257 resultados para Colletotrichum-falcatum


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Background: Sugarcane is one of the most important crops in Brazil, mainly because of its use in biofuel production. Recent studies have sought to determine the role of sugarcane endophytic microbial diversity in microorganism-plant interactions, and their biotechnological potential. Epicoccum nigrum is an important sugarcane endophytic fungus that has been associated with the biological control of phytopathogens, and the production of secondary metabolites. In spite of several studies carried out to define the better conditions to use E. nigrum in different crops, little is known about the establishment of an endophytic interaction, and its potential effects on plant physiology. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report an approach based on inoculation followed by re-isolation, molecular monitoring, microscopic analysis, plant growth responses to fungal colonization, and antimicrobial activity tests to study the basic aspects of the E. nigrum endophytic interaction with sugarcane, and the effects of colonization on plant physiology. The results indicate that E. nigrum was capable of increasing the root system biomass and producing compounds that inhibit the in vitro growth of sugarcane pathogens Fusarium verticillioides, Colletotrichum falcatum, Ceratocystis paradoxa, and Xanthomomas albilineans. In addition, E. nigrum preferentially colonizes the sugarcane surface and, occasionally, the endophytic environment. Conclusions/Significance: Our work demonstrates that E. nigrum has great potential for sugarcane crop application because it is capable of increasing the root system biomass and controlling pathogens. The study of the basic aspects of the interaction of E. nigrum with sugarcane demonstrated the facultative endophytism of E. nigrum and its preference for the phylloplane environment, which should be considered in future studies of biocontrol using this species. In addition, this work contributes to the knowledge of the interaction of this ubiquitous endophyte with the host plant, and also to a better use of microbial endophytes in agriculture.


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Os fungos do gênero Metarhizium são entomopatogênicos e ainda apresentam relações endofíticas e podem viver saprofiticamente no solo. A associação desses microrganismos com insetos é bem conhecida, mas as interações diretas com as plantas ainda são incipientes. Objetivou-se com este estudo, determinar a capacidade de colonização endofítica em raízes de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) de M. robertsii, M. anisopliae e três linhagens brasileiras recém-descobertas, bem como revelar o potencial destes fungos como antagonistas a dois fungos fitopatogênicos responsáveis pela podridão-vermelha (Fusarium moniliforme e Colletotrichum falcatum) e no controle de duas importantes pragas, a broca da cana-de-açúcar, Diatraea saccharalis e o nematóide-das-galhas, Meloidogyne javanica. Foram utilizados 24 isolados de Metarhizium spp. nos experimentos de promoção de crescimento de plantas após a inoculação em gemas de cana-de-açúcar em condições de casa-de-vegetação e campo. O efeito da inoculação do fungo em mudas de cana-de-açúcar foi investigado quanto a mortalidade e redução no desenvolvimento de D. saccharalis e redução nas populações de M. javanica. Experimentos de inibição in vitro em cultivo pareado foram conduzidos com os fungos F. moniliforme e C. falcatum e Trichoderma harzianum. Além disto, foram realizados testes qualitativos \"in vitro\" para avaliar a capacidade desses fungos em produzir β-1,3-Glucanase e Sideróforos. A inoculação de Metarhizium de todas as espécies testadas promoveu o crescimento de parte aérea, peso úmido e seco de raízes em relação ao controle (água). Enquanto o tratamento de gemas rotineiramente usado na usina onde se realizou a produção de mudas pré-brotadas com aplicação do fungicida Comet® + o fertilizante Biozyme TF resultou em pegamento de 32% e 59,6%, apenas com o uso de isolados de Metarhizium spp. estes valores foram de até 50% e 86,4%, nos dois experimentos em campo, respectivamente. As mortalidades observadas em lagartas de D. saccharalis que se alimentaram das plantas inoculadas com isolados de Metarhizium spp. atingiram valores de até 80%, sendo a mortalidade confirmada pela esporulação do fungo de até 55%. As lagartas sobreviventes apresentaram menor peso do que aquelas do controle não tratado. A inoculação de Metarhizium spp. em mudas de cana-de-açúcar conferiu proteção a M. javanica, resultando em uma densidade de massa de ovos por grama de raiz nas mudas inoculadas com o fungo até 59,8% menor no primeiro experimento e 64,1% menor no segundo em relação as mudas sem inoculação. Os ensaios de antagonismo mostraram que, todos os isolados de Metarhizium spp. apresentaram alguma forma de inibição tanto para F. moniliforme como para C. falcatum. Dos 24 isolados testados, 20,8% produziram a enzima hidrolítica, β-1,3-glucanase, o que pode estar associado a capacidade de inibição dos fungos fitopatogênicos. Constatou-se que 8 (33,3%) dos isolados produziram sideróforos e sugere que esses fungos apresentam mecanismos de disponibilização do ferro. O conhecimento gerado com este estudo poderá subsidiar novas estratégias de utilização de Metarhizium spp. em campo na produção de MPB de cana-de-açúcar.


