928 resultados para Community characteristics
Epiphytic gastropods in Yangtze lakes have suffered from large-scale declines of submersed macrophytes during past decades. To better understand what controls gastropod community, monthly investigations were carried out in four Yangtze lakes during December, 2001-March, 2003. Composed of 23 species belonging to Pulmonata and Prosobranchia, the community is characterized by the constitution of small individuals. The average density and biomass were 417 +/- 160 ind/m(2) and 18.05 +/- 7.43 g/m(2), with maxima a-round August. Submersed macrophyte biomass is shown to be the key factor affecting species number, density, and biomass of gastropods. Accordingly, a series of annual and seasonal models yielding high predictive powers were generated. Preference analyses demonstrated that pulmonates and prosobranchs with different respiratory organs prefer different macrophyte functional groups.
It has been argued that though correlated with mental health, mental well-being is a distinct entity. Despite the wealth of literature on mental health, less is known about mental well-being. Mental health is something experienced by individuals, whereas mental well-being can be assessed at the population level. Accordingly it is important to differentiate the individual and population level factors (environmental and social) that could be associated with mental health and well-being, and as people living in deprived areas have a higher prevalence of poor mental health, these relationships should be compared across different levels of neighbourhood deprivation.
A cross-sectional representative random sample of 1,209 adults from 62 Super Output Areas (SOAs) in Belfast, Northern Ireland (Feb 2010 – Jan 2011) were recruited in the PARC Study. Interview-administered questionnaires recorded data on socio-demographic characteristics, health-related behaviours, individual social capital, self-rated health, mental health (SF-8) and mental well-being (WEMWBS). Multi-variable linear regression analyses, with inclusion of clustering by SOAs, were used to explore the associations between individual and perceived community characteristics and mental health and mental well-being, and to investigate how these associations differed by the level of neighbourhood deprivation.
Thirty-eight and 30 % of variability in the measures of mental well-being and mental health, respectively, could be explained by individual factors and the perceived community characteristics. In the total sample and stratified by neighbourhood deprivation, age, marital status and self-rated health were associated with both mental health and well-being, with the ‘social connections’ and local area satisfaction elements of social capital also emerging as explanatory variables. An increase of +1 in EQ-5D-3 L was associated with +1SD of the population mean in both mental health and well-being. Similarly, a change from ‘very dissatisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’ for local area satisfaction would result in +8.75 for mental well-being, but only in the more affluent of areas.
Self-rated health was associated with both mental health and mental well-being. Of the individual social capital explanatory variables, ‘social connections’ was more important for mental well-being. Although similarities in the explanatory variables of mental health and mental well-being exist, socio-ecological interventions designed to improve them may not have equivalent impacts in rich and poor neighbourhoods.
Objective: To examine the effects of personal and community characteristics, specifically race and rurality, on lengths of state psychiatric hospital and community stays using maximum likelihood survival analysis with a special emphasis on change over a ten year period of time. Data Sources: We used the administrative data of the Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS) from 1982-1991 and the Area Resources File (ARF). Given these two sources, we constructed a history file for each individual who entered the state psychiatric system over the ten year period. Histories included demographic, treatment, and community characteristics. Study Design: We used a longitudinal, population-based design with maximum likelihood estimation of survival models. We presented a random effects model with unobserved heterogeneity that was independent of observed covariates. The key dependent variables were lengths of inpatient stay and subsequent length of community stay. Explanatory variables measured personal, diagnostic, and community characteristics, as well as controls for calendar time. Data Collection: This study used secondary, administrative, and health planning data. Principal Findings: African-American clients leave the community more quickly than whites. After controlling for other characteristics, however, race does not affect hospital length of stay. Rurality does not affect length of community stays once other personal and community characteristics are controlled for. However, people from rural areas have longer hospital stays even after controlling for personal and community characteristics. The effects of time are significantly smaller than expected. Diagnostic composition effects and a decrease in the rate of first inpatient admissions explain part of this reduced impact of time. We also find strong evidence for the existence of unobserved heterogeneity in both types of stays and adjust for this in our final models. Conclusions: Our results show that information on client characteristics available from inpatient stay records is useful in predicting not only the length of inpatient stay but also the length of the subsequent community stay. This information can be used to target increased discharge planning for those at risk of more rapid readmission to inpatient care. Correlation across observed and unobserved factors affecting length of stay has significant effects on the measurement of relationships between individual factors and lengths of stay. Thus, it is important to control for both observed and unobserved factors in estimation.
