915 resultados para Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP) (Wolfe, 1993)


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The Miocene Lincang leaf assemblage is used in this paper as proxy data to reconstruct the palaeoclimate of southwestern Yunnan (SW China) and the evolution of monsoon intensity. Three quantitative methods were chosen for this reconstruction, i.e. Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA), Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), and the Coexistence Approach (CA). These methods, however, yield inconsistent results, particularly for the precipitation, as also shown in European and other East Asian Cenozoic floras. The wide range of the reconstructed climatic parameters includes the Mean Annual Temperature (MAT) of 18.5-24.7 °C and the Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) of 1213-3711 mm. Compared with the modern Lincang climate (MAT, 17.3 °C; MAP, 1178.7 mm), the Miocene climate is slightly warmer, wetter and has a higher temperature seasonality. A detailed comparison on the palaeoclimatic variables with the coeval Late Miocene Xiaolongtan flora from the eastern part of Yunnan allows us to investigate the development and interactions of both South Asian and East Asian monsoons during the Late Miocene in southwest China, now under strong influence of these monsoon systems. Our results suggest that the monsoon climate has already been established in southwest Yunnan during the Late Miocene. Furthermore, our results support that both Southeast Asian and East Asian monsoons co-occurred in Yunnan during the Late Miocene.


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Neogene climates and vegetation history of western Yunnan are reconstructed on the basis of known fossil plants using the Coexistence Approach (CA) and Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA). Four Neogene leaf floras from Tengchong, Jianchuan and Eryuan in southwestern China are analyzed by the CA, and the paleoclimatic data of one Miocene carpoflora from Longling and three Pliocene palynofloras from Longling, Yangyi and Eryuan are used for comparison. The Miocene vegetation of the whole of West Yunnan is subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, and a similar mean annual precipitation is inferred for Tengchong, Longling and Jianchuan. However, by the Late Pliocene a large difference in vegetation occurred between the two slopes of Gaoligong Mountain, western Yunnan. The region of Tengchong retained a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest vegetation, whereas in Yangyi and Eryuan a vertical vegetation zonation had developed, which consists, in ascending order, of humid evergreen broad-leaved, needle and broad-leaved mixed evergreen, and coniferous forests. Distinctively, the Late Pliocene vegetational patterns of West Yunnan were already very similar to those of the present, and the Pliocene mean annual precipitation in Tengchong was markedly higher than that of Yangyi and Eryuan. Considering that the overall vegetation of West Yunnan and the precipitation at Yangyi and Eryuan have undergone no distinct change since the Late Pliocene, we conclude that the Hengduan Mountains on the northern boundary of West Yunnan must have arisen after the Miocene and approached their highest elevation before the Late Pliocene. Furthermore, the fact of the eastern portion of the Tibetan Plateau underwent a slight uplift after the Late Pliocene is also supported.


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新生代以来,全球气候经历了一系列的冷暖交替,呈现总体变冷的趋势。对该时期不同区域气候变化过程的深入研究有助于我们更好地理解现今全球气候变化规律。中新世是新生代古气候与古环境演变的一个重要转折时期,定量重建山东山旺中新世气候是认识和理解中国东部与东亚新近纪气候演变的一个关键环节。 将化石植物作为气候代用指标,用于研究过去全球气候变化,已经广为国际科学界接纳。国际上,定量研究第三纪气候的植物学方法按照不同原理可以划分为两大类,其各自代表分别为基于化石的现存最近亲缘类群生态适应度推演古气候参数值的共存分析法(Coexistence Approch, CA )和基于叶片形态特征与气候相关关系的叶缘分析(Leaf Margin Analysis, LMA )与气候叶片多变量程序(Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program, CLAMP)。两大主流方法各有优势,也各有局限性。前人运用两大主流方法对山旺中新世植物群相同地层,同套数据的分析结果表明:LMA 和CLAMP 所估测年均温数值要显著低于CA 所估测的数值。其差异的原因既可能是LMA 和CLAMP 由于埋藏因素的影响造成估测值偏低,也可能由于CA 数据库数据主要来自于欧洲和北美而缺乏东亚的资料所致。 本论文提出了一种新的方法——分布区叠加分析(Overlapping Distribution Analysis, ODA )对山旺中新世古气候进行定量重建。ODA 采用最近亲缘类群在叠加区间的气候参数来重建化石植物所生活的当时当地的气候。其详细步骤如下:1. 鉴定化石植物和认定它们的最近亲缘类群(尽量到种级水平)。2. 调查这些最近亲缘类群的分布数据(包括经度、纬度和海拔数据)。某些类群可能会有不止一个最近亲缘类群,须将这些最近亲缘类群的分布数据合并。3. 对分布数据分析,得出包含最多类群的最大叠加区间。4. 调查在最大叠加区间中气象站点的气候数据。5. 按照公式(1)和(2)来转换年均温数据TU=T0 - (HU -H0)×Γ (1); TL=T0 - (HL -H0)×Γ (2) 其中HU (m) 是海拔叠加区间的上界; HL (m) 是海拔叠加区间的下界; H0 (m) 气象站的实测海拔; T0 (ºC) 气象站的实测年均温; TU (ºC) 在海拔叠加区间气温的下界; TL (ºC) 在海拔叠加区间气温的上界; 系数Γ 为大气垂直直减率,年均温为0.5ºC/100m,最冷月均温为 0.45ºC/100m,最热月均温为 0.6ºC/100m。同样的方法,在海拔叠加范围内最冷月均温与最热月均温范围也可以确定,而降水量则采用气象台站的原始数据。6. 在这些转换数据的基础上,得出年均温,最冷月均温,最热月均温,年较差和年平均降水量波动范围。 ODA 分析结果表明:山旺中新世时期年均温为10.9-14.5oC,年较差为21.1-22.7oC,最冷月均温为-0.5-3.3oC,最热月均温为21.9-25.0oC,年平均降水量为1107.3-1880.0mm 。同时本论文还定量恢复了山旺硅藻土矿各层的古气候参数,其所估测的古气候参数数值与CLAMP 和LMA 的结果一致,而与CA 不同。对山旺气候参数的恢复表明,虽然其中新世年均温与现在相似,但最冷月均温要高于现在。 本项研究的创新之处是选择同一个研究地点(山东山旺),依据同一套数据(化石植物的类群资料),采用国际上以不同原理为基础的主流方法,同时加入我们自己提出的新方法,进行的古气候重建,对所获得气候参数值进行对比和验证,并对其存在的差异进行分析和探讨。