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The effect of methyl jasmonate treatment on gene expression in sugarcane roots signalling between roots and shoots was studied. A collection of 829 ESTs were obtained from sugarcane roots treated with the defence-regulator methyl jasmonate (MJ) treatment. A subset of 747 of these were combined with 4793 sugarcane ESTs obtained from stem tissues in a cDNA microarray and experiments undertaken to identify genes that were induced in roots 24-120 h following treatment with MJ. Two data analysis systems (t-statistic and tRMA) were used to analyse the microarray results and these methods identified a common set of 21 ESTs corresponding to transcripts significantly induced by MJ in roots and 23 that were reduced in expression following MJ treatment. The induction of six transcripts identified in the microarray analysis was tested and confirmed using northern blotting. Homologues of genes encoding lipoxygenase and PR-10 proteins were induced 824 It after MJ treatment while the other four selected transcripts were induced at later time points. Following treatment of roots with MJ, the lipoxygenase homologue, but not the PR-10 homologue, was induced in untreated stem and leaf tissues. The PR-10 homologue and a PR-1 homologue, but not the lipoxygenase homologue, were induced in untreated tissues after the application of SA to roots. Repeated foliar application of MJ had no apparent effects on plant growth and was demonstrated to increase lipoxygenase transcripts in roots, but did not increase transcript levels-of other genes tested. These results lay a foundation for further studies of induced pest and disease resistance in sugarcane roots. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A cDNA corresponding to a transcript induced in culture by N starvation, was identified in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides by a differential hybridisation strategy. The cDNA comprised 905 bp and predicted a 215 aa protein; the gene encoding the cDNA was termed CgDN24. No function for CgDN24 could be predicted by database homology searches using the cDNA sequence and no homologues were found in the sequenced fungal genomes. Transcripts of CgDN24 were detected in infected leaves of Stylosanthes guianensis at stages of infection that corresponded with symptom development. The CgDN24 gene was disrupted by homologous recombination and this led to reduced radial growth rates and the production of hyphae with a hyperbranching phenotype. Normal sporulation was observed, and following conidial inoculation of S. guianensis, normal disease development was obtained. These results demonstrate that CgDN24 is necessary for normal hyphal development in axenic culture but dispensable for phytopathogenicity. © 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Simmonds introduced Colletotrichum acutatum in 1965, validated in 1968, with a broad concept, as demonstrated by the selection of several type specimens from a range of hosts. This has created some confusion in the species concept and identification of C. acutatum. There are no viable ex-type cultures of C. acutatum and furthermore there are no existing cultures of C. acutatum on Carica papaya from the type locality in south-east Queensland. The application of molecular phylogenetic studies to isolates of C. acutatum is only meaningful if the taxonomy is stable and species are properly named. In order to clarify the species concept of C. acutatum, an isolate of Colletotrichum acutatum from Carica papaya from Yandina in Southeast Queensland (Australia) is designated as an epitype. A detailed morphological description is provided. Phylogenies based on a combined ITS and beta-tubulin gene analysis indicate that C. acutatum bears close phylogenetic affinities to C. gloeosporioides and C. capsici. Results also indicate that C. acutatum is monophyletic and there is a close relationship between the epitype and other Australian C. acutatum isolates from Carica papaya. Molecular data, however did not provide further evidence to properly elucidate the taxonomie affinities of C. acutatum especially the holotype and epitype. Our studies indicate that given the complexity of the genus Colletotrichum, there is a need to check previously described type specimens and redesign neotypes where necessary in order to clarify taxonomie uncertainties.


