942 resultados para Clinical Classification


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of urinary tract endometriosis (UTE) in patients with deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) and to define potential criteria for preoperative workup. DESIGN Retrospective study. SETTING University hospital. PATIENT(S) Six hundred ninety-seven patients with endometriosis. INTERVENTION(S) Excision of all endometriotic lesions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S) Correlation of preoperative features and intraoperative findings in patients with UTE. RESULT(S) Out of 213 patients presenting DIE, 52.6% suffered from UTE. In patients with ureteral endometriosis, symptoms were not specific. Among the patients with bladder endometriosis, 68.8% complained of urinary symptoms compared to 7.9% in the group of patients without UTE. In patients with rectovaginal endometriosis, the probability of ureterolysis showed a linear correlation with the size of the nodule. We found that 3 cm in diameter provided a specific cutoff value for the likelihood of ureteric involvement. CONCLUSION(S) The prevalence of UTE has often been underestimated. Preoperative questioning is important in the search for bladder endometriosis. The size of the nodule is one of the few reliable criteria in preoperative assessment that can suggest ureteric involvement. We propose a classification of ureteral endometriosis that will allow the standardization of terminology and help to compare the outcome of different surgical treatment in randomized studies.


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Introduction: Baseline severity and clinical stroke syndrome (Oxford Community Stroke Project, OCSP) classification are predictors of outcome in stroke. We used data from the ‘Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial’ (TAIST) to assess the relationship between stroke severity, early recovery, outcome and OCSP syndrome. Methods: TAIST was a randomised controlled trial assessing the safety and efficacy of tinzaparin versus aspirin in 1,484 patients with acute ischaemic stroke. Severity was measured as the Scandinavian Neurological Stroke Scale (SNSS) at baseline and days 4, 7 and 10, and baseline OCSP clinical classification recorded: total anterior circulation infarct (TACI), partial anterior circulation infarct (PACI), lacunar infarct (LACI) and posterior circulation infarction (POCI). Recovery was calculated as change in SNSS from baseline at day 4 and 10. The relationship between stroke syndrome and SNSS at days 4 and 10, and outcome (modified Rankin scale at 90 days) were assessed. Results: Stroke severity was significantly different between TACI (most severe) and LACI (mildest) at all four time points (p<0.001), with no difference between PACI and POCI. The largest change in SNSS score occurred between baseline and day 4; improvement was least in TACI (median 2 units), compared to other groups (median 3 units) (p<0.001). If SNSS did not improve by day 4, then early recovery and late functional outcome tended to be limited irrespective of clinical syndrome (SNSS, baseline: 31, day 10: 32; mRS, day 90: 4); patients who recovered early tended to continue to improve and had better functional outcome irrespective of syndrome (SNSS, baseline: 35, day 10: 50; mRS, day 90: 2). Conclusions: Although functional outcome is related to baseline clinical syndrome (best with LACI, worst with TACI), patients who improve early have a more favourable functional outcome, irrespective of their OCSP syndrome. Hence, patients with a TACI syndrome may still achieve a reasonable outcome if early recovery occurs.


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Background Melasma is a common acquired chronic hypermelanosis of sun-exposed areas which significantly impacts quality of life. There are few epidemiological studies in medical literature concerning these patients. Objective Characterize clinical and epidemiological data on Brazilian female patients with melasma. Methods A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to melasma patients treated at a dermatology clinic between 2005 and 2010. Association between variables was performed by multivariate regression models. Results We assessed 302 patients; intermediate skin phototypes III (34.4%) and IV (38.4%) were prevalent. Mean disease onset age was 27.5 ± 7.8 years and familiar occurrence of melasma was identified in 56.3%. The most commonly reported trigger factors were pregnancy (36.4%), contraceptive pills (16.2%) and intense sun exposure (27.2%). Preferred facial topographies were zygomatic (83.8%), labial superior (51.3%) and frontal (49.7%). Pregnancy induced melasma has been associated to early disease (OR = 0.86) and number of pregnancies (OR = 1.39). Childbearing was correlated to melasma extension. Older disease onset age was associated to darker skin phototypes. Co-occurrence of facial topographies supported clinical classification as centrofacial and peripheral melasma. Conclusion This population was characterized by: a high prevalence in adult females, intermediate skin phototypes, disease precipitation by hormonal stimulus and familiar genetic influence. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology © 2012 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.