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We present a detailed palaeoclimate analysis of the Middle Miocene (uppermost Badenian-lowermost Sarmatian) Schrotzburg locality in S Germany, based on the fossil macro- and micro-flora, using four different methods for the estimation of palaeoclimate parameters: the coexistence approach (CA), leaf margin analysis (LMA), the Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), as well as a recently developed multivariate leaf physiognomic approach based on an European calibration dataset (ELPA). Considering results of all methods used, the following palaeoclimate estimates seem to be most likely: mean annual temperature ~15-16°C (MAT), coldest month mean temperature ~7°C (CMMT), warmest month mean temperature between 25 and 26°C, and mean annual precipiation ~1,300 mm, although CMMT values may have been colder as indicated by the disappearance of the crocodile Diplocynodon and the temperature thresholds derived from modern alligators. For most palaeoclimatic parameters, estimates derived by CLAMP significantly differ from those derived by most other methods. With respect to the consistency of the results obtained by CA, LMA and ELPA, it is suggested that for the Schrotzburg locality CLAMP is probably less reliable than most other methods. A possible explanation may be attributed to the correlation between leaf physiognomy and climate as represented by the CLAMP calibration data set which is largely based on extant floras from N America and E Asia and which may be not suitable for application to the European Neogene. All physiognomic methods used here were affected by taphonomic biasses. Especially the number of taxa had a great influence on the reliability of the palaeoclimate estimates. Both multivariate leaf physiognomic approaches are less influenced by such biasses than the univariate LMA. In combination with previously published results from the European and Asian Neogene, our data suggest that during the Neogene in Eurasia CLAMP may produce temperature estimates, which are systematically too cold as compared to other evidence. This pattern, however, has to be further investigated using additional palaeofloras.


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The approach used to model technological change in a climate policy model is a critical determinant of its results in terms of the time path of CO2 prices and costs required to achieve various emission reduction goals. We provide an overview of the different approaches used in the literature, with an emphasis on recent developments regarding endogenous technological change, research and development, and learning. Detailed examination sheds light on the salient features of each approach, including strengths, limitations, and policy implications. Key issues include proper accounting for the opportunity costs of climate-related knowledge generation, treatment of knowledge spillovers and appropriability, and the empirical basis for parameterizing technological relationships. No single approach appears to dominate on all these dimensions, and different approaches may be preferred depending on the purpose of the analysis, be it positive or normative. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Instrumental daily series of temperature are often affected by inhomogeneities. Several methods are available for their correction at monthly and annual scales, whereas few exist for daily data. Here, an improved version of the higher-order moments (HOM) method, the higher-order moments for autocorrelated data (HOMAD), is proposed. HOMAD addresses the main weaknesses of HOM, namely, data autocorrelation and the subjective choice of regression parameters. Simulated series are used for the comparison of both methodologies. The results highlight and reveal that HOMAD outperforms HOM for small samples. Additionally, three daily temperature time series from stations in the eastern Mediterranean are used to show the impact of homogenization procedures on trend estimation and the assessment of extremes. HOMAD provides an improved correction of daily temperature time series and further supports the use of corrected daily temperature time series prior to climate change assessment.


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Includes bibliographical references.