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Crown, stolon, and petiole rots caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (C.g.) were first identified in runner beds of the Queensland Approved Runner Scheme (QARS) in February 1989. The outbreaks occurred annually from 1990 to 1994. Minor losses in subsequent fruit crops occurred from 1990 to 1993, with 50% post-establishment losses occurring on fruit farms in southeast Queensland in 1994. The objective of this work was to provide a control strategy for the disease that would give stability to the QARS. Runner-bed trials in 1993-1994 showed that Octave® (462 g/kg prochloraz as the MnCl2 complex) was highly effective in reducing the incidence field symptoms and laboratory recovery of C.g. from symptomless petioles. A simple detached petiole laboratory test for measuring fungicide efficacy in runner bed trials and for laboratory screening of fungicides, is described. Scheme protocols were changed to require that only foundation plants from tissue culture were allowed onto QARS sites. These were to be symptomless and to have tested negative for the presence of C.g. The application of Octave® at fortnightly intervals in all QARS nurseries has reduced the level of visible symptoms and the laboratory recovery of C.g. from symptomless petioles to almost zero.


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Although only recently described, Colletotrichum boninense is well established in literature as an anthracnose pathogen or endophyte of a diverse range of host plants worldwide. It is especially prominent on members of Amaryllidaceae, Orchidaceae, Proteaceae and Solanaceae. Reports from literature and preliminary studies using ITS sequence data indicated that C. boninense represents a species complex. A multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis (ITS, ACT, TUB2, CHS-1, GAPDH, HIS3, CAL) of 86 strains previously identified as C. boninense and other related strains revealed 18 clades. These clades are recognised here as separate species, including C. boninense s. str., C. hippeastri, C. karstii and 12 previously undescribed species, C. annellatum, C. beeveri, C. brassicicola, C. brasiliense, C. colombiense, C. constrictum, C. cymbidiicola, C. dacrycarpi, C. novae-zelandiae, C. oncidii, C. parsonsiae and C. torulosum. Seven of the new species are only known from New Zealand, perhaps reflecting a sampling bias. The new combination C. phyllanthi was made, and C. dracaenae Petch was epitypified and the name replaced with C. petchii. Typical for species of the C. boninense species complex are the conidiogenous cells with rather prominent periclinal thickening that also sometimes extend to form a new conidiogenous locus or annellations as well as conidia that have a prominent basal scar. Many species in the C. boninense complex form teleomorphs in culture. TAXONOMIC NOVELTIES: New combination - Colletotrichum phyllanthi (H. Surendranath Pai) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. Name replacement - C. petchii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. New species - C. annellatum Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. beeveri Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. brassicicola Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. brasiliense Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous & Massola, C. colombiense Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, C. constrictum Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. cymbidiicola Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. dacrycarpi Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. novae-zelandiae Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. oncidii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. parsonsiae Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. torulosum Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir. Typifications: Epitypifications - C. dracaenae Petch.


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Since the 1980s a new disease has been affecting Australian lychee. Pepper spot appears as small, black superficial lesions on fruit, leaves, petioles and pedicels and is caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the same fungus that causes postharvest anthracnose of lychee fruit. The aim of this study was to determine if a new genotype of C.gloeosporioides is responsible for the pepper spot symptom. Morphological assessments, arbitrarily-primed PCR (ap-PCR) and DNA sequencing studies did not differentiate isolates of C.gloeosporioides from anthracnose and pepper spot lesions. The ap-PCR identified 21 different genotypes of C.gloeosporioides, three of which were predominant. A specific genotype identified using ap-PCR was associated with the production of the teleomorph in culture. Analysis of sequence data of ITS and -tubulin regions of representative isolates did not group the lychee isolates into a monophyletic clade; however, given the majority of the isolates were from one of three genotypes found using ap-PCR, the possibility of a lychee specific group of C.gloeosporioides is discussed.


