998 resultados para Comparative achievement


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Das Wort Transparenz ist aus den aktuellen, öffentlichen Debatten um Informationsfreiheit nicht mehr wegzudenken. Doch wer den Transparenzdiskurs ausschließlich auf politischer Ebene im Kontext von Whistleblowern, Wikileaks, NSA-Affäre oder Piraten-Partei verortet, verkennt, dass Transparenz, wie Han feststellt, als ein systematischer Zwang wirkt, der alle gesellschaftlichen Bereiche – also auch das Bildungswesen – erfasst und sie tiefgreifend verändert. [...] Die Hattie-Studie markiert hier einen besonderen Höhepunkt, da sie alle bisher veröffentlichten Studien an Umfang und Aufwand deutlich übertrifft und dabei den Anspruch erhebt, Lernen und Lehren sichtbar zu machen. Doch welches Recht hat der Sehende auf das Sichtbar-zu-Machende? Wer profitiert hier? Unter welchen Bedingungen kann der oder die Durch-Schaute diese Veräußerung des Selbst verweigern, d.h. seine bzw. ihre Undurchschaubarkeit geltend machen? Welche anthropologischen und gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen folgen aus dem Anspruch, den Menschen durchschaubar zu machen? Und dürfen bzw. können wir die Preisgabe von Geheimnissen bedenkenlos fordern? Bevor diese Fragen rund um die Hattie-Studie erörtert werden, sei zum Zwecke eines tieferen Verständnisses zunächst nach der Herkunft dieses Transparenztraums und des damit verbundenen Strebens nach Durch-Sichtigkeit von Mensch und Gesellschaft gefragt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Also pub. as Contributions to education, no. 111.


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Published also as thesis (PH. D.) Columbia university, 1921.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an alternate day block schedule design (n = 419) versus a traditional six-period schedule design (n = 623) on the academic achievement of the graduating classes in two schools in which the design was used respectively. Academic achievement was measured by (a) two standardized tests: the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test Sunshine State Standards (FCAT-SSS) in mathematics and reading for 9th and 10th grade and the Scholastic Reading Inventory Test (SRI) for 9 th, 10th, and 11th grade; (b) three school grades: the mathematics final course grades for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade, the English final course grades for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade and the graduating GPA. A total of five repeated measure analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were conducted to analyze the difference between the two schools (representing the two designs) with respect to five achievement indicators (FCAT-SSS mathematics scores, FCAT-SSS reading scores, SRI scores, mathematics final course grades, and English final course grades). The between-subject factor for the five ANOVAs was the schedule design and the within-subject factor was the time the tests were taken or the time the course grades were issued. T-tests were performed on all eighth grade achievement indicators to ensure there were no significant differences in achievement between the two cohorts prior to entering high school. An independent samples t-test was conducted to analyze the difference between the two schedule designs with respect to graduating GPA. Achievement in the alternate day block schedule design was significantly higher than in the traditional six-period schedule design for some of the locally assigned school grades. The difference between the two types of schedule designs was not significant for the standardized measures (the FCAT-SSS in reading and mathematics and the SRI). This study concludes that the use of an alternate day block schedule design can be considered an educational tool that can help improve the academic achievement of students as measured by local indicators of achievement; but, apparently the design is not an important factor in achievement as measured by state examinations such as the FCAT-SSS or the SRI.


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Large-scale international comparative studies and cross-ethnic studies have revealed that Chinese students, whether living in China or overseas, consistently outperform their counterparts in mathematics achievement. These studies tended to explain this result from psychological, educational, or cultural perspectives. However, there is scant sociological investigation addressing Chinese students’ better mathematics achievement. Drawing on Bourdieu’s sociological theory, this study conceptualises Chinese Australians’ “Chineseness” by the notion of ‘habitus’ and considers this “Chineseness” generating but not determinating mechanism that underpins Chinese Australians’ mathematics learning. Two hundred and thirty complete responses from Chinese Australian participants were collected by an online questionnaire. Simple regression model statistically significantly well predicted mathematics achievement by “Chineseness” (F = 141.90, R = .62, t = 11.91, p < .001). Taking account of “Chineseness” as a sociological mechanism for Chinese Australians’ mathematics learning, this study complements psychological and educational impacts on better mathematics achievement of Chinese students revealed by previous studies. This study also challenges the cultural superiority discourse that attributes better mathematics achievement of Chinese students to cultural factors.


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Large-scale international comparative studies and cross-ethnic studies have revealed that Chinese students, living either in China or overseas, consistently outperform their counterparts in mathematics. Empirical research has discussed psychological, educational, and cultural reasons behind Chinese students’ better mathematics performance. However, there is scant sociological investigation of this phenomenon. The current mixed methods study aims to make a contribution in this regard. The study conceptualises Chineseness through Bourdieu’s sociological notion of habitus and considers this habitus of Chineseness generating, but not determining, mechanism that underpins commitment to mathematics learning. The study firstly analyses the responses of 230 Chinese Australian participants to a set of questionnaire items. Results indicate that the habitus of Chineseness significantly mediates the relationship between participants’ commitment to mathematics learning and their mathematics achievement. The study then reports on the interviews with five participants to add nuances and dynamics to the mediating role of habitus of Chineseness. The study complements the existing literature by providing sociological insight into the better mathematics achievement of Chinese students.


