986 resultados para Communications strategies


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The International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS) proposes to collect performance indicators on food policies, actions and environments related to obesity and non-communicable diseases. This paper reviews existing communications strategies used for performance indicators and proposes the approach to be taken for INFORMAS. Twenty-seven scoring and rating tools were identified in various fields of public health including alcohol, tobacco, physical activity, infant feeding and food environments. These were compared based on the types of indicators used and how they were quantified, scoring methods, presentation and the communication and reporting strategies used. There are several implications of these analyses for INFORMAS: the ratings/benchmarking approach is very commonly used, presumably because it is an effective way to communicate progress and stimulate action, although this has not been formally evaluated; the tools used must be trustworthy, pragmatic and policy-relevant; multiple channels of communication will be needed; communications need to be tailored and targeted to decision-makers; data and methods should be freely accessible. The proposed communications strategy for INFORMAS has been built around these lessons to ensure that INFORMAS's outputs have the greatest chance of being used to improve food environments.


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This report presents a discussion of communications strategies to influence policy outcomes. It is based on a series of interviews with projects, NGOs and regional organisations to review current activities and assess the implications for STREAM of developing a communications strategy within a livelihoods framework. The main message of the report is that in order to fulfil its guiding principles. STREAM must acknowledge that policy change is related to governance and civil society, and requires a broad range of partnerships and a broad range of voices in the policy-making arena. (Pdf contains 49 pages).


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Purpose – Relatively little is known about marketing communications within the context of special events. The aim of this paper is to begin to address this gap in knowledge by analysing managerial practice, consumer perceptions and preferences in relation to marketing communications for this market offering.
Design/methodology/approach – A case study analysis of Festival Melbourne 2006 was undertaken using marketing communications collateral, ethnographic (participant observations) and interview (in-depth and focus group) data.
Findings – A centralised approach to marketing communications was adopted for this event, but was difficult to implement. In addition, it was found that the marketing communications in situ did not assist attendees to make the most of their event experiences. It was also found that research participants prefer to receive information about special events passively.
Practical implications – With the increasing levels of globalisation and standardisation in the event sector there is a need to attain a balance between centralisation and adaptation in relation to marketing communications strategies and their implementation. Furthermore, it is imperative that marketing communications are integrated across all stages of consumption.
Originality/value – This study adds to the body of knowledge about marketing communications, and more generally within events. It also adds to the debate surrounding the integration of marketing communications.


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 The International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS) proposes to collect performance indicators on food policies, actions and environments related to obesity and non-communicable diseases. This paper reviews existing communications strategies used for performance indicators and proposes the approach to be taken for INFORMAS. Twenty-seven scoring and rating tools were identified in various fields of public health including alcohol, tobacco, physical activity, infant feeding and food environments. These were compared based on the types of indicators used and how they were quantified, scoring methods, presentation and the communication and reporting strategies used. There are several implications of these analyses for INFORMAS: the ratings/benchmarking approach is very commonly used, presumably because it is an effective way to communicate progress and stimulate action, although this has not been formally evaluated; the tools used must be trustworthy, pragmatic and policy-relevant; multiple channels of communication will be needed; communications need to be tailored and targeted to decision-makers; data and methods should be freely accessible. The proposed communications strategy for INFORMAS has been built around these lessons to ensure that INFORMAS's outputs have the greatest chance of being used to improve food environments.


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This paper begins with a short review of the current state of integrated traffic control. This is followed by a summary of the main components for the Integrated Road Transport Environment (IRTE) and the role of the DRIVE II project HERMES, which aims at providing some of these components. The paper concludes with an outline of some scenarios for integrated traffic control operation.


