986 resultados para Companion animals medicine
Characterization of third-generation-cephalosporin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates originating mainly from one human hospital (n = 22) and one companion animal hospital (n = 25) in Bern (Switzerland) revealed the absence of epidemiological links between human and animal isolates. Human infections were not associated with the spread of any specific clone, while the majority of animal infections were due to K. pneumoniae sequence type 11 isolates producing plasmidic DHA AmpC. This clonal dissemination within the veterinary hospital emphasizes the need for effective infection control practices.
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A large longitudinal dataset on women's health in Australia provided the basis of analysis of potential positive health effects of living with a companion animal. Age, living arrangements, and housing all strongly related to both living with companion animals and health. Methodological problems in using data from observational studies to disentangle a potential association in the presence of substantial effects of demographic characteristics are highlighted. Our findings may help to explain some inconsistencies and contradictions in the literature about the health benefits of companion animals, as well as offer suggestions for ways to more forward in future investigations of human-pet relationships.
In an increasingly hygiene concerned society, a major barrier to pet ownership is the perceived role of companion animals in contributing to the risk of exposure to zoonotic bacterial pathogens, such as Salmonella. Manifestations of Salmonella can range from acute gastroenteritis to perfuse enteric fever, in both humans and dogs. Dogs are heavily associated with asymptomatic carriage of Salmonella as the microorganism can persist in the lower intestines of this host which can be then excreted into the environment. Studies in to the asymptomatic carriage of Salmonella in dogs are somewhat dated and there is limited UK data. The current UK carriage rate in dogs was investigated in a randomised dog population and it was revealed that the carriage rate in this population was very low with only one household dog positive for the carriage of Salmonella enterica arizonae (0.2%), out of 490 dogs sampled. Salmonella serotypes share phenotypic and genotypic similarities which are captured in epidemiological typing methods. Therefore, in parallel to the epidemiological investigations, a panel of clinical canine (VLA, UK) and human (Aston University, UK) Salmonella isolates were profiled based on their phenotypic and genotypic characteristics; using API 20E, Biolog Microbial ID System, antibiotic sensitivity testing and PFGE, respectively. Antibiotic sensitivity testing revealed a significant difference between the canine and human isolates with the canine group demonstrating a higher resistance to the panel of antibiotics tested. Further metabolic capabilities of the strains were tested using the Biolog Microbial ID System, which reveal no clear association between the two host groups. However, coupled with Principle Component Analysis two canine isolates were discriminated from the entire population on the basis of a high up-regulation of two carbohydrates. API 20E testing revealed no association between the two host groups. A PFGE harmonised protocol was used to genotypically profile the strains. A dendrogram depicting PFGE profiles of the panel of Salmonella isolates was performed where similarities were calculated by Dice coefficient and represented by UPGMA clustering. Clustering of the profiles from canine isolates and human isolates (HPA, UK) was diverse representing a natural heterogeneity of the genus, additionally, no clear clustering of the isolates was observed between host groups. Clustering was observed with isolates from the same serotype, independent of host origin. Host adaption is a common phenomenon in certain Salmonella serotypes, for example S. Typhi in humans and S. Dublin in cattle. It was of interest to investigate potential host adaptive or restricted strains for canine host by performing adhesion and invasion assays on Dog Intestinal Epithelial Cells (DIECs) (WALTHAM®, UK) and human CaCo-2 (HPA, UK) cell lines. Salmonella arizonae and Enteritidis from an asymptomatic dog and clinical isolate, respectively, demonstrated a significantly high proportion of invasion in DIEC in comparison to human CaCo-2 cells and other tested Salmonella serotypes. This may be suggestive of a potential host restrictive strain as their ability to invade the CaCo-2 cell line was significantly lower than the other serotypes. In conclusion to this thesis the investigations carried out suggest that asymptomatic carriage of Salmonella in UK dogs is low however the microorganism remains as a zoonotic and anthroponotic pathogen based on phenotypic and genotypic characterisation however there may be potential for particular serotype to become host restricted as observed in invasion assays
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Seven Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from dogs and cats in Spain were found to be highly resistant to aminoglycosides, and ArmA methyltransferase was responsible for this phenotype. All isolates were typed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) as ST11, a human epidemic clone reported worldwide and associated with, among others, OXA-48 and NDM carbapenemases. In the seven strains, armA was borne by an IncR plasmid, pB1025, of 50 kb. The isolates were found to coproduce DHA-1 and SHV-11 β-lactamases, as well as the QnrB4 resistance determinant. This first report of the ArmA methyltransferase in pets illustrates their importance as a reservoir for human multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae.
