876 resultados para Comunicação organizacional - Organizational communication
Esta dissertação é um trabalho de projeto que pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento dos estudos da comunicação organizacional. Devem ou não ser utilizadas soluções digitais em modelos de comunicação organizacional e quaisosbenefíciosdo uso de soluções digitais no âmbito da comunicação organizacional de uma empresa? No corpo de texto deste trabalho surge a resposta a estas questões com base na análise prática da investigação desenvolvida. A investigação desenvolvida tem como objetivo encontrar um modelo de comunicação eficaz baseado no uso de soluções digitais. A solução digital criada, que é o objeto de estudo deste trabalho de projeto, foi desenhada e concebida com a finalidade de ser implementada e testada numa empresa de telemarketing parceira, que atua, essencialmente, em Outbound (venda direta ao consumidor).A solução tem como intenção global envolver e motivar os teleoperadores da empresa, no intuito de aumentara sua produtividade.É descortinada a estratégia e o desenvolvimento da solução criada,assim como a sua avaliação pelos utilizadores, concluindo com uma análise detalhada dos resultados obtidos através daavaliação dos utilizadores.
No mundo actual, onde a concorrência cresce e a oferta de produtos aumenta, onde a globalização é palavra de ordem, torna-se essencial pensar a sobrevivência das empresas como estando dependentes da adopção de comportamentos transparentes diante dos públicos, sejam eles de dimensão interna e/ou externa. Reconhecer a importância de controlar os aspectos imprevisíveis a que as empresas estão sujeitas, permite às organizações um maior controlo na previsão dos problemas, como os corrigir antes que estes interfiram no seu sucesso, constituindo assim um ambiente previsível e favorável. A comunicação assume pois um papel primordial na visibilidade positiva de uma empresa. O cliente interno, neste trabalho, será visto como fornecedor de uma rede interna de prestação de serviços, responsável pela agregação de valor aos produtos e serviços oferecidos pela organização. Os clientes internos são também vistos como detentores de um propósito comum responsável tanto pela criação como pela continuidade da organização. Ao longo deste trabalho é descrita e focada a ligação especial que existe entre a comunicação empresarial, a comunicação interna e a estratégia do marketing interno evidenciando a importância destes para as organizações. O objectivo deste estudo é analisar a eficácia dos meios de comunicação interna na Caixa Geral de Depósitos, a partir da realização de 39 inquéritos administrados a colaboradores de uma Agência. Os resultados obtidos com este estudo deram ênfase à eficácia dos meios de comunicação interna utilizados na organização em estudo, concluindo que a comunicação deve ser veiculada de acordo com a utilidade das funções a desempenhar. / In today´s world where competition grows and the supply of products increases, where globalization is a slogan, it is essential to consider the survival of business as being dependent of the adoption of transparent behavior in public, in they internal or external dimensions. Recognizing the importance of controlling the unpredictable aspects that companies are subject, allows organizations greater control in forecast the problems, how to correct them before they interfere with their success, providing a predictable and favorable ambient. Communication assumes an essential role in a positive visibility of a company. The internal customer, this work will be seen as a provider of internal network services, responsible for adding value to products and services offered by the organization. Internal customers are also seen as having a common purpose as much responsible for creating the continuity of the organization. Throughout this work is focused and described the special bond that exists between corporate communication, internal communication and internal marketing strategy, highlighting their importance for the organizations. The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of internal communication in the CGD, from conducting 39 surveys administered to employees of an Agency. The results of this study emphasized the effectiveness of internal communication in the organization used in the study, concluding that the communication should be conveyed according to the usefulness of the tasks.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, especialização em Relações Públicas.
O reforço e a diversificação do investimento na comunicação por parte das instituições educativas são discutidos neste estudo como uma das consequências da nova gestão pública. Tendo em vista a ‘qualidade’ e a ‘eficácia’ das suas prestações, as escolas têm procurado tornar-se mais dialogantes, assumindo a aposta na comunicação organizacional como parte integrante de uma estratégia empreendedora, que lhes tem vindo a conferir uma nova identidade colectiva unificada em torno dos valores neoliberais. Não obstante, os sistemas de comunicação criados são mais complexos do que se poderia supor. Revelando a influência de pressões híbridas, estes sistemas transformaram-se num contexto mediador da mudança embutido em novas concepções de escola e dos novos mandatos para a educação (assim legitimados interna e externamente), surgindo, ao mesmo tempo, como o locus de produção de novas identidades. Tal acontece porque a comunicação constitui o ponto de convergência entre as diferentes políticas educativas e as práticas localmente adoptadas na sequência de um processo de interpretação criativa das diferentes pressões. É este o sentido com que afirmamos que a comunicação se constitui numa meta-ideia ao serviço da ‘qualidade’, ainda que esta possa ser perspectivada a partir do ideal burocrático da organização (como sinónimo de eficiência administrativa), do ideal profissional (centrada no processo de ensino-aprendizagem) ou do ideal empreendedor (valorizando a capacidade de resposta às solicitações do mercado). Os dados empíricos, que sustentaram o nosso estudo, resultaram da observação do quotidiano de um agrupamento de escolas do ensinobásico e dos testemunhos recolhidos, ao longo de três anos, nesta comunidade educativa. Recorrendo ao estudo de caso como estratégia de investigação enveredámos inicialmente, num contexto de descoberta, pela realização de observações ‘desarmadas e naturais’. Usámos, posteriormente, a análise documental, a entrevista e o questionário na recolha de informação complementar, o que, mediante o cruzamento de métodos de análise qualitativa e quantitativa, nos permitiu tirar partido da triangulação dos dados. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a centralidade dos processos de comunicação na transformação induzida pela nova gestão pública e para o desenvolvimento de uma matriz discursiva bilinguista, que procura harmonizar os imperativos de ‘mercado’ com o discurso pedagógico e com modelos burocrático-profissionais de organização.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação Social, vertente de Comunicação Estratégica
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
The objective of this study was to find and discuss the possibilities of action of a public relations professional in social media, taking as an example, the most popular, Facebook and Twitter, to work the organizational communication with the public consumer. Social media are gaining more followers, who are seeking information on companies before consuming your products or hire your services, getting attention for any kind of promotion or crisis of this organization. We saw how public relations mediate communication between company and consumer, being responsible for the clear, objective and correct posting of your organization in social media
