996 resultados para Closed Source


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In keeping with the proliferation of free software development initiatives and the increased interest in the business process management domain, many open source workflow and business process management systems have appeared during the last few years and are now under active development. This upsurge gives rise to two important questions: What are the capabilities of these systems? and How do they compare to each other and to their closed source counterparts? In other words: What is the state-of-the-art in the area?. To gain an insight into these questions, we have conducted an in-depth analysis of three of the major open source workflow management systems – jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark, the results of which are reported here. This analysis is based on the workflow patterns framework and provides a continuation of the series of evaluations performed using the same framework on closed source systems, business process modelling languages, and web-service composition standards. The results from evaluations of the three open source systems are compared with each other and also with the results from evaluations of three representative closed source systems: Staffware, WebSphere MQ, and Oracle BPEL PM. The overall conclusion is that open source systems are targeted more toward developers rather than business analysts. They generally provide less support for the patterns than closed source systems, particularly with respect to the resource perspective, i.e. the various ways in which work is distributed amongst business users and managed through to completion.


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Infographic providing a timeline of important events in the history of open source software since the fifties. Also includes stats for OSS licenses, usage in Business and reasons for participating in an OSS community.


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Free software and open source projects are often perceived to be of high quality. It has been suggested that the high level of quality found in some free software projects is related to the open development model which promotes peer review. While the quality of some free software projects is comparable to, if not better than, that of closed source software, not all free software projects are successful and of high quality. Even mature and successful projects face quality problems; some of these are related to the unique characteristics of free software and open source as a distributed development model led primarily by volunteers. In exploratory interviews performed with free software and open source developers, several common quality practices as well as actual quality problems have been identified. The results of these interviews are presented in this paper in order to take stock of the current status of quality in free software projects and to act as a starting point for the implementation of quality process improvement strategies.


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This thesis examines the microeconomic consequences of the arrival of open source in the software market. Specifically, it analyzes three features of open source software by using specific models of industrial organization. Open source software is free, and may be modified or duplicated by anyone. The first paper studies the entry of an open source software in a closed source software market. Using a model of horizontal differentiation, the analysis considers a closed source firm's investment in the quality of its software. The introduction of open source on the market reduces the firm's investment in quality and increases the price of its software. Moreover, the entry of open source software may reduce consumer welfare. Post-entry by an open source software, the reduction in market share lowers the firm's incentive to invest in quality. The second paper features vertical differentiation to study a monopolist selling supporting product to its software. The study begins by contrasting the supply of support by an open source provider and a closed source vendor. The model shows that in both cases the levels of support offered are the same. In addition, consumer welfare is higher and profit lower under an open source software. Then, the paper considers the competition in the provision of support. Here, the supply of high level support is greater than under a monopolist. Finally, the monopolist adopts a dual licensing strategy to extract more surplus from developers interested in modifying open source software and redistributing the resulting product. This technique, when the developers place high value on the source code, generates more profit if the monopolist chooses to publish as open source rather than closed source. The last paper studies how a closed source firm is affected by the introduction of an open source benefiting from contributions by users. A vertical differentiation model is used, and reveals that, when contribution of users is present, the closed source vendor may lower its price to a level where it forces the open source out of the market. The firm's lower price not only increases demand for its software, but also induces consumers into switching from open to closed source software therefore reducing the contribution of users.


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Wire is a intermediate language to enable static program analysis on low level objects such as native executables. It has practical benefit in analysing the structure and semantics of malware, or for identifying software defects in closed source software. In this paper we describe how an executable program is disassembled and translated to the Wire intermediate language. We define the formal syntax and operational semantics of Wire and discuss our justifications for its language features. We use Wire in our previous work Malwise, a malware variant detection system. We also examine applications for when a formally defined intermediate language is given. Our results include showing the semantic equivalence between obfuscated and non obfuscated code samples. These examples stem from the obfuscations commonly used by malware.