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In this paper we present the process and results of an investigation in which, after reflecting on the concept of Practicum and, specifically, in the Practicum in Educational Psychology degree taught at the University of A Coruña, an assessment is made taking into account the opinion of the students who have studied this matter, as to the relevance that the planned objectives are given and subsequent achievement of these. The results differ considering the area that the teacher who has tutored belongs to. Methodologicaly, it is a descriptive research, survey type, which involved a significant sample of students in their final year of the degree in the year 2012/13 through a questionnaire which validity (Teaching and content) and reliability (internal consistency) have been properly set (judgment of experts and a pilot experience for the calculation of Cronbach's alpha). The results show that the Practicum program has a good development of most of the objectives, especially those related to skills, where the average of the highest rated goals exceed the rating of 4. This suggests clear lines for innovation and improvement in the areas of conceptual and attitudinal level.


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La schizophrénie est un trouble mental qui touche environ un pour cent de la population et dont les symptômes et troubles associés affectent la capacité des individus à fonctionner dans la communauté. Dans la dernière décennie, des services spécialisés dans la détection et l’intervention précoce dès le premier épisode psychotique ont été implantés dans plusieurs pays. Or, ces services ont surtout ciblé, jusqu’ici, la réduction des symptômes et de la demande de soins. Les difficultés fonctionnelles des jeunes adultes schizophrènes justifient que les services qui leur sont destinés misent également sur la réadaptation et l’amélioration du fonctionnement dans la communauté. Les besoins, priorités et préférences de cette population, ainsi que l’impact des particularités développementales du jeune âge adulte sur leur fonctionnement, sont méconnus. Cette étude propose de documenter le fonctionnement dans la communauté des jeunes adultes schizophrènes au stade du premier épisode psychotique et de le comparer à celui de leurs pairs sans psychopathologie. L’utilisation d’un modèle théorique de réadaptation, le modèle de Compétence, permet de conceptualiser le fonctionnement sous l’angle de la relation personne-environnement. Ce projet s’inscrit dans une approche de recherche synthétique ; le devis préconisé est une étude de cas multiples avec l’utilisation de méthodes mixtes (qualitatives et quantitatives), selon un modèle concurrent de triangulation (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007). Les résultats mettent en lumière des différences entre les deux groupes dans les domaines des relations sociales et conjugales, du cheminement académique et de l’indépendance résidentielle et financière. Les données qualitatives, analysées selon le modèle de la théorisation ancrée (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), permettent de comprendre les processus sociaux impliqués dans l’accomplissement des tâches développementales au jeune âge adulte, ainsi que les conditions personnelles et systémiques sous-jacentes. Les résultats soulignent l’importance d’adapter les services résidentiels aux particularités développementales, de favoriser le soutien aux études et d’inclure les amis et les pairs dans la réadaptation des personnes touchées. Cette thèse permet à la fois d’identifier les besoins et priorités de cette population, de donner une voix aux jeunes adultes schizophrènes dans l’élaboration des services qui leur sont destinés et d’examiner les enjeux méthodologiques reliés à l’utilisation d’un devis mixte en recherche clinique.


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Suite aux grands changements politiques, économiques et sociaux que l’Occident a connus depuis plus d’un siècle, de nombreux problèmes ont émergé, de nouveaux défis ont été lancés et plusieurs approches et solutions ont été avancées. L’avènement de la démocratie, un exploit humain inestimable, a plus ou moins règlementé la pluralité idéologique, pour permettre un exercice politique organisé. Aujourd’hui, dans le nouvel ordre mondial, c’est la pluralité morale et religieuse qui a besoin d’être gérée; un défi pour les institutions démocratiques et pour la société civile, afin de réaliser un mieux vivre-ensemble dans le dialogue, la compréhension et le compromis. Or, beaucoup de travail est encore à faire : dans un premier temps, à l’intérieur de chaque tradition religieuse; dans un deuxième temps, entre les différentes traditions; et dans un troisième temps, entre ces traditions et la modernité. Le ‘dogmatisme’ est au cœur de ces débats, qu’il soit d’ordre traditionnel ou moderne, il entrave la raison dans son processus de libération et d’émancipation. La problématique de ce mémoire concerne la gestion de la pluralité morale et religieuse en Occident. Dans ce travail, nous allons essayer de démontrer comment la libération du dogmatisme en général et la libération du ‘dogmatisme’ musulman, en particulier, peuvent contribuer à la réalisation d’un mieux vivre-ensemble en Occident. Pour ce faire, nous analyserons les projets de deux penseurs musulmans contemporains : Muhammad Arkoun et Tariq Ramadan. Notre recherche va essentiellement se pencher sur leurs attitudes vis-à-vis de la tradition et de la modernité, car, nous pensons que l’enjeu du ‘dogmatisme’ est lié aux rapports des musulmans à leur tradition et à la modernité. Selon nos deux penseurs, la libération du ‘dogmatisme’ musulman n’est possible qu’à condition de pouvoir changer à la fois notre rapport à la tradition et à la modernité. Arkoun pense que ce changement doit suivre le modèle de la libération occidentale, au moyen d’une critique subversive de la tradition islamique. Cependant, Ramadan opte pour une réforme radicale de la pensée islamique qui vise une critique globale de la tradition, mais, qui épargne les fondements de la foi : le ‘sacré’.


