Late Miocene palaeoflora and palaeoclimate of Lincang (China)

Autoria(s): Jacques, Frédéric M B; Guo, Shuang-Xing; Su, Tao; Xing, Yao-Wu; Huang, Yong-Jiang; Liu, Yu-Sheng Christopher; Ferguson, David-Kay; Zhou, Zhekun

LATITUDE: 23.900000 * LONGITUDE: 100.016700




The Miocene Lincang leaf assemblage is used in this paper as proxy data to reconstruct the palaeoclimate of southwestern Yunnan (SW China) and the evolution of monsoon intensity. Three quantitative methods were chosen for this reconstruction, i.e. Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA), Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), and the Coexistence Approach (CA). These methods, however, yield inconsistent results, particularly for the precipitation, as also shown in European and other East Asian Cenozoic floras. The wide range of the reconstructed climatic parameters includes the Mean Annual Temperature (MAT) of 18.5-24.7 °C and the Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) of 1213-3711 mm. Compared with the modern Lincang climate (MAT, 17.3 °C; MAP, 1178.7 mm), the Miocene climate is slightly warmer, wetter and has a higher temperature seasonality. A detailed comparison on the palaeoclimatic variables with the coeval Late Miocene Xiaolongtan flora from the eastern part of Yunnan allows us to investigate the development and interactions of both South Asian and East Asian monsoons during the Late Miocene in southwest China, now under strong influence of these monsoon systems. Our results suggest that the monsoon climate has already been established in southwest Yunnan during the Late Miocene. Furthermore, our results support that both Southeast Asian and East Asian monsoons co-occurred in Yunnan during the Late Miocene.


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Supplement to: Jacques, Frédéric M B; Guo, Shuang-Xing; Su, Tao; Xing, Yao-Wu; Huang, Yong-Jiang; Liu, Yu-Sheng Christopher; Ferguson, David-Kay; Zhou, Zhekun (2011): Quantitative reconstruction of the Late Miocene monsoon climates of southwest China: A case study of the Lincang flora from Yunnan Province. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 304(3-4), 318-327, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.04.014

