1000 resultados para Comptabilitat regional
Regional differences in real wages have been shown to be both large and persistent in the U.S. and the U.K., as well as in the economies of other countries. Empirical evidence suggests that wage differentials adjusted for the cost of living cannot only be explained by the unequal spatial distribution of characteristics determining earnings. Rather, average wage gap decomposition reveals the important contribution made by regional heterogeneity in the price assigned to these characteristics. This paper proposes a method for assessing regional disparities in the entire wage distribution and for decomposing the effect of differences across regions in the endowments and prices of the characteristics. The hypothesis forwarded is that the results from previous studies obtained by comparing average regional wages may be partial and nonrobust. Empirical evidence from a matched employer-employee dataset for Spain confirms marked differences in wage distributions between regions, which do not result from worker and firm characteristics but from the increasing role of regional differences in the return to human capital.
El enlace que ha construido el INE entre las series de Contabilidad Regional en base 1995 y en base 2000 respeta los valores originales de la más antigua de estas series en su año base excepto por correcciones metodológicas. En este trabajo se argumenta que este procedimiento no es el más adecuado porque tiende a introducir fuertes distorsiones en los datos y se construye un enlace alternativo entre ambas series a nivel agregado.
I construct "homogeneous" series of salaried employment, employee compensation and total labor income for Spain and its regions covering the period 1955-2008. I also estimate labor's share in regional and national GVA and construct an indicator of the average cost of labor including both employees and non-salaried workers.
En este trabajo se elaboran series de distintos agregados de empleo y de VAB a precios corrientes y constantes para el conjunto de España durante el período 1955-2010. Las series se construyen mediante el enlace de diversas bases de la CNE y de la Contabilidad Trimestral, introduciéndose también una corrección tentativa para reconciliar las series de empleo de la CNE con las de la EPA.
This research provides a description of the process followed in order to assemble a "Social Accounting Matrix" for Spain corresponding to the year 2000 (SAMSP00). As argued in the paper, this process attempts to reconcile ESA95 conventions with requirements of applied general equilibrium modelling. Particularly, problems related to the level of aggregation of net taxation data, and to the valuation system used for expressing the monetary value of input-output transactions have deserved special attention. Since the adoption of ESA95 conventions, input-output transactions have been preferably valued at basic prices, which impose additional difficulties on modellers interested in computing applied general equilibrium models. This paper addresses these difficulties by developing a procedure that allows SAM-builders to change the valuation system of input-output transactions conveniently. In addition, this procedure produces new data related to net taxation information.
This research provides a description of the process followed in order to assemble a "Social Accounting Matrix" for Spain corresponding to the year 2000 (SAMSP00). As argued in the paper, this process attempts to reconcile ESA95 conventions with requirements of applied general equilibrium modelling. Particularly, problems related to the level of aggregation of net taxation data, and to the valuation system used for expressing the monetary value of input-output transactions have deserved special attention. Since the adoption of ESA95 conventions, input-output transactions have been preferably valued at basic prices, which impose additional difficulties on modellers interested in computing applied general equilibrium models. This paper addresses these difficulties by developing a procedure that allows SAM-builders to change the valuation system of input-output transactions conveniently. In addition, this procedure produces new data related to net taxation information.
En este trabajo analizamos los cambios en la distribución salarial en España entre 1995 y 2002, utilizando la información contenida en la Encuesta de Estructura Salarial. El análisis revela un notable cambio en la distribución salarial que afecta, básicamente, a los niveles salariales bajos y medios, mientras que los correspondientes a los elevados permanecen inalterados entre ambos años. El análisis detallado de las distribuciones salariales para trabajadores con contrato indefinido y temporal muestra como estos últimos son los protagonistas de las mejoras salariales, mientras que los cambios en los niveles salariales intermedios son causados principalmente por los cambios producidos en la distribución de los trabajadores indefinidos. Empleando una técnica semi-paramétrica que permite considerar los efectos en el conjunto de la distribución salarial, encontramos que las variaciones observadas en las distribuciones salariales son consecuencia de cambios en la estructura retributiva, que han afectado de forma distinta a los trabajadores temporales (mejoras salariales homogéneas) y a los indefinidos, (reducción de los salarios intermedios).
