20 resultados para Coeducation
Incluye Bibliografía
659 págs.
Lan honekin bilatu nahi izan dugun helburu nagusia Lehen Hezkuntzako umeek gizarteak transmititzen dituen genero rol eta estereotipoak zenbateraino barneratuta dituzten aztertzea izan da. Horretarako, hainbat adituren hitzak kontuan hartuz, gizartean genero rol eta estereotipoak transmititzen dituzten esparru ezberdinak behatu eta errealitatearen diagnostiko txiki bat egin dugu Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasgela batean ikerketa parte-hartzailea metodotzat hartuta. Ikasgelako esku-hartzean lorturako emaitzetan oinarrituta eta hasieran planteatutako galderei erantzuna emanez ondorioak atera ditugu; lan hau, aurrera begira, oinarri gisa, lagungarria izango delakoan hezkuntza hezkidetzailea eta parekidetasuna lortzera bidean. EUSKARA.
[EUS] Lan honekin bilatu nahi izan dugun helburu nagusia irakasleek generoaren berdintasunean oinarritzen duten bere jardun praktika ezagutzea izan da. Horretarako, hainbat adituren hitzak kontuan izanik, eskolek eta bertako irakasleek genero estereotipoen desagerpenean betetzen duten funtzioa aztertu dugu eta diagnostiko txiki bat egin dugu, Haur Hezkuntzako ikasgela batean ikerketa ez-parte hartzaile bat aurrera eramanez eta zenbait elkarrizketa eta dokumentu analizatuz. Lortutako emaitza eta datuekin ondorioak atera ditugu lan hau, etorkizunera begira, hezkuntza hezkidetzailea lortzeko lagungarria izango delakoan.
Este artículo describe y analiza la experiencia del proyecto de coeducación del CEIP Agora que se ha desarrollado a lo largo de tres años y que sigue vivo y con buena salud. Este proyecto se caracteriza por implicar a toda la comunidad educativa del centro, por su transversalidad y por potenciar el cuidado como elemento clave de la coeducación, a través de lanterrelación del alumnado de ciclos diferentes.
In her May 21, 2013 interview with Martha Manning, Joyce Lineberger details her life as a Winthrop undergraduate student from 1975-1977. Lineberger shares her experience with campus life: parking, dining, uniforms, and traditions. Lineberger also includes information on supportive teachers from her program but also an incident when she was accused of plagiarism. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.
In her January 13, 2015 interview with Michelle Dubert-Bellrichard, Virginia Koch shared the memories of her Winthrop experience from 1970-1974. Koch explains why she attended Winthrop, her experiences with Rat Week, and why she struggled to find a job in her major. Included are the details of why she left South Carolina, and the numerous positions she held thereafter. Koch also shares her perspectives on major transitions at Winthrop and in the South. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.
In his January 12, 2015 interview with Michelle Dubert-Bellrichard, Dennis Stamper shares his memories of being one of the first male, day students from 1969-1972. Stamper details his studies and professors from the Philosophy and Religion Department, as well as the Psychology Department. Stamper includes his perception of the atmosphere at Winthrop during a time of great change in the country, and how that experience coupled with his work in the Wesley Foundation and the influence he received from professors paved the way for he currently lives his life. Stamper concludes his interview detailing his studies and careers after Winthrop. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Following the decision, northern newspapers hailed it as “the Supreme Court speaking out in defense of the quality of human rights.” The Kansas City Call, one of the leading black newspapers in Missouri, declared, “If keeping the races separate is so important to Missourians that coeducation is unthinkable then let them count the cost!” The NAACP’s long-term plan for casting financial burden upon the Jim Crow states was now a reality.
La relevante investigación en docencia universitaria de las académicas, en el marco del Programa de Redes de la Universidad de Alicante, ilustra con claridad lo significativo que es el trabajo colaborativo para las mujeres. La investigación en red es un modelo organizativo que favorece una auténtica constitución de la identidad profesional de las académicas en el contexto universitario. Como contrapunto, los datos estadísticos muestran que aún existe una alta predominancia de coordinadores varones en las distintas redes. Por primera vez, en el citado programa, en el curso 2009-2010 se constituye una red con el objetivo de indagar qué modificaciones deben implementarse para lograr la equidad de género en el ámbito de la educación terciaria. La misión de la nueva red Red Coeduca se basa en el análisis y discusión de los factores capaces de promover el desarrollo e interiorización de la igualdad de oportunidades en las estudiantes de Educación Infantil a través de la coeducación.
The urgent need for teachers led the Florida legislature in 1887 to establish the Florida State Normal College at DeFuniak Springs. The college closed in 1905 with passage of the Buckman Act, which mandated a complete reorganization of state-supported higher education and ended coeducation for white students. This small college, open for eighteen years, was uniquely situated in time and place to examine larger questions in American educational history as well as contribute to the history of higher education in Florida, which developed differently than in other states.^ This historical case study used archival sources to examine this institution, and contribute to the history of the origins of Florida's system of higher education. Key questions guiding the research were the nature of the students, fundamental aspects of school life, the impact of the school on the students, and the role of the school in the development of higher education in Florida. Original sources included the Catalogs, Register and Minutes of the school. The census of 1900 was used to develop information on the backgrounds of the students. Findings were: DeFuniak Springs was chosen for the school because of the Florida Chautauqua; the school was coeducational and had few rules but the internalized social codes of the students resulted in almost no difficulties with discipline; the students, a majority of whom were women, were from middle-class southern families; the college compared favorably in faculty, facilities and curriculum to institutions elsewhere; although few students graduated, alumni played a key role in shaping Florida's common schools; and, the Buckman Act entirely changed the nature of higher education in Florida.^ Implications were: The coeducational nature of the college a hundred years ago significantly changes the picture of Florida's higher education; the school was small, but its influence far outlasted the institution; and, the school struggled with issues which continue to trouble modern educators such as finances, the legislature, student retention, underpreparedness, and the proper structuring of a curriculum, which indicates the persistence of these issues. ^
Unter dem Titel Männlichkeitskonzeptionen in geschlechterdifferenzierender Schulkultur untersuchen die Autoren den aufschlussreichen Fall eines Gymnasiums, das parallel mono- und koedukative Klassen eingeführt hat. Damit wird hier Geschlechterdifferenz explizit zu einem Ausgangspunkt der Gestaltung institutioneller Strukturen. Dies bildet sich auf der Ebene der Programmatik als das Anliegen ab, innerhalb monoedukativer Gruppen eine größere Differenzierung von Männlichkeiten und Weiblichkeiten zu ermöglichen. Auf den Ebenen der Unterrichtsplanung und der Unterrichtspraxis zeigen sich jedoch in Interviews und teilnehmenden Beobachtungen eine binäre Geschlechterunterscheidung und eine „latente Privilegierung von Männlichkeit“. Die Autor_innen begreifen dies als einen Ausdruck der tiefen Verankerung von Differenz und insbesondere Geschlechterdifferenz in der Institution Schule. (DIPF/Orig.)
Mestrado, Ensino de História e Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário, 7 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).