988 resultados para Computer Law
Mandatory data breach notification laws have been a significant legislative reform in response to unauthorized disclosures of personal information by public and private sector organizations. These laws originated in the state-based legislatures of the United States during the last decade and have subsequently garnered worldwide legislative interest. We contend that there are conceptual and practical concerns regarding mandatory data breach notification laws which limit the scope of their applicability, particularly in relation to existing information privacy law regimes. We outline these concerns here, in the light of recent European Union and Australian legal developments in this area.
Reference List for UK Computing Law
Group Poster for UK Computing Law
Zip file containing source code and database dump for the resource
Collection of poster, reference list and resource source and database dump
Data breach notification laws require organisations to notify affected persons or regulatory authorities when an unauthorised acquisition of personal data occurs. Most laws provide a safe harbour to this obligation if acquired data has been encrypted. There are three types of safe harbour: an exemption; a rebuttable presumption and factor-based analysis. We demonstrate, using three condition-based scenarios, that the broad formulation of most encryption safe harbours is based on the flawed assumption that encryption is the silver bullet for personal information protection. We then contend that reliance upon an encryption safe harbour should be dependent upon a rigorous and competent risk-based review that is required on a case-by-case basis. Finally, we recommend the use of both an encryption safe harbour and a notification trigger as our preferred choice for a data breach notification regulatory framework.
Public and private sector organisations are now able to capture and utilise data on a vast scale, thus heightening the importance of adequate measures for protecting unauthorised disclosure of personal information. In this respect, data breach notification has emerged as an issue of increasing importance throughout the world. It has been the subject of law reform in the United States and in other jurisdictions. This article reviews US, Australian and EU legal developments regarding the mandatory notification of data breaches. The authors highlight areas of concern based on the extant US experience that require further consideration in Australia and in the EU.
Las redes sociales digitales han transformado la forma de comunicarse en el Siglo XXI. Twitter es la red social más destacada para los periodistas colombianos pues según un estudio de la consultora de comunicación Burson-Marsteller, el 47% de los comunicadores colombianos utilizan esta red social para construir noticias (Burson-Marsteller, 2013). Por su popularidad, los medios de comunicación han puesto la mirada sobre esta red social pues ven en esta un nuevo espacio de información, razón por la cual se han transformado para convertir a Twitter en un nuevo conducto para la transmisión de sucesos coyunturales. En Colombia, los medios periodísticos de tradición intentan modificar su estructura y rutinas para adecuarse al nuevo molde comunicativo que propone la inclusión de las redes sociales digitales. Este artículo intenta desvelar cuáles son esos cambios que ha sufrido el periodismo colombiano, teniendo como base su relación con Twitter.
An introduction to computationally-enabled science, challenges, and opportunities.
Data management and sharing are relatively new concepts in the health and life sciences fields. This presentation will cover some basic policies as well as the impediments to data sharing unique to health and life sciences data.
These Data Management Plans are more comprehensive and complex than in the past. Libraries around the nation are trying to put together tools to help researchers write plans that conform to the new requirements. This session will look at some of these tools.
Data collected under federally funded research is subject to compliance rules and regulations. Policies affecting what you can and cannot do with your data, who is responsible, and what role your institution plays can vary with funding agencies and the type of data collected. This talk will address many of the compliance issues associated with research data, as well as funder mandates that you need to be aware of to ensure compliance.
Geneva Henry, Executive Director of the Center for Digital Scholarship, Rice University. Data rights and ownership of digital research data can impact how you use data, how others use data you've collected, and how rights are determined in collaborative research. Copyright rules governing data vary from one country to the next, making data ownership in international collaborations particularly murky. Licensing the use of data sets from the start is one way to address these issues early and provide a means for easily sharing datasets that can be cited and properly attributed. This talk with introduce issues associated with digital research data governance and how to protect your rights with data you work with.