fairways attached to shoreline, traffic intersection and international fairway attribute higher risks, whereas those attached to confined water and local fairway possess lower risks. Higher risks are also found in the fairways featuring higher degree of bend, lower depth of water, higher numbers of cardinal and isolated danger marks, higher density of moving ships and lower operating speed. The risks are also found to be higher for night-time conditions.


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With increasing rate of shipping traffic, the risk of collisions in busy and congested port waters is expected to rise. However, due to low collision frequencies it is difficult to analyze such risk in a sound statistical manner. This study aims at examining the occurrence of traffic conflicts in order to understand the characteristics of vessels involved in navigational hazards. A binomial logit model was employed to evaluate the association of vessel attributes and the kinematic conditions with conflict severity levels. Results show a positive association for vessels of small gross tonnage, overall vessel length, vessel height and draft with conflict risk. Conflicts involving a pair of dynamic vessels sailing at low speeds also have similar effects.


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The traffic conflict technique (TCT) is a powerful technique applied in road traffic safety assessment as a surrogate of the traditional accident data analysis. It has subdued the conceptual and implemental weaknesses of the accident statistics. Although this technique has been applied effectively in road traffic, it has not been practised well in marine traffic even though this traffic system has some distinct advantages in terms of having a monitoring system. This monitoring system can provide navigational information as well as other geometric information of the ships for a larger study area over a longer time period. However, for implementing the TCT in the marine traffic system, it should be examined critically to suit the complex nature of the traffic system. This paper examines the suitability of the TCT to be applied to marine traffic and proposes a framework for a follow up comprehensive conflict study.


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Navigational collisions are one of the major safety concerns in many seaports. To address this safety concern, a comprehensive and structured method of collision risk management is necessary. Traditionally management of port water collision risks has been relied on historical collision data. However, this collision-data-based approach is hampered by several shortcomings, such as randomness and rarity of collision occurrence leading to obtaining insufficient number of samples for a sound statistical analysis, insufficiency in explaining collision causation, and reactive approach to safety. A promising alternative approach that overcomes these shortcomings is the navigational traffic conflict technique that uses traffic conflicts as an alternative to the collision data. This paper proposes a collision risk management method by utilizing the principles of this technique. This risk management method allows safety analysts to diagnose safety deficiencies in a proactive manner, which, consequently, has great potential for managing collision risks in a fast, reliable and efficient manner.


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Traditionally navigational safety analyses rely on historical collision data which is often hampered because of low collision counts, insufficiency in explaining collision causation, and reactive approach to safety. A promising alternative approach that overcomes these problems is using navigational traffic conflicts or near-misses as an alternative to the collision data. This book discusses how traffic conflicts can effectively be used in modeling of port water collision risks. Techniques for measuring and predicting collision risks in fairways, intersections, and anchorages are discussed by utilizing advanced statistical models. Risk measurement models, which quantitatively measure collision risks in waterways, are discussed. To predict risks, a hierarchical statistical modeling technique is discussed which identifies the factors influencing the risks. The modeling techniques are illustrated for Singapore port data. Results showed that traffic conflicts are an ethically appealing alternative to collision data for fast, reliable and effective safety assessment, thus possessing great potential for managing collision risks in port waters.