O presente relatório diz respeito ao estágio curricular realizado no Hospital Veterinário de Portimão, sob a orientação da Prof. Doutora Josefina Coucelo e com a duração de cinco meses, entre um de janeiro de 2016 e trinta e um de maio de 2016. Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito da conclusão do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária e consiste em duas partes. A primeira é referente aos casos acompanhados no decorrer do estágio curricular, e a segunda é uma revisão bibliográfica do tema “Leishmaniose Felina”, seguida de um caso clínico acompanhado pelo autor. A Leishmaniose é uma importante zoonose, endémica em várias regiões no mundo, como o sul da Europa, afetando variados mamíferos, debilitando-os e podendo ser fatal. Causada por protozoários do género Leishmania, considera-se como uma afeção rara em gatos. Existe um número crescente de casos nesta espécie, que não é, no entanto, reservatório da infeção para humanos; Small Animal Practice Abstract: The present report describes a training in Portimãos’s Veterinary Hospital, under Doctor Josefina Coucelo’s supervision with the duration of five months, between the 1st January 2016 and the 31st May 2016. This report was written in the context of the Veterinary Medicine Integrated Master degree’s conclusion and is made up of two parts. The first refers to the clinical cases followed during the training and the second is a monography about “Feline Leishmaniasis”, followed by a case report on the subject observed by the author. Leishmaniasis is an important zoonosis endemic in many world regions as well as in southern Europe, affecting many mammals debilitating them and sometimes fatal. It is caused by protozoan of the genus Leishmania. It’s considered a rare affection in cats, however, there’s an increasing number of cases in this host species which still isn’t considered a human infection reservoir.
Companion animals are increasingly brought along by their owners to foreign countries. Thus, small animal travel medicine is becoming more important. The field includes both prophylaxis and metaphylaxis against various infectious diseases, as well as their diagnosis and treatment. Dogs returning from Southern Europe, but also from more tropical regions, may be infected with exotic pathogens. In addition, imported pedigree or working dogs, and especially stray dogs imported through welfare organisations, are at high risk.The present overview summarises the clinical and practical aspects of exotic parasitic diseases that may affect such dogs, and the risk of such diseases becoming autochthonously transmitted in Switzerland. Furthermore, the zoonotic potential of these infections will be considered.
Companion animals closely share their domestic environment with people and have the potential to, act as sources of zoonotic diseases. They also have the potential to be sentinels of infectious and noninfectious, diseases. With the exception of rabies, there has been minimal ongoing surveillance of, companion animals in Canada. We developed customized data extraction software, the University of, Calgary Data Extraction Program (UCDEP), to automatically extract and warehouse the electronic, medical records (EMR) from participating private veterinary practices to make them available for, disease surveillance and knowledge creation for evidence-based practice. It was not possible to build, generic data extraction software; the UCDEP required customization to meet the specific software, capabilities of the veterinary practices. The UCDEP, tailored to the participating veterinary practices', management software, was capable of extracting data from the EMR with greater than 99%, completeness and accuracy. The experiences of the people developing and using the UCDEP and the, quality of the extracted data were evaluated. The electronic medical record data stored in the data, warehouse may be a valuable resource for surveillance and evidence-based medical research.
Large amounts of animal health care data are present in veterinary electronic medical records (EMR) and they present an opportunity for companion animal disease surveillance. Veterinary patient records are largely in free-text without clinical coding or fixed vocabulary. Text-mining, a computer and information technology application, is needed to identify cases of interest and to add structure to the otherwise unstructured data. In this study EMR's were extracted from veterinary management programs of 12 participating veterinary practices and stored in a data warehouse. Using commercially available text-mining software (WordStat™), we developed a categorization dictionary that could be used to automatically classify and extract enteric syndrome cases from the warehoused electronic medical records. The diagnostic accuracy of the text-miner for retrieving cases of enteric syndrome was measured against human reviewers who independently categorized a random sample of 2500 cases as enteric syndrome positive or negative. Compared to the reviewers, the text-miner retrieved cases with enteric signs with a sensitivity of 87.6% (95%CI, 80.4-92.9%) and a specificity of 99.3% (95%CI, 98.9-99.6%). Automatic and accurate detection of enteric syndrome cases provides an opportunity for community surveillance of enteric pathogens in companion animals.