The Seri people, a self-governed community of small-scale fishermen in the Gulf of California, Mexico, have ownership rights to fishing grounds where they harvest highly valuable commercial species of bivalves. Outsiders are eager to gain access, and the community has devised a set of rules to allow them in. Because Seri government officials keep all the economic benefits generated from granting this access for themselves, community members create alternative entry mechanisms to divert those benefits to themselves. Under Hardin’s model of the tragedy of the commons, this situation would eventually lead to the overexploitation of the fishery. The Seri people, however, are able to simultaneously maintain access and use controls for the continuing sustainability of their fishing grounds. Using insights from common- pool resources theory, I discuss how Seri community characteristics help mediate the conflict between collective action dilemmas and access and use controls.
The mobile component of a community inhabiting a submarine boulder scree/cliff was investigated at Lough Hyne, Ireland at dawn, midday, dusk and night over a 1-week period. Line transects (50 m) were placed in the infralittoral (6 m) and circumlittoral (18 m) zones and also the interface between these two zones (12 m). The dominant mobile fauna of this cliff consisted of echinoderms (6 species), crustaceans (10 species) and fish (23 species). A different component community was identified at each time/depth interval using Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) even though both species diversity (Shannon-Wiener indices) and richness (number of species) remained constant. These changes in community composition provided indirect evidence for migration by these mobile organisms. However, little evidence was found for migration between different zones with the exception of the several wrasse species. These species were observed to spend the daytime foraging in the deeper zone, but returned to the upper zone at night presumably for protection from predators. For the majority of species, migration was considered to occur to cryptic habitats such as holes and crevices. The number of organisms declined during the night, although crustacean numbers peaked, while fish and echinoderms were most abundant during day, possibly due to predator-prey interactions. This submarine community is in a state of flux, whereby, community characteristics, including trophic and energetic relationships, varied over small temporal (daily) and spatial (m) scales.
In a matched experimental design, the effectiveness of matching in reducing bias and increasing power depends on the strength of the association between the matching variable and the outcome of interest. In particular, in the design of a community health intervention trial, the effectiveness of a matched design, where communities are matched according to some community characteristic, depends on the strength of the correlation between the matching characteristic and the change in the health behavior being measured. We attempt to estimate the correlation between community characteristics and changes in health behaviors in four datasets from community intervention trials and observational studies. Community characteristics that are highly correlated with changes in health behaviors would potentially be effective matching variables in studies of health intervention programs designed to change those behaviors. Among the community characteristics considered, the urban-rural character of the community was the most highly correlated with changes in health behaviors. The correlations between Per Capita Income, Percent Low Income & Percent aged over 65 and changes in health behaviors were marginally statistically significant (p < 0.08).
This study presents a conceptual model of the supply and demand for mental health professionals. It uses national data to profile differences in the supply of mental health professionals in different types of rural and urban areas. It contrasts the availability of general health and mental health professionals. It examines shortage areas identified in 2000 and their related community characteristics. Because of the absence of data on a national level to describe many types of mental health professionals state licensure data for one state were used to show the volume and distribution of these practitioners. To improve rural mental health service delivery it will be necessary to implement system changes to promote the increased availability, competency, and support of rural health professionals. Copyright 2003, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Radopholus similis is a major constraint to banana production in Australia and growers have relied on nematicides to manage production losses. The use of organic amendments is one method that may reduce the need for nematicides, but there is limited knowledge of the influence of organic amendments on endo-migratory nematodes, such as R. similis. Nine different amendments, namely, mill mud, mill ash, biosolids, municipal waste compost, banana residue, grass hay, legume hay, molasses and calcium silicate were applied to the three major soil types of the wet tropics region used for banana production. The nutrient content of the amendments was also determined. Banana plants were inoculated with R. similis and grown in the soil-amendment mix for 12-weeks in a glasshouse experiment. Assessments of plant growth, plant-parasitic nematodes and soil nematode community characteristics were made at the termination of the experiment. Significant suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes occurred in soils amended with legume hay, grass hay, banana residue and mill mud relative to untreated soil. These amendments were found to have the highest N and C content. The application of banana residue and mill mud significantly increased shoot dry weight at the termination of the experiment relative to untreated soil. Furthermore, the applications of banana residue, grass hay, mill mud and municipal waste compost increased the potential for suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes through antagonistic activity. The application of amendments that are high in C and N appeared to be able to induce suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes in bananas, by developing a more favourable environment for antagonistic organisms.