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Blogs and other online platforms for personal writing such as LiveJournal have been of interest to researchers across the social sciences and humanities for a decade now. Although growth in the uptake of blogging has stalled somewhat since the heyday of blogs in the early 2000s, blogging continues to be a major genre of Internet-based communication. Indeed, at the same time that mass participation has moved on to Facebook, Twitter, and other more recent communication phenomena, what has been left behind by the wave of mass adoption is a slightly smaller but all the more solidly established blogosphere of engaged and committed participants. Blogs are now an accepted part of institutional, group, and personal communications strategies (Bruns and Jacobs, 2006); in style and substance, they are situated between the more static information provided by conventional Websites and Webpages and the continuous newsfeeds provided through Facebook and Twitter updates. Blogs provide a vehicle for authors (and their commenters) to think through given topics in the space of a few hundred to a few thousand words – expanding, perhaps, on shorter tweets, and possibly leading to the publication of more fully formed texts elsewhere. Additionally, they are also a very flexible medium: they readily provide the functionality to include images, audio, video, and other additional materials – as well as the fundamental tool of blogging, the hyperlink itself. Indeed, the role of the link in blogs and blog posts should not be underestimated. Whatever the genre and topic that individual bloggers engage in, for the most part blogging is used to provide timely updates and commentary – and it is typical for such material to link both to relevant posts made by other bloggers, and to previous posts by the present author, both to background material which provides readers with further information about the blogger’s current topic, and to news stories and articles which the blogger found interesting or worthy of critique. Especially where bloggers are part of a larger community of authors sharing similar interests or views (and such communities are often indicated by the presence of yet another type of link – in blogrolls, often in a sidebar on the blog site, which list the blogger’s friends or favourites), then, the reciprocal writing and linking of posts often constitutes an asynchronous, distributed conversation that unfolds over the course of days, weeks, and months. Research into blogs is interesting for a variety of reasons, therefore. For one, a qualitative analysis of one or several blogs can reveal the cognitive and communicative processes through which individual bloggers define their online identity, position themselves in relation to fellow bloggers, frame particular themes, topics and stories, and engage with one another’s points of view. It may also shed light on how such processes may differ across different communities of interest, perhaps in correlation with the different societal framing and valorisation of specific areas of interest, with the socioeconomic backgrounds of individual bloggers, or with other external or internal factors. Such qualitative research now looks back on a decade-long history (for key collections, see Gurak, et al., 2004; Bruns and Jacobs, 2006; also see Walker Rettberg, 2008) and has recently shifted also to specifically investigate how blogging practices differ across different cultures (Russell and Echchaibi, 2009). Other studies have also investigated the practices and motivations of bloggers in specific countries from a sociological perspective, through large-scale surveys (e.g. Schmidt, 2009). Blogs have also been directly employed within both K-12 and higher education, across many disciplines, as tools for reflexive learning and discussion (Burgess, 2006).


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There is global competition for engineering talent with some industries struggling to attract quality candidates. The ‘brands’ of industries and organisations are important elements in attracting talent in a competitive environment. Using brand equity and signalling theory, this paper reports a quantitative study examining factors that attract graduating engineers and technicians to engineering careers in a weak brand profile industry. The survey measures graduating engineers’ preferences for career benefits and their perceptions of the rail industry, which has identified a significant skilled labour shortfall. Knowledge of young engineers’ preferences for certain benefits and segmenting preferences can inform branding and communications strategies. The findings have implications for all industries and organisations, especially those with a weaker brand profile and issues with attracting talent.


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The emergent behaviour of autonomic systems, together with the scale of their deployment, impedes prediction of the full range of configuration and failure scenarios; thus it is not possible to devise management and recovery strategies to cover all possible outcomes. One solution to this problem is to embed self-managing and self-healing abilities into such applications. Traditional design approaches favour determinism, even when unnecessary. This can lead to conflicts between the non-functional requirements. Natural systems such as ant colonies have evolved cooperative, finely tuned emergent behaviours which allow the colonies to function at very large scale and to be very robust, although non-deterministic. Simple pheromone-exchange communication systems are highly efficient and are a major contribution to their success. This paper proposes that we look to natural systems for inspiration when designing architecture and communications strategies, and presents an election algorithm which encapsulates non-deterministic behaviour to achieve high scalability, robustness and stability.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Objectif. Décrire les attitudes et habitudes de Canadiens relativement à la préparation des aliments à la maison et au repas familial, afin de saisir les motivations à exploiter lors de la promotion de ces habitudes. Méthodes. Un sondage électronique de 39 questions à choix multiples a été placé sur le site des Diététistes du Canada du 16 novembre au 22 décembre 2006. Les énoncés analysés abordent la perception des bénéfices associés à la cuisine maison, à la planification des soupers et au repas familial, les obstacles à cuisiner, le temps de préparation et la planification des soupers, l’apprentissage de la cuisine, les sources d’idées recettes et la consommation des repas familiaux. Résultats. Au total, 4080 individus ont complété le questionnaire. Bien qu’ils croient que la cuisine maison puisse améliorer la qualité de l’alimentation et les comportements alimentaires, les répondants rencontrent plusieurs obstacles à la préparation des aliments au quotidien, parmi lesquels le manque de temps, d’énergie, d’idées et de planification. Bien qu’une majorité de Canadiens soupent en famille, il existe des écarts selon les groupes d’âge et les régions canadiennes. Conclusion. Cette étude souligne la pertinence d’élaborer des stratégies de communication pour informer les consommateurs sur les bénéfices de la cuisine maison et du repas en famille, afin de les aider à surmonter les défis associés à ces habitudes. Si les nutritionnistes sont des intervenants de choix, des collaborations interdisciplinaires sont proposées pour promouvoir une cuisine maison saine, bien planifiée, simplifiée et savourée en famille.