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Existen en el mercado numerosas aplicaciones para la generación de reverberación y para la medición de respuestas al impulso acústicas. Sin embargo, éstas son de precios muy elevados y/o no se permite acceder a su código y, mucho menos, distribuir de forma totalmente libre. Además, las herramientas que ofrecen para la medición de respuestas al impulso requieren de un tedioso proceso para la generación de la señal de excitación, su reproducción y grabación y, finalmente, su post-procesado. Este procedimiento puede llevar en ocasiones al usuario a cometer errores debido a la falta de conocimientos técnicos. El propósito de este proyecto es dar solución a algunos de los inconvenientes planteados. Con tal fin se llevó a cabo el desarrollo e implementación de un módulo de reverberación por convolución particionada en tiempo real, haciendo uso de software gratuito y de libre distribución. En concreto, se eligió la estación digital de trabajo (DAW. Digital Audio Worksation) REAPER de la compañía Cockos. Además de incluir las funcionalidades básicas de edición y secuenciación presentes en cualquier DAW, el programa incluye un entorno para la implementación de efectos de audio en lenguaje JS (Jesusonic), y se distribuye con licencias completamente gratuitas y sin limitaciones de uso. Complementariamente, se propone una extensión para REAPER que permite la medición de respuestas al impulso de recintos acústicos de una forma completamente automatizada y amigable para el usuario. Estas respuestas podrán ser almacenadas y posteriormente cargadas en el módulo de reverberación, permitiendo aplicar sobre nuestras pistas de audio la respuesta acústica de cualquier recinto en el que se hayan realizado medidas. La implementación del sistema de medida de respuestas se llevó a cabo empleando la herramienta ReaScript de REAPER, que permite la ejecución de pequeños scripts Python. El programa genera un Barrido Sinusoidal Logarítmico que excita el recinto acústico cuya respuesta se desea medir, grabando la misma en un archivo .wav. Este procedimiento es sencillo, intuitivo y está al alcance de cualquier usuario doméstico, ya que no requiere la utilización de sofisticado instrumental de medida. ABSTRACT. There are numerous applications in the market for the generation of reverb and measurement of acoustic impulse responses. However, they are usually very costly and closed source. In addition, the provided tools for measuring impulse responses require tedious processes for the generation and reproduction of the excitation signal, the recording of the response and its final post-processing. This procedure can sometimes drive the user to make mistakes due to the lack of technical knowledge. The purpose of this project is to solve some of the mentioned problems. To that end we developed and implemented a real-time partitioned convolution reverb module using free open source software. Specifically, the chosen software was the Cockos’ digital audio workstation (DAW) REAPER. In addition to the basic features included in any DAW, such as editing and sequencing, the program includes an environment for implementing audio effects in JS (Jesusonic) language of free distribution and features an unrestricted license. As an extension for REAPER, we propose a fully automated and user-friendly method for measuring rooms’ acoustic impulse responses. These will be stored and then loaded into the reverb module, allowing the user to apply the acoustical response of any room where measurement have been taken to any audio track. The implementation of the impulse response measurement system was done using REAPER’s ReaScript tool that allows the execution of small Python scripts. The program generates a logarithmic sine sweep that excites the room and its response is recorded in a .wav file. This procedure is simple, intuitive and it is accessible to any home user as it does not require the use of sophisticated measuring equipment.


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Multibody System Dynamics has been responsible for revolutionizing Mechanical Engineering Design by using mathematical models to simulate and optimize the dynamic behavior of a wide range of mechanical systems. These mathematical models not only can provide valuable informations about a system that could otherwise be obtained only by experiments with prototypes, but also have been responsible for the development of many model-based control systems. This work represents a contribution for dynamic modeling of multibody mechanical systems by developing a novel recursive modular methodology that unifies the main contributions of several Classical Mechanics formalisms. The reason for proposing such a methodology is to motivate the implementation of computational routines for modeling complex multibody mechanical systems without being dependent on closed source software and, consequently, to contribute for the teaching of Multibody System Dynamics in undergraduate and graduate levels. All the theoretical developments are based on and motivated by a critical literature review, leading to a general matrix form of the dynamic equations of motion of a multibody mechanical system (that can be expressed in terms of any set of variables adopted for the description of motions performed by the system, even if such a set includes redundant variables) and to a general recursive methodology for obtaining mathematical models of complex systems given a set of equations describing the dynamics of each of its uncoupled subsystems and another set describing the constraints among these subsystems in the assembled system. This work also includes some discussions on the description of motion (using any possible set of motion variables and admitting any kind of constraint that can be expressed by an invariant), and on the conditions for solving forward and inverse dynamics problems given a mathematical model of a multibody system. Finally, some examples of computational packages based on the novel methodology, along with some case studies, are presented, highlighting the contributions that can be achieved by using the proposed methodology.


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In this paper, a fixed-switching-frequency closed-loop modulation of a voltage-source inverter (VSI), upon the digital implementation of the modulation process, is analyzed and characterized. The sampling frequency of the digital processor is considered as an integer multiple of the modulation switching frequency. An expression for the determination of the modulation design parameter is developed for smooth modulation at a fixed switching frequency. The variation of the sampling frequency, switching frequency, and modulation index has been analyzed for the determination of the switching condition under closed loop. It is shown that the switching condition determined based on the continuous-time analysis of the closed-loop modulation will ensure smooth modulation upon the digital implementation of the modulation process. However, the stability properties need to be tested prior to digital implementation as they get deteriorated at smaller sampling frequencies. The closed-loop modulation index needs to be considered maximum while determining the design parameters for smooth modulation. In particular, a detailed analysis has been carried out by varying the control gain in the sliding-mode control of a two-level VSI. The proposed analysis of the closed-loop modulation of the VSI has been verified for the operation of a distribution static compensator. The theoretical results are validated experimentally on both single- and three-phase systems.