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Two preformed alk(en)ylresorcinols, 5-n-heptadecenylresorcinol and 5-n-pentadecylresorcinol, were identified in ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruit peel. The alk(en)ylresorcinols had antifungal activity against C. gloeosporioides, as determined from thin layer chromatography bioassays. Soil-applied activators of plant defence (Acibenzolar at 150 mg L-1, and soluble potassium silicate at 200 and 1000 mg L-1) did not influence concentrations of 5-n-heptadecenylresorcinol or 5-n-pentadecyl¬resorcinol in mango peel when applied 2 months after fruit set and one month later. Concentrations of both alk(en)ylresorcinols were high 2 months after fruit set but levels declined by 50% within 1 month (2 months before commercial harvest) and did not change significantly from commercial harvest until eating-ripe.


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Con el objetivo de verificar la presencia del hongo causante de la enfermedad de las cerezas verdes también conocida como coffea berry disease (CBD), se recolectaron nuestras en siete fincas de Coffea arabica L en la IV y VI Región de Nicaragua, ubicadas a diferentes pisos altitudinales y manejo agronómico. El estudio de las cepas obtenidas se realizó en el laboratorio de Fitopatología de la Escuela de Sanidad Vegetal de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA) durante el período comprendido de Agosto de 1991-Agosto 1992. Se encontraron cuatro grupos asociadas al sistema: Colletotrichum coffeanum Noack y Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes Penz con tres formas conocidas como cca. ccm v Vermeulen. Colletotrichum coffeanum variedad virulans Noack causante del coffee berry disease (CBD) o enfermedad de las cerezas verdes en África no fue reconocido en las zonas de estudio. Cada grupo, presentó diferentes características ecológicas, patogénicas y monoculturales que son cualitativamente similares a los grupos de Kenia (África), referidas por Gibbs (1969), Hindorf (1970; 1972) y Muthappa (1976), pero no idénticos. El hongo fue encontrado parasitando las cerezas verdes y maduras del cafeto, y aunque sus características in vitro no fueron similares a las del hongo causante del CBD, sus cepas desarrollaron patogenicidad en ridículas, y plántulas de café con dos hojas cotiledonales (variedad Catuaí amarillo). Se desconocen los factores que están induciendo a la selectividad del patógeno, y pensamos que deben realizarse más estudios de manera integral, acerca de todos los elementos que influyen en el sistema, como la fertilización del cultivo, la conservación de suelos, el uso de fungicidas, etc. Para evitar a tiempo cualquier explosión epidémica de la antracnosis en que los costos de producción se elevarían, y las pérdidas serían cuantiosas debido a que el área sembrado sería reducido.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de diferentes opciones de manejo de antracnosis del café, causada hongo Colletotrichum sp, se realizó el presente trabajo en la finca La Virgen (900-1200 msnm), ubicada en el departamento de Boaco. El estudio se realizó entre septiembre 2001 y mayo 2002. El área experimental fue un lote de 1.7 mz de café variedad catuaí, en etapa de producción. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: Silvacur más bayfolán,carbendazín, caldo bordelés, caldo sulfocálcico, caldo sulfocálcico más nitrato de potasio y biofertilizante. Los muestreos se realizaron mensualmente en la época seca y quincenalmente en la época lluviosa. Las variables evaluadas fueron incidencia de antracnosis en hoja y número de hojas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que en general la incidencia de la enfermedad fue alta, alcanzando niveles de hasta 18% de incidencia, excepto en el mes de diciembre donde la enfermedad se bajó completamente en todos los tratamientos. En las parcelas tratadas con los tratamientos Caldo sulfocálcico, Biofertilizante y Caldo sulfocálcico más nitrato de potasio, la enfermedad tuvo un comportamiento similar; al inicio del estudio correspondiente a la época lluviosa (septiembre-noviembre) estos tratamientos presentaron la mayor incidencia de la enfermedad pero al final del estudio presentaron la menor incidencia. El tratamiento Silvacur más bayfolán fue el que presentó la menor incidencia de antracnosis en todo el ciclo, siendo por tanto el tratamiento más efectivo, debido a que en éste ocurrió menos defoliación que en los demás. Al final del estudio correspondiente a la época seca (febrero-abril) la mayor incidencia se presentó en los tratamientos Caldo Bordelés y Carbendazín, en los cuales se observó mas defoliación que en los demás tratamientos. Con relación a la retensión foliar el tratamiento de caldo sulfocálcico más nitrato de potasio fue el que mantuvo el mayor número de hojas, seguido por el silvacur más bayfolán; en cambio los tratamientos carbendazín y caldo bordelés fueron los que presentaron en todo el estudio el menor número de hojas por bandola, es decir que hubo mayor defoliación. A partir de estos resultados se puede concluir que los mejores tratamientos para ser usados por los productores son el silvacur más bayfolán, así como el caldo sulfocálcico más nitrato de potasio, en dependencia de la disponibilidad de recursos.