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FUNDAMENTOS: A cromoblastomicose é uma infecção fúngica crônica, causada por fungos da família Dematiaceae, sendo Fonsecaea pedrosoi a mais comum, segundo vários estudos. É mais frequente em países tropicais e o estado do Pará possui grande casuística mundial. A doença é de difícil tratamento e apresenta recorrência frequente. OBJETIVOS: Descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos, micológicos e formas clínicas dos casos de cromoblastomicose procedentes do estado do Pará - Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram realizados exames micológicos (direto, cultura e microcultivo) e observação clinicoepidemiológica em 65 pacientes do Serviço de Dermatologia da Universidade Federal do Pará, atendidos no período de 2000 a 2007. Empregou-se a classificação clínica proposta por Carrión em 1950. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes eram, em sua maioria, homens (93,8%), lavradores (89,2%), faixa etária entre 45-55 anos, com predominância de lesões verruciformes (55,4%), localizadas principalmente nos membros inferiores (81,5%). A maioria dos casos pesquisados (61,5%) apresentou um longo tempo de doença, com uma média de 11 anos. O exame micológico direto foi realizado em 86,2% (n=56) dos pacientes; destes, 96,4% (n=54) apresentaram resultado positivo. Foram realizados cultura e microcultivo in vitro de 47 pacientes com exame micológico positivo e os resultados mostraram o Fonsecaea pedrosoi como único agente etiológico identificado nesta amostra. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo mostrou o quanto a cromoblastomicose ainda compromete a qualidade de vida da população local, principalmente a de indivíduos que trabalham em lavouras, cursando com evolução crônica e sem tratamento eficaz. Observa-se a importância de dar continuidade a este estudo, o que poderá proporcionar novas contribuições clínicas ou epidemiológicas.


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The most important objective of clinical classifications of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is to identify hips associated with a high risk of avascular necrosis (AVN)--so-called unstable or acute slips; however, closed surgery makes confirmation of physeal stability difficult. Performing the capital realignment procedure in SCFE treatment we observed that clinical estimation of physeal stability did not always correlate with intraoperative findings at open surgery. This motivated us to perform a systematic comparison of the clinical classification systems with the intraoperative observations.


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Classifications of perinatal deaths have been undertaken for surveillance of causes of death, but also for auditing individual deaths to identify suboptimal care at any level, so that preventive strategies may be implemented. This paper describes the history and development of the paired obstetric and neonatal Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) classifications in the context of other classifications. The PSANZ Perinatal Death Classification is based on obstetric antecedent factors that initiated the sequence of events leading to the death, and was developed largely from the Aberdeen and Whitfield classifications. The PSANZ Neonatal Death Classification is based on fetal and neonatal factors associated with the death. The classifications, accessible on the PSANZ website (http://www.psanz.org), have definitions and guidelines for use, a high level of agreement between classifiers, and are now being used in nearly all Australian states and New Zealand.


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Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) é uma bactéria associada à Periodontite Agressiva (PA). Ela invade tecidos moles, com ocorrência de lisogenia e bacteriófagos presentes em até 69% das subespécies. Estudos in vitro sugerem que a indução do bacteriófago (Aa17) ocorre numa co-cultura de Aa lisogênico com fibroblastos humanos. Se esta interação ocorre in vivo, com liberação do vírus, uma reação imunológica contra o Aa17 aconteceria. O objetivo deste estudo é constatar se anticorpos (AC) contra proteínas do Aa17 existem e estão associados à doença periodontal. Um objetivo adicional foi testar a resposta de AC contra os sorotipos do Aa. 52 indivíduos participaram: 31 com PA, 5 com Periodontite Crônica (PC) e 16 com Periodonto Saudável (PS). Soro foi coletado após a classificação clínica. As proteínas do Aa17 foram obtidas de preparações purificadas. As subespécies do Aa utilizadas para amostras de proteínas através de sonicação foram: 43717(American Tissue Culture Collection - ATCC) sorotipo A, 43718 (ATCC) sorotipo B, 33384 (ATCC) sorotipo C, IDH781 sorotipo D, NJ9500 sorotipo E and CU1000 sorotipo F. As proteínas foram separadas em géis de poliacrilamida e transferidas para membranas de nitrocelulose. As reações de Western-blotting ocorreram com o AC primário sendo o soro de cada indivíduo. Todas as membranas foram lidas pelo sistema Odyssey que captura sinais no AC secundário (antihumano). A resposta de AC contra ao menos uma proteína do Aa17, assim como pelo menos um sorotipo do Aa foi observado em todos, com exceção de dois indivíduos (com PS), participantes. Um indivíduo do grupo PC e três do PA tiveram resposta de AC contra alguns, mas não todos os sorotipos do Aa. A resposta de AC contra todos os sorotipos foi o achado mais comum nos grupos PA (28/31), PS (14/16) e PC (4/5). A resposta de AC contra o complexo de proteínas do Aa17 foi observado em 7 indivíduos com PA, 2 com PC e 6 com PS. A presença de AC contra qualquer proteína do Aa17 tem significância estatística (p= 0,044), assim como a resposta de AC contra o sorotipo C (p= 0,044). Reações intensas foram vistas quando o soro reagiu contra proteínas do sorotipo C; em alguns casos um sinal tão forte que cobriu a maioria da faixa. Essa resposta intensa esteve presente em 17, 3 e 1 dos indivíduos com PA, PC e PS e tem significância estatística entre os grupos PA e PS (p= 0,001). A resposta de AC contra uma proteína do Aa17 ou seu complexo foi observado em todos os grupos. Esse achado sugere que a indução in vitro do Aa17 poderia também ocorrer in vivo, embora não sendo necessariamente associada à periodontite. A resposta de AC contra vários sorotipos do Aa foi um achado comum e não associado com a doença. Entretanto, a presença e a intensidade da resposta de AC contra o sorotipo C está associada à PA.