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En esta investigación se ha estudiado la relación entre dos subsistemas de la memoria de trabajo (bucle fonológico y agenda viso-espacial) y el rendimiento en cálculo con una muestra de 94 niños españoles de 7-8 años. Hemos administrado dos pruebas de cálculo diseñadas para este estudio y seis medidas simples de memoria de trabajo (de contenido verbal, numérico y espacial) de la «Batería de Tests de Memoria de Treball» de Pickering, Baqués y Gathercole (1999), y dos pruebas visuales complementarias. Los resultados muestran una correlación importante entre las medidas de contenido verbal y numérico y el rendimiento en cálculo. En cambio, no hemos encontrado ninguna relación con las medidas espaciales. Se concluye, por lo tanto, que en escolares españoles existe una relación importante entre el bucle fonológico y el rendimiento en tareas de cálculo. En cambio, el rol de la agenda viso-espacial es nulo


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Includes bibliography


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Two different methods of analysis of plate bending, FEM and BM are discussed in this paper. The plate behaviour is assumed to be represented by using the linear thin plate theory where the Poisson-Kirchoff assumption holds. The BM based in a weighted mean square error technique produced good results for the problem of plate bending. The computational effort demanded in the BM is smaller than the one needed in a FEM analysis for the same level of accuracy. The general application of the FEM cannot be matched by the BM. Particularly, different types of geometry (plates of arbitrary geometry) need a similar but not identical treatment in the BM. However, this loss of generality is counterbalanced by the computational efficiency gained in the BM in the solution achievement


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An online open access test (CREAX self-assessment) has been used in this work so that students from degrees in engineering in the Universidad Polite¿cnica of Madrid (UPM) could self-assess their creative competence after several classroom activities. Different groups from the first year course have been statistically compared using data from their assessment. These first year students had different professors in the subject ?Technical Drawing? and belonged to several degrees in the UPM. They were as well compared regarding sex and a group of first year students was also compared to another last year group of the degree so as to observe possible differences in the achievement of this competence. Only one difference was detected concerning sex in one of the degrees. Among degrees, the higher marks obtained by students who had done specific exercises for the development of creativity in class is highlighted. Finally, a significantly high mark was observed in students during their last year of degree with respect to first year students. The tool CREAX has become very useful in the assessment of this competence in the UPM degrees in which it has been implemented.


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In this study, we assessed whether contextual factors related to where or when an athlete is born influence their likelihood of playing professional sport. The birthplace and birth month of all American players in the National Hockey League, National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball, and Professional Golfer's Association, and all Canadian players in the National Hockey League were collected from official websites. Monte Carlo simulations were used to verify if the birthplace of these professional athletes deviated in any systematic way from the official census population distribution, and chi-square analyses were conducted to determine whether the players' birth months were evenly distributed throughout the year. Results showed a birthplace bias towards smaller cities, with professional athletes being over-represented in cities of less than 500,000 and under-represented in cities of 500,000 and over. A birth month/relative age effect (in the form of a distinct bias towards elite athletes being relatively older than their peers) was found for hockey and baseball but not for basketball and golf. Comparative analyses suggested that contextual factors associated with place of birth contribute more influentially to the achievement of an elite level of sport performance than does relative age and that these factors are essentially independent in their influences on expertise development.


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In this study, we assessed whether contextual factors related to where or when an athlete is born influence their likelihood of playing professional sport. The birthplace and birth month of all American players in the National Hockey League, National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball, and Professional Golfer's Association, and all Canadian players in the National Hockey League were collected from official websites. Monte Carlo simulations were used to verify if the birthplace of these professional athletes deviated in any systematic way from the official census population distribution, and chi-square analyses were conducted to determine whether the players' birth months were evenly distributed throughout the year. Results showed a birthplace bias towards smaller cities, with professional athletes being over-represented in cities of less than 500,000 and under-represented in cities of 500,000 and over. A birth month/relative age effect (in the form of a distinct bias towards elite athletes being relatively older than their peers) was found for hockey and baseball but not for basketball and golf. Comparative analyses suggested that contextual factors associated with place of birth contribute more influentially to the achievement of an elite level of sport performance than does relative age and that these factors are essentially independent in their influences on expertise development.