890 resultados para Compressed earth blocks


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Earth has been a traditional building material to construct houses in Africa. One of the most common techniques is the use of sun dried or kiln fired adobe bricks with mud mortar. Fired bricks are the main cause for deforestation in countries like Malawi. Although this technique is low-cost, the bricks vary largely in shape, strength and durability. This leads to weak houses which suffer considerable damage during floods and seismic events. One solution is the use of dry-stack masonry with stabilized interlocking compressed earth blocks (ICEB). This technology has the potential of substituting the current bricks by a more sustainable kind of block. This study was made in the context of the HiLoTec project, which focuses on houses in rural areas of developing countries. For this study, Malawi was chosen for a case study. This paper presents the experimental results of tests made with dry-stack ICEBs. Soil samples from Malawi were taken and studied. Since the experimental campaign could not be carried out in Malawi, a homogenization process of Portuguese soil was made to produce ICEBs at the University of Minho, Portugal. Then, the compression and tensile strength of the materials was determined via small cylinder samples. Subsequently, the compression and flexural strength of units were determined. Finally, tests to determine the compressive strength of both prisms and masonry wallets and to determine the initial shear strength of the dry interfaces were carried out. This work provides valuable data for low-cost eco-efficient housing


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The future of the construction industry will require changes at many levels. One is the ability of companies to adapt to new challenges, converting needs to opportunities and simultaneously contributing to the solving of social and environmental problems. In the coming decades we will see a change in attitude in the industry, with a strong tendency to adopt natural and recycled materials, as well as bet on green technology and social innovation oriented to emerging countries. On the other hand, emerging countries have a high demand for housing construction on a large scale, but the current techniques in the developed countries for building requires a large amount of natural resources and skilled labor. This contextualization brings sustainability problems for the construction sector in emerging countries, often with scarce natural resources and with the construction sector underdeveloped. Through a cooperative action between the construction company Mota-Engil Engineering and the University of Minho in Portugal, a construction technology was developed based on the use of Compressed Earth Blocks as part of a social concept for innovative small houses, favoring the adoption of local and natural materials and with the main premise of being dedicated to self-construction. The HiLoTec project - Development of a Sustainable Self-Construction System for Developing Countries was based on this idea. One of the several results of this project is this construction manual. To Mota-Engil the project was a platform for incubation of knowledge about earth construction and to obtain a constructive solution validated technically and scientifically, suitable to be implemented in the markets where it operates. For the University of Minho the project was an opportunity to strengthen skills in research, laboratory and scientific development, through the development of engineering studies, architecture and sustainability, as well as supporting the doctoral scholarships and dissemination of scientific publications. May the knowledge of this project be of benefit, in the future, for the welfare of those who build a HiLoTec house.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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La presente tesis continúa una línea de investigación iniciada en el 2006, centrada en el estudio de nuevas soluciones constructivas que toman la tierra cruda como base. Se pretende la difusión de los resultados obtenidos con el fin de fomentar estas técnicas constructivas, como por ejemplo, los sistemas de eco-construcción. El empleo de tierra cruda como sistema constructivo presenta grandes ventajas; entre ellas, un bajo impacto medioambiental, la capacidad de integración en el paisaje y un menor consumo energético. Con el fin de superar los inconvenientes que presenta el empleo de la tierra como elemento constructivo y afianzar su valor como posible material para la edificación, se estudian las propiedades de durabilidad de la misma y se dan pautas para una posible normativa futura. Se ha llevado a cabo un análisis exhaustivo de las normativas internacionales, estudiando los ensayos propuestos por los diferentes Organismos Internacionales de Normalización para caracterizar la durabilidad de los materiales de tierra. Ante la gran diversidad y heterogeneidad de las especificaciones encontradas en los ensayos que se aplican para un mismo fin, se han desarrollado dispositivos lo suficientemente versátiles para la ejecución de los ensayos propuestos. El conjunto de ensayos desarrollados en esta tesis, ha permitido elaborar una guía de recomendaciones para ensayos aplicados a materiales de tierra cruda. Además, se han estudiado las diferencias de comportamiento de los bloques de tierra comprimidos (BTC) fabricados en España, evaluando su viabilidad como material de construcción. Esta tesis ayuda a consolidar el papel de la tierra cruda en el panorama de edificación actual, solventando las dudas de los técnicos en cuanto a la durabilidad frente al agua y ausencia de normativa. Por tanto, las conclusiones sobre ensayos de durabilidad en materiales de tierra y las mejoras propuestas en algunos ensayos, sirven de referencia para la determinación de la durabilidad en los materiales basados en tierra cruda. De igual manera, es también un objetivo de la tesis que los resultados obtenidos aporten una visión general del estado normativo de los materiales a base de tierra cruda e información útil a aportar para la elaboración de documentos reconocidos sobre tierra en nuestro país, concretamente, apoyando la labor de normalización llevada a cabo en el subcomité de AENOR. This thesis continues a research line begun in 2006, focused on the study of new building solutions based on unbaked earth. With the aim to promote these construction techniques, it seeks the diffusion of the result obtained, for example eco-building systems. The use of unbaked earth as building system has great advantages such as low environmental impact, integrate ability into the landscape and lower energy consumption. In order to overcome the disadvantages of the use of earth as a building element and consolidate its value as possible building material, it is studied the properties of its durability and it is given guidelines for possible future standard. It has carried out an exhaustive analysis of international standards, studying the tests proposed by several International Organizations of Standards in order to characterize the durability of earth materials. Because of the great diversity and heterogeneity of the specifications found in the tests that are applied for the same purpose, we have developed devices versatile enough for the implementation of the proposed tests. The set of developed tests in this thesis has allowed developing a recommendation guideline for tests applied to unbaked earth materials. In addition, we have studied the differences of behavior of compressed earth blocks (CEB) manufactured in Spain, evaluating its viability as building material. This thesis helps to consolidate the role of unbaked earth in the scene of current building, solving the doubts of technicians about durability against rain and lack of standard. Therefore, the conclusions of durability tests in earth materials and the proposed improvements in some tests, serve as a reference for determining the durability of the materials based on raw earth. In the same way, it is also an objective of the thesis that the obtained results provide an overview of standards status of materials based on unbaked earth and useful information for the development documents recognized on earth in our country, supporting the standardization that is taking place at the subcommittee AENOR.