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the assistance quality through the perception of the users and municipal health managers (mayors, health secretaries and screening team). Methods: A transversal and descriptive study was carried out. Results: The sample was comprised by 359 users and 48 managers. Medical assistance was considered excellent by 79.6% of the users, 93.7% of the managers, 87.5% of the health secretaries and 100% of the screening team. Reception received a great evaluation by 73.8% of the users and 93.8% of the selectors. Conclusion: The assistance model used at the Ophthalmologic Clinic of Divinolândia obtained a high level of satisfaction pleasing both users and managers.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Este artigo baseia-se em dissertação de mesmo título, apresentada à Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. Tem por objetivo estimar a prevalência da síndrome de burnout em professores do Ensino Médio da rede pública estadual em Tubarão (SC). Um grupo de 101 professores de sete Escolas de Ensino Médio, com atividades em sala de aula, responderam a um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e funcionais e ao Maslach burnout inventory - educators survey. Verificou-se a existência de correlação entre os escores fatoriais das três dimensões da síndrome de burnout e as variáveis independentes. A prevalência da síndrome de burnout foi de 12,9%. Encontrou-se correlação positiva entre tempo de serviço e a dimensão Despersonalização (r=0,2101; p=0,035), bem como entre a dimensão Despersonalização e a situação funcional (r =0,2929; p=0,003). Os resultados indicam alta chance de desenvolvimento de burnout ou burnout em curso. A adoção de medidas de promoção à saúde mental dos professores poderia evitar a despersonalização entre professores observada nesse estudo
We introduce the Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS). CATT-BRAMS is an on-line transport model fully consistent with the simulated atmospheric dynamics. Emission sources from biomass burning and urban-industrial-vehicular activities for trace gases and from biomass burning aerosol particles are obtained from several published datasets and remote sensing information. The tracer and aerosol mass concentration prognostics include the effects of sub-grid scale turbulence in the planetary boundary layer, convective transport by shallow and deep moist convection, wet and dry deposition, and plume rise associated with vegetation fires in addition to the grid scale transport. The radiation parameterization takes into account the interaction between the simulated biomass burning aerosol particles and short and long wave radiation. The atmospheric model BRAMS is based on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), with several improvements associated with cumulus convection representation, soil moisture initialization and surface scheme tuned for the tropics, among others. In this paper the CATT-BRAMS model is used to simulate carbon monoxide and particulate material (PM(2.5)) surface fluxes and atmospheric transport during the 2002 LBA field campaigns, conducted during the transition from the dry to wet season in the southwest Amazon Basin. Model evaluation is addressed with comparisons between model results and near surface, radiosondes and airborne measurements performed during the field campaign, as well as remote sensing derived products. We show the matching of emissions strengths to observed carbon monoxide in the LBA campaign. A relatively good comparison to the MOPITT data, in spite of the fact that MOPITT a priori assumptions imply several difficulties, is also obtained.
Comparing the patterns of population differentiation among genetic markers with different modes of inheritance call provide insights into patterns of sex-biased dispersal and gene flow. The blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna) is a Neotropical parrot with a broad geographic distribution ill South America. However, little is known about the natural history and current status Of remaining wild populations, including levels of genetic variability. The progressive decline and possible fragmentation of populations may endanger this species in the near future. We analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region sequences and six microsatellite 106 Of Blue-and-yellow Macaws sampled throughout their geographic range ill Brazil to describe population genetic Structure, to make inferences about historical demography and dispersal behavior, and to provide insight for conservation efforts. Analyses of population genetic structure based on mtDNA showed evidence of two major populations ill western and eastern Brazil that share a few low-frequency haplotypes. This phylogeographic pattern seems to have originated by the historical isolation of Blue-and-yellow Macaw populations similar to 374,000 years ago and has been maintained by restricted gene flow and female philopatry. By contrast, variation ill biparentally inherited microsatellites was not structured geographically, Male-biased dispersal and female philopatry best explain the different patterns observed in these two markers. Because females disperse less than males, the two regional populations with well-differentiated mtDNA haplogroups should be considered two different management units for conservation purposes. Received 4 November 2007 accepted 10 December 2008.