根据野外样地调查方法取得数据,我对样地资料进行了以下几方面的分析。根据吴征镒、王荷生区系分析方法,分析了东北地区蒙古栎群落中261种维管植物的区系成分,还分别分析了蒙古栎群落的乔木层、灌木层、草本层以及层间植物的区系成分。比较了东北地区的10个地点和河北省1个地点的蒙古栎群落物种所在属的分布区类型,计算了温带属与热带属(T/R)的比值,并给出了T/R值、纬度和海拔三者关系的回归方程。最后对这种分布格局产生的原因进行了解释。分析了东北地区10个地点蒙古栎群落中290个维管植物的生活型,发现东北地区蒙古栎群落物种的生活型以地面芽最多,同时本文对地下芽、地面芽与纬度、海拔的关系进行了回归分析。根据Raunkiaer系统,分析了蒙古栎群落中337种维管植物的叶型,发现蒙古栎群落植物以小型叶为主,并分析了叶的边缘状况,全缘叶占22.3%。还分别分析了群落乔木、灌木和草本的叶型及叶缘状况。分析了13个地点蒙古栎群落物种相似性与两地之间距离的关系。 比较了丰林自然保护区三个不同年龄林(64年、100年和270年)物种多样性特征。对黑龙江省七个地点的蒙古栎林的更新特点的分析,蒙古栎林可划分为不同特点的蒙古栎林型,即蒙古栎纯林、蒙古栎桦林林、蒙古栎落叶松林、蒙古栎槭树林、蒙古栎红松林和蒙古栎红松混交林等。 比较了13个地点蒙古栎群落的物种丰富度、Simpson指数、PIE指数、Shannon指数和Pielou指数。并对蒙古栎群落和核桃揪群落、蒙古栎群落和长白落叶松群落、蒙古栎群落和杂灌丛群落及其交错带进行了研究。采用点样地法对五个地点蒙古栎的邻体多样性进行了研究,用物种共同出现百分率测定了4个地点的蒙古栎与其伴生种的种间联结值(PC值),并引入了LS值方法(即相邻物种的平均个体数目),对4个地点蒙古栎群落在不同的环境因子下物种多样性的进行了比较。
水青冈林是欧洲、北美东部和日本温带地区最主要的地带性植被之一。在我国,水青冈林仅分布在亚热带山地。因此,无论其物种组成,还是其群落特征都具有明显的区域特点。然而,有关我国水青冈林群落特征的研究还相对较少。大巴山是我国水青冈林分布最集中的地区之一,保存有较大面积的原始水青冈林。本文通过样方调查和植物群落数量特征统计分析的方法,研究了当地巴山水青冈群落和米心水青冈群落的物种多样性特征和群落结构与动态。主要结果如下: 巴山水青冈群落7个样地中,共记录到维管束植物77科、142属、217种。乔木层以壳斗科、杜鹃花科等科为主;灌木层以蔷薇科、忍冬科以及乔木树种的幼树为主;草本层以苔草属植物及普通鹿蹄草占优势。群落区系地理成分划分为16个类型及亚型。不同多样性指数的大小在不同层次有所不同。阳坡、半阳坡的物种多样性高于阴坡;不同层次的物种多样性与海拔、土壤特征的回归关系不同。群落建群种和乔木层主要树种的重要值与物种多样性主要表现为负相关关系。灌木层物种多样性主要受到环境因素的影响,而乔木层和草本层物种多样性更明显地受到环境因子和群落自身特征的双重影响。 巴山水青冈群落的乔木层成层明显。根据树冠高度分布可以将其划分为两个亚层,第一亚层高度约为19-27m,第二亚层高度约为5-9m。高位芽植物在群落生活型谱中所占比例最高,其次是地下芽植物、地面芽植物、一年生植物和地上芽植物。巴山水青冈的株数-高度、株数-胸径分布曲线均呈现两头高、中间低的格局,中间高度和中间径级的植株数量很少。 米心水青冈群落4个样地中,共记录到维管束植物74科、140属、197种。