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With a burgeoning economy and one of the world’s largest populations of consumers, the growth and opportunities for graphic design in Mainland China seem endless. Western design and advertising agencies are eager to capture the imaginations of the Mainland audience. The visual communications strategies proposed by western advertising agencies however, often display an inadequate understanding of the historical relevance of symbols and long held value sets of the Chinese consumer. Some agencies take the viewpoint that the Mainland audience wants a copy of things ‘western.’ This can be observed in the shopping districts of most major cities in China where billboards displaying oversized images of Caucasian models dominate the visual environment. Another commonly used strategy is to use a mix of visually interesting Chinese symbols without understanding the full meaning and implication of those symbols. The above illustrates that design educators must begin the process of cross-cultural awareness at the undergraduate level to assure that more effective creative strategies can be achieved in the future. This paper explores cultural confusion in design and the possibilities of overcoming these misunderstandings through cross-cultural collaboration.


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A presente dissertação averigua as práticas de comunicação adotadas pelas empresas Albras-Alunorte no contexto do Complexo Industrial de Barcarena. Nesse sentido, investiga como as estratégias de práticas de comunicação organizacional podem melhorar e gerar valores nas relações entre as organizações do Complexo Industrial de Barcarena e seus públicos estratégicos, colaborando para manter a identidade e a imagem corporativa na Amazônia e no mercado internacional. O estudo pretende responder a uma das muitas contradições nas práticas de comunicação organizacional no Complexo Industrial de Barcarena após a implementação dos chamados grandes projetos. As mudanças ocorridas no espaço onde estão localizadas as grandes empresas de mineração são sentidos em diversas áreas, dando origem a novas formas de relacionamento entre os atores sociais envolvidos, e abalando o sentimento de grande expectativa por parte daqueles que já estavam no local: predominava o anseio por emprego e renda. Assim, a chegada desses grandes projetos modifica a maneira de viver dos primeiros moradores da região, altera o relacionamento com a terra e o meio ambiente e transforma as relações interpessoais de comunicação social. Dessa forma, procura-se descrever o caminho percorrido pelas empresas, através das práticas de comunicação organizacional, que transformou as ações sociais na atual relação social, além de como essas empresas construíram e mantiveram sua identidade e imagem corporativa.


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This monograph deals with the participation of public relations professionals as a subject acting role in organizational communication in the face of new communication and informational technologies that have emerged in recent years and characterize the digital era. The present study begins with the cultural, economic and social changes that were triggered by the new communicational reality e how these changes affected the ways of acting and thinking of society. In this context, we look at how modern organizations are adapting to this new demand and how the public relations may participate in the development and management of communications strategies to relate to the new publics arising through the consolidation of digital media


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The paper examines the video game industry in the perspective of being the paradigm of innovation in digital media and content. In particular, it analyses the response to two main factors that have impacted this industry over the last decade. First, it tracks the evolution of its global market and its emerging geography with the rise of Asia. Second, within this global landscape the paper explores how the changes derived from mobile and on-line gaming enabled major transformations of this industry. From here, some conclusions on the lessons from the evolution of this sector for the whole media and content industries are presented.


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La investigación parte de la hipótesis de que las empresas franquiciadoras españolas innovan en estrategias de comunicación en relación con uno de sus principales públicos objetivo: los potenciales franquiciados. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las estrategias de comunicación desarrolladas por estas empresas para la captación de nuevos asociados. Se estudia la gestión y la valoración de las estrategias por parte de los franquiciadores en la situación actual de crisis y de cambios tecnológicos. Se han utilizado tanto técnicas cualitativas como cuantitativas. Como conclusión se determina si las empresas utilizan estrategias innovadoras sirviéndose del uso de nuevos medios y soportes o por el contrario siguen utilizando métodos tradicionales.