We describe an estimation technique for biomass burning emissions in South America based on a combination of remote-sensing fire products and field observations, the Brazilian Biomass Burning Emission Model (3BEM). For each fire pixel detected by remote sensing, the mass of the emitted tracer is calculated based on field observations of fire properties related to the type of vegetation burning. The burnt area is estimated from the instantaneous fire size retrieved by remote sensing, when available, or from statistical properties of the burn scars. The sources are then spatially and temporally distributed and assimilated daily by the Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS) in order to perform the prognosis of related tracer concentrations. Three other biomass burning inventories, including GFEDv2 and EDGAR, are simultaneously used to compare the emission strength in terms of the resultant tracer distribution. We also assess the effect of using the daily time resolution of fire emissions by including runs with monthly-averaged emissions. We evaluate the performance of the model using the different emission estimation techniques by comparing the model results with direct measurements of carbon monoxide both near-surface and airborne, as well as remote sensing derived products. The model results obtained using the 3BEM methodology of estimation introduced in this paper show relatively good agreement with the direct measurements and MOPITT data product, suggesting the reliability of the model at local to regional scales.
Base-level maps (or ""isobase maps"", as originally defined by Filosofov, 1960), express a relationship between valley order and topography. The base-level map can be seen as a ""simplified"" version of the original topographic surface, from which the ""noise"" of the low-order stream erosion was removed. This method is able to identify areas with possible tectonic influence even within lithologically uniform domains. Base-level maps have been recently applied in semi-detail scale (e.g., 1:50 000 or larger) morphotectonic analysis. In this paper, we present an evaluation of the method's applicability in regional-scale analysis (e.g., 1:250 000 or smaller). A test area was selected in northern Brazil, at the lower course of the Araguaia and Tocantins rivers. The drainage network extracted from SRTM30_PLUS DEMs with spatial resolution of approximately 900 m was visually compared with available topographic maps and considered to be compatible with a 1:1,000 000 scale. Regarding the interpretation of regional-scale morphostructures, the map constructed with 2nd and 3rd-order valleys was considered to present the best results. Some of the interpreted base-level anomalies correspond to important shear zones and geological contacts present in the 1:5 000 000 Geological Map of South America. Others have no correspondence with mapped Precambrian structures and are considered to represent younger, probably neotectonic, features. A strong E-W orientation of the base-level lines over the inflexion of the Araguaia and Tocantins rivers, suggest a major drainage capture. A N-S topographic swath profile over the Tocantins and Araguaia rivers reveals a topographic pattern which, allied with seismic data showing a roughly N-S direction of extension in the area, lead us to interpret this lineament as an E-W, southward-dipping normal fault. There is also a good visual correspondence between the base-level lineaments and geophysical anomalies. A NW-SE lineament in the southeast of the study area partially corresponds to the northern border of the Mosquito lava field, of Jurassic age, and a NW-SE lineament traced in the northeastern sector of the study area can be interpreted as the Picos-Santa Ines lineament, identifiable in geophysical maps but with little expression in hypsometric or topographic maps.
O presente artigo pretende cotejar os efeitos da implantação da indústria de celulose no Cone Sul da América a partir dos casos envolvendo, de um lado, Argentina e Uruguai e, de outro, o Brasil, no que diz respeito à permeabilidade entre marcos regulatórios, à justaposição de âmbitos de solução de conflitos e ao papel dos movimentos sociais. A partir da análise dos referidos processos, são apontados os impactos da globalização econômica em termos de flexibilização e desregulamentação da legislação nacional, limitação dos instrumentos regulatórios regionais, inadequação das instituições político-jurídicas para a resolução dos conflitos e ineficácia da sociedade civil perante estes. Sustenta-se, nesta base, a necessidade de internacionalização dos movimentos sociais no sentido de fazer face à permeabilidade entre pulsões regulatórias transnacionais orientadas por e para o mercado.