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This paper presents the application of multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis to data emerging from noninvasive lung function tests, namely the input respiratory impedance. The aim is to obtain a geometrical mapping of the diseases in a 3D space representation, allowing analysis of (dis)similarities between subjects within the same pathology groups, as well as between the various groups. The adult patient groups investigated were healthy, diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The children patient groups were healthy, asthma and cystic fibrosis. The results suggest that MDS can be successfully employed for mapping purposes of restrictive (kyphoscoliosis) and obstructive (COPD) pathologies. Hence, MDS tools can be further examined to define clear limits between pools of patients for clinical classification, and used as a training aid for medical traineeship.


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Las reacciones alérgicas a medicamentos cutáneas severas (RAM) como el Síndrome Stevens Johnson (SJS) y la Necrólisis Epidérmica Tóxica (NET),caracterizadas por exantema, erosión de la piel y las membranas mucosas, flictenas, desprendimiento de la piel secundario a la muerte de queratinocitos y compromiso ocular. Son infrecuentes en la población pero con elevada morbi-mortalidad, se presentan luego de la administración de diferentes fármacos. En Asia se ha asociado el alelo HLA-B*15:02 como marcador genético para SJS. En Colombia no hay datos de la incidencia de estas RAM, ni de la relación con medicamentos específicos o potenciales y tampoco estudios de aproximación genómica de genes de susceptibilidad.


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Introducción. El cateterismo cardiaco derecho representa el estándar de referencia para el diagnóstico de hipertensión pulmonar, sin embargo el rendimiento de la ecocardiografía como estudio inicial ha mostrado buena correlación con las variables medidas por cateterismo. El presente estudio pretende describir el grado de correlación y concordancia entre la ecocardiografía y el cateterismo cardiaco derecho para la medición de la presión sistólica de la arteria pulmonar. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo de los pacientes sometidos a cateterismo cardiaco derecho entre los años 2009 a 2014 y se compararon con los datos de ecocardiograma más cercano a este cateterismo, teniendo en cuenta la presión sistólica de la arteria pulmonar (PSAP) en las dos modalidades diagnósticas mediante correlación y concordancia estadística según los coeficientes de Pearson y el índice de Lin respectivamente. Resultados. Se recolectaron un total de 169 pacientes con un índice de correlación (r) obtenido para la medición de PSAP del total de la muestra de 0.73 p < 0.0001 mostrando un grado de correlación alto para toda la muestra evaluada. El análisis de concordancia obtenido para toda la población a partir del índice de Lin fue de 0.71 lo que determinó una pobre concordancia. Discusión. Se encontró buena correlación entre ecocardiografía y cateterismo cardiaco derecho para la medición de la PSAP, sin embargo la concordancia entre los métodos diagnósticos es pobre, por tanto el ecocardiograma no reemplaza al cateterismo cardiaco derecho como estudio de elección para diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar.