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Existe un creciente interés internacional por el ahorro energético y la sostenibilidad en la edificación con importantes repercusiones en la Arquitectura. La inercia térmica es un parámetro fundamental para poder valorar energéticamente un edificio en condiciones reales. Para ello es necesario cambiar el enfoque tradicional de transmisión de calor en régimen estacionario por otro en régimen dinámico en el que se analizan las ondas térmicas y el flujo de calor oscilante que atraviesan los cerramientos. Los parámetros que definen la inercia térmica son: el espesor, la difusividad y el ciclo térmico. A su vez la difusividad está determinada por la conductividad térmica, la densidad y el calor específico del material. De estos parámetros la conductividad es el más complejo, variable y difícil de medir, especialmente en los cerramientos de tierra debido a su heterogeneidad y complejidad higrotérmica. En general, los métodos de medida de la conductividad o transmitancias en los paramentos presentan inconvenientes a la hora de medir un edificio construido con tierra: dificultades de implementación, el elevado coste o la fiabilidad de los resultados, principalmente. El Método de la Aguja Térmica (MAT) se basa en el principio de la evolución en el tiempo del calor emitido por una fuente lineal al insertarse en el seno de un material. Se ha escogido este método porque resulta práctico, de bajo coste y de fácil aplicación a gran escala pero tiene serios problemas de fiabilidad y exactitud. En esta tesis se desarrolla un método de medida de la conductividad térmica para Piezas de Albañilería de Tierra Cruda en laboratorio basado en el MAT, se mejora su fiabilidad, se analiza su incertidumbre, se compara con otros métodos de referencia y se aplica en adobes, Bloques de Tierra Comprimida y probetas de tierra estabilizada con distintas proporciones de paja. Este método servirá de base a una posterior aplicación in situ. Finalmente se proponen modelos matemáticos para mejorar la exactitud del dispositivo utilizado y para la estimación de la conductividad de cerramientos de tierra en función de su densidad. Con los resultados obtenidos se analizan las posibilidades de amortiguación y retardo de las ondas térmicas y capacidad de almacenaje de energía de los cerramientos en función de su densidad y humedad. There is growing international interest in energy saving and sustainability in buildings with significant impact on Architecture. Thermal inertia is a key parameter to assess energy in buildings in real conditions. This requires changing the traditional approach to heat transfer in steady state by another in dynamic regime which analyzes the thermal waves and oscillating heat flux passing through the external walls. The parameters defining the thermal inertia are: the thickness, the diffusivity and the thermal cycle. In turn, the diffusivity is determined by the thermal conductivity, density and specific heat of the material. Of these parameters, thermal conductivity is the most complex, variable and difficult to measure, especially in earth walls due to their heterogeneity and hygrothermal complexity. In general, the methods of measurement of conductivity and transmittance in walls have drawbacks when measuring a building with earth: implementation difficulties, high cost, or reliability of the results, mainly. The Thermal Needle Procedure (TNP) is based on the principle of evolution in time of heat from a line source when inserted within a material. This method was chosen because it is a practical, low cost and easy to implement on a large scale but has serious problems of reliability and accuracy. This thesis develops a laboratory method for measuring the thermal conductivity of Masonry Units Unfire Earth-based based on TNP, its uncertainty is analyzed, compared to other reference methods and applies in adobes, Compressed Earth Blocks and stabilized soil specimens with different proportions of straw. This method will form the basis of a subsequent application in situ. Finally, mathematical models are proposed to improve the accuracy of the device used, and to estimate the conductivity of earth enclosures depending on its density. With the results obtained earth enclosures are analyzed to estimate their possibilities of delay and buffer of termal waves and energy storage capacity according to their density and moisture.