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This paper describes modelling, estimation and control of the horizontal translational motion of an open-source and cost effective quadcopter — the MikroKopter. We determine the dynamics of its roll and pitch attitude controller, system latencies, and the units associated with the values exchanged with the vehicle over its serial port. Using this we create a horizontal-plane velocity estimator that uses data from the built-in inertial sensors and an onboard laser scanner, and implement translational control using a nested control loop architecture. We present experimental results for the model and estimator, as well as closed-loop positioning.


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This paper describes system identification, estimation and control of translational motion and heading angle for a cost effective open-source quadcopter — the MikroKopter. The dynamics of its built-in sensors, roll and pitch attitude controller, and system latencies are determined and used to design a computationally inexpensive multi-rate velocity estimator that fuses data from the built-in inertial sensors and a low-rate onboard laser range finder. Control is performed using a nested loop structure that is also computationally inexpensive and incorporates different sensors. Experimental results for the estimator and closed-loop positioning are presented and compared with ground truth from a motion capture system.


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We initially described a rat chamber model with an inserted arteriovenous pedicle which spontaneously generates 3-dimensional vascularized connective tissue (Tanaka Y et al., Br J Plast Surg 2000; 53: 51-7). More recently we have developed a murine chamber model containing reconstituted basement membrane (Matrigel®) and FGF-2 that generates vascularized adipose tissue in vivo (Cronin K et al., Plast Reconstr Surg 2004; in press). We have extended this work to assess the cellular and matrix requirements for the Matrigel®- induced neo-adipogenesis. We found that chambers sealed to host fat were unable to grow new adipose tissue. In these chambers the Matrigel® became vascularized with maximal outgrowth of vessels extending to the periphery at 6 weeks. A small amount of adipose tissue was found adjacent to the vessels, most likely arising from periadventitial adipose tissue. In contrast, chambers open to interaction with endogenous adipose tissue showed abundant new fat, and partial exposure to adjacent adipose tissue clearly showed neo-adipogenesis only in this area. Addition of small amounts of free fat to the closed chamber containing Matrigel® was able to induce neo-adipogenesis. Addition of small pieces of human fat also caused neo-adipogenesis in immunocompromised (SCID) mice. Also, we found Matrigel® to induce adipogenesis of Lac-Z-tagged (Rosa-26) murine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, and cells similar to these have been isolated from human adipose tissue. Given that Matrigel® is a mouse product and cannot be used in humans, we have started investigating alternative matrix scaffolds for adipogenesis such as the PDA-approved PLGA, collagen and purified components derived from Matrigel®, such as laminin-1. The optimal conditions for adipogenesis with these matrices are still being elucidated. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a precursor cell source inside the chamber is essential for the generation of vascularized adipose tissue in vivo. This technique offers unique potential for the reconstruction of soft tissue defects and may enable the generation of site-specific tissue using the correct microenvironment.


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This paper describes a method of adjusting the stator power factor angle for the control of an induction motor fed from a current source inverter (CSI) based on the concept of space vectors (or park vectors). It is shown that under steady state, if the torque angle is kept constant over the entire operating range, it has the advantage of keeping the slip frequency constant. This can be utilized to dispose of the speed feedback and simplify the control scheme for the drive, such that the stator voltage integral zero crossings alone can be used as a feedback for deciding the triggering instants of the CSI thyristors under stable operation of the system. A closed-loop control strategy is developed for the drive based on this principle, using a microprocessor-based control system and is implemented on a laboratory prototype CSI fed induction motor drive.


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Motivated by a problem from fluid mechanics, we consider a generalization of the standard curve shortening flow problem for a closed embedded plane curve such that the area enclosed by the curve is forced to decrease at a prescribed rate. Using formal asymptotic and numerical techniques, we derive possible extinction shapes as the curve contracts to a point, dependent on the rate of decreasing area; we find there is a wider class of extinction shapes than for standard curve shortening, for which initially simple closed curves are always asymptotically circular. We also provide numerical evidence that self-intersection is possible for non-convex initial conditions, distinguishing between pinch-off and coalescence of the curve interior.


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A laboratory model of a thermally driven adsorption refrigeration system with activated carbon as the adsorbent and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC 134a) as the refrigerant was developed. The single stage compression system has an ensemble of four adsorbers packed with Maxsorb II specimen of activated carbon that provide a near continuous flow which caters to a cooling load of up to 5W in the 5-18 degrees C region. The objective was to utilise the low grade thermal energy to drive a refrigeration system that can be used to cool some critical electronic components. The laboratory model was tested for it performance at various cooling loads with the heat source temperature from 73 to 93 degrees C. The pressure transients during heating and cooling phases were traced. The cyclic steady state and transient performance data are presented. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.