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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar diferentes alternativas de manejo para la antracnosis del café (Colletotrichum spp)de Octubre 2003 a Junio 2004 en las fincas Vista Alegre (La Concepción-Masaya), Esquipulas San Marcos-Carazo), Santa Mónica(Niquinohomo-Masaya), San Luis (Masatepe-Masaya) y Los Jirones (Diría-Granada). Los muestreos se realizaron mensualmente en cada finca. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron siete y se establecieron en parcelas conformadas por 300 plantas por tratamiento por finca. Las variables evaluadas fueron incidencia de antracnosis, hojas totales, número de palmillas y al finalizar el estudio se realizo una estimación de cosecha. Los resultados indican que la menor área bajo la curva de progreso de la enfermedad (ABCPE) por finca la obtuvieron los siguientes tratamientos : En Vista Alegre el testigo absoluto seguido del tratamiento cobre más fertilización diluida más vidate-L, en Esquipulas el tratamiento biofertilizante más nim más fertilización diluida, en Santa Mónica el testigo absoluto seguido del tratamiento gallinaza más biofertilizante más papaya, en San Luis el tratamiento biogreen más biofertilizante más limonaria y en Los Jirones el tratamiento biofertilizante más pacelyn más fertilizacion diluida. En relación al mayor número de hojas lo presenta en Vista Alegre el tratamiento cobre más fertilización diluida más vidate-L, Esquipulas el tratamiento biofertilizante más nim más fertilización diluida, Santa Mónica el tratamiento gallinaza más biofertilizante más papaya, San Luis el tratamiento biogreen más biofertilizante más limonaria y Los Jirones el tratamiento gallinaza más biofertilizante más papaya. Los resultados confirman que el comportamiento de antracnosis del café se presenta con mayor incidencia en aquellos cafetos con problemas nutricionales. Por lo que determinamos que la mayoría de los productos que constituyen estos tratamientos, a pesar de que no tienen efecto fungicida, contribuyen al fortalecimiento de las plantas, volviéndolas mas vigorosas y tolerantes al ataque de la enfermedad.


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在云南景谷芒果种植区, 芒果炭疽病对芒果树嫩叶、嫩梢、花穗和果实为害率分别为85.7%、63.4%、77.1%和73.3%。风雨和昆虫媒介是传播的主要方式。发生为害最适温度为22℃--25℃, 相对湿度为85%--100%。该病在景谷种植区全年均可发生为害, 主要为害在发生期。发生前期为害, 是花穗干瘪和幼果掉落的原因之一。采取综合防治措施, 特别在发生前期适时防治, 可控制发生为害。