740 resultados para Compulsive gambling


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A clinical case of compulsive gambling is exposed in this article. The subject’s playing behaviour had both positive and negative consequences. The subject tried to practice control over the urge to play. As shown in the functional analysis, the failure to control the urge despite the best efforts worsened the problem due to its negative consequences. A variation of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) was applied in order to break down the fight-surrender vicious circle of the playing behaviour. Two treatment strategies were agreed upon: acceptance of the fact that both playing and not playing had negatives consequences and commitment to one of these options despite its disadvantages. Finally, it is proposed that this acceptance and commitment therapy is a useful therapeutic process as it decreases the suffering subject and eliminates the problem: playing bahaviour.


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The purposes of this study were: a) to examine the role of personality and selfregulation in the gambling behaviour participation of late adolescents and emerging adults. In particular, the present study examined i f certain personality traits were more prevalent in high-risk gamblers than in young people considered low or at-risk gamblers; and, b) to examine i f the ability to self-regulate helped distinguish differences among the three groups of gamblers (low-risk, at-risk, and high-risk gamblers). A sample of late adolescents and emerging adults (N = 100) attending Brock University, completed a survey that assessed current gambling behaviour (both frequency and consequence experience), personality, self-esteem, and self-regulation. It was found that high-risk gamblers had lower scores on the personality dimensions Emotionality, Conscientiousness (especially on its Prudence facet), and Honesty-Humility (especially on its Fairness, Greed Avoidance, and Modesty facets) than at-risk or low-risk gamblers and higher scores on impulsive sensation seeking and impulsivity than at-risk or low-risk gamblers. Similarly, high-risk gamblers reported lower levels of self-regulation than both at-risk and low-risk gamblers. The findings from this study support past research which suggests that young people who gamble at problematic levels differ on many personality traits and often have more difficulty self-regulating than young people who do not participate at problematic levels. Findings may aid in the development of intervention and prevention programs that utilize specific self-regulation techniques with a young gambling population.


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The thesis analyses judgments from the higher criminal courts in Victoria involving problem gamblers charged with serious crimes, investigates actions brought by gamblers against gaming establishments in the civil courts and examines the legislation governing gambling in Victoria and the effectiveness of recently introduced harm minimisation measures.


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Online gambling is a popular activity among adolescents. However, there has been a notable increase in the number of young people who suffer or are on the verge of pathological gambling. We review the impact of online gambling on young people and discuss the desiderability of the concept of “gambling responsibly” in order to alert of their risks and effectively prevent access to minors. The main factors associated with pathological gambling are the age of start, the family environment, the infl uence of advertising, the consumption of stimulants, and the attitudes of the peer group. Both the government and the gaming industry itself should consider these factors and develop comprehensive plans that ensure a safe and controlled model game. In this context, advertising must take into account criteria of consumer protection knowing that even if they are not allowed, children can easily have access to online gambling. All agents involved, including public and social agents, must provide mechanisms for prevention and awareness of a problem that arouses little social consciousness and excessive carelessness.


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Currently, gambling doesn’t have a strong social disapproval. However, the phenomenon of gambling raises several issues related to property protection, compulsive gambling, the youngest personality development, the State taxes and social development measures, which some authors believe to be the protected legal interest in the criminalization of illegal gambling exploitation. However, the authorization system, and because several of those interests, constitutionally protected, are also violated in the authorized gambling places, it appears that the legislator intended to define the legal interest as the order and public tranquility. The purpose of this study is to understand what is protected with the illegal gambling exploitation. This will involve defining the concept of exploitation and the concept of gambling. Still, we will try to know if there are situations without ethical and social resonance and what their consequences.


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En una muestra de 34 adictos al juego en tratamiento, se examinan las características de consumo de tabaco de los sujetos fumadores y la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas de la conducta de fumar en función de las etapas de cambio (Prochaska, DiClemente y Norcross, 1992). Los resultados muestran que, aunque los porcentajes de fumadores doblan a los existentes en la población general, las personas fumadoras adictas al juego están representadas en las diferentes etapas de cambio con porcentajes parecidos a los de dicha población. Por otra parte, no se ha encontrado relación entre el nivel de dependencia medido con el Test de Fagerström y la etapa de cambio. En cuanto a la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas del consumo de tabaco, en general los sujetos tienden a conceder mayor importancia a los perjuicios que a los beneficios de fumar. En los análisis en función de las etapas de cambio, se encuentran diferencias significativas entre el grupo de los que piensan dejar de fumar en los próximos seis meses, (contempladores y preparados) y el grupo de los que no fuman (exfumadores y no fumadores) en el beneficio “fumar ayuda a relajarse” que es más valorado por los primeros. También se encuentran dichas diferencias entre los precontempladores y los que no fuman en dos perjuicios: “fumar produce a veces dolor de cabeza” y “fumar a veces provoca taquicardia” que son más valorados por los segundos. Estos resultados sugieren la conveniencia de realizar las intervenciones más adecuadas para cada etapa de cambio, a fin de que las personas adictas al juego puedan también tener éxito en el abandono de la adicción al tabaco