乔木层以壳斗科、蔷薇科等科为主;灌木层以蔷薇科、忍冬科等占优势;草本层主要由莎草科、菊科和百合科等科组成。群落的区系地理成分一共划分为18个类型及亚型。除物种丰度外,物种多样性各个指数的顺序均为草本层>乔木层>灌木层。乔木、灌木、竹子的多度和盖度(乔木的盖度以胸高面积代替)均与物种多样性密切相关。 根据树冠高度可将米心水青冈群落的乔木层划分为两个亚层,第一亚层高度约为16-22m,第二亚层高度约为5-9m。近半数乔木物种在群落中呈簇生状。生活型谱中,高位芽植物占优势,其次是地下芽植物、地面芽植物、一年生植物,没有地上芽植物。米心水青冈的实生幼苗十分匮乏,幼树以萌生树为主。其株数-高度、株数-胸径分布曲线呈递减趋势,幼龄个体数>中龄个体数>老龄个体数。
本文选取内蒙古锡林郭勒盟放牧退化羊草草地为研究对象,基于对连续7年的围栏样地和自由放牧样地的植物群落特征以及土壤理化性状特征的动态对比分析,揭示围栏封育措施对放牧退化草地恢复过程中植被-土壤系统的影响。研究结果表明: (1) 围栏封育措施使退化羊草草地的物种多样性和群落均匀度较自由放牧区略有提高,群落生态优势度略有降低,但差异均未达到统计显著水平(P>0.05)。 (2) 围栏封育措施改变了退化草地的优势物种组成。随着封育时间的延长,草地群落优势种逐渐为典型草原代表性物种羊草和大针茅所替代,反映出典型草原特征;而自由放牧样地,其优势种主要以典型草原中度退化和重度退化时期的优势种或主要伴生种糙隐子草为主,并呈现优势度逐渐增强的趋势。表现出退化草原特征,且退化程度加剧。 (3) 围栏封育措施改变了退化草地功能群的结构。从生活型功能群看:尽管多年生草本在群落中的主体地位没有变化,但随着围栏封育时间的延长,灌木的优势度逐年升高,成为群落中处于次优势地位的功能群,一、二年生草本的优势度逐年降低。在自由放牧样地,一、二年生草本的优势度表现出逐年升高的趋势,成为群落中处于次优势地位的功能群,灌木的优势度表现出逐年降低。 从生态类型功能群的优势度看,尽管旱生植物一直是围栏样地和自由放牧样地群落的优势功能群。但自由放牧样地旱生植物的优势度显著高于围栏样地,且围栏样地内旱生植物的优势度呈现逐年降低趋势,中旱生植物显著增多。围栏措施促进了群落环境向中旱生环境转化。 (4) 围栏封育措施显著提高了群落植被的平均高度、地上生物量和凋落物量。但研究区域围封2年后,地上生物量达到了最高水平,以后随着时间的延续地上生物量逐渐降低。 (5) 围栏封育措施使退化草地的土壤理化性状(土壤容重、土壤有机碳、全氮)及其植物生存的土壤微环境(土壤温湿度)均得到不同程度地改善。土壤有机碳、土壤全氮含量以及土壤含水量有所提高,土表温度降低,日较差减小。 (6) 围栏封育对退化草地的结构和功能的恢复存在不同步性。其中群落生物量受围封措施影响最为明显,围栏2年已达顶峰。其次是群落的优势种,4年的围封已使典型草原的优势种羊草和大针茅成为群落的优势种。反应最为缓慢的是群落的多样性指标,7年的围封措施并没有使群落的多样性指标与自由放牧区形成显著的差异。同时土壤环境的改变也存在不同步性,其中土壤物理性状和微环境的改善要明显于化学性状的变化。因此,在制定围栏措施时,应考虑恢复目的,采用不同的恢复时间,从而提高草地的可持续利用能力,降低恢复成本。