A pressão seletiva originada pelo uso excessivo de antimicrobianos na medicina humana e veterinária tem contribuído para a emergência de estirpes bacterianas multirresistentes, sendo os estudos mais escassos relativamente à sua presença nos animais de companhia. Porque os animais e os seus proprietários partilham o mesmo espaço habitacional, apresentando comportamentos de contacto próximo, existe uma hipótese elevada de transferência microbiana inter-espécie. Ante esta possibilidade é importante escrutinar o papel dos animais de companhia enquanto reservatórios de estirpes e de genes de resistência, bem como a sua envolvência na disseminação de estirpes bacterianas multirresistentes. Importa também, investigar o papel das superfícies e objetos domésticos partilhados por ambos, como potenciadores deste fenómeno. O objetivo deste trabalho foi, identificar o filogrupo e fazer a caracterização molecular dos genes que conferem resistência aos β-lactâmicos e às quinolonas, em quarenta isolados de Escherichia coli produtoras de β-lactamases de espectro alargado (ESBL), obtidas em zaragatoas fecais de cães consultados no Hospital Veterinário do ICBAS-UP. Complementarmente pretendeu-se inferir sobre a partilha de clones de Escherichia coli e Enterococcus spp. com elevadas resistências, em cinco agregados familiares (humanos e seus animais de companhia) assim como avaliar a potencial disseminação de estirpes multirresistentes no ambiente doméstico. Previamente foram recolhidas zaragatoas de fezes, pelo e mucosa oral dos animais e em alguns casos, dos seus proprietários, e ainda do ambiente doméstico. As zaragatoas foram processadas e as estirpes isoladas com base em meios seletivos. Foram realizados testes de suscetibilidade antimicrobiana de modo a estabelecer o fenótipo de resistência de cada isolado. O DNA foi extraído por varias metodologias e técnicas de PCR foram utilizadas para caracterização de filogrupos (Escherichia coli) e identificação da espécie (Enterococcus spp.). A avaliação da proximidade filogenética entre isolados foi efetuada por ERIC PCR e PFGE. No conjunto de quarenta isolados produtores de ESBL e/ou resistentes a quinolonas verificou-se que 47,5% pertenciam ao filogrupo A, havendo uma menor prevalência do filogrupo D (25,0%), B1 (17,5%), e B2 (10,0%).A frequência de resistência nestes isolados é factualmente elevada, sendo reveladora de uma elevada pressão seletiva. Com exceção de dois isolados, os fenótipos foram justificados pela presença de β-lactamases. A frequência da presença de genes foi: 47% blaTEM, 34% blaSHV, 24% blaOXA , 18% blaCTX-M-15, 8% blaCTX-M-2, 3% blaCTX-M-9. Nos isolados resistentes às quinolonas verificou-se maioritariamente a presença de mutações nos genes cromossomais gyrA e parC, e em alguns casos a presença de um determinante de resistência mediado por plasmídeo – qnrS. Nos cinco “agregados familiares” (humanos e animais) estudados foi observada uma partilha frequente de clones de E. coli e Enterococcus faecalis com múltiplas resistências, isolados em fezes e mucosa oral de cães e gatos e fezes e mãos dos respetivos proprietários, evidenciando-se assim uma possível transferência direta entre coabitantes (agregados A, C, D, E). Ficou também comprovado com percentagens de similaridade genotípica superiores a 94% que essa disseminação também ocorre para o ambiente doméstico, envolvendo objetos dos animais e de uso comum (agregados A, E). Os resultados obtidos reforçam a necessidade de um uso prudente dos antimicrobianos, pois elevados padrões de resistências terão um impacto não só na qualidade de vida dos animais mas também na saúde humana. Adicionalmente importa sensibilizar os proprietários para a necessidade de uma maior vigilância relativamente às formas de interação com os animais, bem como para a adoção de medidas higiénicas cautelares após essa mesma interação.
On August 2931, 2004, 84 academic and industry scientists from 16 countries gathered in Copper Mountain, Colorado USA to discuss certain issues at the forefront of the science of probiotics and prebiotics. The format for this invitation only meeting included six featured lectures: engineering human vaginal lactobacilli to express HIV inhibitory molecules (Peter Lee, Stanford University), programming the gut for health (Thaddeus Stappenbeck, Washington University School of Medicine), immune modulation by intestinal helminthes (Joel Weinstock, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics), hygiene as a cause of autoimmune disorders (G. A. Rook, University College London), prebiotics and bone health (Connie Weaver, Purdue University) and prebiotics and colorectal cancer risk (Ian Rowland, Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health). In addition, all participants were included in one of eight discussion groups on the topics of engineered probiotics, host-commensal bacteria communication, 'omics' technologies, hygiene and immune regulation, biomarkers for healthy people, prebiotic and probiotic applications to companion animals, development of a probiotic dossier, and physiological relevance of prebiotic activity. Brief conclusions from these discussion groups are summarized in this paper.