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Al inclinarse sobre Responso (1964), novela de los principios muchas veces considerada menor en la obra de Juan José Saer (1937-2005), el artículo muestra la relevancia del autor cuando describe los contornos psicológicos del jugador patológico Barrios. Se presentan las bases antropológicas del juego (Caillois) antes de tratar la ludopatía desde un enfoque clínico (Valleur y Bucher). Sigue un análisis narratológico que tiende a demostrar que algunos de los síntomas de la adicción al juego se alojan en una escritura ritmada por la asociación lúdica "diferencia y repetición" (Saer, La narración-objeto), y en la cual destacan figuras como la elipsis y la analepsis, que hacen de la forma literaria una suerte de espejo del juego patológico.


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Al inclinarse sobre Responso (1964), novela de los principios muchas veces considerada menor en la obra de Juan José Saer (1937-2005), el artículo muestra la relevancia del autor cuando describe los contornos psicológicos del jugador patológico Barrios. Se presentan las bases antropológicas del juego (Caillois) antes de tratar la ludopatía desde un enfoque clínico (Valleur y Bucher). Sigue un análisis narratológico que tiende a demostrar que algunos de los síntomas de la adicción al juego se alojan en una escritura ritmada por la asociación lúdica "diferencia y repetición" (Saer, La narración-objeto), y en la cual destacan figuras como la elipsis y la analepsis, que hacen de la forma literaria una suerte de espejo del juego patológico.


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Al inclinarse sobre Responso (1964), novela de los principios muchas veces considerada menor en la obra de Juan José Saer (1937-2005), el artículo muestra la relevancia del autor cuando describe los contornos psicológicos del jugador patológico Barrios. Se presentan las bases antropológicas del juego (Caillois) antes de tratar la ludopatía desde un enfoque clínico (Valleur y Bucher). Sigue un análisis narratológico que tiende a demostrar que algunos de los síntomas de la adicción al juego se alojan en una escritura ritmada por la asociación lúdica "diferencia y repetición" (Saer, La narración-objeto), y en la cual destacan figuras como la elipsis y la analepsis, que hacen de la forma literaria una suerte de espejo del juego patológico.


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"September 8, 1995."


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Aims To describe, in the context of DSM-V, how a focus on addiction and compulsion is emerging in the consideration of pathological gambling (PG). Methods A systematic literature review of evidence for the proposed re-classification of PG as an addiction. Results Findings include: (i) phenomenological models of addiction highlighting a motivational shift from impulsivity to compulsivity associated with a protracted withdrawal syndrome and blurring of the ego-syntonic/ego-dystonic dichotomy; (ii) common neurotransmitter (dopamine, serotonin) contributions to PG and substance use disorders (SUDs); (iii) neuroimaging support for shared neurocircuitries between behavioural and substance addictions and differences between obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD), impulse control disorders (ICDs) and SUDs; (iv) genetic findings more closely related to endophenotypic constructs such as compulsivity and impulsivity than to psychiatric disorders; (v) psychological measures such as harm avoidance identifying a closer association between SUDs and PG than with OCD; (vi) community and pharmacotherapeutic trials data supporting a closer association between SUDs and PG than with OCD. Adapted behavioural therapies, such as exposure therapy, appear applicable to OCD, PG or SUDs, suggesting some commonalities across disorders. Conclusions PG shares more similarities with SUDs than with OCD. Similar to the investigation of impulsivity, studies of compulsivity hold promising insights concerning the course, differential diagnosis and treatment of PG, SUDs, and OCD.


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Background: This paper is a commentary to a debate article entitled: "Are we overpathologizing everyday life? A tenable blueprint for behavioral addiction research", by Billieux et al. (2015). Methods and aim: This brief response focused on the necessity to better characterize psychological and related neurocognitive determinants of persistent deleterious actions associated or not with substance utilization. Results: A majority of addicted people could be driven by psychological functional reasons to keep using drugs, gambling or buying despite the growing number of related negative consequences. In addition, a non-negligible proportion of them would need assistance to restore profound disturbances in basic learning processes involved in compulsive actions. Conclusions: The distinction between psychological functionality and compulsive aspects of addictive behaviors should represent a big step towards more efficient treatments.


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Technology imbued m-marketing systems influence the consumptive lives of citizens, by facilitating anytime, anywhere business-to-consumer interactions. Business pundits’ enthusiasm towards mobile services (m-services) has been driven by the promise of a marketspace context involving seamless, business-to-consumer interactions that can be simultaneously impulse-driven, highly entertaining and omnipresent. Arguably, gambling too is impulse-driven, exciting and easily accessible. An important question that needs to be addressed is: how the convergence of mobile technology and gambling will impact the millennial consumer. The authors address this question by examining the contextually bounded interactions between internal and external factors that make mobile phone users potentially vulnerable during m-gambling interactions. By examining key themes that describe the convergence of m-technology and gambling, we clarify the experiential nature of m-gambling and its relationship to consumer vulnerability.