The growing concern of experts in organizational communication with appropriate business relationships with its various stakeholders through digital platforms causes an upgrowth on the number of studies on the topic of social media. The social network communication receives analysis in different approaches, ranging from behavioral changes to the instrumentalization of these tools for marketing, relationship and information exchange. The objective of this monograph is to make an exploratory study that relates to organizational communication and social media, and discuss how the theories can contribute to the optimization of communication mediated by specific platforms that bring with them opportunities for interaction and relationship in the digital environment
The large flow of businesses going abroad generates an ever more diverse internal multicultural organizational scenario. Different national cultures inside an organization can directly influence the management of people. Human values, languages, customs, work modes/routines and different habits can create conflicts among parties. This study deals with the role of Public Relations as a tool/strategy to deal with conflicting intercultural communication inside business organizations. The analysis is grounded on theoretical principles concerning the roles of communication professionals as the individuals responsible for the relationship between an institution and the internal public. The study introduces intercultural communication as a growing area to be explored by the Public Relations professional and highlights the possibility of emerging innovative solutions for organizational problems. It also brings reports by professionals that have intercultural experience concerning Brazil and Germany in an attempt to illustrate conflicts that might have been prevented by actions taken by a specialist in Communication in order to promote mutual understanding
This study is the result of theoretical reflections and analyses about the role of public relations professional in existing management of cultural diversity in organizations, arising from globalisation and glocalisation. This way, we analyze new perspectives for organizational communication, considering the cultural aspects of different audiences in an organization. Thus, the goal of this work is to show another look for this activity, in which prime respect and integration amid interculturality and enable new paths for public relations, acting as ' cultural Integrator ' in this scenario. For understanding these new interfaces, the study takes as its starting point an overview of roots that gave rise to this context, starting from the analysis of various aspects of globalisation and your reflexes and impacts on organizations, plus a contextualization of the organizational communication trajectory. Then the global and local culture is discussed, as well as the glocalisation and repercussions in organizations, which gave rise to a scenary of cultural diversity and possible conflicts of that context. From the particular analysis of work, are given the implications of this encounter of multiple cultures in organizations, in addition to being presented theories of intercultural communication in trying to manage and provide the dialogue and understanding between different cultures. Finally, this study deals with the possibilities of public relations practice in interculturality, showing paths to the mediation of various interests between organizations and their audiences in the sphere of glocalization, showing the activity of International/Global public relations. It also presents the possible involvement of public relations in the management of a communication on cultural diversity scenary, showing perspectives for this activity on the theory of excellence, in order to seek understanding and understanding even in the midst of diversity
This study aims to examine the changes occurring in organizational communication activities with the arrival of the Internet. The intention is to know how companies and their communication professionals have adapted to it and how they are making use of new digital technologies, especially social media. The study also allows know what strategies they are using to reach your target audience on the Internet, including those targeting mobile devices. For this, a survey was conducted with medium to large companies in Bauru (state of São Paulo), to see how it are acting in the online environment and what its perception regarding their image, visibility and positioning on Web
This monograph presents a study about organizational communication, outlining concepts, Brazilian historic, interfering factors and other considerations on the subject, introducing a survey with twelve communication agencies in Bauru as a result, explaining, in practical terms, how processes of organizational communication occur and the journalist's work in this area. Therefore, the organizational communication offers many possibilities for journalists, either as writers or press officers, or even in positions directly related to the Internet. As a key sector for all types of organizations, communication has gained notability, establishing itself as a strategic area for organizational management, especially in the form of integrated communication
The field of social communication, especially the one of Public Relations, seems to be unknown and not so recognized and explored in Brazil, even though these professionals are trained to operate in different kinds of organizations. Because of that, it is important for the Public Relations to know the demands of the market he or she wants to work on. Therefore, an exploratory study was conducted in agencies in São José dos Campos, São Paulo. The project objectives are to identify the communicational demands from the communication agencies’ point of view, get to know the work field for Public Relations, verify if the professional attends the market demands and identify market needs in communication. The methodology used was: bibliographical search of theories concerning organizational communication, communication agencies and Public Relations; and a field research in five agencies that provide services related to organizational communication, for recognizing reality. The data obtained shows that organizational communication is a growing field and in which the Public Relation has much to contribute, but unawareness of the profession results in a small number of professionals working in the area
This work aims to present Appreciative Inquiry as a participative methodology and seeks to establish possible relationships with organizational communication. For this, we make a literature review about topics such as participation, participative planning, appreciative inquiry, it's basic concepts, it's methodology and possibilities. It also presents the fundamental concepts of communication and organizational culture and public relations, searching to highlight the perceived interfaces through the interrelation of concepts, the main references, authors such as Demo (1999), Gandin (1994) Brose (2010), Cooperrider and Whitney (2006), Varona (2004), Bordenave (1999), Kunsch (2002) and Marchiori (2013). In order to verify the applicability of this methodology, this paper also develops a qualitative study, using the technique of indepth research with the first Brazilian organization using Appreciative Inquiry: Nutrimental, a food company. The results of the application of AI in the organization are presented and then seeks to make the possible connections with the concepts of communication and organizational culture