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This thesis is concerned with the effect of alcohol consumption on the pathogenesis of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract via nutritional pathways. Altered nutritional status is a frequently recognised clinical accompaniement of heavy alcohol consumption in hospitalized patients. Similarly, upper gastrointestinal bleeding is frequently accompanied by the presence of heavy alcohol consumption. Nevertheless, the clinical quantification of alcohol intake is often descriptive, so that a link between alcohol use and upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage via nutritional mechanisms has been only generally defined. In the literature review, the methods of defining alcohol use and abuse, using interview, biochemical and haematological techniques are noted. The relationship between alcohol abuse and nutrient imbalances is reviewed, especially in relation to possible effects on the gastrointestinal tract, appetite and eating habits. A further section reviews the relationship between alcohol use and anatomical lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract likely to lead to bleeding. Following the chapter in which the methods used in this thesis are described. Chapter 4 seeks to describe the study population and its subgroups in this thesis in relation to interview, biochemical and haematological methods. Alcohol use is defined in relation to (1) a clinical classification of heavy or light drinking, based on a questionnaire administered in Casualty, (2) a quantified method of determining alcohol consumption during a subsequent ward dietetic assessment, (3) in relation to a biochemical definition (recent drinking and non-drinking), and a classification of (1) and (2) called, for the purposes of this thesis, 'alcohol abusers' and 'nonabusers'. Heavy, regular and recent drinkers and alcohol abusers tend to be male and younger than light, infrequent and nonrecent drinkers and nonabusers. Chapter 5 relates the nutritional status of those patients admitted acutely to hospital in relation to the groups defined in Chapter 4, Nutritional status is defined in terms of food intake, anthropometry, biochemical and haematological parameters. Different methods of defining alcohol use give rise to different patterns of nutritional impairment. Chapter 6 relates the nutritional status of those patients admitted acutely to hospital in relation to the presence or absence of an endoscopically defined site of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. A difference is seen between those bleeding from a Mailory-weiss tear and other sites of bleeding, similarly, biochemical differences in nutritional status emerge between those patients who presented in shock, and those who did not. Chapter 7 explores the relationships between biochemical markers of nutritional status and haemostatic variables in the groups of abusers/non-abusers, the various sites of primary bleeding/controls, and shock/non-shock. Serum copper appears to be related to altered haemostasis in a manner not apparently described elsewhere.


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Atascadero State Hospital (ASH) is a maximum-security forensic hospital that houses male patients with a wide range of psychiatric diagnoses. Psychopaths at this institution appear to be a heterogeneous group of individuals who, while sharing core personality characteristics, manifest substantial variability in their behavior. Identifying subtypes within this clinical classification can have implications for patient treatment and management, as well as for the safety of the staff who work with them and for the communities to which they will eventually return. Several means of identifying subtypes have been proposed in the literature, and potential subgroups have been identified. Clinical observations at ASH have suggested 4 possible subtypes of psychopathy: narcissistic, borderline, sadistic, and antisocial. Issues related to the conceptualization of psychopathy are addressed, recognizing that additional data are needed to understand the observed variations in cases of psychopathy.


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The aspects related to the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical classification, clinical manifestations and treatment of Paracoccidioidomycosis, are presented. The disease is caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and is the most frequent and the most important systemic mycosis in the South America, specifically in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela. Because of the high frequency of cutaneous-mucosal lesions presented by the patients, the potential severity of the disease and the socio-economic consequences to the patient, it is very important for a drematologist to be qualified to precisely diagnose the disease and render proper care.


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Introduction: The study of otolaryngologic manifestations in children HIV + can lead to early diagnosis of AIDS, allowing specific treatment, responsible by reduced morbidity and mortality. Objectives: Detect the otolaryngologic manifestations in children with AIDS and alert to the importance of the early diagnosis. Study design: Clinical prospective. Material and method: We evaluated 22 children with AIDS assisted at Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (São Paulo, Brasil). The medical records were reviewed and the children were submitted to otolaryngologic and hearing acuity exams. Results: We evaluated 12 boys and 10 girls, whose ages ranged from 8 months to 12 years. In B and C clinical classification were included 18 children who were using anti-retroviral medicaments. Physical examination mainly indicated cervical lymphadenopathy (18 cases), paleness of the nasal mucous membrane with abundant mucous secretion over the nasal epithelium (15 cases) and retraction of tympanic membranes (seven cases). The main otolaryngologic diagnoses were: rhinosinusitis (16 cases), oral candidiasis (13 cases), inadequate eustachian tube function (seven cases) and recurrent tonsillar infections (six cases). Conductive hearing loss were detected in 4 children. No child presented sensorineural hearing loss. Conclusions: The main otolaryngologic manifestations presented by the children with HIV virus were rhinosinusitis, oral candidiasis, inadequate eustachian tube function and recurrent tonsillar infections. The allergic aspect of the nasal mucous membrane and the cervical lymphadenopathy were frequent signs and could alert the otolaryngologyst to AIDS during the exam.