近年来,种群空间分布格局日益为生态学家所重视,已成为生态学发展最快的领域和生态学理论发展的核心之一,群落的植被盖度和生物多样性是生态学研究的常用指标。植物种群分布格局及群落特征是种群和群落对环境条件长期适应和选择的结果,一方面决定于植物自身的生物学特性,另一方面与种群和群落分布的生境密切相关,对于揭示植被对环境的适应规律及它们之间的相互关系具有十分重要的意义。 本文以油蒿种群为研究对象,沿着鄂尔多斯高原从东至西的降水梯度(336~249mm),应用传统的分布格局检验法以及点格局方法进行油蒿种群分布格局的研究;采用Gleason 指数、Shannon-Wiener 指数、Pielou 指数和Simpson 指数分析比较油蒿群落的生物多样性。从格局分析的尺度问题、严密性以及聚集程度变化趋势等几个方面,对本文采用的种群分布格局分析方法进行比较,为种群分布格局分析方法的选择提供参考。 种群分布格局分析结果表明沿着降水递减的梯度,在小尺度上油蒿种群分布格局表现为由均匀分布向随机分布转变的趋势;在大尺度上则表现为由随机分布向聚集分布转变的趋势。沿降水逐渐减弱的梯度上,油蒿种群的聚集程度逐渐增强。降水梯度对油蒿种群分布格局的影响一方面由油蒿本身的生物学特性决定,在降雨量小的地区,油蒿母株周围幼苗的存活率高,呈现聚集分布格局,而降雨量大的地区,油蒿幼苗存活概率比较平均,形成随机分布格局;其次,降雨量较大的地区,土壤水分资源较充足,油蒿个体较大,个体之间以竞争关系为主,聚集程度较低,降雨量少的地区,油蒿个体较矮小,个体之间为共同抵御恶劣生境,呈现聚集分布的格局。 群落FPC 和生物多样性指数与年平均降水量的回归分析结果显示,降水量越大,植被盖度越高,物种丰富度越大,群落物种分布均匀程度和优势度越低。充足的降雨促进油蒿群落的发育,草本层植物长势更好,生物量增加,群落的结构趋于复杂。 传统的分布格局检验方法和点格局方法在油蒿种群分布格局分析应用中得到的结果具有高度一致性,然而在实际工作中,这些方法之间具有各自的优劣和适应性。 建议在选取种群分布格局的分析方法时,要充分考虑研究目的,根据具体的物种和实验环境确定采用的方法。需在各细微尺度上做种群分布格局分析时,点格局方法优于传统的分析方法;在大范围取样及对工作效率要求较高时,方差均值比率法和聚集强度指数法更适合。由于聚集强度指数法在进行结果判定时比较模糊,建议优先选择方差均值比率法,将聚集强度指数法作为参考。降雨的减少显著改变了植物种群的空间分布格局和群落结构及物种组成,在进行生态恢复时可以参照本文的分析结果进行恢复植被的合理配置。
以宁夏固原上黄东山封育的人工柠条(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)灌丛林下草地为研究对象,并以设置在其周围的放牧地天然草地作为对照,采用样线法进行群落调查,分析二者群落数量特征和地上生物量变化,以期为退化草地植被恢复提供理论依据。结果表明:上黄东山封育后的人工柠条灌丛林下草地群落物种数较放牧地显著增加,封育区本氏针茅(Stipa bungeana Trin.)的优势地位明显加强,重要值远大于放牧地;人工灌丛林下草地与放牧地的相似性系数为0.585,表明二者的相似程度不高,人工种植的柠条对群落的结构影响较大,能够改善草地群落的小生境,为新物种出现提供良好的环境;物种丰富度指数和多样性指数(Shannon-winner指数)均表现为人工灌丛林下草地显著高于放牧地(P<0.05),而均匀度指数则相反(P<0.01);人工柠条灌丛林下草地地上生物量鲜重极显著高于放牧地(P<0.01)。