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Proceedingsof the XII DBMC – 12th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Vol.2, Porto, FEUP, March 2011, p.689-696


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3rd Historic Mortars Conference, 11-14 September 2013, Glasgow, Scotland


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For centuries, earth has been used as a construction material. Nevertheless, the normative in this matter is very scattered, and the most developed countries, to carry out a construction with this material implies a variety of technical and legal problems. In this paper we review, in an international level, the normative panorama about earth constructions. It analyzes ninety one standards and regulations of countries all around the five continents. These standards represent the state of art that normalizes the earth as a construction material. In this research we analyze the international standards to earth construction, focusing on durability test (spray and drip erosion tests). It analyzes the differences between methods of test. Also we show all results about these tests in two types of compressed earth block.


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Despite significant advances in building technologies with the use of conventional construction materials (as concrete and steel), which significantly have driven the construction industry, earth construction have demonstrated its importance and relevance, as well as it has matched in an efficient and eco-friendly manner the social housing concerns. The diversity of earth construction techniques allowed this material to adapt to different climatic, cultural and social contexts until the present time. However, in Angola, the construction with earth is still associated with population fringes of weak economic resources, for which, given the impossibility of being able to acquire modern construction materials (steel, cement, brick, among others), they resort to the use of available natural materials. Furthermore, the lack of scientific and technical knowledge justifies the negative appreciation of traditional building techniques, and the derogatory way how are considered the earth constructions in Angolan territory. Given the country's current development status, and taking into account the environmental requirements and the real socio-economic sustainability of Angola, it is considered that one of the viable and adequate options, could be the recovering and upgrading of the ancestral techniques of earth construction. The purpose of this research is to develop the technical and scientific knowledge in order to improve and optimize these construction solutions, responding to the real problems of housing quality as well as to the current social, economic and environmental sustainability requirements. In this paper, a description of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the adobes typically used in the construction of traditional houses in some localities of Huambo, province in Angola, is carried out. The methodology was based on mechanical in-situ testing in adobe blocks manufactured with traditional procedures: i) tensile strength evaluated with the bending test and compressive strength test on earth blocks specimens; and, ii) durability and erodibility test by Geelong method adopting the New Zealand standard (NZS) procedures (4297: 1998; 4297: 1998 and 4297: 1999). The results allow the characterization of the materials used in the construction of raw earth in the Huambo region, contributing to the development of knowledge of these sustainable and traditional housing constructive solutions with a strong presence in Angola [1, 2]. This study is part of a larger project in the area of Earth Construction [3], which aims to produce knowledge which can stimulate the use of environmental friendly construction materials and contribute to develop constructive solutions with improved performance, durability, comfort, safety and sustainability.


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In Angola, the construction made of raw earth is a cultural heritage widely used by low income households, representing over 80% of the population [1, 3]. In Huila province is evident construction in raw earth in a large scale, either in urban or in periurban and rural areas. The construction methods follow the ancestral standards, distributed throughout the region of Huila, being built by the several ethnic groups. Among the construction techniques in earth, stand out: the adobe, wattle-and-daub and more recently on CEB (Compressed Earth Block). The type of soil used to make the adobes is mainly silty-clayed sand [1]. The most applied materials are: rods, reeds, wood, grass, straw, soil and stone, almost with the same characteristics [2]. The manufacture of adobe, consists essentially in mixing clay and grass (plant fibers), then put the mixture inside a wooden mold, having a size of 42 cm long and 18 cm high and taking three to four days to dry and be applied in housing construction. The application of these materials makes the construction less expensive because they are collected, transformed and applied by the owner himself of housing without any project, based only on the result of the practice and experience acquired from their ancestors. They are simple constructions, presenting a typology of grouped and isolated single-family housing, ranging between 2 and 3 bedrooms [2]. The construction techniques used in such small housings have positive environmental aspects, both as regards the materials employed, such as the manner in which the constructions are raised, showing special concerns for the quality improvement of them, as regards the resistance, durability and comfort [4].


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Comunicação oral convidada - IL4