Palavras-Chave #Age, maximum/old; Age, minimum/young; Age max; Age min; Albizia sp.; ap_acut; ap_atte; ap_emar; ap_obtu; ap_rnd; Aphanamixis sp.; B. mioluminifera; B. pseudolycioides; ba_acut; ba_cord; ba_emba; ba_obtu; ba_rnd; Berchemia sp.; Betula mioluminifera; Bumelia pseudolycioides; C. lantenoisi; C. mandraliscae; C. miobungeana; C. naitoanum; C. scheuchzeri; Calocedrus lantenoisi; Capparis sp.; Castanopsis sp.; Celtis miobungeana; Chrysophyllum sp.; Cinnamomum naitoanum; Cinnamomum scheuchzeri; Cinnamomum sp.; Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP) (Wolfe, 1993); CMT; CMT max; CMT min; Coexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997); Cyclobalanopsis mandraliscae; Cyclobalanopsis sp.; D. prehupeana; Dalbergia prehupeana; Desmodium sp.; Engelhardia sp.; Enthalpy; Epoch; Ficus sp.; Formation; Fossil determination; G. europaeus; G. miosinensis; Gleditsia miosinensis; Glyptostrobus europaeus; Growing season length; GSL; GSP; GSP m mean; H. lanceolimba; Helicteres sp.; HMP max; HMP min; Humidity, relative; Humidity, specific; Humidity spec; Hydrangea lanceolimba; Ilex sp.; Koelreuteria sp.; L. grabaui; L. palaeoeuropaeus; L. reniifolius; le_lobe; Leaf apex acute; Leaf apex attenuate; Leaf apex emarginate; Leaf apex round; Leaf base acute; Leaf base cordate; Leaf base round; Leaf lenght/width ratio < 1:1; Leaf lenght/width ratio > 4:1; Leaf lenght/width ratio 1-2:1; Leaf lenght/width ratio 2-3:1; Leaf lenght/width ratio 3-4:1; Leaf lobed; Leaf margin, entire; Leaf margin entire (no teeth); Leaf margin teeth acute; Leaf margin teeth close; Leaf margin teeth compound; Leaf margin teeth regular; Leaf margin teeth round; Leaf shape ellipitic; Leaf shape obovate; Leaf shape ovate; Leaf size leptophyll 1, 5-20 mm**2; Leaf size leptophyll 1, 5-20 mm2; Leaf size leptophyll 2, 20-80 mm**2; Leaf size leptophyll 2, 20-80 mm2; Leaf size mesophyll 1, 3600-6200 mm**2; Leaf size mesophyll 1, 3600-6200 mm2; Leaf size mesophyll 2, 6200-10000 mm**2; Leaf size mesophyll 2, 6200-10000 mm2; Leaf size mesophyll 3, > 10000 mm**2; Leaf size microphyll 1, 80-400 mm**2; Leaf size microphyll 1, 80-400 mm2; Leaf size microphyll 2, 400-1400 mm**2; Leaf size microphyll 2, 400-1400 mm2; Leaf size microphyll 3, 1400-3600 mm**2; Leaf size microphyll 3, 1400-3600 mm2; Leaf size nanophyll, < 5 mm**2; Lincang; Lithocarpus reniifolius; Lithocarpus sp.; Litsea grabaui; LMP max; LMP min; Loranthus palaeoeuropaeus; ls_lep1; ls_lep2; ls_mes1; ls_mes2; ls_mes3; ls_mic1; ls_mic2; ls_mic3; ls_nan1; Lumnitzera sp.; lw_1; lw_2; lw_3; lw_4; lw_5; ma_enti; Maackia sp.; MAP max; MAP min; MAT; MAT max; MAT min; Milletia sp.; Mucuna sp.; Murraya sp.; NECLIME; NECLIME_campaign; Neocinnamomum sp.; Neogene Climate Evolution in Eurasia; ORDINAL NUMBER; Ord No; Ormosia sp.; P. glandulifera; P. miochinensis; P 3max; P 3min; Paleontological sampling; PALSAMP; Photinia sp.; Piper sp.; Pistacia miochinensis; Pittosporum sp.; Populus glandulifera; Precipitation, annual mean, maximum; Precipitation, annual mean, minimum; Precipitation, growing season; Precipitation, monthly mean growing season; Precipitation, warmest month, maximum; Precipitation, warmest month, minimum; Precipitation of 3 consecutive driest months per year; Precipitation of 3 consecutive wettest months per year; Precipitation of the driest month maximum; Precipitation of the driest month minimum; Precipitation of the wettest month maximum; Precipitation of the wettest month minimum; Q. latifolia; Q. simulata; Quercus latifolia; Quercus simulata; Quercus sp.; Reevesia sp.; RH; Rhus sp.; S. grandifolia; Samp com; Sample comment; Schisandra sp.; Schoepfia sp.; Sediment; Sediment type; sh_elli; sh_obov; sh_ovat; Shuteria sp.; Smilax grandifolia; Sorbus sp.; Species; Stranvaesia sp.; Styrax sp.; Syzygium sp.; T. bienensis; T. maekawai; Taxa anal; Taxa analyzed; teeth act; teeth clo; teeth cpd; teeth reg; teeth rnd; Temperature, annual mean; Temperature, annual mean, maximum; Temperature, annual mean, minimum; Temperature, coldest month; Temperature, coldest month, maximum; Temperature, coldest month, minimum; Temperature, warmest month; Temperature, warmest month, maximum; Temperature, warmest month, minimum; Terminalia sp.; Ternstroemia maekawai; Tetragonia sp.; Toona bienensis; Toxicodendron sp.; Viburnum sp.; WMP max; WMP min; WMT; WMT max; WMT min; Yunnan, China; Zanthoxylum sp.
